Find the protection level of class member C++ - c++

Is there a way to find out what the protection level of a member is?
I'm making a singleton base-class and I'd like to ensure that the child class declares its constructor/destructor as private/protected. How can I do this?
template<class c>
class singleton
static_assert(std::is_private<&c::c> // does this exist?
|| std::is_protected<&c::c>);
|| std::is_protected<&c::~c>);

There is a paper written that proposed this in 2018, (and later 2019). In fact, it appears it was circulated in June of 2019 as part of the Committee's proposal process. However, I'm not really sure what happened to it (other then I think I found another revision).
Some compilers might support it experimentally. If they did, I believe the header you would use is <experimental/reflect> (according to the paper, at least).
Otherwise, you're kind of stuck. It appears reflection was deferred to a later standard, so nothing like this really exists in C++ as it stands. Hopefully it will make it into C++23. But for now we have to wait.

Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is not possible. So far, C++ doesn't have reflection features that are powerful enough.
In reality, programmers use singleton classes without needing protection mechanisms like this, because C++ is not designed for maximum compile-time validation. There are a whole lot of other similar things you can't do in C++ — in other words, it is impossible for C++ to accommodate for every possible feature users may expect, especially those that are not generally considered useful. Reflection is proposed because many people find it helpful, but so far the equivalent capabilities have not been included in C++.


How to request a c++ feature?

How could I request a C++ feature ?
Who do I have to write to ?
The feature I would like to request is a mere syntax commodity :
When using composition, we need a better syntax in order to provide method forwarding.
Something like what follows :
class Object{
InnerObject* inner;
using inner->method; //<-- here
Such a feature would entice people to use composition instead of inheritance for object reuse.
Note : For instance, this can be simulated through the use of MACROS, as shown here { Method forwarding with composition instead of inheritance (using C++ traits)}.
Probably SO is the wrong place for your question (programmers might be a better place for it). However:
requesting a new C++ feature is unrealistic, unless you are a world-wide known C++ expert.
you could patch some C++ compiler (e.g. Clang/LLVM or GCC) to implement your feature, and publish that patch as a free software (for others to try it); you'll also need to write some code using your feature.
you might later contact some member from the ISO C++ standardization committee!
All this wil take you many years!
Notice that C++14 is a huge language (its specification document -see draft n3797- is heavy enough to kill someone who is thrown it) and I guess there is a heavy social and economic pressure to avoid increasing it.
Be aware that some very bright people worked several years to propose new features to C++ that ultimately become rejected (or postponed for many years)!
(for examples, Google for "concepts in C++" or "modules in C++").
BTW, you might have a more pragmatic approach to your concern. Have some specialized C++ code generator to fit your needs (that generator could be a macro-processor like gpp or m4, some specialized script in Python or Awk, or some external program like ANTLR or Qt's moc, or even a translator from some other language to C++ like MELT...).

What C++(98/03) features are not-so-well supported by poor compilers?

Often I read of some software cutting out some C++ features in order to be compliant with poor/old/exotic C++ compilers.
This one is just the last one I got into: Box2D isn't using namespaces because they need to support:
poor C++ compilers where namespace support can be spotty
A bigger example I can think of is Qt, which is relying upon MOC, is limiting template usage a lot and is avoiding templates (well, this is at least true for Qt3 and previous versions, Qt4 is mostly doing that to keep to their conventions).
I'm wondering what compilers are that poor?
There are lots of C++ compilers out there (I never heard of most of them), but I would hope that all of them are supporting most common(/simple?) C++ features like namespaces (unless they're dead); isn't this the case?
What are the most unsupported features?
I can easily expect the lack of external templates, maybe template partial specialization and similar features. At most even RTTI or exceptions, but I would have never suspected of namespaces.
In my experience, people are just scared of new things and especially things that broke on them once, 20 decades ago. There's no valid reason against using namespaces in anything written during this century.
If you're looking for things to toss out though, if you happened to be targeting windows not too long ago you had to do more than just toss features out of C++ and not use them, you had to use different syntax. Templates come to mind as one of the worse supported features in VC. They've gotten much better but still fail sometimes.
Another one that is not supported by that particular compiler (STILL!) is overloading virtual functions to return derived type pointers to the types the base version returned when using MI. VC just plain freaks out and you end up having to do virtual_xxx() and providing non-virtual "xxx()" functions to replicate the standard behavior.
What are the most unsupported features?
Let's abstract away export, which, sadly, was an experiment that failed. Then, by count of compiler users this is probably two-phase lookup, which Visual C++ still doesn't properly implement. And VC has a lot of users.
Basically anything that was added as part of the standardization process in C++98. That is:
Templates (Not just partial specialization -- I mean all templates)
Exceptions (Often because this one requires runtime support/overhead -- they're often not available on things like microcontrollers)
If you go even older, you can add
Most everything in the standard library.
Several old compilers are just plain bad; OTOH I would strongly not recommend worrying about them. There are already several good and freely available reasonably standards compliant compilers available for pretty much every platform of which I am aware (mostly via G++).
Namespaces have been around forever. Some of the darker places in templates, maybe. But namespaces? No way. Even with templates, the vast, vast majority of usage scenarios are fine. Some compilers aren't perfect (they're software), but flat out not supporting a C++03 feature that isn't export? That just doesn't happen. Most compilers extend the language, not reduce it, and are moving to support C++0x.
RTTI and exceptions are often accused of poorly efficient implementations, but not poor implementation conformance.
If you are programming in the main stream with a main stream compiler then usually you find everything in the C++03 standard supported (except export as mentioned by sbi (but then again nobody used the feature (as it was not supported)). The further from the main stream the compiler is the less features usually (but they are all moving forward (some more slowly than others))
Its only when you get to less used hardware that has its own proprietary compiler that support for features start to dwindle.
The main example would be mobile devices and their associated compilers (though because of their popularity in the main stream in recent years these compilers are getting updated more quickly than before).
A secondary example would by SOC devices. There compilers are so specific that they are usually in house compilers and only get as much work on them as the SOC company can afford and as a result tend to lag a long way (or at least further) behind other compilers.
Value Initialization (C++03 feature) is not properly implemented in MSVC++.
Qt doesn't use templates much because it is older than templates.

Local class template

We can have a local class defined inside a function but this class cannot be a template which is bit annoying and inconsistent. Is there any update on that in C++0x standard?
Yes. Actually this rule change is what makes Lambda expressions possible since a Lambda expression creates a local unnamed type.
Sorry, I misread your question. I thought you were talking about using a local class as template parameter. This wasn't allowed in C++98 and C++03 but it will work in C++0x.
As for your actual question, C++0x will not change any of this.
I honestly see no reason to allow "function-local class templates". The support for "function-local class templates" is a feature that probably only a handful of people care about. And writing class templates outside of functions is an acceptable substitute for this. This obviously doesn't put enough pressure on the compiler vendors no matter how complicated it is to implement such a feature. Compiler vendors are probably more concerned about implementing other C++0x features.
But I understand your point. It may seem as an unnecessary irregularity of the language. If you care strongly about this feature you could write a formal proposal and send it to the C++ standardization committee in about two years when they are likely to accept proposals for "C++1y".

Except OOP, why is C++ better than C? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Well that may sound like a troll question, but since C++ seems hard to fully master (and I never really knew STL was actually "part" of it), I wanted to know what are the disadvantages to use C instead of C++ when not relying much on OOP.
C++ can have a very much sophisticated syntax sometimes, which is kinda confusing me while trying to use OGRE3D for example...
Non-OO features that C++ has that C does not:
Function overloading
You can use structs and enums without writing struct or enum before every declaration or using typedefs.
Even if you don't define your own classes, using C++'s string and container classes is still often more convenient and safe to work with than c-style strings and arrays.
Type safety (even though some would call it weak)
Variable declarations in conditionals, C99 only has it in for
I'm a big fan of C who over time has become a big fan of C++. One of the big reasons for that is the STL ( the Standard Template Library ) and Boost.
Between the two of them it makes it very easy to write powerful portable applications.
Why C++ is better than C? Besides the obvious list of features, in my opinion the real answer is that there's no good reason to still use C instead of C++. Even if you don't use OOP, you can use it as a better C. Even if you use just once a unique feature of C++ in your program, C++ is already a winner.
On the other hand, there's no disadvantage in using C++: it retains the performance goals of C and it is a quite low level language, while allowing very powerful things. And you will not miss any C feature using C++!
And don't forget the wide user base and the rich libraries and frameworks available.
By the way, C99 has added some interesting features but after a decade there's still very limited compiler support (so you are bound to ANSI C). In the meantime C++ evolved as well and the compiler vendors are committed to providing conforming implementations.
One "feature" that hasn't been mentioned much (but I think is noteworthy) is that the C++ compiler community seems to be willing to go to a lot more work to produce conforming implementations. Back when the standard that eventually became C89/90 was in work, nearly every compiler vendor worked at conforming with the latest drafts of the standard, and (especially when the standard was close to complete) really put a lot of work into conforming as closely as they could.
That's no longer the case. The C99 standard was (obviously enough) completed over a decade ago, but there's still basically only one implementation that makes a serious attempt at conforming with the whole standard (Comeau). A few others (e.g., gcc) have added some C99 features, but are still missing a fair number of others. One (pcc) is in the rather paradoxical position of having added nearly all of the features specific to C99, but doesn't come very close to meeting the requirements of C89/90.
Given the complexity of C++, producing a conforming implementation is a much more difficult task. Despite this, I'd guess there are already more implementations that are at least really close to conforming with C++ 0x (due to be ratified a year or two from now) than with C99 (ratified roughly a decade ago). Just to pick an arbitrary number, I'd expect to see 3 conforming1 implementations of C++0x sooner than 3 conforming implementations of C99 (in fact, I'd almost expect that many the day it's ratified).
Of course, "conforming" in this case means "to a practical degree" -- I'm pretty sure every implementation of C and C++ has at least a few defects that prevents perfect conformance. The same is true for most other languages, the only obvious exceptions being languages that are defined in terms of a particular implementation.
References are done automatically and much safer compared to pointers, the standard library is far more extensive, templates make code extremely customizable and substantially faster and safer. C++ offers fantastic code use/reuse and organization. Also, if you don't rely much on OOP, then you're doing it wrong. There's times when objects are not appropriate, but they're not the majority of scenarios.
One reason to write libraries in C is that it is very easy to use that library across languages since the C ABI is very simple, compared to the name-mangling mess that is C++ ABI.
Creating C interfaces to the C++ libs might be a decent solution, but if you can express your API easily with C syntax, why write it in C++ to begin with?
Many C99 features are very nice, and are still not in C++.
[Note: this is a subjective response but the question itself tends to invoke subjective responses by nature].
C++ is a multi-paradigm language and there's a lot more to it than OOP. However, to suggest it's simply better than C is a bit... bold. :-D In the hands of an experienced C coder, and for the right purposes, C code can be very elegant and simple. Consider the Lua interpreter which is coded in C; it compiles to a very small binary which would have likely been a lot bigger even in the hands of an equally skilled C++ programmer, and is therefore well-suited for embedded use. C generally won't be as safe (ex: implicit casting, requires manual resource cleanup, etc) which is one thing which C++ strives to do a little better than C, but it also won't burden the programmer with awkward casting syntax (in C++ one shouldn't need to cast often, but in C it's quite common), e.g.
On the other hand, and I'm trying to speak very generally, C++ can actually make it easier to write more efficient code, particularly for code that needs to work across multiple types. The qsort vs std::sort benchmarks are a classic example of this and how C++, through templates and inlined function objects, can provide cost-free abstractions. In C one would have to write a separate sorting algorithm for every type by hand or stuff it in a macro to achieve comparable results.
Most C++ programmers who migrated from C never look back. I might be an oddball, but I still find C to be useful for implementing small scale libraries. For a start, it's a bit easier to port and builds super fast. For these kinds of things, I take implicit casting for granted. I would hate to work with any C code on a large scale, however, and have unfortunately have to do this from time to time.
As for specific differences, sepp2k already pointed out a pretty comprehensive list.
You can continue to write essentially C code but compile it as C++ and get the benefit of stronger type checking, and therefore more robust code.
You can then if you wish introduce the useful elements of C++ that have nothing to do with OO, such as a built-in bool, function overloading, and better defined const handling (no need to use macros for literal constant symbols).
It is not even too much of a stretch to using some of the easier to understand and use elements of the standard library such as std::string and iostreams, and even std::vector as a "better array"; you do not have to learn much C++ or understand OOP to take advantage of these improved interfaces.
Between OOP an procedural programming there is an intermediate Object Based Programming, which C++ supports and which is simpler to understand and learn and almost as useful as full OOP. Basically it uses abstract data types rather than full classes and eschews inheritance and polymorphism. To be honest it is what many C++ programmers write in any case.
Other than the upsides that sepp2k noted (and I aggree with) it certainly also has some little downsides that have not directly to do with OO. Come to mind the lack of __VA_ARGS__ for the preprocessor and the context sensitivity. Consider something like:
switch (argc) {
case 1: /* empty statement */;
toto T;
case 2: break;
In C, whenever the compiler encounters such a piece of code, and argc and toto are known, this is valid. (Sure we might get a warning for the unitialized T afterwards, whence we use it.)
In C++ this depends on the type toto. If it is a POD, everything is fine (well, as fine as for C). If it has a constructor the code is not valid: jump to case label crosses initialization of 'toto T'.
So in some sense, for C++ you must understand the underlying types to see if a control flow is valid.

Learning C when you already know C++?

I think I have an advanced knowledge of C++, and I'd like to learn C.
There are a lot of resources to help people going from C to C++, but I've not found anything useful to do the opposite of that.
Are there widely used general purpose libraries every C programmer should know about (like boost for C++) ?
What are the most important C idioms (like RAII for C++) ?
Should I learn C99 and use it, or stick to C89 ?
Any pitfalls/traps for a C++ developer ?
Anything else useful to know ?
There's a lot here already, so maybe this is just a minor addition but here's what I find to be the biggest differences.
I put this first, because this in my opinion this is the biggest difference in practice. The C standard library is very(!) sparse. It offers a bare minimum of services. For everything else you have to roll your own or find a library to use (and many people do). You have file I/O and some very basic string functions and math. For everything else you have to roll your own or find a library to use. I find I miss extended containers (especially maps) heavily when moving from C++ to C, but there are a lot of other ones.
Both languages have manual memory (resource) management, but C++ gives you some tools to hide the need. In C you will find yourself tracking resources by hand much more often, and you have to get used to that. Particular examples are arrays and strings (C++ vector and string save you a lot of work), smart pointers (you can't really do "smart pointers" as such in C. You can do reference counting, but you have to up and down the reference counts yourself, which is very error prone -- the reason smart pointers were added to C++ in the first place), and the lack of RAII generally which you will notice everywhere if you are used to the modern style of C++ programming.
You have to be explicit about construction and destruction. You can argue about the merits of flaws of this, but there's a lot more explicit code as a result.
Error handling. C++ exceptions can be tricky to get right so not everyone uses them, but if you do use them you will find you have to pay a lot of attention to how you do error notification. Needing to check for return values on all important calls (some would argue all calls) takes a lot of discipline and a lot of C code out there doesn't do it.
Strings (and arrays in general) don't carry their sizes around. You have to pass a lot of extra parameters in C to deal with this.
Without namespaces you have to manage your global namespace carefully.
There's no explicit tying of functions to types as there is with class in C++. You have to maintain a convention of prefixing everything you want associated with a type.
You will see a lot more macros. Macros are used in C in many places where C++ has language features to do the same, especially symbolic constants (C has enum but lots of older code uses #define instead), and for generics (where C++ uses templates).
Consider finding an extended library for general use. Take a look at GLib or APR.
Even if you don't want a full library consider finding a map / dictionary / hashtable for general use. Also consider bundling up a bare bones "string" type that contains a size.
Get used to putting module or "class" prefixes on all public names. This is a little tedious but it will save you a lot of headaches.
Make heavy use of forward declaration to make types opaque. Where in C++ you might have private data in a header and rely on private is preventing access, in C you want to push implementation details into the source files as much as possible. (You actually want to do this in C++ too in my opinion, but C makes it easier, so more people do it.)
C++ reveals the implementation in the header, even though it technically hides it from access outside the class.
// C.hh
class C
void method1();
int method2();
int value1;
char * value2;
C pushes the 'class' definition into the source file. The header is all forward declarations.
// C.h
typedef struct C C; // forward declaration
void c_method1(C *);
int c_method2(C *);
// C.c
struct C
int value1;
char * value2;
Glib is a good starting point for modern C and gets you used to concepts like opaque types and semi-object orientation, which are common stylistically in modern C. On the other end of the spectrum standard POSIX APIs are kind of "classical" C.
The biggest gap in going from C++ to C isn't syntax, it's idiom and there, like C++, there are different schools of programming. You'll write fairly different C if you doing a device driver vs., say, an XML parser.
Q5. Anything else useful to know?
Buy a copy of K&R2 and read it through. On a cost per page basis it'll probably be the most expensive book on computing you'll ever buy with your own money but it will give you a deep appreciation for C and the thought processes that went into it. Doing the exercises will also hone your skills and get you used to what is available in the language as opposed to C++.
Taking your questions in order:
Unfortunately, there's nothing like Boost for C.
Nothing that's really on the order of RAII either.
The only compiler that tries to implement C99 is Comeau.
Lots of them all over the place, I'm afraid.
Quite a bit. C takes quite a different mindset than C.
Some of those may seem rather terse, but such is life. There are some good libraries for C, but no one place like Boost that they've been collected together or given a relatively uniform interface like Boost has done for C++.
There are lots of idioms, but many of them are in how you edit your code, such as sort of imitating RAII by writing an fopen() and a matching fclose() in quick succession, and only afterwards writing the code in between to process the data.
The pitfalls/traps that wait around every corner mostly stem from lack of dynamic data structures like string and vector, so you frequently have to write such things yourself. Without operator overloading, constructors, etc., it's considerably more difficult to make them really general purpose. Lots of libraries have them, but you end up rolling your own anyway because:the library doesn't do quite what you want, orusing the library is more work than it's worth.
The difference in mindset is almost certainly the biggest thing, at least for me. When I'm writing C++, I concentrate almost all my real effort on designing the cleanest possible interfaces, and I tend to treat the implementation of an interface as almost throwaway code. For the most part, I don't plan on making minor tweaks to that part of the code -- as long as the interface is good, replacing the entire implementation is usually easy enough that I don't worry about it much.
In C, it seems (at least to me) much more difficult to separate the interface from the implementation nearly as thoroughly or cleanly. As such, I tend to spend a lot more time trying to implement every part of the code as cleanly as possible, because later changes tend to be more difficult and throwing away and replacing pieces that aren't very good is substantially less likely to work out very well.
Edit (since people have raised questions about C99 support): While my statement about lack of C99 support may seem harsh, the fact is that it's true.
MS VC++: supports C95, and has a couple C99 features (e.g. C++ style comment delimiters), mostly because C99 standardized what they'd previously had as an extension.
Gnu: According to C99 Features Status page, the most recent iteration of gcc (4.4) has some C99 features, but some (including VLAs) are characterized as "broken", and others as "missing". Some of the missing "features" are really whole areas, not individual features.
PCC: The PCC site claims C99 conformance only as a goal for the future, not as a present reality.
Embarcadero Technologies (nee Borland) don't seem to say anything about conformance with C99 at all -- from the looks of things, the last time they worked on the C compiler may well have been before C99 was even released.
Microsoft openly states that they have no current plans for supporting C99, and they're not going to even consider it until VS 2010 is released. Though I can't find any public statements about it, Embarcadero appears about the same: no hint of a current plan, and nor even that they're going to consider working on it anytime soon.
While gcc and pcc both seem to have plans, they're currently just that: plans. They both openly admit that at the present time, they aren't really even very close to conforming with C99.
Here's a quick reference of some of the major things you'll want to know.
This is advice you didn't ask for: I think most potential employers take it as a given that if you C++ you know C. Learning the finer points of C, while an interesting academic exercise, will IMO not earn you a lot of eligibility points.
If you ever end up in a position of needing to do C, you'll catch on to the differences quickly enough.
But don't listen to me. I was too lazy and stupid to learn C++ :)
Anything else useful to know ?
C99 is not subset of c++ any revision, but separate language.
Just about the biggest shock I had when I went back to C was that variables are defined at the function level - i.e. you can't scope variables inside a block(if statement or for loop) inside a function.
Except for very few cases, any C code is valid C++, so there isn't actually anything new you should learn.
It's more a matter of unlearning.
Not using new, not using classes, defining variables at the beginning of a code block, etc.
In a strict sense, C++ is not object-oriented, but it's still procedural with support for classes. That said, you are actually using procedural programming in C++ already, the most shocking change will be not having classes, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.
As C++ is almost a superset of C89, you should know just about all of C89 already. You probably want to concentrate on the differences between C89 and C99.