process of deployment independent websites from SaaS Application - amazon-web-services

first of all I'm not sure how I can explain myself since I'm not native English speaker but please bear with me in the following scenario: I have a lot of customers where they need a simple blog website with their own domain name, instead of me registering on host service provider and deploying that blog website manually I'm looking for a better automated solution for example it would make a lot of sense if they use my own platform so after a successful registration/payment on my platform their website is deployed independently on private server instance (with their own specific config) ... Im not really looking for an answer on exactly how to implement that but what that process is called (the deployment part) or under what category should I dig to learn more. your advice is much appreciated.

There can be multiple approaches to solve the problem.
However, simple one will be using AWS SDK to create EC2 instances with Bitnami wordpress image.
You can trigger the API with parameters which will auto-install wordpress, configure dns and other stuff and provide the ready to use website within seconds.


Terraform UI for non technical CLI users?

I currently have a server build process that uses Terraform and deploys a server all from code.
I'm looking for a web UI with forms that I could either populate specific fields and or do API get commands against a VCenter or wherever the server is being built to populate the specific fields. The fields that get populated would be stored as the file and when someone hits submit, it would run the actual Terraform command terraform apply to build the server based on the variables. My guess is the terraform binaries would have to live on there so it could run in the background.
It doesn't have to be some super fancy web page, just something that I could potentially make look cool for Director level folks.
Also, I don't want to use TF enterprise, yet. I've looked into a couple of open source projects (atlantis and terrahub) but none seem to be what I'm looking for.
I'm far from a web developer so any help would be awesome.
You can try with SLD
I think it has everything that you need
It is very intuitive, it has a web interface and a rest api to easily integrate it with the rest of the applications.

Stacking reviews - Project to create a health virtual assistant using Dialogflow

I am working on a project to create an online medical booking system using Dialogflow as the frontend to provide users with a more personable experience.
So far I have come up with an ideal stack PIC. I plan to have it hosted on AWS (or GCP). However, I am new to Dialogflow but I know it is a very powerful platform. My two criteria are: (A) A stack that makes it easy to personalize frontend UI display and (B) Scalability, I am starting with a web app but would like to also develop an iOS app.
I have two questions: (1) Would you change anything in the stack? and (2) Is there a way to change the name of the bot each time user visits (to make it more "real")?
Super appreciative of you guys expert opinion :)
IMHO, I've found GCP to be easier to use than AWS, since Google handles SSL encryption with .app domains, while AWS requires a more manual solution. Google Cloud also offers a terminal window inside a Chrome tab, which can be a fun experience. So, for hosting, I recommend Google Cloud, unless AWS has a unique feature that applies to your personal circumstances.
Personally, I prefer Angular to React, but Angular, React, and VueJS are all fine choices for a front-end framework on a web app. Your choice of these probably depends on which framework you already know, or (if you plan to outsource development) which language you can use to hire better engineering talent.
For my own projects, I use Express and Node on the server side, instead of GraphQL and Prisma. Your call there.
Good luck!

What are the steps to deploy django project that warks localy to production

I am sorry for asking such a wide question. But i have built website with django that works locally and now i need to deploy it in production. I wanted to try to do it with first with free hosting like Heroku but it caused me with problems with my postgresql, so i decided to to post it in production and spent month for final testing in "real world". Can someone give me just steps that will lead me to that goal. this is my first website and i am really confused with the variety of options that i can use to do it. I found some articles but they were outdated mostly and most of them proposed different solutions that confused me very badly. Would really appreciate just a simple list of steps for deployment, like which hosting to use for starting, how will it work with local domain if i get it country in Central Asia. Will that cause my website work slower or not? Will be grateful for anyone's response and suggestion, cause this deployment process confused me so badly, that i can't solve it without help from experienced programmer
Deploying django app in production on your local system is similar to deploying it on VPS
You can use this link by Django project or this link by digital ocean to deploy your dango app on your local system. I would suggest you to use digital ocean link.
You can use this link by heroku devcenter or use this link by Marina Mele to deploy it on heroku
If you are primarily looking to test the app, then pythonanywhere is a good option for you. With its free account it provides you 500mb of disk usage, a domain name like "".
If your app has more requirements, then you can check out their paid plans.
How will it work with local domain if i get it country in Central Asia. Will that cause my website work slower or not?
The response of your website does not depend on the domain name you buy, it is just to route website users to your website using easy to use/remember address. The response of your website depends more on the performance of VPS or whatever that servers your webapp.
This is my first website and i am really confused with the variety of options that i can use to do it.
You have many cost efficient options like using free tier of Amazon Web Services. But as you have mentioned that this is your first website, you may find it difficult to use it, since aws is largest provider of Platform as a Service, and has lots of things in store to offer.
At this stage you may find using Digital Ocean very easy. In my experience, I have found that digital ocean is more user friendly than AWS.

steps to take website from local server to hosted server (going live)

I am very new to web development, and have a question in regards to taking your website "live."
I coded my site in python, using the Django framework. I have all my code stored in a local server, and want to move ahead with taking my web into production.
I've been looking online on any resources that provide a clear step-by-step instruction of going public with your site. However, they are either all unclear, extremely complicated, or based off "wordpress." I'm not using wordpress.
I understand the basic rules:
get a domain
get a web host
get a ftp
my confusion is somewhere between 3. and 4. What happens after you get a FTP? Am I using GitHub at any point in this process? Are there special rules I have to follow (what do you do with your secret key in the
If you know of a great resource for beginner web developers who are trying to take their website live (and who are NOT using wordpress), I would truly appreciate your guidance.
thanks much!
There is no need of ftp or anything else
i used
i just brought a domain name then hosting space
no other thing i purchased
then i uploaded my files to website in sequence
just thats it

Setting up LAMP Web Server on AWS EC2 t1 Micro

I'm sorry for being dumb, but I am really stuck for few days. This is my first time using AWS. I have successfully installed LAMP web server under t1.micro on my customer's AWS account following this tutorial . But I don't know what to do next after the installation. My goal is:
Setup a Domain
Run a Prestashop.
I hope you can guide me to the right path, I am totally lost. Thanks.
You need to register a domain with someone, this is outside of Amazon. Just google domain name registrars:
Then you'll need to point your domain to your Amazon EC2 instance. I would suggest using Route 53 to do this, another Amazon AWS service that makes it easier to setup and control your domains:
Once you have that setup, visiting your name domain should show the default apache It works! page, if you've correctly setup your LAMP server. It'll look something like these:
You'll want to add a new vhost for your new PrestaShop site, this will allow you to setup a specific set of files to serve for your new URL, and means you can add other sites to the server later on. Just a quick google shows multiple tutorials on doing this, here's one of them:
Then follow the tutorial in the PrestaShop documentation about installing PrestaShop via the command line:
Now I'm guessing that all those steps in one go is a little overwhelming, so I would suggest you break this task down into chunks and work on them one at a time, and post a few different questions on StackOverflow and probably ServerFault:, as that is better suited to setting up servers.
To summarise you need to:
register a domain name and point it to your EC2 server, you should see the default apache page
create a new vhost to server web pages for your new domain
follow the guide on PrestaShop about installing the software
Treat each of those a separate task. This question covers lots of topics in one very general idea, the full answer to your problem wouldn't really fit in a single post.
ServerFault will probably have a lot of your answers already, regarding setting up domains and vhosts at least.