Hidden Navbar still pushes down view - swiftui

I have a:
The contentView calls the SignInView()
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
In my SignUpView() I have:
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
NavigationLink(destination: SignInView()) {
Text("Sign in")
In my SigbInView I have:
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
NavigationLink(destination: SignUpView()) {
Text("Sign up")
Im using .navigationBarHidden(true) to hide the bar, but the < back still appears in the top left hand corner to take you back to the previous screen, Iv also tried adding the navbar text = "" and setting the property to .inline
Im trying to only use these navigationLinks on the SignInView and SignUpViews to navigate, i don't want the bar to appear or push the view down.

So it looks like another property can be set to true to hide the back button:
This worked for me.


Closing A View From Another View

I am still learning SwiftUI and I have come across a small problem.
In my app, I have a main view. On the top is a search bar and at the bottom, a menu with different buttons. I want to change views when clicking those buttons. However, I only want to change the middle section.
No big deal, I will just put the middle part into a NavigationView. That works alright and I am able to change my views. My problem is that the buttons below do not have any impact on the new view.
To try to simplify: Let’s say I’m on home page. I then click the grocery list button (guess what I’m making school projects lol). My navigation link works just fine and goes to the list. So, now I’m on view 2 let’s say. When I press the home button, it doesn’t close that view and go to my main one. Here is my code setup:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var searchText: String = ""
#State private var action: Int? = 0
var body: some View {
ZStack {
// Top Menu
HStack {
text: $searchText)
Button(action: {
self.action = 1
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "magnifyingglass.circle")
// Body
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Can I See Something")
NavigationLink(destination: SearchView(), tag: 1, selection: $action) {
// Bottom Menu
HStack (alignment: .top) {
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")
.frame(width: 2.5, height: 100)
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "newspaper")
.frame(width: 2.5, height: 100)
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "checklist")
.frame(width: 2.5, height: 100)
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
struct SearchView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Text("Nothing to see here!")
SearchView is a separate view (in its own file) in the app that opens up when the magnifying glass button is pressed. Currently it does not do anything. However I want to be able to press those buttons on this view above to still navigate the app.
Also, on another note, is there anyway to get rid of the back button?
In your code the buttons do not have any function.
Instead of creating a tab bar on your own, I'd rather take something like:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
.tabItem {
Label("Home", systemImage: "house.fill")
.tabItem {
Label("Weekly\nAd", systemImage: "newspaper")
.tabItem {
Label("Grocery\nList", systemImage: "checklist")
.tabItem {
Label("Account", systemImage: "person.crop.circle")
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
struct MainView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Home View")
struct NewsView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("News View")
struct OrderView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Order View")
struct AccountView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Account View")
In that case you'll have to create a view for each tab you are configuring (see the last 4 structs).
If you want to do it with a Stack with your own created buttons, I think you should create al 4 views as well and then you either hide them or put them out of focus by using an offset. In that case the buttons should hide/show the specific views or change the offset accordingly to move the specific views into the visible area. With the offset you also can add some animation.
Regarding the search bar on top of your app, since the views are all different, I wouldn't keep the same search bar everywhere, but if you really want to have it that way, you can embed the code + your search bar into a VStack (as you did it in your example).

Disable or ignore taps on TabView in swiftui

I have a pretty usual app with a TabView. However, when a particular process is happening in one of the content views, I would like to prevent the user from switching tabs until that process is complete.
If I use the disabled property on the TabView itself (using a #State binding to drive it), then the entire content view seems disabled - taps don't appear to be getting through to buttons on the main view.
struct FooView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
Obviously, I want the View1 to still allow the user to, you know, do things. When someStateVal is true, the entire View1 doesn't respond.
Is there a way to prevent changing tabs based on someStateVal?
I could not find a way to individually disable a tabItem, so here is
an example idea until someone comes up with more principled solution.
The trick is to cover the tab bar with a clear rectangle to capture the taps.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var isBusy = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
TabView {
TestView(isBusy: $isBusy)
.tabItem {Image(systemName: "globe")}
Text("textview 2")
.tabItem {Image(systemName: "info.circle")}
Text("textview 3")
.tabItem {Image(systemName: "gearshape")}
VStack {
if isBusy {
.frame(width: .infinity, height: 50)
struct TestView: View {
#Binding var isBusy: Bool
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Busy \(String(isBusy))").frame(width: 170, height: 70)
I use another trick. Just hide the tab image.
struct FooView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
View1().tabItem{Image(systemName: someStateVal ? "": "globe")}
View2().tabItem{Image(systemName: someStateVal ? "": "gearshape")}

Navigation Link Returning Back Two Levels on Exit

I am having trouble with a return from a navigation view within a tabbed view. My project has a Settings tab where the user may select via navigation link "View Entries". And from there another navigation link to "Add New Entry". Returning from Add New Entry should bring you to View Entries but instead is return another level to the Setting Menu.
I am seeing a warning on the console stating "trying to pop to a missing destination at /Library/Caches/com.apple...". Using the tabbed view sample code at SwiftUI NavigationView trying to pop to missing destination (Monoceros?) I no longer get the "pop-to-missing-destination" warning but I still have the same problem with the navigation return.
The sample code below is ready to run and test in Xcode 12.
In the sample code below, tap settings and select the navigation view "View Entries". This would be a screen where entries are displayed in a list. Tapping the plus button is where new entries could be added. The textfield on the "Add New Entry" screen doesn't do anything. Clicking the Save or Back buttons should return you to "View Entries" screen but instead returns you to the Setting Menu. The Save button uses presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss to dismiss the view.
The fact that two different version of the tab view logic didn't have any impact on my navigation view return logic leads me to believe that I just have some kind on plain old bug in my navigation view logic but I sure don't see one. The sample code below is using the standard tab view logic.
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var selection = 0
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
TabView (selection: $selection) {
.tabItem {
Label("Home", systemImage: "house")
.tabItem {
Label("A", systemImage: "a.circle")
.tabItem {
Label("B", systemImage: "b.circle")
.tabItem {
Label("Settings", systemImage: "gearshape")
struct HomeView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Home Screen")
struct AView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("A Screen")
struct BView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("B Screen")
struct SettingsView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack (alignment: .leading) {
List {
.padding(.leading, 15)
NavigationLink(destination: SetAView()) {Text("View Entries")}
struct SetAView: View {
var body: some View {
List {
Text("View Entries")
.padding(.vertical, 10)
Text("Normally entires would be displayed here")
Text("Should return here upon adding new entry")
.padding(.vertical, 10)
Text("Click the + button to add new entry")
.navigationBarItems(trailing: NavigationLink (destination: AddTestView()) {
Image(systemName: "plus")
.frame(width: 18, height: 18)
} // body
struct AddTestView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#State private var catSelect: String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Enter Entry Name", text: $catSelect)
.padding(.horizontal, 20)
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Add new Entry"), displayMode: .inline)
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {
}) {
Text ("Save")
After considerable analysis I discovered in my actual code that I had two copies of NavigationView––nothing wrong with the TabView code. Removing the one NavigationView not in contentView then caused several functions from working so rebuilt them from scratch. Now have everything working with TabView and NaigationView including the back buttons.

SWIFTUI Button or NavigationLink?

I have a button called "save" that saves the user inputs.
But, I want to make it like, if the user tap on Button "Save", then the screen automatically goes back to the previous view. Can I do that by just adding a code to an action in Button? or do I have to use NavigationLink instead of Button?
Button(action: {
let title = shortcutTitle
currentShortcutTitle = title
UserDefaults.standard.set(title, forKey: "title")
}, label: {
.frame(width: 120, height: 80)
}) //: Button - save
If you're just trying to go back to the previous view and already inside a NavigationView stack, you can use #Environment(\.presentationMode):
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink(destination: Screen2()) {
Text("Go to screen 2")
struct Screen2 : View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode //<-- Here
var body: some View {
Button("Dismiss") {
presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() //<-- Here

Custom NavigationView gets messed up when importing the presentationMode Environment variable

I'm using a custom navigation bar view & setup, where I hide it in the main view and show it in the child. All works fine, until I added this line in the child:
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>
I needed it in the child so we can pop back to the main view. Now when I open the child then click on back (not even using the env variable) then open the child view again the navigation bar is not ignoring the safe areas as it was before. Here's a gif of the issue:
See the new grey space in the child view?
This is the code for this:
import SwiftUI
struct NavBarApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
NavigationView {
struct MainView: View {
init() {
let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
appearance.backgroundColor = .clear
UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().compactAppearance = appearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
UINavigationBar.appearance().prefersLargeTitles = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationLink("Go to child view", destination: ChildView())
.tabItem {
struct ChildView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>
var body: some View {
VStack {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: 66)
Text("Chlid View")
.navigationBarTitle("View A", displayMode: .inline)
.navigationBarItems(trailing: AnyView(Button(action: {
}) {
What I noticed:
Removing the presentationMode fixes the issue.
Not adding a button on the navigation bar in the child view fixes the issue.
Not customising the NavigationBar's appearance in MainView also fixes the issue.
Any ideas on what's going on and how to fix this?
Okay I narrowed it down to this line in the appearance setup:
UINavigationBar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
Removing it solved the issue. Removing it hasn't affected the look of the custom navigation bar so I'll go with this solution for now.