Free Tier in Google Cloud platform - google-cloud-platform

I have an account setup in Google Cloud platform. How do I know if I have set up a free tier account or upgraded account? I see this account a while back and I m not really sure what type of account I set it up.
I do see that i have $300 credits available. Does that mean that I m using free tier account?

I got the answer. There is a little gift box on the top of the console that shows us if it is a free tier account and allows us to upgrade as well


Do I have to pay after upgrading Google Cloud Platform upgrade

I have registered Google Cloud Platform last year and today I just upgraded my GCP account.
I wonder if I will be charged after the upgrade?
Kind regards,
Once your free tier ends you need to upgrade , and any usage above Free Tier usage limits is automatically billed at standard rates.
Their docs clearly mention You should be aware that if you do not upgrade to a paid account after the free trial ends, your Google Compute Engine resources might be removed. Removed resources are not recoverable.
You can calculate an estimate here

Google Cloud Platform Trial

I enabled free trial on Google Cloud Platform and added billing account. Now billing account is closed and I have few questions:
1) Will I be able to use Firebase after trial expire without paid account?
2) Is closing billig acoount means I won't be charged for anything?
All projects are unlinked from billing account.
This is how it works:
You have a billing account linked to say 5 projects
If you want to stop billing on your resources -- you unlink that project
Now you want to close the Billing account itself -- you will not be charged for any services which fall under free tier of GCP. i.e. Firebase's free tier per month
One potential issue is that you can not create anything which is charged on the standard rates
Once you exhaust your $300 free trial subscription (keep in mind that if you cancel the billing account, you will lose access to the $300), you will still be entitled to per month free tier based on the services you are using.
Without enabling billing for a project, you can not create any resources.
If you've closed the billing account, you can re-open it. A billing account can cannot be deleted.
Here is a quote from GCP's doc regarding Closure of a Billing account:
Closing an active Cloud Billing account stops all billable services in
any projects linked to the account, such as running VM instances or
storage buckets. Projects that are not linked to an active and valid
Cloud Billing account cannot use Google Cloud or Google Maps Platform
services that aren't free.
Hope it helps!
You don't need to move google account. Your account is type free or not free' as simple as that. Once your 1 year free plan is lapsed you have to upgrade it to normal (non free) billing account.

I upgraded my Google Cloud Free Tier to paid account, how to downgrade?

By mistake, I upgraded my Google Cloud Free Tier to paid account, how to downgrade back to free tier?
Please, contact Google Cloud Platform Billing Support, and they'll assist you best in this issue.
Extremely confusing. It's so easy to clock the wrong button on the slow web UI and then the billing is main issue to worry about - completely unnecessary and distracting
I don't think you can, but look at this reply to similar question - you can still use your free tier credits until they run out.
On your projects, you can disable the billing account. By the way, you could only use the free tier on this project and your paid account will never used. But there is some limitation on this (compute usage, AppEngine deployment,...)
At cost perspective, there is no difference between a paid account and a free tier while you still have credit on your account, you will never charge.
Contrary to the other answers, you cannot downgrade. Google now requires a credit card or other billing instrument for payments. You will not get charged for service usage that falls under the free or always free tiers but you will be charged for services that do not fall under those tiers. If you remove or cancel your credit card, your services will be suspended.

Will it cost money if I just follow the tutorial at GCP?

I'm fresh to GCP and i'm using my company's billing. But i'm not sure if I do those tutorial, it will cost money or not.
enter image description here
So this is one of the tutorial about App Engine Quickstart. It will need to deploy an python app balabalabala.
My question is, all those quickstart tutorial, will they cost money?
Thanks for all your help!~
enter image description here
As other answers stated you can use a personal account linked to your credit card to get $300 starting credits or use free resources. Another option would be to use Qwiklabs. Qwiklabs give you temporary credentials to Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, so you can learn the cloud using the real thing. To use these labs you have to purchase credits or use a promo code. A list of promo codes can be found here.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a free tier for 12-months with $300 credits to spend, also in this documentation you can check the limits. Furthermore, you can spend this credits in any GCP product.
GCP Free Tier
The Google Cloud Platform Free Tier gives you free resources to learn about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services by trying them on your own. Whether you're completely new to the platform and need to learn the basics, or you're an established customer and want to experiment with new solutions, the GCP Free Tier has you covered.
The GCP Free Tier has two parts:
List item
A 12-month free trial with $300 credit to use with any GCP services.
Always Free, which provides limited access to many common GCP resources, free of charge.

How would I know I am using Always Free Tier or Paid Account?

I have finished used the google free trial and it prompt me to upgrade account for always free tier, when I clicked upgrade and it successfully upgraded. But how can i check my next project is under always free tier or paid account?
To make sure your project is using the Always Free Tier you have to link it to your Always Free billing account. You can see this on the Google Cloud Console under Billing, in the Overview page.
Also, when you create a new project, you are prompt for a billing account. At that step, select this Always Free account.