How can i know what is the release of osCommerce? - oscommerce

how can i know what is the release of osCommerce? is the release written in any file of the package?

there should be something like:
// define the project version
define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS2');

Oscommerce version is also shown in Admin, using Server Info in Tools. It shows at the top of the server info page....cheers

If you look into 2.3.3 oscommerce version code.
// define the project version --- obsolete, now retrieved with tep_get_version()
define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3');
in application_top.php above line states that define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3'); is obsolete
This is what is expected
$current_version = tep_get_version();
echo $current_version;
Look into tep_get_version(); code
version is actually in DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/version.php'


Why does Visual Studio 2017 fail to generate REST API client for Swagger Petstore?

I'm playing around with using Swagger / OpenAPI docs/specs to generate REST API client code in C#, but I'm running into several problems.
Most notably - when trying to use the Petstore example as a starting point:
Using the VS 2017 Add > REST API client option in VS 2017, I don't get any code produced - instead an error is shown:
Generating client code and adding to project started
Generate client code for REST API with following parameters:
REST API Name: OpenApiClientClient, Base namespace: OpenApiClient, Metadata file path: C:\Users\Marc\AppData\Local\Temp\WebToolsAutoRest\OpenApiClientClient\201807162213351660\swagger.json
[Info]AutoRest Core
[Info]Initializing modeler.
[Info]Initializing modeler.
[Info]Parsing swagger json file.
[Info]Generating client model from swagger model.
[Fatal]Error generating client model: Collection format "multi" is not supported (in parameter 'status').
Exception: There was an error during code generation when trying to add a client for the REST API
Generating client code and adding to project failed
Adding REST API client for failed
So if the Swagger sample app isn't compatible - how will others be?? (and I tried a few others, all with the same results, unfortunately).
What's wrong here? Am I missing something, do I need to add some extra tooling to VS 2017 to make this work?
OK, so I now tried to install Autorest using npm directly:
npm install -g autorest
This appears to work - no errors shown or anything.
But trying to run Autorest - with a set of command line parameters, or even just on its own - results in an error:
AutoRest -CodeGenerator CSharp -Modeler Swagger
-Namespace Services.UserServiceClient -OutputDirectory d:\projects
-AddCrendentials true
or just
AutoRest <kbd>Enter</kbd>
results in:
AutoRest code generation utility [version: 2.0.4280; node: v9.9.0]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
Error: Unable to start AutoRest Core from C:\Users\Marc.autorest\#microsoft.azure_autorest-core#2.0.4280\node_modules\\autorest-core
Error: Unable to start AutoRest Core from C:\Users\Marc.autorest\#microsoft.azure_autorest-core#2.0.4280\node_modules\\autorest-core
at main (C:\Users\Marc\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\autorest \dist\app.js:232:19)
Any further ideas?
Visual Studio 2017 is using a very old version of AutoRest. The issue you are seeing is this one which was fixed in AutoRest v. 1.0. As explained in the comments in that issue:
Are you referring to the autorest version that's built-into visual studio? -- That's incredibly old, and we didn't update that (we've changed the whole way autorest works).
You are going to need to install node and use autorest from the command line.
Looks like it's not possible to update AutoRest used by Visual Studio 2017, so you'll need to call AutoRest directly.
I also had this problem so I built a tool for it called REST API Client Code Generator. I worked in teams where we used tools like AutoRest, NSwag, and Swagger Codegen to generate our REST API Clients and it always annoyed me that the "Add New - REST API Client..." tooling in Visual Studio didn't always work and was very troublesome when it was time to re-generate the client
This would add the OpenAPI specification file (Swagger.json) to the project and set a custom tool so that every time changes are made to it the REST API Client code is re-generated. You can also right click on the Swagger.json file and switch code generators
I built the tool mainly for personal use and for use within my teams but if you find it useful and think it lacks something you really need then please reach out
Try running autorest --reset. This worked on windows with node v8.12.0. Prior to running that command I was getting the same error.

Running SonarQube analysis scan - SonarSource build-wrapper

I'm new to running SonarQube scans and I get this error message in the log in Jenkins:
16:17:39 16:17:36.926 ERROR - The only way to get an accurate analysis of your C/C++/Objective-C project is by using the SonarSource build-wrapper. If for any reason, the use of the build-wrapper is not possible on your project, you can bypass it with the help of the "" property. By using that property, you'll switch to an "at best" mode that could result in false-positives and false-negatives.
Can someone please advise where I can find and run this SonarSource build-wrapper?
Thanks a lot for your help!
To solve this issue, download the Build Wrapper directly from your SonarQube Server, so that its version perfectly matches your version of the plugin:
Build Wrapper for Linux can be downloaded from URL
Unzip the downloaded Build Wrapper,
Configure it in your PATH because it's just more convenient
export PATH=$PATH:/path/where/you/unzip
Once done, Run below commands.
build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir <dir-name> <build-command>
build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir build_output make clean all
Once all this done, you have to modify your file with following line. Note the dir-name is same directory which we defined in previous command.<dir-name>
and then you can run the sonar scanner command.
this will do the analysis against your code. For more details, you can check this link.
Contacted support, turns out this was caused by missing the argument in the scanner begin command.
Build wrapper downloads:
Some links covering how to run the build wrapper:

llc -view-*-dags foo.ll not working in ubuntu

I have installed LLVM3.6 on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I have also set the path for
LLVM_PATH_DOT=/usr/bin/dot and later on LLVM_PATH_DOT=/usr/bin/dotty.
I also tried to check LLVM_ENABLE_DOXYGEN during CMake configuration, and gave the path for DOTTY. It also doesn't work.
Lastly, I created a new entry in CMAKE, called LLVM_PATH_DOTTY, and supplied in the path. It also doesn't work.
When I try to create the DAG output for a .ll file, llc neither gives any error message nor prints a graph.
I pass in the following command:
llc -view-dag-combine-lt-dags foo.ll
How can I solve this problem? Thank you
If you're using LLVM 3.6.x or earlier, you have to also specify the -filter-view-dags=<bb-name> option to specify the name of the basic block which you wish to view.
This was unintended behaviour (omitting the flag is meant to mean "view all basic blocks", not "view none of the basic blocks"). The bug was fixed in LLVM 3.7. If you want to manually apply the patch which fixes this, see this mailing list post for details:

Echo cancellation with PJSIP on Mac

I'm building an SIP-based Mac application with PJSIP and I can't set the echo cancellation.
Already tried to set PJSUA_DEFAULT_EC_TAIL_LEN at compilation-time to a bigger value than 200 (the default one).
I set the media the EC value through the pjsua_media_config.ec_tail_len field, which should be the same as PJSUA_DEFAULT_EC_TAIL_LEN (here is the PJSIP ref).
Also tried to change pjmedia_echo_flag to every value: PJMEDIA_ECHO_DEFAULT, PJMEDIA_ECHO_SPEEX, PJMEDIA_ECHO_SPEEX (here is the PJSIP ref) but that does not seems to have any effect.
Does someone have already succeed setting EC with PJSIP? Am I missing something?
Thanks a lot!
Actually found a good Echo Canceler library: bdIMAD!
With the 2.4 PJSIP version, you can easily plug bdIMAD, check this link :)
Our experience shows that implementation of media engine in PJSIP is bad. I'd advice to use third party media engine that perfectly integrated with PJSIP - IntegrIT CrystalVu SDK It has advanced wideband echo canceller and many other voice enhancements.

Qt 4.8.0 - MySQL Driver not listed

After reading this tutorial I was able to successfully built the mysql lib for Qt. But somehow it is not listed in the available drivers list, although I copied the files in the right directory.
This is how my Qt-plugins\sqldrivers directory looks like now :
And this is what QSqlDatabase::drivers() say :
Is there something essential missing?
Thank you for your help in advance and happy holidays!
I solved the problem by following the instructions in this guide:
This was posted as a solution to the same problem (See Karlson's comment)