How to secure AWS RDS master username and password? - amazon-web-services

Is it safe to use RDS master username and password in production and deploy codes with those info into instances?
Should I be creating new username and password? If so, where should I store my master username and password securely?

First of all never store RDS master username and password in your code.
Option 1: Use AWS Key Management Service which is the AWS Preferred way of storing Credentials.
Option 2: You can also store RDS credentials in web server's environmental variables and refer them in your code.

You should never use master user credentials in your applications directly. One can store these credentials in AWS Secrets Manager and encrypted by a KMS key.


How to get credentials for a RDS read replica?

I have created a read replica for my Production RDS instance,
However I don't know where can I see the log-in credentials of the replica.
When I go to the secrets manages screen and try to create a new secret the replica instance is not present.
And I dont know the password (It usually displays the password after creating a DB in the console).
how would I get the following Info?
The credentials are the same as the master node.
It is advised to configure credentials on the master node so that they will be replicate to each read only node.

Configure AWS CLI Credentials without Secret and Access Keys

I have been working for the past week using Access and Secret keys that I generated for connecting REST API to DynamoDB and AWS CLI, today I just got told by the offshore team that I am not supposed to use Access and Secret keys at all that I'm supposed to use IAM roles and I have been researching how to do that but I'm stuck, has anyone here ever had the same issue?
If everything was done the way you said it in the question and also in your comment reply to #stdunbar, it is impossible to do so, those are the purpose of both secret and access keys, i dont think your offshore team knows what they are talking about
There are methods to acquire STS session keys (like when you assume a role) from AWS. One solution is Hashicorp Vault, but this requires the infrastructure has been configured to allow this. There are other methods that use the webui session to generate an STS token.
Ask your offshore team what method you should use to get a role based access session token. You were probably used to the cli asking for Access Key ID and Secret Key. The session key will come in three parts instead of two. The session access key id will start with ASIA instead of AKIA; the session secret access key is the same as its static counterpart; the session token is a very long string.
The easiest way to set these are to edit the credentials file in .aws/credentials. If you use aws configure you won't be prompted to set the session token. you could use aws configure set for each of the parts, if you don't already have profiles set up in your credential file you can just edit the default credential profile.
The point that they're (correctly) making is that your application should not include explicit credentials.
Instead, the application should be configured in Elastic Beanstalk with an IAM role. When the application runs and uses an AWS SDK, the SDK will be able to retrieve temporary credentials from the Beanstalk environment that it is running on.
You can read more at Managing Elastic Beanstalk Instance Profiles.

Securing AWS RDS credentials for Lambda

Right now I am passing the username and password in as environment variables. The variables are retrieved from a different file so the cloudformation stored using git does not contain the password and username which is good. But, right now they are stored in plaintext when looking at the lambda in the console.
What is the best practice for storing these credentials in the most cloud provider agnostic way? I basically just don't want to use KMS or any other key storing AWS service.
Just for completeness I have also considered storing the password in a dynamodb table. Then I would use IAM to be able to retrieve those credentials. But, those credentials are still stored in plaintext. If this is the best way to retrieve credentials is there a best way to encrypt it or this path not the best.
Thanks for all comments and advice.
We use AWS Secrets Manager for this exact situation. Works perfectly for us.

Connecting to AWS RDS from java without exposing password

I was successfully able to connect to RDS like any other database connection.
I use spring jpa data ( repository ) to do CRUD operation on postgres db.
currently I provide the db url and the credential in the properties file
url: jdbc:postgresql://<rds-endpoint>:5432/<dbschema>
username: <dbuser>
password: <dbpassword>
However this is not an option while connecting to production or preproduction.
what is the best practise here.
Does AWS provide any inbuild mechanism to read these details from an endpoint like in the case of accessing S3 ?
My intention is not expose the password.
Several options are available to you:
Use the recently announced IAM access to Postgres RDS
Use Systems Manager Parameter Store to store the password
Use Secrets Manager to store the password and automatically rotate credentials
For 2 and 3, look up the password on application start in Spring using a PropertyPlaceholderConfiguration and the AWSSimpleSystemsManagement client (GetParameter request). SystemsManager can proxy requests to SecretsManager to keep a single interface in your code to access parameters.
IAM credentials is more secure in that:
If using EC2 instance profiles, access to the database uses short lived temporary credentials.
If not on EC2 you can generate short lived authentication tokens.
The password is not stored in your configuration.
If you have a separate database team they can manage access independent of the application user.
Removing access can be done via IAM
another generic option I found was to use AWS Secret Manager
(doc link)
RDS specific solution is to connect to DB Instance Using the AWS SDK using IAMDBAuth

password encryption for use by aws automated process

I have an application that creates automatically some AWS instances and runs a script on them.
Each script tries to connect to a remote DB for which I need to provide the Public DNS Hostname, DB password, DB Username, etc...
What is the most secure way to do that without having to store the plain password?
And without risking somebody else running the same script being able to get those credentials?
Thanks a lot
You could use the AWS SSM service's Parameter Store:
Parameter Store centralizes the management of configuration data -
such as passwords, license keys, or database connection strings - that
you commonly reference in scripts, commands, or other automation and
configuration workflows. With granular security controls for managing
user access and strong encryption for sensitive data such as
passwords, Parameter Store improves the overall security posture of
your managed instances. Encrypting parameters with Parameter Store is
not supported in all regions.
You would create an IAM role that has access to the Parameter Store values, and assigned that role to the EC2 instances you are dynamically creating. Then the script would be able to use the AWS SDK/CLI to retrieve those values from the parameter store.
Alternatively, if the database is an RDS database that supports IAM authentication (only MySQL and Aurora at this time) then you could create an IAM role that has direct access to the database and assign that role to the EC2 instances.