Does Amazon SNS provide user mail open event? - amazon-web-services

I did some RnD , but was unable to fetch proper info.
All the events i got was complaints,bounces and delivery event notifications

I guess you wanted to ask about SES
No it does not provide open events notification out of the box. You will have to write your own logic
Refer this blogpost for tracking email open events


Get success status AWS SES

I use AWS SES to send an email with event publishing to track the delivery status.
I'm looking for an event to make sure that an email is successfully sent to the end-user.
Following AWS documentation, this type is suitable:
Deliveries – Amazon SES successfully delivered the email to the
recipient's mail server.
However, this event I get also in case Hard bounces.
For example, email status flow is:
Sends -> Deliveries - in case of successfull delivery
Sends -> Deliveries -> Hard bounces - in case I provide invalid recipient name, e.g. or
I don't expect Hard bounces after Deliveries.
If this behavior is correct then I need some additional event for sure success.
Something like this is expected in case of successfull delivery:
Sends -> Deliveries -> Success
I know that there are other "success" events like Opens, Clicks, Subscriptions, but they require additional action from the end-user.
Implementation details
I use Verified identity as an email sender.
A configuration set is used to redirect status events to SNS.
Finally, SQS is subscribed to this SNS to have all events in one place.
I tried several ways to send an email:
Java code using AWS SES SDK
Sending simulator with predefined and custom recipient's
The result is the same (as described above)
I think it is impossible to have a Success status because AWS cannot guarantee when the recipient mail server will reply with a Hard Bounce. You yourself have to define how long to you want to wait until you consider a delivery as successful. For example, if no hard bounce after 5 minutes, then it is a success.
If your use case is for analytics, I will simply capture more event types (for example log both Deliveries and Hard Bounces), and then count my success as Count of Deliveries - Count of Hard Bounces.
If your use case is for event-driven workloads, we need to define first what is considered a Success. For example, if we define Success as no Hard Bounce after 5 minutes, we can configure a Lambda function to trigger 5 minutes after a Delivery event. In the function, check if a subsequent Bounce event occurred. If not, the delivery is considered successful and then you can proceed to do what you want to do.
This is what I got from aws support about delivery status of an email.
Amazon SES will continue making several delivery attempts until
receiving a successful response from the recipient mail server, or
until 840 minutes elapse. If Amazon SES is still unable to deliver
the email/message during this period, it stops sending the email and
will then return a bounce message/notification.
According to this you can't be sure about the bounce or any other status within 5 minutes.
AWS does not have visibility to confirm if the Recipient Mail Server was able to deliver the message to the recipient email address when you get a 250 OK(it's confirmation that aws has delivered the message to recipient's mail server).
So there is no way you can be sure.

Is it possible to kick off two different cloud build which are based on subscription to same topic?

currently i have a cloud-build application which is being kicked off by a pub-sub trigger , subscribing to eg. topic1
I would like to know if i can kick off another cloud-build application from subscribing to the same topic. Is there a way to configure the message (or the trigger) so that if message1 is published to topic1, then cloudbuild1 is kicked off, and if message2 is published to topic1, then cloudbuild2 is kicked off?
Kind regards
When you create a subscription on a topic, all the published messages in the topic are replicated in each subscription.
Therefore, if you have TOPIC and Sub1 and Sub2, if you publish 1 message in TOPIC, you will have this message in Sub1 and Sub2.
However, you can set up a filter on messages when you create a subscription. You can set this filter only at the creation and you can't update it later. You need to delete and recreate the subscription if you want to update the filter.
In addition, you can filter only on message attributes, not on the message body content.
Therefore, with filter, think wisely your filter from the beginning and when you publish a message in TOPIC, add attributes that allow your to route the messages to the correct subscription.

How can I know whether user clicked on notification or not?

my tried wayI am trying to know when i am sending push notification to users they will open the notification or not. i am able to get the number of sent notification or number of successful and failed notification but i am unable to get the user response record.I am using aws sns push notification with fcm
it's easy!
Just put a little code in notification code, when user clicked the notification it gets the value from the database which is 0 when you start sending the notification, and add +1 in it and again store that value in the database.
This is the simple way you can check how many people open your notification.
Sameer Rehman

Cloud PubSub 'VIEW MESSAGES' - can not select push subscription

We ran into this issues a few times and hope to find a workaround.
screenshot of Cloud PubSub web console
As in the picture, the PubSub topic has a push subscription on it. When 'VIEW MESSAGES' was clicked, the side panel seemed to allow the user to choose a subscription. But when the user clicked on it, it was not showing the subscription. As a result, the user was not able to 'view messages'.
Is the type of subscription related to this issue or is this functionality not available? If it is related, is there a way to see messages for a topic with only a push subscription?
A push subscription don't stack the message. Each time there is a message, the push subscription sent it to the HTTP endpoint. Because of this, the subscription is always "empty".(This is not exactly true, the not acked message are in memory and are retried until the reception of HTTP code 2XX of the TTL expiration (7 days by default). But there is nothing really stored, at rest)
At the opposite, the pull subscription stack the message until the polling by a client. By the way, you can see the messages stacked.
When I debug a push subscription, especially for seeing what is the structure, the type of message and to validate this, I create a pull subscription in addition and I look into it the messages published in the topic.

Best way to retrieve active calls without making request each second?

We need to create a monitor that will show any income calls in our extranet in live time.
We were able to show active calls by using /account/~/extension/~/active-calls, however, to achieve what we need we would need to make a request each second which I guess will be blocked by rate limits.
Is there a better solution for it?
Subscription (Push Notification) API resource empowers developers to enable the client application(s) to create a single subscription (to one or more extension's) and continually receive push notifications in real time for each subscribed extension.When using this approach for your application(s) to receive events on your RingCentral account, no polling is involved.
You can create a subscription using either of the below-mentioned transportType for receiving push notifications:
Notifications which the client wants to receive can be specified by the event filters which are set in the subscription request. The event filter is exposed as a URL, pointing to the required RingCentral API resource. Currently the following event types are available for notifications: extensions, messages and presence. They are described in detail below:
Notifications Event Types
You can take a look at the Subscription API below:
Subscription API
If you are interested in Subscribing to Push notifications via WebHook then we have an Easy-to-follow Quickstart guide here:
RingCentral Webhooks Quickstart Guide