How to export and import google cloud monitoring dashboards between projects using script or API? - google-cloud-platform

I have exported the dashboards using gcloud alpha monitoring dashboards list --format=json, but using gcloud dashboard create using file is not working, basically I want to export the dashboards from one project and import that in other project.

The output of the list sub command probably (didn't test this) has too many dashboards for the create command.
Also, you should remove two fields (name and etag). No need to export as json, yaml will also work and is easier to edit anyway.
I did the following:
gcloud monitoring dashboards list and find the dashboard I was looking for
Note it's name property and get the id from the last part in the name property (a large decimal number or guid)
gcloud monitoring dashboards describe $DASHBOARD_ID > dashboard-$DASHBOARD_ID.yaml the dashboard
Edit the file to remove the etag and name field (the name is usually located at the end of the file)
gcloud monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file dashboard-$DASHBOARD_ID.yaml


GCP, is there a way to find which Asset-type can be labelled and which are not?

I need to find out which resources (Asset-Types) in entire GCP organization can be labelled.
In short, i do not want resources which doesn't have a column Label in the schema. Is there a way to find columns of every asset-type ? or any other way to extract only resources that have column/attribute Label?
gcloud asset search-all-resources --scope=organizations/Org-ID
--filter=-labels:* --format='csv(name, assetType, labels)' --sort-by=name > notLabels.csv
i use this command to get the resources but it returns also the resources that can't be labelled.
You can find the list of services that support labels in GCP in this documentation.
And you can filter it with the following format below as an example:
gcloud asset search-all-resources --filter labels.env:*
The above command lists the services that has env as key and anything that has value on it.
gcloud asset search-all-resources --filter=-labels.*
The second sample command above lists the resources with no labels value by adding - before the label parameter.
You can find more information on using filter searches using labels here.

In GCP, how to list all the resources running under project?

I need to list out all the instance, container, function, notebooks, bucket, dataproc and composer running under project in all the region/locations.
Is it possible to list resources of all the regions location. Gcloud or python script both can work for me
My ultimate goal after listing is to put tag as per its name of the resource.
You can use Google Asset inventory feature and query your project like this
gcloud asset search-all-resources --scope=projects/<PROJECT_ID> --page-size=500 --format=json
More detail in the documentation about the query format.
All the ressources aren't supported. You can find the full list here (For example, Cloud Run isn't yet supported, but it's coming soon!)
If you want to access through console, you could go to IAM & Admin Menu, then select Asset Inventory.
Then you could see bunch of asset list.
Click Resource tab if you want download all the details in csv format.
In search asset you will get abundance of irrelevant data. Better to use resource api of the resource you think relevant to you. Like //Notebook
gcloud asset search-all-resources --asset-types=',' --query='*' --format='table(name, assetType, labels)'”

Connect BigQuery as a source to Data Fusion in another GCP project

I am trying to connect BigQuery of ProjectA to Data Fusion of ProjectB and its asking me to enter a service key file. I have tried to upload the service key file to Cloud Storage of ProjectB and provided the link but it's asking me to provide a local file path.
Can someone help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
Can you try this, grant BQ permission of project A to data fusion in project B.
Navigate to the customer project that contains the CDF instance and copy the project number (this is found on the Home Page in the Project Info card)
Navigate to the project that contains the resources you would like to interact with.
In the sidebar, click on ‘IAM & Admin’
Click on ‘Add’ at the top of the page.
Provide the first service account name from the table above, be sure to replace with the actual number you obtained in step 1
Grant the Admin role for the resource you would like to interact with. Ex. BigQuery Admin for reading/writing to BigQuery. For BigQuery, you will also need to grant the BigQuery Data Owner role as well.
Repeat steps 5 & 6 for the second service account in the table above.
In your pipeline, ensure you define the correct Project Id for the sources/sinks. Using ‘auto-detect’ will default to the customer project that contains the CDF instance.
Can you try download the service key json file to the local, ie you local computer? And try to put the file into some folder and provide the full path to that service key file in the BigQuery properties.

Can I run dataflowjob between projects?

I want to export data from Cloud Spanner in project A to GCS in project B as AVRO.
If my service-account in project B is given access in project A, can I run a dataflow-job from project B with template: Cloud_Spanner_to_GCS_Avro and write to GCS in project B?
I've tried both in console and with following command:
gcloud dataflow jobs run my_job_name
I'm not sure how to specify projectId of the Spanner instance.
With this command from project B it looks in project B:s Spanner and cannot find the instance and database.
I've tried to set: instanceId=projects/id_of_project_A/instances/
name_of_instance but it's not a valid input
Yes you can, you have to grant the correct authorization on the dataflow service account
I recommend you to use a "user-managed service account". The default one is the Compute Engine default service account with the editor roles on the host project, too many authorizations....
So the answer seems to be that it's possible for some templates or if you write a custom one, but not the template I want to use, batch export from Spanner to GCS Avro files.
And that it might be added in a future update to the template.

How to schedule an export from a BigQuery table to Cloud Storage?

I have successfully scheduled my query in BigQuery, and the result is saved as a table in my dataset. I see a lot of information about scheduling data transfer in to BigQuery or Cloud Storage, but I haven't found anything regarding scheduling an export from a BigQuery table to Cloud Storage yet.
Is it possible to schedule an export of a BigQuery table to Cloud Storage so that I can further schedule having it SFTP-ed to me via Google BigQuery Data Transfer Services?
There isn't a managed service for scheduling BigQuery table exports, but one viable approach is to use Cloud Functions in conjunction with Cloud Scheduler.
The Cloud Function would contain the necessary code to export to Cloud Storage from the BigQuery table. There are multiple programming languages to choose from for that, such as Python, Node.JS, and Go.
Cloud Scheduler would send an HTTP call periodically in a cron format to the Cloud Function which would in turn, get triggered and run the export programmatically.
As an example and more specifically, you can follow these steps:
Create a Cloud Function using Python with an HTTP trigger. To interact with BigQuery from within the code you need to use the BigQuery client library. Import it with from import bigquery. Then, you can use the following code in to create an export job from BigQuery to Cloud Storage:
# Imports the BigQuery client library
from import bigquery
def hello_world(request):
# Replace these values according to your project
project_name = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
bucket_name = "YOUR_BUCKET"
dataset_name = "YOUR_DATASET"
table_name = "YOUR_TABLE"
destination_uri = "gs://{}/{}".format(bucket_name, "bq_export.csv.gz")
bq_client = bigquery.Client(project=project_name)
dataset = bq_client.dataset(dataset_name, project=project_name)
table_to_export = dataset.table(table_name)
job_config = bigquery.job.ExtractJobConfig()
job_config.compression = bigquery.Compression.GZIP
extract_job = bq_client.extract_table(
# Location must match that of the source table.
return "Job with ID {} started exporting data from {}.{} to {}".format(extract_job.job_id, dataset_name, table_name, destination_uri)
Specify the client library dependency in the requirements.txt file
by adding this line:
Create a Cloud Scheduler job. Set the Frequency you wish for
the job to be executed with. For instance, setting it to 0 1 * * 0
would run the job once a week at 1 AM every Sunday morning. The
crontab tool is pretty useful when it comes to experimenting
with cron scheduling.
Choose HTTP as the Target, set the URL as the Cloud
Function's URL (it can be found by selecting the Cloud Function and
navigating to the Trigger tab), and as HTTP method choose GET.
Once created, and by pressing the RUN NOW button, you can test how the export
behaves. However, before doing so, make sure the default App Engine service account has at least the Cloud IAM roles/storage.objectCreator role, or otherwise the operation might fail with a permission error. The default App Engine service account has a form of
If you wish to execute exports on different tables,
datasets and buckets for each execution, but essentially employing the same Cloud Function, you can use the HTTP POST method
instead, and configure a Body containing said parameters as data, which
would be passed on to the Cloud Function - although, that would imply doing
some small changes in its code.
Lastly, when the job is created, you can use the Cloud Function's returned job ID and the bq CLI to view the status of the export job with bq show -j <job_id>.
Not sure if this was in GA when this question was asked, but at least now there is an option to run an export to Cloud Storage via a regular SQL query. See the SQL tab in Exporting table data.
uri = 'gs://bucket/folder/*.csv',
format = 'CSV',
overwrite = true,
header = true,
field_delimiter = ';')
AS (
SELECT field1, field2
FROM mydataset.table1
ORDER BY field1
This could as well be trivially setup via a Scheduled Query if you need a periodic export. And, of course, you need to make sure the user or service account running this has permissions to read the source datasets and tables and to write to the destination bucket.
Hopefully this is useful for other peeps visiting this question if not for OP :)
You have an alternative to the second part of the Maxim answer. The code for extracting the table and store it into Cloud Storage should work.
But, when you schedule a query, you can also define a PubSub topic where the BigQuery scheduler will post a message when the job is over. Thereby, the scheduler set up, as described by Maxim is optional and you can simply plug the function to the PubSub notification.
Before performing the extraction, don't forget to check the error status of the pubsub notification. You have also a lot of information about the scheduled query; useful is you want to perform more checks or if you want to generalize the function.
So, another point about the SFTP transfert. I open sourced a projet for querying BigQuery, build a CSV file and transfert this file to FTP server (sFTP and FTPs aren't supported, because my previous company only used FTP protocol!). If your file is smaller than 1.5Gb, I can update my project for adding the SFTP support is you want to use this. Let me know