I was working on the conversion of Selenium2Library to SeleniumLibrary. because of some issue we decided to keep Selenium2Library and now I see Unexpected error: No library 'Selenium2Library' found. I have below package but I updated eyes to v4.
Anyone faced this issue??
from Selenium2Library.utils.librarylistener import LibraryListener
Newer versions of SeleniumLibrary creates and alias for Selenium2Library. You should do a complete uninstall of SeleniumLibrary and a re-install of Selenium2Library. Maybe you need to downgrade eyes. Also the version of Selenium must match the Selenium2Library maximum supported version.
pip install -U --force robotframework-selenium2library==1.8.0
pip install -U --force selenium==2.53.0
Remaining with old versions would be more riskier than updating to new versions.
I am working on ubuntu 14.04. Python version: 2.7.6.
I am trying to install cPickle, but I am getting error:
"could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement cPickle"
I tried via, pip and apt-get as well. What might be reason, has this package been removed completely?
Actually, I tried importing cPickle and it worked. But I don't know why the error "could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement cPickle". I will appreciate if someone can provide reason.
Also as commented by mike cleared my doubt.
"cPickle is installed when python itself is installed -- it's part of the standard library. So, just import cPickle and it should be there"
I have two versions of python on my RedHat 6 machine: 2.7.8 that came with the system originally and 2.7.10 that I've installed using miniconda for a project. I have to use the newer version to run some demo code for another project. The demo script produced this error:
ImportError: No module named scipy.sparse
Running pip install scipy failed with a bunch of warnings and then this:
numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found
numpy is already installed. That is, I get Requirement already satisfied when trying to pip install numpy.
The yum install command recommended on the SciPy install page completed fine but did not help, probably because this python version is installed at a non-default location.
Same result after building blas and lapack from source as described here
How do I get scipy to install properly?
I think you don't have lapack/blas library.
try this.
yum install python-devel python-nose python-setuptools gcc gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ blas-devel lapack-devel atlas-devel
it will install all what you need.
If you use Anaconda/miniconda, then use the conda package manager, not pip:
conda install scipy.
Value of a Peace of mind once starting always from a [Defined state]
There are many issues with pip / yum installer strategies that we, mortals, can spend ages on our attempts to get resolved.
Since I started to use the Travis Oliphant's Anaconda fully-fledged package-manager, these dependency-related / version-colliding issues simply disappeared. Well did not disappear, but principally do not appear.
Anaconda package-manager both allows one to keep separate versions ready / reconfigurable via Anaconda for individual python launches
Anaconda resolves updates in a smart way, one would never experience with manual/semi-manual pip/yum installers
In other words, if you strive to get rid of issues, opt to install Anaconda and start using it's (parallel) multi-versions installation / setup controls and it's smart package-manager facilities.
n.b.: this is not a commercial/spam/PR, this is just personal experience after many years of troubles with individual package updates' collisions / compatibility back-testing troubles in multi-py 2.5 / 2.6 / 2.7 installations environments
I am trying to install some additional packages that do not come with Anaconda. All of these packages can be installed using pip install PackageName. However, when I type this command at the Anaconda Command Prompt, I get the following error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Python27\python.exe
" "C:\python27\scripts\pip.exe" install MechanicalSoup'
I also tried to run the command from the python interpreter after import pip but that also did not work (I got a SyntaxError: invalid syntax).
I am a noob and understand that this might be a very basic question so thanks for your help in advance!
PS: I am using Windows 7, 64 bit, conda version: 3.7.1 and python version: 2.7.6.
When installing anaconda, you are asked if you want to include the installed python to your system PATH variable. Make sure you have it in your PATH. If everything is set up correct, you can run pip from your regular command prompt aswell.
Using #heinzchr's and #mmann's suggestions I was able to piece together the problem. I already had a version of Python 2.7 saved at C:\Python27 and I had to remove this from the Path (My Computer's properties> Advanced system settings> System variables> Path). I can now use pip install from the command line.
There is a way around the use of pip
From the anaconda terminal window you can run:
conda install PackageName
Because MechanicalSoup isn't in one of anaconda's package channels you will have to do a bit of editing
See instructions near the bottom on their blog
For those looking for Python packages not added to current channels in anaconda, try https://conda-forge.org/ For example, if you want to install MechanicalSoup you'll find it at https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/mechanicalsoup and use the -c option to tell conda the channel to use:
conda install -c conda-forge mechanicalsoup
I am using a virtualenv for a django setup. I am trying to build a view that pulls data from logs and then graphs the data. Eventually I would like to have this real-time and live. If you have any recommendations on other solutions that would suit my project best, please do not hesitate to include them in the comment fields below.
I have attempted to install matplotlib from pip using pip install matplotlib.
I receive the following message:
* The following required packages can not be built:
* freetype
I then validated that it was installed
yum install freetype
Package freetype-2.3.11-14.el6_3.1.x86_64 already installed and latest version
I then found that there is a python-matplotlib which is an older version .99. However, I want to keep this inside of the virtual environment and not system wide.
find / -name *freetype*
/var/lib/yum/yumdb/f/d2807dcfe3762c0b9f8ef1d9bf0f05788e73282a-freetype-2.3.11-14.el6_3.1- x86_64
I searched all over stackoverflow and only saw solutions for ubuntu which did not transfer over to centos.
Thank you for your time,
pip is going to compile matlibplot on your local machine, so you'll need freetype development headers installed as well.
CentOS 6+, Fedora, etc.:
$ sudo yum -y install freetype freetype-devel libpng-devel
On older operating systems (e.g. CentOS 5), you may run into a more specific freetype versioning issue with newer releases of matlibplot. If you're version agnostic, sticking with a legacy 1.3.x release will negate these dependency issues:
$ pip install matplotlib==1.3.1
Please note, you may need to downgrade your numpy to 1.8 in order to make matplotlib 1.3 work.
$ pip install numpy==1.8
Good luck!
I have just had a similar (albeit not exactly the same) situation. I'll write it up here as this page comes up among the first search results.
CentOS 5
pip install matplotlib complains about freetype
Both freetype and freetype-devel are installed.
~/.pip/pip.log provides the explanation of the problem. There is the line:
freetype: no [Requires freetype2 2.3 or later. Found 2.2.1.]
Obviously, the solution is either to upgrade freetype or downgrade matplotlib.
The second is easier (assuming I am OK with the older version).
pip install matplotlib==1.3.1 works fine.
On the matplotlib installation, this is what I did. Not sure if this is going to help you. Just followed the steps here:
I did not use pip, btw and have CentOS 6.4.
I had this happen to me in two different situations, see if yours is one of them:
freetype was installed, but not in the $PATH yet. Just exiting the shell and starting a new one fixed this.
I was building matplotlib from source, and trying to build from the master branch. After I switched to v1.3.x it correctly detected freetype.
I am tearing my hair out trying to install Spatialite for GeoDjango!
I am already using Homebrew, it's generally easy and convenient so I initially tried to follow the Homebrew instructions for GeoDjango.
But this stops short of installing any database, i.e. Spatialite. The next step is to try and install Spatialite itself, but there are no Homebrew-specific instructions provided by Django docs.
I found this tutorial which looks perfect - a Homebrew and virtualenv-friendly install of Spatialite for GeoDjango.
But it doesn't work... it appears that my pysqlite is linked against the non-spatial-enabled version of SQLite that comes with OS X, rather than the Spatial-ised one I installed from Homebrew, I get this error when Django tried to connect to the db:
"The pysqlite library does not support C extension loading. Both SQLite and pysqlite must be configured to allow the loading of extensions to use SpatiaLite."
The author of pysqlite hasn't responded to my pleas for help on Github and I haven't found anything via Google.
So I went back to the drawing board and decided to follow the "Mac OS X-specific instructions" in the GeoDjango docs... by installing the various geo libs from the KyngChaos binary packages.
The docs say "Install the packages in the order they are listed above" but I found I couldn't install UnixImageIO without installing PROJ first. The link in the docs to download Spatialite binaries (http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.3.1/binaries.html) is broken so I used the "Spatialite Tools v4.1" from KyngChaos instead.
Proceeding to the next step I get this error:
$ spatialite geodjango.db "SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();"
SQLite header and source version mismatch
2013-10-17 12:57:35 c78be6d786c19073b3a6730dfe3fb1be54f5657a
2013-09-03 17:11:13 7dd4968f235d6e1ca9547cda9cf3bd570e1609ef
Not really sure what's wrong at this point.
There is someone else here on SO who has gone the KyngChaos route and just ends up with the same "Both SQLite and pysqlite must be configured to allow the loading of extensions" error I got from the Homebrew route anyway.
I found this ticket #17756 for adding pyspatialite support to Django - pyspatialite is supposed to be an easier way to pip install everything but unfortunately it doesn't work either (see comments towards bottom of ticket).
I'm a bit reluctant to start trying to build everything from source by hand as it seems likely I'll just run into the same problems again, but spending hours Googling for info about cryptic compiler errors, magic flags and paths etc along the way.
I'm about ready to give up and just use Postgres/PostGIS.
I was able to get this working now, using the tip here:
I'm not sure if it was using the real paths that fixed it, or just the Homebrew kegs or underlying packages have been updated and now install cleanly. Still, it works now.
I reproduce below the steps I took:
brew update
brew install sqlite # 3.8.5
brew install libspatialite # 4.2.0
brew install spatialite-tools # 4.1.1
git clone https://github.com/ghaering/pysqlite.git
cd pysqlite
(where brew reported I had existing versions I unlinked them and installed the latest as commented above)
then edited setup.cfg to comment out #define=SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION and specify the paths:
activated the virtualenv where I want it installed, then
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
(build_static still fails with clang: error: no such file or directory: 'sqlite3.c')
(maybe I should have done pip install . as suggested in the github issue)
now the spatialite geodjango.db "SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();" succeeds, albeit with an ignorable error:
InitSpatiaMetaData() error:"table spatial_ref_sys already exists"
i.e. it's probably not even necessary to run that command
When I was istalling this i follow this instructions https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/install/spatialite/#pysqlite2
If you’ve decided to use a newer version of pysqlite2 instead of the sqlite3 Python stdlib module, then you need to make sure it can load external extensions (i.e. the required enable_load_extension method is available so SpatiaLite can be loaded).
This might involve building it yourself. For this, download pysqlite2 2.6, and untar:
$ wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pysqlite/pysqlite-2.6.3.tar.gz
$ tar xzf pysqlite-2.6.3.tar.gz
$ cd pysqlite-2.6.3
Next, use a text editor (e.g., emacs or vi) to edit the setup.cfg file to look like the following:
I had the same error: SQLite header and source version mismatch.
For me it was enough to update libsqlite3-dev.
After that invoking $ spatialite geo.db "SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();" creates proper database.