New Buttons in Interactive Grid toolbar - oracle-apex

I need to add a new button to existing IG toolbar, which will set a specific value in the table column and then save the record.
Is there any way to create new buttons/change the behavior of existing Interactive Grid toolbar buttons?

I see you are using APEX 5.1. Yes, you can customise toolbar buttons in an interactive grid. For example, you can modify the look and feel of the Save and Add Row buttons and also add a Delete button. Select your interactive grid region and in the property editor, enter a value for Advanced > Static ID. Select Attributes > Advanced > JavaScript Initialization Code and input the following:
function(config) {
let $ = apex.jQuery,
toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(),
toolbarGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind("actions3");
addrowAction = toolbarData.toolbarFind("selection-add-row"),
saveAction = toolbarData.toolbarFind("save"); // Save button
// adding a "Delete" button
toolbarGroup.controls.push({type: "BUTTON",
action: "selection-delete",
icon: "icon-ig-delete",
iconBeforeLabel: true,
hot: true
// Modifying the buttons
addrowAction.icon = "icon-ig-add-row";
addrowAction.iconBeforeLabel = true; = true;
saveAction.iconBeforeLabel = true;
saveAction.icon ="icon-ig-save-as"; = true;
//storing the config
config.toolbarData = toolbarData;
return config;
Now run the page to see the customisation.
Here's a nice video that shows how to customise IG toolbar.


How to use 'Multiple JavaScript function' on Interactive Grid's attributes in Oracle APEX

blank page showing when I am using multiple JavaScript function on interactive grid's attributes
I have a JS function on interactive grid's attributes, all thing working ok.
//first fuction
function(config) {
// if there were an option to turn off frozen columns we would do that
// row header was removed to avoid frozen column but still want multiple select
config.defaultGridViewOptions = {
multiple: true,
selectAll: true
config.initActions = function(actions) {
actions.lookup("change-rows-per-page").choices.shift(); // get rid of auto rows per page because that relies on fixed height.
return config;
//here when i add second function like added below my page goes blank
function(config) {
var toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(), // Make a copy of the default toolbar
editSaveGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind( "actions2" );
// If the employees detail dialog is going to have a Dialog Save button then the
// save action cannot be hidden (Toolbar Buttons Save unchecked). But rather
// need to remove the button from the toolbar.
// If not going to save then all this code can be removed and the
// attribute Toolbar Buttons Save unchecked.
editSaveGroup.controls.pop(); // remove Save button.
config.toolbarData = toolbarData;
return config;
I want to add second js function on ig's attributes but when i add second js function the page shows blank page.
JavaScript Initialization code for Interactive Grids works as a callback function which gets executed once the grid is loaded. Its a single JS function.
You have to merge your two functions into a single function as below:
function(config) {
// Make a copy of the default toolbar
var toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(),
editSaveGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind("actions2");
// If the employees detail dialog is going to have a Dialog Save button then the
// save action cannot be hidden (Toolbar Buttons Save unchecked). But rather
// need to remove the button from the toolbar.
// If not going to save then all this code can be removed and the
// attribute Toolbar Buttons Save unchecked.
editSaveGroup.controls.pop(); // remove Save button.
config.toolbarData = toolbarData;
// if there were an option to turn off frozen columns we would do that
// row header was removed to avoid frozen column but still want multiple select
config.defaultGridViewOptions = {
multiple: true,
selectAll: true
config.initActions = function (actions) {
return config;

Smart Face ActionBar Menu Icon Too Small

SmartFace MenuItem Icon is not coming up properly, How do i get the actual size or customize the icon?
var productAdd = new SMF.UI.Android.MenuItem({
//title:"Hide Me!",
icon: "ic_action_new.png",
alert("Selected item id: " +;
Pages.MainPage.visible = false; // hides the menu item when clicked.
for supporting every device first of all , all the resource folders should be filled.
You can read more about from
Also the icon Sizes are defined in the link belows; how to create a Select Surface or something equivalent

I need a select box with options and an on select / on change so i can populate a second select box.
My first instinct was to just create one using a surface with a click event and a renderController / scrollview to make my drop down appear. This works wonderfully except that if I leave and come back to the page the zindex of the scrollview breaks and it scrolls over the container size.
Its a bug I need to deal with but my other problem is that with the small Iphone screen size conventional drop downs just eat to much screen real-estate.
This stackoverflow how to handle textbox.onchange events had some great hints on how to edit an InputSurface. I thought using that and looking at the code for a Surface I could do it but no luck.
Any Ideas on how to deal with the lack of a select surface?
You can access the value property from inside the callback function:
function SelectSurface(options) {
Surface.apply(this, arguments);
this.onchange = options.onchange;
this._superDeploy = Surface.prototype.deploy;
SelectSurface.prototype.elementType = 'select';
SelectSurface.prototype = Object.create(Surface.prototype);
SelectSurface.prototype.constructor = SelectSurface;
SelectSurface.prototype.deploy = function deploy(target) {
target.onchange = this.onchange;
var regionSelector = new SelectSurface({
onchange: regionSelect(),
content: '<option disabled selected style="display:none;">REGION</option><option value="central">CENTRAL</option><option value="northern">NORTHERN</option><option value="pacific">PACIFIC</option><option value="southern">SOUTHERN</option><option value="western">WESTERN</option>',
var regionSelect = function(){
return function() {

How to flag new items as unpublished items?

In sitecore, if I add a new item to the master database(Unpublished), it does not show any indication regarding the published state.
For an example, if a user has added 10 items, he might get confused to figureout the items added by him which are pending for publishing.
Is there a way to identify newly added items as unpublished or in new and display a validation in the "Quick action bar"?
Never thought about this, but it's actually pretty easy to fix.
I created a GutterRenderer that indicates wether an item has been published to at least one, to all, or to none of the publishing targets.
EDIT: Added Click behaviour. When you click the gutter icon, the Publish dialog will be shown for that item.
First I will show you the code that I wrote for this and then I'll show you screenshots of the setup and the result.
Here is the code:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Sitecore;
using Sitecore.Data;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using Sitecore.Globalization;
using Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor.Gutters;
namespace ParTech.Library.Gutters
public class PublicationStatus : GutterRenderer
private readonly ID publishingTargetsFolderId = new ID("{D9E44555-02A6-407A-B4FC-96B9026CAADD}");
private readonly ID targetDatabaseFieldId = new ID("{39ECFD90-55D2-49D8-B513-99D15573DE41}");
protected override GutterIconDescriptor GetIconDescriptor(Item item)
bool existsInAll = true;
bool existsInOne = false;
// Find the publishing targets item folder
Item publishingTargetsFolder = Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(publishingTargetsFolderId);
if (publishingTargetsFolder == null)
return null;
// Retrieve the publishing targets database names
List<string> publishingTargetsDatabases = publishingTargetsFolder.GetChildren()
.Select(x => x[targetDatabaseFieldId])
// Check for item existance in publishing targets
publishingTargetsDatabases.ForEach(delegate(string databaseName)
if (Database.GetDatabase(databaseName).GetItem(item.ID) != null)
existsInOne = true;
existsInAll = false;
// Return descriptor with tooltip and icon
string tooltip = Translate.Text("This item has not yet been published");
string icon = "People/16x16/flag_red.png";
if (existsInAll)
tooltip = Translate.Text("This item has been published to all targets");
icon = "People/16x16/flag_green.png";
else if (existsInOne)
tooltip = Translate.Text("This item has been published to at least one target");
icon = "People/16x16/flag_yellow.png";
return new GutterIconDescriptor()
Icon = icon,
Tooltip = tooltip,
Click = string.Format("item:publish(id={0})", item.ID)
And this is how so set it up and how it will look once it's running:
Figure 1: Create a new Gutter item in the Core database:
Figure 2: Switch back to your Master database and activate the Gutter by right-clicking in the gutter area.
Figure 3: The Gutter now indicates the publication status of your items
From the top of my head it's not available out of the box. In the core database however, there's the definitions of the gutter, etc. You could create your own.
There's the 'published' field on items though, but I'm not sure if that takes different versions into account.
Maybe you can check the differences between the item in the master and web (i.e. Item doesn't exist or is different version in web, then it's waiting to be published).
Alternatively, have a read through this:
It'll explain how to check if an item is published as a ribbon.

How to add a new template to Typo3 "Layouts" drop-down list

I have a Typo3 installation with 3 existing layout options. These are all declared in the page.ts file like so:
#normal layout:
page.10.template.file = fileadmin/template/classic-page.html
page.includeCSS.screen = fileadmin/template/css/style.css = screen
And they are all in this list further down the page.ts file, like so:
TCEFORM.pages {
layout.altLabels.0 = Normal
layout.altLabels.1 = Startpage
layout.altLabels.2 = Landing page
All of these layout options are displayed in the CMS on the "Edit Page (X)" > Appearance page, in a drop-down list of possible layout options. Handy!
Now I have a shiny new template that I want to add as an option. I can apply it to a specific page id (say, page id #563) by adding this code to the page.ts:
[globalVar = TSFE:id=563]
page.10.template.file = fileadmin/template/shinynewtemplate.html
But I can't seem to add it as a new layout option in the drop-down menu. I have tried this:
#shiny new layout:
page.10.template.file = fileadmin/template/shinynewtemplate.html
page.includeCSS.screen = fileadmin/template/css/style.css = screen
TCEFORM.pages {
layout.altLabels.0 = Normal
layout.altLabels.1 = Startpage
layout.altLabels.2 = Landing page
layout.altLabels.3 = Shiny new page
But no banana. It doesn't show up in the Appearance layout list, so I can't apply it to a page.
What am I missing? Is there somewhere else that I need to declare this template file so that it will show up as an option in the drop-down list?
An alternative label does not help, if there is no item which will use your label.
You need to add the new item (Page TS Config!):
TCEFORM.pages {
layout.addItems.3 = Shiny new page
See TSconfig