Swashbuckle (non-Core) configuration modification at runtime - swashbuckle

Using the non-Core version of Swashbuckle (https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle), is there a way to modify the configuration after the application has launched? I cannot find a way to do this out of the box.
As an example, let's say I want to modify this at some point while the application is running:
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
Is this possible without modifying Swashbuckle itself?

Look into IDocumentFilters they get executed at runtime.
I have a few examples here:
And that EnableSwaggerUi( c => SupportedSubmitMethods ) is something that happens on the browser client side, you can change that behavior with a custom JS file, look in the config for InjectJavaScript.
You can also overwrite the default assets used in the swagger-ui (such as the index.html) with your own version, look in the config for CustomAsset


Ember build and sourcemaps

My Ember app is actually a child engine. Recently, I observed that the source maps are not working properly in Chrome. So, I have to open the generated engine.js to debug…Instead I want to be able to open the individual source modules/files written in ES6 using Ctrl + P in Chrome Sources and add breakpoints to debug.
I tried both the ways in ember-cli-build.js;
babel: { sourceMaps: ‘inline’ }
sourcemaps: { enabled: true, extensions: [‘js’] }
My question is am I doing something wrong with the above? Does the parent/host app have any impact on the generated source map OR is the child engine configuration for sourcemap totally independent of the parent config ?

ember serve and browser reload results in "cannot GET /foo" with custom Ember.Location

TL;DR: Added custom location type to environment.js then ember serve -> open browser to route /foo -> cannot GET /foo
Followed the instructions at https://www.emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Location.html#toc_custom-implementation and copied the code exactly as it appeared into a file called app/locations/history-url-logging.js, added a line to config/environment.js that said:
ENV.locationType = 'history-url-logging';
For reference, the code given in the docs is simply:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.HistoryLocation.extend({
implementation: 'history-url-logging',
pushState: function (path) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
I decided to restart the server, did the usual CTRL+C to ember s then did ember s again. I went back to my browser sitting on one of the routes, hit F5, and received the cryptic error:
Cannot GET /contacts
So, after MUCH Googling and trial and error (and posting a previous question here which I just edited with this text you're reading), I discovered that to FIX that error, all I had to do remove the config line ENV.locationType = 'history-url-logging';, restart the server (ember s), and suddenly the app worked fine!
What's even more odd is that if I start the app without that line in environment.js, then once the app is running (and the browser window reloads just fine, etc), then I re-add the line that says ENV.locationType = 'history-url-logging'; (which triggers a live reload), and the app still works fine! (E.g. hitting F5 to reload the page doesn't vie me the "Cannot GET /contacts" (or whatever the route is) error.) And, of course, the console gives me the "console.log" output as expected from the code above.
So, long and short of it, using a custom location totally seems to screw up ember serve - which is really sad and frustrating! Any ideas how to fix this?
Ember built-in server looks at the environment.js locationType property to figure out if it must serve routes after the rootURL path. By default, if the locationType is history it will do it. It uses string matching.
In your case you wrote your own location, inheriting from HistoryLocation therefor the locationType property in the environement.js is now history-url-logging. The built-in server doesn't recognize it as a history based form of location just by the name. It will default to hash location. It doesn't analyze your code.
For this scenario, we have to help the built-in server to understand that the locationType is equivalent to a history location.
You need to add historySupportMiddleware: true in your environment.js file right after the locationType property.

How do I subclass/override Ember.Logger?

I am implementing remote logging ability in my Ember app, where I want to push everything that gets sent to the log console to a remote logging service (e.g. Loggly).
I believe that what I need to do is override Ember.Logger's methods to redirect log output to the remote logging service, but I can't figure out how to do that.
The documentation for Ember.Logger simply states:
Override this to provide more robust logging functionality.
How do I "override this"? I've tried doing Ember.Logger.reopenClass() and it complains with Ember.Logger.reopenClass is not a function.
Where would I do this? In an initializer? In a service? Other?
Ember.Logger is not an Ember class. It's just an object with some methods on it.
You can override it by something like
Ember.Logger.log = function(...
You can put this wherever you want. I might put it at the top of app.js.
Expanding upon and updating #user663031 response...
As of Nov 2017, the status of Ember.Logger is up in the air. It was not included in Ember's module API, and there isn't yet an RFC for the future.
It is possible use a debug utility directly, e.g. ember-debug-logger, and extend those prototypes separate from Ember.Logger.
However, I opted to overwrite Ember.Logger directly because it allows me to include any logging tool that I like (as opposed to debug util) without having to modify the log statements scattered throughout the code.
As I use bunyan on the backend, opted to log with browser-bunyan, which incidentally has the same info, warn, error as Ember.Logger.
YMMV, but this is the minimal example that worked for me...
// app/app.js
import LOG from './logger-bunyan';
if (config.APP.LOG_BUNYAN) {
Ember.Logger = LOG;
// app/logger-bunyan.js
import bunyan from 'npm:browser-bunyan';
const LOG = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'emberApplication',
export default LOG;
// config/environment.js
if (environment === 'development') {
// app/component/WhereIWantToLog.js
Logger.warn('bunyan logged warning message')

Elixir Detergentex Soap Call Always Returns {:ok, :undefined, :undefined}

I've implemented a simple SOAP webservice client to test the functionality but whether my client or in iex, and regardless of the target service I always get {:ok, :undefined, :undefined}
Here is my code:
wsdl_url = "http://www.webservicex.net/convertVolume.asmx?WSDL"
action = "ChangeVolumeUnit"
parameters = ["100", "dry", "centiliter"]
Detergentex.call(wsdl_url, action, parameters)
I'm using Versions:
Elixir: 1.2.0
Detergentex: 0.0.7
My mix.exs deps:
[{:erlsom, github: "willemdj/erlsom"},{:detergentex, "0.0.7"}]
Any suggestions on what I'm missing would be greatly appreciated.
1.) It's got a dependency on the detergent package.
Have you added the dependency for detergent? If not modify your mix.exs to this:
[{:erlsom, github: "willemdj/erlsom"},{:detergentex, "0.0.7"}, {:detergent, "~> 0.3.0"}]
2.) You also need to add detergentex to the list of applications as well:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :detergentex]]
3.) The fact that it's returning {:ok, :undefined, :undefined} may simply indicate an issue with the endpoint or the message you're passing. Therefore I'd try it against an endpoint you're sure is good with a message you're sure will work. Perhaps the valid parameters to the endpoint they mention in their docs have changed since the docs were prepared.
By the way, I did see that you mentioned "regardless of the target service" but given it seems that you failed to add that detergent dependency and the fact that it looks like you forgot to add detergent to the application list, I'd still try some of those other SOAP endpoints again since you've changed things.

Redirecting root context path or binding it to a servlet or mapping it with a welcome-file

I am using Jetty-9 in embedded mode and need only one web application. Consequently I would like the root URL to go to the homepage of that application, i.e. something like
should end up in a servlet. I start out with:
ServletContextHandler scContext =
new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS);
None of the following worked, neither
scContext.addServlet(ListsServlet.class, "/");
scContext.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{"/lists})
where /lists is mapped to the ListsServlet servlet. All I get is a 403 (Forbidden).
I do not use the DefaultServlet, which seems to handle welcome files. But since the ServletContextHandler has setWelcomeFiles I expected it to contain the logic to use them.
Any ideas?
For the 403 Forbidden error, you have some security setup that is not allowing you to access the handlers/servlets.
Eliminate that security (for now), verify that the rest is working, then add security a bit later to lock down specifics.
If you want to see some the suggestions below at work, consider looking at the code example in the answer from another stackoverflow: How to correctly support html5 <video> sources with jetty.
Welcome files are appended to the incoming request path if there is nothing present at that location. For example requesting a directory and then a welcome-file of 'index.html' is appended to the request path.
While this would work ...
scContext.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{"lists"})
// Add Default Servlet (must be named "default")
ServletHolder holderDefault = new ServletHolder("default",DefaultServlet.class);
It's likely not what you are aiming for, as you said the root path only.
The above would also make changes to requests like /foo/ to /foo/lists
Instead, it might make more sense to use a Rewrite rule + handler instead of the welcome-files approach.
RewriteHandler rewrite = new RewriteHandler();
RewritePatternRule rootRule = new RewritePatternRule();
This RewritePatternRule simply changes any request path / to /list and then forwards that request to the wrapped ssContext (if you want to see the /list on the browser, change it to a RedirectPatternRule instead.