Appropriate container to use if random access is sometimes needed - c++

I am writing a program in C++ in which I will have to have a container with the following characteristics:
It is basically FIFO
I will put elements at the end
I will take elements from the top
I will take elements after a search
If only the three conditions would be needed, then I think a queue will be ideal.
However, sometimes I will have to take out elements depending on their values. For example, say I have the elements {1,2,3,4} , I can do take(2) and the resulting container will have to be {1,3,4}
On other occasions the take will happen only on the top.
What would be the best or recommended way to implement this, taking into account issues like performance?


At what point does an std::map make more sense for grouping objects compared to two vectors and a linear search?

I am trying to sort a large collection of objects into a series of groups, which represent some kind of commonality between them.
There seems to be two ways I can go about this:
1) I can manage everything by hand, sorting out all the objects into a vector of vectors. However, this means that I have to iterate over all the upper level vectors every time I want to try and find an existing group for an ungrouped object. I imagine this will become very computationally expensive very quickly as the number of disjoint groups increases.
2) I can use the identifiers of each object that I'm using to classify them as a key for an std::map, where the value is a vector. At that point, all I have to do is iterate over all the input objects once, calling myMap[object.identifier].push_back(object) each time. The map will sort everything out into the appropriate vector, and then I can just iterate over the resulting values afterwards.
My question is...
Which method would be best to use? It seems like a vector of vectors would be faster initially, but it's going to slow down as more and more groups are created. AFAIK, std::map uses RB trees internally, which means that finding the appropriate vector to add the object to should be faster, but you're going to pay for that when the tree inevitably needs to be rebalanced.
The additional memory consumption from an std::map doesn't matter. I'm dealing with anywhere from 12000 to 80000 individual objects that need to be grouped together, and I expect there to be anywhere from 12000 to 20000 groups once everything is said and done.
Instead of using either of your mentioned approaches directly, I suggest you evaluate the use of std::unordered_map (docs here) for your use case. It uses maps with buckets and hashed values internally and has average constant complexity for search, insertion and removal.

Concatenate 2 STL vectors in constant O(1) time

I'll give some context as to why I'm trying to do this, but ultimately the context can be ignored as it is largely a classic Computer Science and C++ problem (which must surely have been asked before, but a couple of cursory searches didn't turn up anything...)
I'm working with (large) real time streaming point clouds, and have a case where I need to take 2/3/4 point clouds from multiple sensors and stick them together to create one big point cloud. I am in a situation where I do actually need all the data in one structure, whereas normally when people are just visualising point clouds they can get away with feeding them into the viewer separately.
I'm using Point Cloud Library 1.6, and on closer inspection its PointCloud class (under <pcl/point_cloud.h> if you're interested) stores all data points in an STL vector.
Now we're back in vanilla CS land...
PointCloud has a += operator for adding the contents of one point cloud to another. So far so good. But this method is pretty inefficient - if I understand it correctly, it 1) resizes the target vector, then 2) runs through all Points in the other vector, and copies them over.
This looks to me like a case of O(n) time complexity, which normally might not be too bad, but is bad news when dealing with at least 300K points per cloud in real time.
The vectors don't need to be sorted or analysed, they just need to be 'stuck together' at the memory level, so the program knows that once it hits the end of the first vector it just has to jump to the start location of the second one. In other words, I'm looking for an O(1) vector merging method. Is there any way to do this in the STL? Or is it more the domain of something like std::list#splice?
Note: This class is a pretty fundamental part of PCL, so 'non-invasive surgery' is preferable. If changes need to be made to the class itself (e.g. changing from vector to list, or reserving memory), they have to be considered in terms of the knock on effects on the rest of PCL, which could be far reaching.
Update: I have filed an issue over at PCL's GitHub repo to get a discussion going with the library authors about the suggestions below. Once there's some kind of resolution on which approach to go with, I'll accept the relevant suggestion(s) as answers.
A vector is not a list, it represents a sequence, but with the additional requirement that elements must be stored in contiguous memory. You cannot just bundle two vectors (whose buffers won't be contiguous) into a single vector without moving objects around.
This problem has been solved many times before such as with String Rope classes.
The basic approach is to make a new container type that stores pointers to point clouds. This is like a std::deque except that yours will have chunks of variable size. Unless your clouds chunk into standard sizes?
With this new container your iterators start in the first chunk, proceed to the end then move into the next chunk. Doing random access in such a container with variable sized chunks requires a binary search. In fact, such a data structure could be written as a distorted form of B+ tree.
There is no vector equivalent of splice - there can't be, specifically because of the memory layout requirements, which are probably the reason it was selected in the first place.
There's also no constant-time way to concatenate vectors.
I can think of one (fragile) way to concatenate raw arrays in constant time, but it depends on them being aligned on page boundaries at both the beginning and the end, and then re-mapping them to be adjacent. This is going to be pretty hard to generalise.
There's another way to make something that looks like a concatenated vector, and that's with a wrapper container which works like a deque, and provides a unified iterator and operator[] over them. I don't know if the point cloud library is flexible enough to work with this, though. (Jamin's suggestion is essentially to use something like this instead of the vector, and Zan's is roughly what I had in mind).
No, you can't concatenate two vectors by a simple link, you actually have to copy them.
However! If you implement move-semantics in your element type, you'd probably get significant speed gains, depending on what your element contains. This won't help if your elements don't contain any non-trivial types.
Further, if you have your vector reserve way in advance the memory needed, then that'd also help speed things up by not requiring a resize (which would cause an undesired huge new allocation, possibly having to defragment at that memory size, and then a huge memcpy).
Barring that, you might want to create some kind of mix between linked-lists and vectors, with each 'element' of the list being a vector with 10k elements, so you only need to jump list links once every 10k elements, but it allows you to dynamically grow much easier, and make your concatenation breeze.
std::list<std::vector<element>> forIllustrationOnly; //Just roll your own custom type.
index = 52403;
listIndex = index % 1000
vectorIndex = index / 1000
forIllustrationOnly[listIndex][vectorIndex] = still fairly fast lookups
forIllustrationOnly[listIndex].push_back(vector-of-points) = much faster appending and removing of blocks of points.
You will not get this scaling behaviour with a vector, because with a vector, you do not get around the copying. And you can not copy an arbitrary amount of data in fixed time.
I do not know PointCloud, but if you can use other list types, e.g. a linked list, this behaviour is well possible. You might find a linked list implementation which works in your environment, and which can simply stick the second list to the end of the first list, as you imagined.
Take a look at Boost range joint at
This will take 2 ranges and join them. Say you have vector1 and vector 2.
You should be able to write
auto combined = join(vector1,vector2).
Then you can use combined with algorithms, etc as needed.
No O(1) copy for vector, ever, but, you should check:
Is the element type trivially copyable? (aka memcpy)
Iff, is my vector implementation leveraging this fact, or is it stupidly looping over all 300k elements executing a trivial assignment (or worse, copy-ctor-call) for each element?
What I have seen is that, while both memcpyas well as an assignment-for-loop have O(n) complexity, a solution leveraging memcpy can be much, much faster.
So, the problem might be that the vector implementation is suboptimal for trivial types.

Efficient way to organize used and unused elements in a large concurrent array

I have about 18 million elements in an array that are initialized and ready to be used by a simple manager called ElementManager (this number will later climb to a little more than a billion in later iterations of the program). A class, A, which must use the elements communicates with ElementManager that returns the next available element for consumption. That element is now in use and cannot be reused until recycled, which may happen often. Class A is concurrent, that is, it can ask ElementManager for an available element in several threads. The elements in this case is an object that stores three vertices to make a triangle.
Currently, the ElementManager is using Intel TBB concurrent_bounded_queue called mAllAvailableElements. There is also another container (a TBB concurrent_vector) that contains all elements, regardless of whether they are available for use or not, called mAllElements. Class A asks for the next available element, the manager tries to pop the next available element from the queue. The popped element is now in use.
Now when class A has done what it has to do, control is handed to class B which now has to iterate through all elements that are in use and create meshes (to take advantage of concurrency, the array is split into several smaller arrays to create submeshes which scales with the number of available threads - the reason for this is that creating a mesh must be done serially). For this I am currently iterating over the container mAllElements (this is also concurrent) and grabbing any element that is in use. The elements, as mentioned above, contain polygonal information to create meshes. Iteration in this case takes a long time as it has to check each element and query whether it is in use or not, because if it is not in use then it should not be part of a mesh.
Now imagine if only 1 million out of the possible 18 million elements were in use (but more than 5-6 million were recycled). Worse yet, due to constant updates to only part of the mesh (which happens concurrently) means the in use elements are fragmented throughout the mAllElements container.
I thought about this for quite some time now and one flawed solution that I came up with was to create another queue of elements named mElementsInUse, which is also a concurrent_queue. I can push any element that is now in use. Problem with this approach is that since it is a queue, any element in that queue can be recycled at any time (an update in a part of the mesh) and declared not in use and since I can only pop the front element, this approach fails. The only other approach I can think of is to defragment the concurrent_vector mAllElements every once in a while when no operations are taking place.
I think my approach to this problem is wrong and thus my post here. I hope I explained the problem in enough detail. It seems like a common memory management problem, but I cannot come up with any search terms to search for it.
How about using a bit vector to indicate which of your elements are in use? It's easy to partition it for parallel processing when building your full mesh, and you can use atomic operations on words in the vector and thus avoid locks.

List to priority queue

I have a college programming project in C++ divided into two parts. I beggining the second part where it's supposed to use priority_queues, hash tables and BST's.
I'm having trouble (at least) with priority queues since it's obligating myself to redone a lot of code already implemented in the first part.
The project it's about implementing a simple airport management system and, therefore, I have classes like Airport (main class), Airplane, Terminal and Flight. My airport had a list of terminals but now the project specification points out that I must keep the terminals in a priority_queue where the top contains the terminal less occupied, i.e has less flights.
For each class, I have CRUD functions but now how am I supposed, for example, edit a terminal and add a flight to it? With a list, I just had to iterate to a specific position but now I only have access to object in the top of the queue. The solution I thought about was to copy the priority queue terminals to a temporary list but, honestly, I don't like this approach.
What should I do?
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you need a priority queue with efficient increase and decrease key operations. You might be better of creating you own your own priority queue implementation.
The priority_queue container is great for dynamic sets. But since the number of terminal in an airport are pretty much fixed you can a fixed size container with the heap family of algorithms.
As the internal storage, you could use any container that provides random access iterators (vector, array, deque). Then, use make_heap(), sort_heap() family of functions to heapify the array. Now you can cheaply access the top(), modify the priority of a random member in the heap and iterate through all elements easily.
For an example see:

which stl container I should choose If I need to random get an item from the container

Just As title . As least I know array might not be one I want . cus I need to generate a random index before I want to randomly pick up one item from the array . For your opinion.
I've change the title of my question to "which stl container I should choose If I need to random get an item from the container" . what I really find is a cotain , let's say
C , and this Contain should have method , let's say, get_ramdom_member(), which will help me get an item randomly from the Container C without providing any key .
what I store in the container is actually socket fd . the other side of the socket is an "erlang node" . several erlang node togerther serves as a cluster . So I store all the socket
fds towards that cluster into one container . Every time I need to talk to the cluster , I need choose one fd . For the purpose of load sharing, I need to randomly get one . I can't tell you guys exactly number of fd the Container need to maintain , but currently it is less than 10 at the moment. but who knows whether the number will be 1000 some day later on .
From the information you provided, which isn't much, the obvious answer is std::vector. That will give you random access to the elements. The nice thing about the standard containers is that you can change between them with relatively little effort, so if vector doesn't pan out you can probably change to another container without re-writing all your code.
If you simply want to randomise the contents of container, see std::random_shuffle.
We need more information really, but it looks like you just need a std::vector.
This is a good choice for random access by index.
If you want a random element and make it easy on yourself. Load up a std::queue call std::random_shuffle and then pop off the elements till your hearts content.
You could always wrap an array in a class that checks bounds on assignment and grows to accommodate new elements transparently. Although, you mention wanting to pick a random index into the array - this assumes that you have filled the array already with something and at that point you are no longer talking about accessing an index that does not exist and std::vector would work just fine.
To fit all of your [stated] needs you could always use a std::map<int,Thing>. It allows you to do a find to look for elements and the [] operator acts as you would want with an array for items that exist.