In veins 5.0, no BaseWaveApplayer class any more? - veins

I only find DemoBaseAppLayer in the project, but BaseWaveAppLayer in the veins 5.0 framework. It is inconsistent.

Correct - it was renamed; see


Bug in the Veins-5.2 Version?

I have downloaded a veins 5.2 from here. When trying to run veins_inet example available in the subprojects folder, I receive an error saying ./veins_inet/veins_inet.h:37:2: error: #error Veins version 5.1 or compatible required
"Compatible" is defined as
#error Veins version 5.1 or compatible required
But if I go to the veins-veins-5.2 folder and run ./print-veins-version, indeed 5.0 gets returned.
Is this a bug? And is it safe just to comment the above codeblock out, so I can run the simulation.
No, Veins 5.2 uses #define VEINS_VERSION_MINOR 2 (see Maybe you downloaded and old and a new version and got confused as to which one you are using.

What are the common platform names in Buck?

I would like to build a cross-platform cxx_library with buck. I have different cpp files for the different platforms. According to the docs, I can handle this using platform_srcs, which is:
...a list of pairs where the first element is an un-anchored regex (in java.util.regex.Pattern syntax) against which the platform name is matched".
What do these platform names look like?
What are some example regexes I could use for OSX, Windows and Linux?
Android: android
iPhone: iphoneos
iPhone Simulator: iphonesimulator
Linux: Unsure
OSX: Unsure
Windows: ^windows.*
I am using the following:
Android: android.*
iPhone: iphoneos.*
iPhone Simulator: iphonesimulator*
Linux: linux.*
macOS: macos.*
Windows: windows.*
Don't forget to turn on should_remap_host_platform in order to avoid 'default' platform weirdness. In your .buckconfig:
should_remap_host_platform = true

integrating cocos2d-x with gaf in visual studio

i'm using cocos2d-x 3.7 on windows, visual studio 2013 and GAF_VERSION 5.0.
i'v downloaded "Cocos2dxGAFPlayer" and copied it into cocos2d/external, after that i added the gafplayer project to my cocos2dx project solution. i'm not sure but i think i have configured it properly as its running while it has this code in "HelloWorld::init()" :
auto animation = GAFAsset::createWithBundle("", "anim1/anim1.gaf", nullptr);
object = animation->createObjectAndRun(true);
object->setPosition(Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize() / 2);
but by using this only the png file, containing parts of animation is shown( i have attached the file i mean).
when i use the zip file generated by gap in the GAFTest project by only replacing the recourse (not the source code) it works fine.
i've searched the net for a solution, and a correct way to integrate cocos2d-x and gaf. but i couldn't find a way.
please guide me.
is there any tutorial about how to integrate cocos2d-x with gaf on visual studio so i make sure i'm doing the configuration right?
A member of GAFmedia forum suggested something which solved the problem :
Postby Dmitry Bushtets ยป October 7th, 2015, 7:36 am
I have one idea. Have you method call to CODE: SELECT ALL
in the code? (it can be in AppDelegate.cpp) If yes - try to remove
this call (set content scale factor to 1) and check result. Or
convert swf to gaf with CSF 1 and 2 (and 3, 4 maybe :) ). You can find
this option in GAF Converter. [Texture Atlas -> Scale Settings ->

Is there someone who is using cocos2d 0.99.5 beta3?

Definitely, I'm a newbie on 'cocos2d for iOS', and in trouble with importing the "CCTouchDispatcher.h".
Cocos2d for iphone version 0.99.4 or below, I've seen CCTouchDispatcher class successful,
but does not occur importing.
Importing works, but I cannot use CCTouchDispatcher.
Warning shows just "may not respond to..", and there's no even coloring in purple.
I hope so who solved this failure..
My preference below
OS X ver: 10.6.4
Xcode ver: 3.2.4
cocos2d for iOS: 0.99.5 beta3
I am using cocos2d 0.99.5 beta 3 and the CCTouchDispatcher with auto complete.
In my header i import the .h file
#import "CCTouchDispatcher.h"
Then in my init method I'm doing this:
[[CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self
This works as expected after implementing the CCTouchMoved etc methods. Hope this helps!

How can i know what is the release of osCommerce?

how can i know what is the release of osCommerce? is the release written in any file of the package?
there should be something like:
// define the project version
define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS2');
Oscommerce version is also shown in Admin, using Server Info in Tools. It shows at the top of the server info page....cheers
If you look into 2.3.3 oscommerce version code.
// define the project version --- obsolete, now retrieved with tep_get_version()
define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3');
in application_top.php above line states that define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3'); is obsolete
This is what is expected
$current_version = tep_get_version();
echo $current_version;
Look into tep_get_version(); code
version is actually in DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/version.php'