List to priority queue - c++

I have a college programming project in C++ divided into two parts. I beggining the second part where it's supposed to use priority_queues, hash tables and BST's.
I'm having trouble (at least) with priority queues since it's obligating myself to redone a lot of code already implemented in the first part.
The project it's about implementing a simple airport management system and, therefore, I have classes like Airport (main class), Airplane, Terminal and Flight. My airport had a list of terminals but now the project specification points out that I must keep the terminals in a priority_queue where the top contains the terminal less occupied, i.e has less flights.
For each class, I have CRUD functions but now how am I supposed, for example, edit a terminal and add a flight to it? With a list, I just had to iterate to a specific position but now I only have access to object in the top of the queue. The solution I thought about was to copy the priority queue terminals to a temporary list but, honestly, I don't like this approach.
What should I do?
Thanks in advance.

It sounds like you need a priority queue with efficient increase and decrease key operations. You might be better of creating you own your own priority queue implementation.
The priority_queue container is great for dynamic sets. But since the number of terminal in an airport are pretty much fixed you can a fixed size container with the heap family of algorithms.
As the internal storage, you could use any container that provides random access iterators (vector, array, deque). Then, use make_heap(), sort_heap() family of functions to heapify the array. Now you can cheaply access the top(), modify the priority of a random member in the heap and iterate through all elements easily.
For an example see:


Appropriate container to use if random access is sometimes needed

I am writing a program in C++ in which I will have to have a container with the following characteristics:
It is basically FIFO
I will put elements at the end
I will take elements from the top
I will take elements after a search
If only the three conditions would be needed, then I think a queue will be ideal.
However, sometimes I will have to take out elements depending on their values. For example, say I have the elements {1,2,3,4} , I can do take(2) and the resulting container will have to be {1,3,4}
On other occasions the take will happen only on the top.
What would be the best or recommended way to implement this, taking into account issues like performance?

What is the most efficient data structure for designing a PRIM algorithm?

I am designing a Graph in c++ using a hash table for its elements. The hashtable is using open addressing and the Graph has no more than 50.000 edges. I also designed a PRIM algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of the graph. My PRIM algorithm creates storage for the following data:
A table named Q to put there all the nodes in the beginning. In every loop, a node is visited and in the end of the loop, it's deleted from Q.
A table named Key, one for each node. The key is changed when necessary (at least one time per loop).
A table named Parent, one for each node. In each loop, a new element is inserted in this table.
A table named A. The program stores here the final edges of the minimum spanning tree. It's the table that is returned.
What would be the most efficient data structure to use for creating these tables, assuming the graph has 50.000 edges?
Can I use arrays?
I fear that the elements for every array will be way too many. I don't even consider using linked lists, of course, because the accessing of each element will take to much time. Could I use hash tables?
But again, the elements are way to many. My algorithm works well for Graphs consisting of a few nodes (10 or 20) but I am sceptical about the situation where the Graphs consist of 40.000 nodes. Any suggestion is much appreciated.
(Since comments were getting a bit long): The only part of the problem that seems to get ugly for very large size, is that every node not yet selected has a cost and you need to find the one with lowest cost at each step, but executing each step reduces the cost of a few effectively random nodes.
A priority queue is perfect when you want to keep track of lowest cost. It is efficient for removing the lowest cost node (which you do at each step). It is efficient for adding a few newly reachable nodes, as you might on any step. But in the basic design, it does not handle reducing the cost of a few nodes that were already reachable at high cost.
So (having frequent need for a more functional priority queue), I typically create a heap of pointers to objects and in each object have an index of its heap position. The heap methods all do a callback into the object to inform it whenever its index changes. The heap also has some external calls into methods that might normally be internal only, such as the one that is perfect for efficiently fixing the heap when an existing element has its cost reduced.
I just reviewed the documentation for the std one
to see if the features I always want to add were there in some form I hadn't noticed before (or had been added in some recent C++ version). So far as I can tell, NO. Most real world uses of priority queue (certainly all of mine) need minor extra features that I have no clue how to tack onto the standard version. So I have needed to rewrite it from scratch including the extra features. But that isn't actually hard.
The method I use has been reinvented by many people (I was doing this in C in the 70's, and wasn't first). A quick google search found one of many places my approach is described in more detail than I have described it.

Arrays vs. Doubly Linked Lists for Queue simulation

I am working on an assignment for school simulating a line with students and multiple windows open at the Registrar's Office.
I got the queue for the students down but it was suggested by someone that I use an array for the windows implementing our queue class we made on our own.
I don't understand why an array would work when there are other variables I want to know about each window besides just the student time decrementing.
I'm just looking for some direction or more in depth explanation on how that's possible to use an array to just store the time each student is at the window as opposed to another doubly linked list?
The way I see it you've got a variable number of students and a fixed number of windows (buildings don't usually change all that often). If I were to make a representation of this in code I would use a dynamically sized container (a list, vector, queue, etc.) to contain all the students and a fixed-size array for the registers. This would embody the intent of the real situation in code, making it less likely that someone else using your code makes any mistakes related to the size of the Registrar's Office. Often choosing a container type is all about its intended use!
Thus you can design a class to hold all the registers using a fixed-size array (or even nicer: a template-dictated size seeing as your using C++). Then you can write all your other Registrar-related functions using the given size argument and thus never go out-of-bounds in your Registrar-array.
Lastly: an array holds whatever information you want it to hold. You can have it hold only numbers (like int) but you can also have it hold objects of any type! What I mean to say is: create a Registrar class that holds all the information you want to collect for every individual Registrar. Then create an array that holds Registrar objects. Then whenever you access an individual element in the array you can access all the information of the individual Registrar through that single reference.

A* whats the best data structure for the open set?

Im developing an A* for the first time, and I was using a priority_queue for the open set, until I realize you need to check if nodes are in the open set too, not just the close one.
Thing is, you cant iterate over a priority queue..So why everyone recommend a priority queue for the open set? Is it yet the best option? I think the only way to iterate over it is making a copy so I can pop everything from it (enormous cost).
What the best data structure to use on A*?
A priority queue (PQ) is an abstract data structure (ADS). There are many possibilities to implement them. Unfortunately, the priority_queue supplied with the C++ standard library is rather limited, and other implementations are suited a lot better for implementing A*. Spoilers: you can use std::set/multiset instead of std::priority_queue. But read on:
So what do you need from the priority queue to implement A* is:
Get the node with the lowest cost
Decrease the costs of arbitrary elements
Any priority queue can do 1., but for 2., you need a "mutable" priority queue. The Standard-Lib one cannot do this. Also, you need an easy way to find entries in the priority queue, to find out where to decrease the keys (For when A* finds a better path to an already opened node). There are two basic ways for this: You store a handle to the priority queue element within your graph node (or use a map to store those handles for each graph node) - or you insert the graph nodes themselves.
For the first case, where you store handles for each node, you can use std::multiset for your priority queue. std::multiset::first() will always be your "lowest cost" key, and you can decrease a key by removing it from the set, changing the value and re-inserting, and updating the handle. Alternatively, you can use the mutable priority queues from Boost.Heap, which directly support "decrease-key".
For the second case, you would need some kind of "intrusive" binary tree - since your pathfinding nodes themselves need to be in the priority queue. If you don't want to roll your own, see the ordered associative containers in Boost.Intrusive.
The subject is very large, I suggest you reading this page if you want to know the different possibilities and have a good understanding of which data structure is adapted to your situation :
In my case, the binary heap was a good balance between difficulty to implement and performances, which was totally what I was looking for. But maybe you are looking for something different ?
The rest of the document is a very good reference for A* for game development
They mean A priority queue not necessarily the std::priority_queue class that comes with the language. If the built in one doesn't do what you need it to write your own, or find another.

Efficient way to organize used and unused elements in a large concurrent array

I have about 18 million elements in an array that are initialized and ready to be used by a simple manager called ElementManager (this number will later climb to a little more than a billion in later iterations of the program). A class, A, which must use the elements communicates with ElementManager that returns the next available element for consumption. That element is now in use and cannot be reused until recycled, which may happen often. Class A is concurrent, that is, it can ask ElementManager for an available element in several threads. The elements in this case is an object that stores three vertices to make a triangle.
Currently, the ElementManager is using Intel TBB concurrent_bounded_queue called mAllAvailableElements. There is also another container (a TBB concurrent_vector) that contains all elements, regardless of whether they are available for use or not, called mAllElements. Class A asks for the next available element, the manager tries to pop the next available element from the queue. The popped element is now in use.
Now when class A has done what it has to do, control is handed to class B which now has to iterate through all elements that are in use and create meshes (to take advantage of concurrency, the array is split into several smaller arrays to create submeshes which scales with the number of available threads - the reason for this is that creating a mesh must be done serially). For this I am currently iterating over the container mAllElements (this is also concurrent) and grabbing any element that is in use. The elements, as mentioned above, contain polygonal information to create meshes. Iteration in this case takes a long time as it has to check each element and query whether it is in use or not, because if it is not in use then it should not be part of a mesh.
Now imagine if only 1 million out of the possible 18 million elements were in use (but more than 5-6 million were recycled). Worse yet, due to constant updates to only part of the mesh (which happens concurrently) means the in use elements are fragmented throughout the mAllElements container.
I thought about this for quite some time now and one flawed solution that I came up with was to create another queue of elements named mElementsInUse, which is also a concurrent_queue. I can push any element that is now in use. Problem with this approach is that since it is a queue, any element in that queue can be recycled at any time (an update in a part of the mesh) and declared not in use and since I can only pop the front element, this approach fails. The only other approach I can think of is to defragment the concurrent_vector mAllElements every once in a while when no operations are taking place.
I think my approach to this problem is wrong and thus my post here. I hope I explained the problem in enough detail. It seems like a common memory management problem, but I cannot come up with any search terms to search for it.
How about using a bit vector to indicate which of your elements are in use? It's easy to partition it for parallel processing when building your full mesh, and you can use atomic operations on words in the vector and thus avoid locks.