How to test .net core 3.0 web api using azure ad implicit grant flow - unit-testing

In Angular/.net core 3.0 app I am using Azure AD implicit grant flow. The Web API uses authorisation and allows access based on roles (e.g. SuperAdmin, Admin and User roles etc). I need to write automated integration test for the Webapi (I can use a seperate client app too for testing). Any ideas which will be the appropriate grant flow for testing. I have read about ROPC flow (Resource ownder password credentails) flow and its not recommended to be used. I can't use client credentails flow as this wont work with Authorisation. I will appreicate any links or examples.

1.You should send a login request first(To enable the implicit grant flow, select the tokens you would like to be issued by the authorization endpoint…):{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={your client id}&response_type=id_token&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/azure&scope=openid&response_mode=fragment&state=12345&nonce=678910
2.Getting access tokens silently in the background:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={your client id}&response_type=token&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/azure&scope={your-username}
3.You can also refer to the following documents, hope to help you:

Just if it helps someone, I did not find an alternate to get an access token to call the webapi which uses role based authorization (i.e. allow access to only users in certain AD groups) for my integration tests. So created few test users in the relevant AD groups and used resource owner password credential flow to get the access tokens and called the web api


wso2 API manager for authorsation and authentication of a web application

I have a web app where front end layer has a angular based UI.It has both public pages and other private pages which are accessible to logged in users and it depends on roles of the logged in users as well
My server based application is a java based rest service api .
How can i use wso2 for handle user authenticaiton and role based authorsation.i would like to have an additional layer of api security depending on the role of the user as well.
can someone explain the best architecture for this in wso2?
if i use wso2 api manager , how can i handle login's of the user and how to relate api access with role of the logged in user?
thanks in advance
you can use wso2 appmanager to control the access of any web apps[1]. App manager supports role based access control as well as xacml policy based access control . In order to provide api level role based security you can use scopes[2] in wso2 api manager
Let me suggest another solution. I haven't tried this with APIM. But since APIM also has Identity features installed in it, this should work.
Use OpenID Connect for login. See here for a sample. This sample is for IS, but it should work for APIM too. Only endpoint URLs are different in APIM like this.
Token: https://localhost:8243/token
Revoke: https://localhost:8243/revoke
Authorize: https://localhost:8243/authorize
There, when a user login, you get an ID_token which contains user claims. You can allow/deny page views depending on those data.
In above step, you create an SP and generate a client key-secret pair. You can set the same keys in APIM's application. Read this.
Then, as I mentioned here, you can use scopes to secure your APIs by roles.

Can I use AWS User Pools as a directory service from a Spring app?

Is it possible to use AWS Cognito User Pools as an authentication and authorisation provider for a Spring Boot app running in EC2?
The user pools seem to provide a lot of the regsiter/login/email/forgotpassword etc plumbing, that I can make use of in an AngularJS front end.
If the front end does all the auth (in javascript), can a java (spring) backend verify tokens passed to it from the front end, and if so how?
Or, can/should the calls to Cognito come from the backend, and again, if so how? Do I need to use the AWS Android mobile SDK?
(I've looked at Lambdas and Api Gateways but they are not what I am after at the moment).
Either one of those options should work, depending a bit on your app requirements. The former does have the benefit of sending user credentials over the wire less often than the latter.
If you want to verify the tokens with your first suggestion, you could do one of a few things. Cognito vends an id token, a refresh token, and an access token upon a user authenticating. Any call that takes an access token (i.e. GetUser) does validation on that access token. Alternatively, you could make a call to refresh the tokens, which will do validation on the refresh token. More information on the tokens Cognito vends is available here. Token refreshing is done through the Cognito auth flow, using challenge name REFRESH_TOKEN or REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH.
If you opt to go with the second one, AWS does have multiple SDKs for various languages, including Java. These all support the Cognito APIs, but Cognito does use SRP to sign users in. The client side calculations are fairly complex, so you might not want to take that on yourself. You could rip our calculations from the SDK on Github, or you could use the admin no SRP flow described here.

Django API fronted by Azure API gateway

I have a Django application that currently stores user credentials and performs authorization and authentication. I am in the process of breaking off the front-end into an Angular SPA and converting the backend to a REST API. My Django API will live as an Azure API app protected by Azure API Gateway. I would like to remove the authentication piece from Django and allow users to sign in using OpenID Connect through either Google or Microsoft Account. What I would like to happen is this:
When a user visits the site, assuming they have never registered with my app, they will have the option to sign in with their Google account or Microsoft Account. If the user decides to sign in using their Google or Microsoft account, (this is where I'm confused and why i'm posting here ... ) I think what happens is the API Gateway performs the authentication, generates a JSON Web Token (JWT), and sends that token back to the Django API. Django receives the JWT, decrypts it, and checks to see if there is a user account matching the email address in the JWT. If there is not a user account, Django will add a user to the user accounts table (not storing a password). If there is a user matching that email address, then Django allows the user in.
All that said, I guess my question(s) are:
Should I do the authentication at the API Management Gateway or should I do it at the Azure Web API?
Can I use Django's built-in authentication system to do what I want or is that not needed?
Am I over-complicating all of this? Is there an easier way to do this? All this seems like a lot of work.
Is OpenID Connect what I should be using (instead of Oauth2)? I have no experience with either.
Azure API Management does not actually provide any kind of JWT issuing mechanism, so you'll have to implement that yourself. The end points for doing that may or may not be exposed via API management.
What possibly gets you confused is the fact that the APIm Portal supports various indentity providers, like Twitter or Google, to sign up for the API. But these are not your application users, these are for the API Portal Users.
What you can do with the APIm Gateway is to validate subsequent calls to your backend API that the supplied JWT token is valid (using the <validate-jwt> policy).

Which OAuth2 grant to use when dealing with a web based front-end

I have a backend running Django 1.7 and a front-end developed separately with Bootstrap. The front-end talks to the backend through a REST API that I want to protect with OAuth2.
The question is: which grant type should I use? I trust the people working on the front-end but it does not mean I trust Javascript :-) I can't decide whether I should choose the Implicit grant or the Resource owner password-based.
Any experienced advice?
Especially when working with an API that is not on the same domain or server as your front end, it's usually better to use something like the web application flow for OAuth 2. This is typically referred to as the implicit grant, and uses the grant_type of token.
This way you won't need to worry about sending credentials across the wire, like you would need to for the resource owner password credentials grant. Along the same lines, you also don't have to deal with hiding private keys for the authorization code grant.
With the implicit grant, only the OAuth token must be stored on the local machine. This should be better, as the token should be able to be revoked quickly in the event that the token become public or something else forces it to be invalidated. The user should be logged in on the API server when the authorization request is made, but most OAuth providers support a custom login page that can be used as well.
With the password credentials grant, both the username and password must be stored on the local machine which requires you to additionally secure them. They are also considerably more difficult to revoke if the need arises.

Accessing a Google Account authenticated Web Service hosted on App Engine without browser login

I have various RESTful Web Servicesin App Engine, which are secured Google Account authentication:
<web-resource-name>Authentication required</web-resource-name>
Upon hitting these Web Services via a browser client, I'm redirected to the Google Accounts login screen where I authenticate myself first before proceeding with the REST call.
However I now need to run these web service via a command line scripts as part of automated IC run. Therefore I do not want to be prompted for a browser login every time. Preferably I would like to put the Google username and password in a encrypted file on the IC server and let it call the Web Services without any human intervention. As far as I can see there are several options:
manually logging in via the browser and then saving the access token to be used in the command line script. However when the token expire I would have issues.
obtain a access token via Service Account p12 authentication. This seems to only work for accessing Google APIs such as BigQuery and Cloud Storage, not your own code.
wrap my Web Service within a Remote API which I have yet to experiment with.
Based on my current understanding, it seems there is no way for a Google Account authenticated custom written Web Service to be accessed by a non-human user. Is this correct?
Since you are interested in interacting with RESTful web-services programmatically (without human intervention), we are essentially talking about securing a REST API.
There is a plethora of resources on this matter throughout the internet but the gist of it is:
you should use SSL and sessions or OAuth to secure your endpoints.
Depending on how far you are in the current project, you could consider making use of Cloud Endpoints, there you'll have the option to use OAuth2 (and have DDoS protection), as well.
Hope this helps.
I managed to get this to work in the end by:
Switching off the web.xml security-constraint so that the API doesn't redirect to Google Login.
Modifying my API to take in a Oauth2 token in the Authorization header instead.
Validating the token based on the code sample here:
I didn't go with Cloud Endpoints, but Jersey + Dropwizard components instead. Dropwizard has built in Oauth2Provider which I simply implemented a Authenticator class and it works.