Want to bring over many columns from another table to a table that has a column of matching values - powerbi

I have two (2) tables in Power Bi and I wish to bring over several columns from a table that has a column of matching values (there are many columns that I don't need). What is the best way to do so? I tried DAX query but it only allowed for one column to bring over using the LOOKUP function. I tried to merge the queries but didn't quite understand how to get it to work as the table expanded did not match up to the values. Some help please for performing this operation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Don't do it with DAX, use Power Query to merge on the key column. This can all be achieved using the menu and options, no code required. This is the same as in Excel, so here's a walkthrough from Microsoft that goes through all the steps you might need.Once you start using Power Query you won't look back. Good Luck!


Join 2 table in power bi

I need help on this issue as i don't have any experience in Power Bi. I want to join 2 table in Power Bi where it have the same column which is Part_Number. How can i make this 2 table to match by Part Number and return the value?
Recon Table
Inventory Table
I would like to have Part Number, Part Name, QTY, Total Quantity as the result. Hope that i can the clarification i need. Thanks a lot!
For this case you simply must merge the tables. It doesn't look like you have done a lot of research on the matter though, so it's hard to understand exactly what you need help with.
To merge your two tables in Power Query, I would right click in the left hand side menu and select Merge Queries as New.
After that you simply follow the on-screen instructions and select your two tables and their respective key columns. After merging you can choose to disable load of your two original tables to save space in your data model, but this depends on your requirements.
If this was my data model, I would think on why joining these tables are necessary, instead of using these two tables as fact tables, and creating a third table to handle the part number dimension with associated part metadata.
Read the docs: Merge queries in Power Query

Converting a Tableau report with different measures for each row to Power BI

I'm working on a project where we are converting a client from Tableau to PBI. One of the Tableau reports I'm converting looks like this:
Each row is a different calculation (measure). I can achieve a similar look, with regards to the column headers, in PBI by using a matrix. However, there isn't a way, that I know of, to apply a different measure for each row. The only way I can think of to do this is to create three matrix tables and stack them on top of each other. It won't look nearly as good but I can generate the same results. Does anyone have a better solution?
Put the Measure Names pill on Rows, Measure Values on Text and your date fields on Columns. That should give you when you want.

Power BI - How to have a calculated column and place it in a merged cell?

I am new to Power BI and with the limited time given, I am stuck at how to come up with:
Below Table B-Row1 ("1/20" and "M"-Monday cell) - how to
specifically place the date measures in their specific cell and put
it in one column?
How can I merge the cells under the Total column?
How to add all the numbers from the Type1 and Type2 columns and place it in the merged cell in #2?
Any clues/direction/links on how to achieve the Target Table B below will be much appreciated.
PS. Below Table A. Current is just using Matrix Visualization in Power BI.
You can't exactly do what you are after. PowerBI allows you to rapidly put amazing visuals together however that comes at the price of lack of (easy) flexibility. You could build your own custom visual or look in App Source for a visual that does this, or build the Visual in some other tool (via custom code).
However, I'd recommend sticking with the PowerBI matrix, which will give you a cascading drill down and work out how best to align your data to it and other out of the box visuals. Once you start to delve in to convoluted work-arounds to give users data in exactly the format they request you start to burn a lot of time. Look for alternatives to tell the data's story and work with your end-user to buy in to it.
Just wanna share that I have resolved my problem not using one type of visualization, but through using 3 different visualizations in Power BI. I used:
1 Table visual for Date column
1 Table visual for Total column
1 Matrix visual for the Code+Type mapping and counts
I also used DAX function to get the Date format and another DAX function used for both Total and Code+Type counts(to filter data according to the specified date).
Thanks for the response, #Murray and #RADO.

Deduplication based on two column using PowerBI

Im really really new with PowerBi.
What i wanted to know whether PowerBI have this kind of capabilities,
For example:
As u can see in situation A, column 1 got same email (a#a) as column 3.
After dedup, it will becomes as situation B .
As i mention before, this can be done using excel but if the record very large. Excel will break.
Just wondering whether PowerBI can do this kind of deduplication.
You can achieve this by using a helper column in the Power Query Editor. Like this:
Let's make this the source table
Add a conditional column
In [Custom] select Keep
Remove the helper column [custom]

Creating a measure using DAX function Left on a table from Azure Analysis service

I am trying to get the first 4 digits from a string from a table in Power BI. The connection is a live connection / Direct which does not allow me to edit the query. Also, I am unable to create a new column. So I have to stick with creating a new Measure.
Now, I am using the following formula to get what I need.
LocationCd = mid(vw_DW_Contracts[ContractNumber],1,5)
but, this is not working a the vw_DW_Contracts table cannot be used in a measure. Is there a workaround to such problem?
I do not have access to the analysis service so cannot make any modifications in the source.
Please help.
but, this is not working a the vw_DW_Contracts table cannot be used in a measure.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I'm guessing the message you see is telling you that measures expect an aggregation. The formula you posted would be great as a calculated column where it can be evaluated row by row. Measures are aggregations over multiple rows.
If you are trying to make a new field that is the location code that can be used in visuals on a categorical axis, this should be a column rather than a measure. You could write a measure to show a location cd using something like LASTNONBLANK (mid(vw_DW_Contracts[ContractNumber],1,5), 1) but I doubt that is what you want.