How can I understand the "WWW" folder in Ionic project? - ionic2

I need help understanding the project structure of a project made with Ionic.
Normally I have learnt from tutorials that a project with Ionic has src folder where we can find components, services. but in this projects, I have only a www folder and I have no idea what it is and how can I analyse its code.
I have seen this answer in this post but still didn't get it very well, it says that www folder is generated after building the project :
what is the roles of folder www, page, src in an ionic project?
So my question exactly is how can I understand an Ionic project that has only www folder.
Is it necessary to have the src folder to make modifications on it?
Any help will be appreciated, I'm really stuck here.
Here is my project structure:


Django sphinx docs made by cookicutter folder confusion

I'm a bit confused by the folder structure the sphinx makes for its documentation when starting a fresh new Django project with cookiecutter.
I have my project set up in docker, as per instructions, everything is serving fine and I have the following folder structure for the documentation.
When I run the command make html in the docs container (or by using the docker-compose local.yml file) I get the following structure.
A new folder "html" is created and it's containing everything from the surrounding folders. Is this correct? Am I understanding the process correctly?
For me, it looks like some bad settings for some source folder somewhere.
I'm an experienced python dev, familiar with Docker as well, but I'm pretty new to Django and sphinx.
Can somebody please guide me to the right path, possibly share their Django sphinx docs workflow?
Thank you very much.

Docker-compose django nginx doesnt find static files

I'm trying to dockerize my application and i'm almost done. The only issue I have is that nginx doesn't find my static files. I've searched all over the web, but I havent found a solution yet.
I made a volume that's shared between the Django application and the Nginx server, and in my I pointed the settings to that, but no luck.
I'm not sure how many of the files you need to inspect, so I uploaded the whole project to Github.
When the image has been built and you navigate to http://localhost/admin one can see that the CSS is missing.
I'm aware that posting the secret_key and such to the internet is not a good idea, and i'm of course changing that once I have a fix for the issue. It's just there for the sake of your convenience.
You are referring to /home/app/web/staticfiles/ for static files in nginx
But in code it is located in /home/app/web/static folder
rename the folder static to static_volume

Wso2 5.3 : Source code for authenticationendpoint war and other wars

I am on wso2 5.3 version, and need to customize the following wars for project need.
Could you please share the github repo url for these wars which are deployed under :
{wso2Home}\repository\deployment\server\webapps folder
Could you please share the steps needed to build/compile the authenticationendpoint.war after making changes ?
You can find the sources at the following repositories/locations
They all can be build with the usual maven commands (mvn clean install). Just make sure you delete any extracted webapp folders of those when replacing with your custom built ones. Otherwise the new webapps won't be deployed.

Pycharm not recognizing Django project

I've seen similar questions but they don't solve my problem.
I have a correctly installed django project. I haven't being able to make Pycharm recognize it. I can't get file name completions (i.e static files), imports from the project apps aren't recognized and neither are urls tags, can't run the server ... How can I solve this?
The problem was that I wasn't selecting the correct folder when opening the project. I opened the whole virtualenv folder with Pycharm cause I wanted quick access to the activate file in /bin where I keep my environment variables.
The solution was to delete the .idea folder and open the specific django project folder. I thought there was a workaround to this but there wasn't. The question still remains if there is a way to add the activate file in the /bin directory of the virtualenv to the project, even if it is outside the project root.

How to format Google Polymer files in django using Bower?

I am trying to learn to use Google Polymer and wanted to use Django as I have some data crunching planned for the app and wanted to use python for it. The google Polymer website (Getting the code) highly suggested installing Polymer through bower. I went to the bower website and they said to install bower using nmp. I installed nmp (, I ran out of link privileges), installed bower and proceeded to install Polymer into my django virtual environment. I found a functioning website with it's files on Github ( and compared their files to mine, and their directory hierarchy to see how they had implemented Polymer. It appears that they didn't use bower to install polymer, and they have polymer as an app inside their django project. I am not a django expert but I have used Bootstrap with it and had no problem. I assumed Polymer was just a set of css and js files that made code implementation easier. I have tried shifting the Polymer "components" around (first in bower-components, then static/components) and changed my link references to point there, but I still get a blank page when I render it. Can someone give me a simple file hierarchy example of where the polymer files should be stored and how to reference them? eg.
project main
project apps
There are only a view sites that mention django+polymer together, and normally it's a question about {{}} and {% verbatim %} usage. I can't seem to get to that point. Any setup advice would greatly appreciated.