I want to know if these two codes would be doing the same? And what is the practical difference between them? If they are doing the same operation, is the second case faster than the first case?
In the first case, because I have to wait until it comes out to the "cycle statement" to recognize the rising of the flag "modi_varx_f" and "modi_vary_f" in order to "activate" in the next cycle and operate the increase of the variable, then it's slower than to do it at once as in the second case that seems to "activate" and run the operation within the same cycle.
First case:
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
if (~rst) begin
modi_varx_f = 0;
modi_vary_f = 0;
else if (cond1) begin
modi_varx_f = 1; // increase variable x on 1.
modi_vary_f = 1; // add 3'd6 to variable.
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (~rst)
varx = 0;
else if (modi_varx_f)
varx = varx + 1;
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (~rst)
vary = 0;
else if (modi_vary_f)
vary = vary + 3'd6;
Second case:
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
if (~rst) begin
varx = 0;
vary = 0;
else if (cond1) begin;
varx = vary + 1;
vary = vary + 3'd6;
just to summarize the comment stream. In general, you can collapse multiple sequential always blocks into one without loosing functionality. I guess that you made a mistake in the second example and used varx = vary + 1; while in the first case you used varx = varx + 1;. This makes the difference.
However, if the second example uses varx, than both are equivalent.
Since you used sequential elements (flops with asynchronous reset) in your examples, you should have used non-blocking assignments there, according to industry-wide practices. And the right answer for collapsing should look like this:
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
if (~rst) begin
varx <= 0;
vary <= 0;
else if (cond1) begin;
varx <= varx + 1; // << varx
vary <= vary + 3'd6;
I have a problem with verilog if-else statement. I'm trying to make a digital clock and my tick_counter module code like this. I pointed to error line with comment line. I cant find the solve, please help me.
module tick_counter(
input clk,
input tick_in,
output [3:0] ssd_2, ssd_4,
output [2:0] ssd_3
reg [5:0] count1, count_next1;
reg [2:0] count2, count_next2;
reg [3:0] count3, count4, count_next3, count_next4;
always#(posedge clk)
count1 <= count_next1;
count2 <= count_next2;
count3 <= count_next3;
count4 <= count_next4;
//next state logic
if(count1==6'b111100) //second counter
count_next1 = 6'b0;
count_next2 = count2 + 1'b1;
count_next1 = count1 + 1'b1;
if(count2==4'b1001) //minutes counter of LSB digit
count_next2 = 4'b0000;
count_next3 = count3 + 1'b1;
count_next2 = count2 + 1'b1;
if(count3==3'b101) //minutes counter of MSB digit
count_next3 = 3'b000;
count_next4 = count4 + 1'b1;
count_next3 = count3 + 1'b1;
if(count4==4'b1001) //counter hour
count_next4 = 4'b0000;
count_next4 = count4 + 1'b1;
else //---THE POINT OF ERROR------
count_next1 = count1;
count_next2 = count2;
count_next3 = count3;
count_next4 = count4;
assign ssd_2 = count2;
assign ssd_3 = count3;
assign ssd_4 = count4;
Of course endmodule is missing. But this may be your typo mistake.
Proper indentation is greatly encouraged for large designs. Here, after indenting your code, I came to know that one end after the else part of // counter hour condition is missing. So, your main if condition's end is mis-placed. Just add end at the specified position and remove one end from the last of always block.
Kindly do proper indentation so that it becomes easy to debug.
I am working on generating a 40 bit length pulse train. I also must be able to adjust the frequency. I tried to make a new low frequency clock and i make a new counter which counts on it's rising edges and give an high output and terminating after 40 bit. It's not working. I tried some other methods. They are not, too.
For example;
library IEEE;
entity con40 is port(clk:in std_ulogic; q:out std_ulogic);
end entity con40;
architecture Behaviour of con40 is
constant s:std_ulogic_vector:="11111111111111111111111111111111";
signal i:unsigned(4 downto 0):="00000";
signal en:std_logic:='1';
signal reset:std_logic:='0';
process(reset,clk) is begin
if reset='1' then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en='1' then
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture Behaviour;
There is 32-bit length in this code but i wanna make 40 bit but whatever, this is not working too. I think methods for such a pulse train must be common and they are being used widely. But hey! unluckily i can find nothing useful.
I took the liberty of moving en and reset to port signals, also changed your constant to a recognizable 40 bit value, and specified the range to make it a locally static constant.
The issue with your counter is that it isn't big enough to address 40 bits. You have i specified as a 5 bit value while 40 bits requires a 6 bit counter.
I also added a second architecture here with i as an integer type signal. With i as either an unsigned value or an integer type you likely need to roll over the i counter at 39 ("100111") when the first position is 0 ("000000").
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity con40 is
reset: in std_ulogic;
clk: in std_ulogic;
en: in std_ulogic;
q: out std_ulogic
end entity con40;
architecture foo of con40 is
constant s: std_ulogic_vector (0 to 39) := x"feedfacedb";
signal i: natural range 0 to 39;
q <= s(i);
process (reset, clk)
if reset = '1' then
i <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(clk) and en = '1' then
if i = 39 then
i <= 0;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
architecture behave of con40 is
constant s: std_ulogic_vector (0 to 39) := x"feedfacedb";
signal i: unsigned (5 downto 0);
q <= s(to_integer(i));
process (reset, clk)
if reset = '1' then
i <= "000000";
elsif rising_edge(clk) and en = '1' then
if i = "100111" then
i <= "000000";
i <= i + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
I also did a quick and dirty test bench:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity tb_con40 is
end entity;
architecture foo of tb_con40 is
signal clk: std_ulogic := '0';
signal reset: std_ulogic := '1';
signal en: std_ulogic := '0';
signal q: std_ulogic;
entity work.con40
port map (
reset => reset,
clk => clk,
en => en,
q => q
for i in 0 to 46 loop
wait for 20 ns;
clk <= not clk;
wait for 20 ns;
clk <= not clk;
end loop;
end process;
reset <= '0' after 40 ns;
en <= '1' after 60 ns;
end architecture;
Which can demonstrate the correct output:
addendum in response to comment question
The pattern X"FEEDFACEDB" is 40 bits long and was substituted for the 32 all '1's value for constant s to demonstrate that you are actually addressing individual elements of the s array value.
To stop the pulse train fro recurring:
For architecture foo (using an integer type for i):
elsif rising_edge(clk) and en = '1' then
-- if i = 39 then
-- i <= 0;
-- else
if i /= 39 then -- added
i <= i + 1;
end if;
This stops the counter from operating when it reaches 39.
For architecture behave (using an unsigned type for i):
elsif rising_edge(clk) and en = '1' then
-- if i = "100111" then
-- i <= "000000";
-- else
if i /= "100111" then -- added
i <= i + 1;
end if;
end if;
Both architectures behave identically stopping the i counter at 39 ("100111").
The counter can be shown to have stopped by simulating:
Without adding an additional control input the only way to get the pulse stream to occur a second time would be by invoking reseet.
The following code could be a simple implementation to generate pulse trains. This module requires a start impulse (StartSequence) and acknowledges the generated sequence with 'SequenceCompleted'.
Instead of an state machine I use a basic RS flip flop with set = StartSequence and rst = SequenceCompleted_i. I also broke up the process into two processes:
state control - this can be extended to a full FSM if needed
used for counter(s)
Initially, the module emits PULSE_TRAIN(0) by default and also after each sequence generation. So if you want to emit 40 ones otherwise zero set PULSE_TRAIN := (0 => '0', 1 to 40 => '1')
This module is variable in the bit count of PULSE_TRAIN, so I needed to include a function called log2ceil, which calculates the 2s logarithm aka needed bits from PULSE_TRAIN's length attribute.
So in case of 'length = 41 bits Counter_us has a range of (5 downto 0).
entity PulseTrain is
generic (
port (
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
StartSequence : in STD_LOGIC;
SequenceCompleted : out STD_LOGIC;
Output : out STD_LOGIC
end entity;
architecture rtl of PulseTrain is
function log2ceil(arg : POSITIVE) return NATURAL is
variable tmp : POSITIVE := 1;
variable log : NATURAL := 0;
if arg = 1 then return 0; end if;
while arg > tmp loop
tmp := tmp * 2;
log := log + 1;
end loop;
return log;
end function;
signal State : STD_LOGIC := '0';
signal Counter_us : UNSIGNED(log2ceil(PULSE_TRAIN'length) - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal SequenceCompleted_i : STD_LOGIC;
process(Clock) is
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if (StartSequence = '1') then
State <= '1';
elsif (SequenceCompleted_i = '1') then
State <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
SequenceCompleted_i <= '1' when (Counter_us = (PULSE_TRAIN'length - 1)) else '0';
SequenceCompleted <= SequenceCompleted_i;
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if (State = '0') then
Counter_us <= (others => '0');
Counter_us <= Counter_us + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Output <= PULSE_TRAIN(to_integer(Counter_us));
As what #fru1tbat mentioned, it's not really clear what is "not working" and what you really intend to do. If you would really just want to generate a pulse train, one would think you want to generate a series of alternating '1' and '0', not all '1's like in the code you posted.
Also, the i counter just counts up, and can only be reset to '0' by use of the reset signal, which is fine as long as you intended it that way.
If you'd like to generate a train of '1's and '0's, you'd need something like this (not tested, but should be along these lines):
architecture behaviour of con40 is
constant trainLength:positive:=80;
signal i:unsigned(6 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
process(reset,clk) is begin
if reset then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
q<='0'; -- default assignment.
-- Defaults to '0' when if-statement fails.
if i<trainLength then
q<=not q;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;
This gives you a single-shot pulse train, means there is no way to repeat generation of the pulse train unless you assert the reset signal again. This is fine if it's what you want, otherwise, you'll need more signals to cater for cases where you'd like to re-generate the pulse train without resetting.
Here, I'm assuming you'd like 40 HIGH pulses, which essentially makes the train length 80 clock cycles, not 40. Also, I'm assuming you want a 50% duty cycle, i.e. the HIGH and LOW times are equal. Depending on your requirements, you may need a pulse width that is longer or shorter.
With these assumptions in mind, you'd need at least a 7-bit counter to count 80 clocks. You may think of other better ways to do this as well, but this just comes off the top of my head, and is probably a good place to start.
If your tool doesn't yet support VHDL-2008's enhanced port modes (e.g. ability to read from out-mode ports), then you could declare q as having a buffer mode instead of out. If your tool doesn't support buffer port modes, then you can declare an internal signal and use it for your logic. E.g.:
signal i_q: std_ulogic;
i_q<=not i_q; -- use internal signal for logic instead.
q<=i_q; -- drive output from internal signal.
To adjust the frequency, simply supply a higher or lower frequency into your clk input. This can be generated from another PLL, or a frequency divider, or any other oscillating circuitry you have available. Just supply its output into your clk.
Hope this helps.
I've been trying to debug this code, but I cannot find an error in it. However, it's not producing the results that I expect. Here's the code:
module countAdd( btn, reset, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, led);
//Port Assignments
input [2:0] btn;
input reset;
output [0:7] thousands, hundreds, tens, ones;
output reg led;
//Internal Port Assignments
reg [15:0] sum;
wire [15:0] sumBCD;
reg [15:0] inc;
//Add some stuff
always #(btn or reset)
//Determine which button is active
3'b110: inc <= 1;
3'b101: inc <= 10;
3'b011: inc <= 100;
default: inc <= 0;
sum <= sum + inc;
//Should we reset?
sum <= 0;
led <= 1;
led <= 0;
//translate sum to sumBCD
binToBCD translate (sum, sumBCD[15:12], sumBCD[11:8], sumBCD[7:4], sumBCD[3:0]);
//display results on SS display
ssFromBCD seg0 (sumBCD[3:0], ones);
ssFromBCD seg1 (sumBCD[7:4], tens);
ssFromBCD seg2 (sumBCD[11:8], hundreds);
ssFromBCD seg3 (sumBCD[15:12], thousands);
module binToBCD(sum, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones);
//Port Assignments
input [15:0] sum;
output reg [3:0] thousands;
output reg [3:0] hundreds;
output reg [3:0] tens;
output reg [3:0] ones;
//Begin conversion
integer i;
always #(sum)
//set 1000's, 100's, 10's, and 1's to 0
thousands = 4'd0;
hundreds = 4'd0;
tens = 4'd0;
ones = 4'd0;
for(i = 15; i >= 0; i=i-1)
//Add 3 to columns >= 5
if(thousands >= 5)
thousands = thousands + 3;
if(hundreds >= 5)
hundreds = hundreds + 3;
if(tens >= 5)
tens = tens + 3;
if(ones >= 5)
ones = ones + 3;
//Shift left ones
thousands = thousands << 1;
thousands[0] = hundreds[3];
hundreds = hundreds << 1;
hundreds[0] = tens[3];
tens = tens << 1;
tens[0] = ones[3];
ones = ones << 1;
ones[0] = sum[i];
module ssFromBCD(in, ssOut);
//Port Assignments
input [3:0] in;
output reg [0:7] ssOut;
always #(in)
4'b0000: ssOut = 8'b00000011;
4'b0001: ssOut = 8'b10011111;
4'b0010: ssOut = 8'b00100101;
4'b0011: ssOut = 8'b00001101;
4'b0100: ssOut = 8'b10011001;
4'b0101: ssOut = 8'b01001001;
4'b0110: ssOut = 8'b01000001;
4'b0111: ssOut = 8'b00011111;
4'b1000: ssOut = 8'b00000001;
4'b1001: ssOut = 8'b00011001;
default: ssOut = 8'b11111111;
This code does not have a testbench; it's instead loaded onto a DE0 board. The idea is that when I press button 1, the sum is supposed to increment by 1. Button 2 increments it by 10, and button 3 increments it by 100. However, the if-else module that encapsulates reset seems to be causing some serious issues.
For instance, when I activate the switch controlling reset, the sum goes to 0 as expected. However, when I try to increment the sum with any of the three buttons, a random number is added - not a 1, 10, or 100.
I've also tried moving the if-else statement before the case statement. Another issue arises. Even if the switch is not activated, the sum is set to 0 as if it ignores the reset condition. However, if I activate the switch, an led turns on. If I turn it off, the led deactivates. However, sum will always be set to 0 regardless of the state of the switch. In this case, though, if I hold a button I see that a 1, 10, or 100 is added to the sum. As soon as I release it, the sum is reset to 0.
Obviously, I believe something is wrong with my if-else statement. I'm not sure why it's not working as I intended. Basically, the logic is as follows:
Determine which button is depressed, assign an increment accordingly
Add the increment value to sum
Should the sum be reset? If yes, set sum to 0.
Note that the last two modules are straightforward. bintoBCD converts the binary string sum into its BCD equivalency. Then ssFromBCD is simply a seven segment display encoder.
This code does not have a testbench
Firstly: Create a testbench! It's not difficult (you can even do it online) and for logical errors it is way faster to debug in simulation than iterating on real hardware.
Secondly: There's no clock in your code. Is this the top level? FPGAs aren't very good at asynchronous design particularly if you are trying to store state (in this case sum). It's not clear what Quartus will have inferred - it might have hooked one of your inputs up to a clock network. You should check the synthesised design in the RTL viewer and go through the synthesis logs.
However, when I try to increment the sum with any of the three buttons, a random number is added
Are you debouncing your switch input? If you aren't then it's very likely that for each button press you'll get a random number of toggles.
Note that your sensitivity list is incorrect here - it should include sum too:
always #(btn or reset)
Ironically (given my opening comment) this won't affect synthesis but would change the behaviour in simulation. You're better off using always_comb (or always #(*) if you're stuck with Verilog).
It depends what you want from the following line:
always #(btn or reset)
Combinatorial logic or Sequential (flip-flops)?
Combinatorial use always #* or always_comb if SystemVerilog is supported. The automatic sensitivity list behaves as combinatorial hardware does cutting down on simulation mismatches.
Also use = Blocking assignments for combinatorial.
Sequential use something like always #(posedge clk or negedge rst) and do use <= This will allow simulation to match hardware.
You issues look like they could be coming from sum <= sum + inc; which is then followed by optional reset statements. The use of <= is incorrect here as it is a combinatorial block with a manual sensitivity list. The scheduling of <= assignments might be throwing some thing off.
As it stands think about what hardware you might expect from :
always #* begin
sum = sum + 1;
Against what you get from:
always #(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst) begin
sum <= 'b0;
else begin
sum <= sum + 1;
I think if you add a clock to your design and imply a flip-flop for the counter (sum) you will have a big step in the right direction.
A random number is being displayed because sum is continuously being incremented while btn is changing states. A clear start and stop point must be explicit.
Try sampling btn with a clock. In a combination block assign inc. If past_btn equals btn, then assign inc to zero. sum should be assigned in a clocked block.
alwasy #* begin
if (past_btn == btn) inc = 'b0;
else begin
// case(btn) ...
always #(posedge clk) begin
past_btn <= btn;
if (!reset) sum <= 'b0;
else sum <= sum + inc;
If you are still getting random numbers, then the buttons are likely not denounced. In this case add another stage to the button sampling and use only the sampled values.
alwasy #* begin
if (past_btn == sync_btn) inc = 'b0;
else begin
// case(sync_btn) ...
always #(posedge clk) begin
sync_btn <= btn;
past_btn <= sync_btn;
if (!reset) sum <= 'b0;
else sum <= sum + inc;
Always make a test bench and run in simulation. Debugging from FPGA is difficult with logic bugs and implementation issues.
I am writing code for comparing a signal to a number of signals at the same time.
Here is the example:
process (CLK, reset)
if reset = '0' then
data <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (CLK) then
if A = B then
data <= data OR "0001";
else data <= data AND "1110";
end if;
if A = C then
data <= data OR "0010";
else data <= data AND "1101";
end if;
if A = D then
data <= data OR "0100";
else data <= data AND "1011";
end if;
if A = E then
data <= data OR "1000";
else data <= data AND "0111";
end if;
end if;
end process;
I just want to comparing the A to B, C, D and E signals and then turn the associated bits in data on and off. The code I wrote above is not working since the synthesis tool will optimize the B, C and D if statements and only leaving the E if statement. I have also thought about using case - when statement but it doesn't have a mechanism to turn off the associated single bit off. When others can only turn all 4 bits off. What is the effective way to do this? Thanks!
BTW, are all these 4 if statements run at the same time? Or they are run at different cycles? I guess they would run one by one, otherwise it would cause fan-in.
You are trying to write C in a language where you don't have to!
In C you can't access a single bit, only bytes and larger units so C programmers have to resort to AND/OR i.e. &,| to set or clear bits.
In VHDL you can address individual bits of a word, and write
if A = B then
data(0) <= '1';
data(0) <= '0';
end if;
Much simpler. And yes they all run at the same time, every clock cycle.
I would prefer to declare data as an array of booleans,
signal data : array(3 downto 0) of boolean;
Then I could write
process (CLK, reset)
if reset = '0' then
data <= (others => false);
elsif rising_edge (CLK) then
data <= (A = E) & (A = D) & (A = C) & (A = B);
end if;
end process;
If I had to use a std_logic_vector for data, the convenience of this form is (almost) tempting enough to make me overload the "=" operator for A's type with one returning std_logic.
Then, for the price of writing a tiny function, I could keep this code.
To address the reason the original approach doesn't work, it is necessary to understand the semantics of signal assignment, as explained for example here.
So the first assignment to Data (for A=B) is stored up to happen after the process suspends. Then the second assignment replaces it BEFORE IT HAPPENED so the first such assignment never takes place.
What you need for the original approach to work, is a variable because variable assignments happen immediately.
process (CLK, reset)
variable data_int : whatever; -- same type as data
if reset = '0' then
data <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (CLK) then
data_int := data;
if A = B then
data_int := data_int OR "0001";
else data_int := data_int AND "1110";
end if;
if A = E then
data_int := data_int OR "1000";
else data_int := data_int AND "0111";
end if;
data <= data_int;
end if;
end process;
Now the single assignment to data will contain all the separate modifications. However it might synthesise to something much larger than the optimal solutions.
I need some help and also some insight. This is a program in Ada-2005 which has 3 tasks. The output is 'z'. If the 3 tasks do not happen in the order of their placement in the program then output can vary from z = 2, z = 1 to z = 0 ( That is easy to see in the program, mutual exclusion is attempted to make sure output is z = 2).
WITH Ada.Text_IO; USE Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; USE Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
WITH System; USE System;
procedure xyz is
x : Integer := 0;
y : Integer := 0;
z : Integer := 0;
task task1 is
pragma Priority(System.Default_Priority + 3);
end task1;
task task2 is
pragma Priority(System.Default_Priority + 2);
end task2;
task task3 is
pragma Priority(System.Default_Priority + 1);
end task3;
task body task1 is
x := x + 1;
end task1;
task body task2 is
y := x + y;
end task2;
task body task3 is
z := x + y + z;
end task3;
Put(" z = ");
end xyz;
I first tried this program
(a) without pragmas, the result : In 100 tries, occurence of 2: 86, occurence of 1: 10, occurence of 0: 4.
(b) with pragmas, the result : In 100 tries, occurence of 2: 84, occurence of 1 : 14, occurence of 0: 2.
Which is unexpected as the 2 results are nearly identical. Which means pragmas or no pragmas the output has same behavior.
Those who are Ada concurrency Gurus please shed some light on this topic. Alternative solutions with semaphores (if possible) is also invited.
Further in my opinion for a critical process (that is what we do with Ada), with pragmas the result should be z = 2, 100% at all times, hence or otherwise this program should be termed as 85% critical !!!! (That should not be so with Ada)
A protected object to do the three operations might look something like this. But note, all this does is make sure that the three variables x, y and z are consistent with the order that the updates occurred in; it says nothing about the order.
protected P is
procedure Update_X;
procedure Update_Y;
procedure Update_Z;
function Get_Z return Integer;
X : Integer := 0;
Y : Integer := 0;
Z : Integer := 0;
end P;
protected body P is
procedure Update_X is
X := X + 1;
end Update_X;
procedure Update_Y is
Y := Y + X;
end Update_Y;
procedure Update_Z is
Z := X + Y + Z;
end Update_Z;
function Get_Z return Integer is
return Z;
end Get_Z;
end P;
On the other hand, to make sure that the three tasks "submit their results" in the proper order, you could rewrite P so that a call to say Update_Y will block until Update_X has been called: Get_Z now has to be an entry with an out parameter rather than a function.
protected P is
entry Update_X;
entry Update_Y;
entry Update_Z;
entry Get_Z (Result : out Integer);
X_Updated : Boolean := False;
Y_Updated : Boolean := False;
Z_Updated : Boolean := False;
X : Integer := 0;
Y : Integer := 0;
Z : Integer := 0;
end P;
protected body P is
entry Update_X when True is
X := X + 1;
X_Updated := True;
end Update_X;
entry Update_Y when X_Updated is
Y := Y + X;
Y_Updated := True;
end Update_Y;
entry Update_Z when Y_Updated is
Z := X + Y + Z;
Z_Updated := True;
end Update_Z;
entry Get_Z (Result : out Integer) when Z_Updated is
Result := Z;
end Get_Z;
end P;
The three tasks can now have any priority you like. But the task that calls Update_Z will block until the other two have reported.
Well, those pragmas just prioritize the tasks on your system, they don't guarantee any kind of mutual-exclusion on those variables.
There may be some systems where that is enough. However, most Ada implementations these days map Ada tasks to OS threads, and most consumer PC's these days have multiple processors and can spilt their threads among them. There's nothing stopping the OS from scheduling the next lower-priority thread on your second processor while the highest priority thread is running.
This kind of behavior in a program is called a "race condition".
If you want mutual-exlusion on those variables, you need to implement that. Either give control of the variables to one task and use rendezvous to modify them from other tasks, or look into putting them into protected objects. I'd suggest the latter, as rendezvous can be much more difficult to get right. However, if you want to order the calls in a specific way, a master controller task calling rendezvous on the other tasks might be the way to go.
here is a program that is a sequential variant of the above ! .... with just one task (even that can be avoided if I use a single procedure, as suggested by Marc C and T.E.D )
WITH Ada.Text_IO; USE Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; USE
WITH System; USE System;
procedure xyzsimple is
x : Integer := 0;
y : Integer := 0;
z : Integer := 0;
task type xyz;
T: xyz;
task body xyz is
x:= x + 1;
y:= x + y;
z:= x + y + z;
end xyz;
begin Put(" z = ");
end xyzsimple;
This program always gvies output z = 2, but then it doesn't serve to illustrate what I was trying to do. This program is deterministic, not into the paradigm of concurrency ! Further, this program will never exhibit 'RACE CONDITION' that T.E.D had mentioned.