How can I know whether user clicked on notification or not? - amazon-web-services

my tried wayI am trying to know when i am sending push notification to users they will open the notification or not. i am able to get the number of sent notification or number of successful and failed notification but i am unable to get the user response record.I am using aws sns push notification with fcm

it's easy!
Just put a little code in notification code, when user clicked the notification it gets the value from the database which is 0 when you start sending the notification, and add +1 in it and again store that value in the database.
This is the simple way you can check how many people open your notification.
Sameer Rehman


DynamoDB sends multiple update event and my lambda is called multiple times

I've got a DynamoDB in AWS and it has a trigger on it with an AWS Lambda connected.
I need to send an email when a status reaches a particular value and it's done checking the EventName=="MODIFY" and the newImage["Status"] value.
What currently happens is that the event is fired 3 times and so 3 emails are sent...
I thought to set a value on DynamoDB telling that I've already sent an email, but doing so another trigger is fired and I don't know if the time between events is enough to perform this update... anyone has got this issue before? how did you handle it?

Amazon SNS text message not being received by some phones

If I send a message to my own phone, it gets received properly. If I send it to my wife or son's phone, the message does not get received. Despite this, the SNS dashboard says that the messages were properly sent. I hope I'm missing something, but at this point, I don't feel like I can use SNS for customer facing apps if all the feedback I get says it worked fine, but I can't guarantee that the users actually receive a text. This is the first time I've used SNS in this way. Is this expected behavior or am I maybe missing something?

Cloud PubSub 'VIEW MESSAGES' - can not select push subscription

We ran into this issues a few times and hope to find a workaround.
screenshot of Cloud PubSub web console
As in the picture, the PubSub topic has a push subscription on it. When 'VIEW MESSAGES' was clicked, the side panel seemed to allow the user to choose a subscription. But when the user clicked on it, it was not showing the subscription. As a result, the user was not able to 'view messages'.
Is the type of subscription related to this issue or is this functionality not available? If it is related, is there a way to see messages for a topic with only a push subscription?
A push subscription don't stack the message. Each time there is a message, the push subscription sent it to the HTTP endpoint. Because of this, the subscription is always "empty".(This is not exactly true, the not acked message are in memory and are retried until the reception of HTTP code 2XX of the TTL expiration (7 days by default). But there is nothing really stored, at rest)
At the opposite, the pull subscription stack the message until the polling by a client. By the way, you can see the messages stacked.
When I debug a push subscription, especially for seeing what is the structure, the type of message and to validate this, I create a pull subscription in addition and I look into it the messages published in the topic.

Does Amazon SNS provide user mail open event?

I did some RnD , but was unable to fetch proper info.
All the events i got was complaints,bounces and delivery event notifications
I guess you wanted to ask about SES
No it does not provide open events notification out of the box. You will have to write your own logic
Refer this blogpost for tracking email open events

Google Admin SDK user push notifications and renaming of users

I want to ask about the situation that is related to the renaming of a user by an administrator. It can take up to 10 minutes (from the disclaimer) to get user's name changed, but the notification about update event is sent immediately. There is no way to understand whether user's data is changed or not at the moment when notification is received. The only way to process it correctly is to delay processing by 10 minutes which is not good for me.
Is there something that I've missed to handle this? Otherwise it is quite useless API.