Ember build and sourcemaps - ember.js

My Ember app is actually a child engine. Recently, I observed that the source maps are not working properly in Chrome. So, I have to open the generated engine.js to debug…Instead I want to be able to open the individual source modules/files written in ES6 using Ctrl + P in Chrome Sources and add breakpoints to debug.
I tried both the ways in ember-cli-build.js;
babel: { sourceMaps: ‘inline’ }
sourcemaps: { enabled: true, extensions: [‘js’] }
My question is am I doing something wrong with the above? Does the parent/host app have any impact on the generated source map OR is the child engine configuration for sourcemap totally independent of the parent config ?


ember-electron application start (code hierarchy)

I'm trying to move a very old 2.x ember-electron application to new electron with ember-electron and got application window with blank screen and error in console:
(node:9061) electron: Failed to load URL: serve://dist/ with error: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
The calling file ../new-ember-electron/electron-app/src/index.js has lines from old applications:
const emberAppLocation = 'serve://dist';
File ../new-ember-electron/app/router.js has:
this.route('index', { path: '/' }, function() {}
Files ../new-ember-electron/app/routes/index.js, ../new-ember-electron/app/controllers/index.js and ../new-ember-electron/app/templates/index.hbs also exist.
So, it's unclear what exactly is not found and how to find a more detailed error (application developer console doesn't have errors). But if to change the mentioned 2 lines in ../new-ember-electron/electron-app/src/index.js to:
const emberAppLocation = '../app/index.html';
then application shows content of the correct file, despite nothing working in it, even <LinkTo>...</LinkTo> is not treated as a link.
Would you please help me to understand how an ember-electron application should be structured and which way is called for the recent versions?
Used versions: node - 16.14.0, electron: 17.0.1, ember-cli: 3.28.5, ember-electron: 3.1.0, OS: darwin x64.
Thank you.
Thank you, jacobq, I've looked at your example and used emberAppUrl to start from ember-dist/index.html file. After few more changes related to require/requireNode (fixed with webPreferences options in mainWindow) the app rendered index.html file. But a problem with app location happens again right on {{ content-for "body" }} in index.html: "Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'app-name/app'" where app-name is the application name set up as 'name' in /package.json and as 'modulePrefix' in config/environment.js. The error itself comes from /node-modules/ember-cli/lib/utilities/ember-app-utils.js, 'contentFor' function called with 'app-boot'. The ember-cli itself constructs the /app-name/app path. So, the question now is what exactly ember-cli expects to find during the boot with the new structure? Or maybe some config variable should be added to let know Ember about the /app-name/app location?
jacobq, yes, the only difference in index.html is application name: "testapp". RootURL is set in ../testapp/config/environment.js:
podModulePrefix: 'testapp/pods',
modulePrefix: 'testapp',
rootURL: process.env.EMBER_CLI_ELECTRON ? '' : '/',
locationType: process.env.EMBER_CLI_ELECTRON ? 'hash' : 'auto',
The full error:
It happens when testapp.js file is called from index.html, on code included from ember-cli:
if (!runningTests) {
First thing I'd like to plug is joining the #topic-desktop channel on the Ember.js community Discord server: https://discord.com/channels/480462759797063690/488735754139336714
(it's often easier to work things out by chatting there as there's lower latency than typically found with forum post/reply platforms)
Secondly, there are lots of breaking (but good) changes between ember-electron 2.x and 3.x, so I'd encourage you to work through the upgrade guide here: https://ember-electron.js.org/docs/guides/upgrading
That said, I suspect that the problem you're seeing is related to the change from serve:// to file://. Have a look at the demo app I just spun up here:
You can see the new emberAppURL here:
Basically, ember-electron v3.x puts the usual dist output from ember build into <project_root>/electron-app/ember-dist/ now.
FWIW, I'm actually stuck on 3.0.0-beta.2 in my application because I am using IndexedDB and don't have migration code to deal with origin-related issues of switching to file:// scheme. I don't recommend that you use that version, but you could try it if you wanted to see if that changes the error you're encountering (because that beta still uses electron-protocol-serve).

Updating Ember.js environment variables do not take effect using in-repo addon config() method on ember serve

My goal here is to create an auto-increment build number that updates both on ember build and ember serve. In the end, if I can only use this on build, that's totally ok.
I originally asked this question:
In-repo addon writing public files on build causes endless build loop on serve
In that I was attempting to solve this problem by writing out JSON files. The problem was mostly solved, but not using ember serve.
Instead of doing that, I'm now trying to update the local environment. But this is having a similar problem with ember serve. I've got the build number incrementing fine. I can use the config() method to set custom/dynamic variables in the environment. The problem I'm having is that the even though I can log the change in terminal when config() is called, and I can see it run on serve when files change, I don't see the changes in browser when I output Ember's ENV using ember serve. Here's my addon's methods so far.
Note: the appNumberSetup() function is just reading a local json file in the project root and updating the build number. That's working fine. Anything about pubSettingsFile can be ignored, I won't be using that moving forward.
init(parent, project) {
this._super.init && this._super.init.apply(this, arguments);
// we need to setup env in init() so config() and prebuild()
// will see update immediately
this.settingsFile = path.resolve(this.appDir, this.settingsFileName);
this.addonPubDataPath = path.resolve(this.appDir, 'lib', this.name, 'inc', 'public', 'build-data-output');
this.pubSettingsFile = path.resolve(this.addonPubDataPath, this.pubSettingsFileName);
// this only checks for .env variables and sets defaults
// must set this so prebuild skips processing a build number on build
// else we get build number incremented twice on first run
// then appNumberSetup() disables so subsequent serve preBuild() will run.
this.skipPreBuild = true;
// this sends our created settings data to ENV.localBuildSettings in app
config(environment, appConfig){
// this 'buildme' is just an experiment
let x = `buildme${this.buildNumber}`;
let r = {
localBuildSettings: this.settings
r[`buildme${this.buildNumber}`] = this.buildNumber;
this.dlog("Config ran...");
this.dlog(JSON.stringify(r, null, 4));
return r;
preBuild: function(result){
// init() disables preBuild() here, but subsequent builds with serve still
// run appNumberSetup() to update this.settings for env and JSON
if(this.skipPreBuild === true){
this.skipPreBuild = false;
else {
// only run here after init runs
// don't do this... write file makes endless loop on serve
// this.saveSettingsFile(this.pubSettingsFile, this.settings);
this.settings is a local variable in addon and it updated on build/serve, the JSON looks like this:
"appVersion": 911,
"appBuildNumber": 7117
Is there a way to update Ember's ENV with dynamic data? (like a new build number)
The addon config() appears to run on each change in ember serve, and it shows the build number in terminal output. But it looks like that runs after postBuild(). Maybe that's why I don't see the changes. Is there a way to update that environment during preBuild()?
I'm not sure of the specifics but ember-cli-new-version does this. During the build stage they create a VERSION.txt file, might even do what you need already without needing to write it yourself.

Swashbuckle (non-Core) configuration modification at runtime

Using the non-Core version of Swashbuckle (https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle), is there a way to modify the configuration after the application has launched? I cannot find a way to do this out of the box.
As an example, let's say I want to modify this at some point while the application is running:
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
Is this possible without modifying Swashbuckle itself?
Look into IDocumentFilters they get executed at runtime.
I have a few examples here:
And that EnableSwaggerUi( c => SupportedSubmitMethods ) is something that happens on the browser client side, you can change that behavior with a custom JS file, look in the config for InjectJavaScript.
You can also overwrite the default assets used in the swagger-ui (such as the index.html) with your own version, look in the config for CustomAsset

react-router-redux - app doesnt re-render after dispatching a push-action

I'm trying to integrate the newest Version of react-router & react-router-redux into sample application from a react-book. But i can't get the example working with routing over react-router-redux push/replace function.
I'm not certain if its a bug or i'm using the functions wrong.
export function dismissVote(history) {
// this changes the history locations an application re-renders
//return () => history.push('/votes');
// this changes the history locations but application doesnt re-render
return dispatch => dispatch(push('/votes'))
Version used (package.json)
"react-router-dom": "4.1.1"
"react-router-redux": "5.0.0-alpha.6"
App Repository (clone from github)
How to reproduce my issue
clone the repo.
cd ./myapp
npm run start:hot && npm start
Launch Application in Browser # localhost:3000/votes/vote_1
Click Button "Vote later"
Expected Behavior
Browser Location is changed to localhost:3000/votes/
The List of all votes (localhost:3000/votes) is visible (VotePage)
Actual Behavior
Browser Location is changed to localhost:3000/votes/
Page of Current Vote (vote_1) is still shown
If i pass the history object to the function to route, the proper page is displayed.
More Information about the code:
src/common/containers/SingleVotePage is the entry point for /votes/vote_1
and passes dismissVote() from src/actions to

CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR on Android trying to use capture.captureImage

I am trying to write a hybrid app for Android using VS 2013 update 3 and the multi-device hybrid app extension (Cordova v3.5.0). Everything is working well except the Media Capture plugin. I am calling navigator.device.capture.captureImage(MediaCaptureSuccess, MediaCaptureError, { limit: 3 }) which opens up the camera app. I can take a picture but when I click Ok on the device, my error callback is executed with CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR with no other information. I have tried switching to org.apache.cordova.media-capture#0.3.4 (currently using 0.3.1) but when I try to compile, I get a plugman error when it tries to retrieve it. I have searched the debug output for clues and the only thing that I found was the following line "Unknown permission android.permission.RECORD_VIDEO in package..." but that seems to be a valid user permission. When I look at capture.java generated by the build, I can see that this error is returned if there is an IOException occurs.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this or what to check next?
Try this plugin
navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, {
quality: 30,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
saveToPhotoAlbum: true