Google Cloud Platform Trial - google-cloud-platform

I enabled free trial on Google Cloud Platform and added billing account. Now billing account is closed and I have few questions:
1) Will I be able to use Firebase after trial expire without paid account?
2) Is closing billig acoount means I won't be charged for anything?
All projects are unlinked from billing account.

This is how it works:
You have a billing account linked to say 5 projects
If you want to stop billing on your resources -- you unlink that project
Now you want to close the Billing account itself -- you will not be charged for any services which fall under free tier of GCP. i.e. Firebase's free tier per month
One potential issue is that you can not create anything which is charged on the standard rates
Once you exhaust your $300 free trial subscription (keep in mind that if you cancel the billing account, you will lose access to the $300), you will still be entitled to per month free tier based on the services you are using.
Without enabling billing for a project, you can not create any resources.
If you've closed the billing account, you can re-open it. A billing account can cannot be deleted.
Here is a quote from GCP's doc regarding Closure of a Billing account:
Closing an active Cloud Billing account stops all billable services in
any projects linked to the account, such as running VM instances or
storage buckets. Projects that are not linked to an active and valid
Cloud Billing account cannot use Google Cloud or Google Maps Platform
services that aren't free.
Hope it helps!

You don't need to move google account. Your account is type free or not free' as simple as that. Once your 1 year free plan is lapsed you have to upgrade it to normal (non free) billing account.


How to cancel AWS instance and stop Amazon AWS from billing

I opened a so-called "free tier" account on AWS to learn about cloud services.
Now my credit card is charged every month and is costing me a lot of money.
I looked at the billing and I saw a Amazon RDS service in a Zone in USA.
I thought to delete the RDS instance but it was not possible even after trying several times and as hard as I could (All possible options and several times)
RDS instance could not be deleted by any means.
I thought to "stop" the instance at least it would cost less money. I saw the instance was stopped but for unclear reasons it started after 7 days again.
After a lot of frustration I decided to delete my AWS account in an attempt to stop the billing and prevent a bankruptcy. Amazon AWS still is billing the running the instance even after deleting my AWS account.
Now I cannot even login to AWS and cannot do anything.
I know I could block my credit card and get a new one, but I costs time and I would rather keep my existing credit card.
I want to open a lawsuit against AWS Amazon since it clearly violates European laws.
Please help me to answer the following questions
how can I stop this billing and prevent Amazon AWS to charge my credit card?
Where Do I get contact with AWS support, for this level I only find community help but no direct contact with AWS Support.
Where can I find information about precedent cases to prepare a lawsuit?
Many thanks for your help, this is very important since it has a big financial impact for me.
It is very easy to contact AWS support. There is a direct link in the navbar at the top right. AWS is actually pretty helpful when it comes to new users being accidentally overcharged. They will simply cancel your charges if you raised a ticket on time.
What did you do to delete your account? I doubt your root account is deleted. Try logging in with root credentials (email and password) then raise a support ticket.
I can't give you legal advise but do you really intend to sue a company who you did not contact even though their support links are on every page of the their product?
The AWS Free Tier provides a billing discount for certain AWS services. It is not a 'Free Account'.
You could contact AWS Customer Service (which is different to AWS Customer Support). They handle all billing-related queries.
Go to and select Billing or Account support.
If you are unable to signing, go to:

AWS Free account renewal or closing after an year of free subscription

Just have a question around, AWS Free tier accoount, Will they be charging after one year?
Should I be closing it after an year?
The account that I am using is for my perssonal practice.
There is no such thing as an "AWS Free Account".
Rather, for the first 12 months of a new AWS Account, the AWS Free Tier provides some billing discounts that provide certain amounts of service at no charge, such as 5GB of Amazon S3 storage and an Amazon EC2 micro instance for Windows and Linux.
If you have been using services that fall under the Free Tier, then after 12 months you would start being charged normal prices for those services. You can look in your Billing Console to view historical usage information.
There are actually some services that provide a free tier every month, even after 12 months. Consult the AWS Free Tier page for details.

Are the limits for Google Cloud's Always Free on a per-project or per-account basis?

Currently, Google Cloud Platform offers "1 non-preemptible f1-micro VM instance per month" amongst other things, for free, as part of its Always Free tier.
However, I can't determine if the limits assigned to the free tier, like the single f1-micro instance, are per-account (ie, for a single Google email address), or per-project.
Basically: if I make another GCP project under the same account, can I run another f1-micro for free, or will the second one cost me?
The always free tier depends on the billing account
This means that this limits are shared by the different projects you have under the same billing account.
So what you were asking of having an additional VM on another project will not be free, however you can create another account and have this additional VM on this account and that one will be free.
Per the documentation available at enter link description here ,
Your Always Free f1-micro instance limit is by time, not by instance.
Each month, eligible use of all of your f1-micro instances is free
until you have used a number of hours equal to the total hours in the
current month. Usage calculations are combined across the supported
So to answer your question, you will get charged based on the amount of time you use the instance(s)
Always Free resources are calculated per billing account. (not the email itself).
So you don't have to create a new email to have an additional VM, just add a new billing account and link it to a different project, then you can have another free VM on that project.
I will try it this month, i am setting up two VM in two different projects linked to two different billing accounts all under single email, i will let you know if it worked.

Free Tier in Google Cloud platform

I have an account setup in Google Cloud platform. How do I know if I have set up a free tier account or upgraded account? I see this account a while back and I m not really sure what type of account I set it up.
I do see that i have $300 credits available. Does that mean that I m using free tier account?
I got the answer. There is a little gift box on the top of the console that shows us if it is a free tier account and allows us to upgrade as well

How would I know I am using Always Free Tier or Paid Account?

I have finished used the google free trial and it prompt me to upgrade account for always free tier, when I clicked upgrade and it successfully upgraded. But how can i check my next project is under always free tier or paid account?
To make sure your project is using the Always Free Tier you have to link it to your Always Free billing account. You can see this on the Google Cloud Console under Billing, in the Overview page.
Also, when you create a new project, you are prompt for a billing account. At that step, select this Always Free account.