Directory API missing "Websites[]" Object for a user - google-admin-sdk

I was trying to find a way to update the links/websites of a User Profile but have struggled to find how to achieve this.
It seem the documentation has reference to it. But nothing shows in a GET request for a User. You cant seem to set this during an Update to a user either.
Link to reference of Object:
Am I missing something or does this no longer exist and the documentation needs amending?


Get page insights and post insights in the same request

Hello i am trying to get page level insights and post level insights in the same request but cant seem to get the syntax correct.
page id /published_posts?fields=permalink_url,created_time,message,shares,reactions.limit(0).summary(1),comments.limit(0).summary(1),insights.metric(post_reactions_by_type_total,post_impressions_unique,page_posts_impressions_organic)&since=yesterday
This is my request for now but i wanna add page insights like page_fans and page_fans_city.
How can i do that?
You are using the published_posts endpoint there already, you can not go back “up” to the page object from there. You need to rewrite the whole thing so that you use the page id itself as the basic endpoint, and then request everything else via the fields parameter. The trick is to get the syntax and nesting right …
should work, inside the {…} you then put all the original fields you requested from the published_posts endpoint before, so
And &since=yesterday then just goes at the end again, after all that.
To have the since limitation still apply on the post level, it apparently needs to be added on that “field” again, syntax similar to .metric():

What is the "monetization_status" of video in Facebook api and when to use it?

What is the "monetization_status" of video in Facebook api and when to use it?
I am looking for any documentation about this field and the only page I found is this:, saying that this field is the "enum" type, no possible values, nor when to use it.
The point is that I get "ineligible" for videos that I have monetized before, and I wonder what does it mean, and how can I get status "eligible"?

Error with Create Custum Template in Jama

I have an error while using Jama software to create a custom report template.
One resource is the Jama User Guide:
Custom Report Development->Office Template Reports ->Building Custom Office Export Templates
The above page in the jama support webpage explains the process.
This guide directs to open the Export button, click 'Upload Template', and then browse the computer for the file. Any file selected for upload give sthe following error:
Unable to get property 'getValue' of undefined or null reference
I have downloaded the original Word Template and attempted to upload it again unchanged, but get the same error. This makes me assume that the template files are valid, but something is perhaps wrong with the upload process.
On various websites, I have seen other questions with the same error, but none on the Jama software specifically, and none with a solution that I was able to apply.
My question is what does this error mean, and how to upload a valid report to Jama.
Image 1 shows Error message with Choose Template page in background
The error means that you try to call getValue of a null object, so search for
and check out which objects are null. If you have foo.getValue(), then there is a chance that foo is null. Make sure that it is either not null, or you do not call its getValue if it is null or you properly handle the error potentially arising from the case.
This turned out to be a permissions issue. The permissions weren't set up yet, so Jama apparently submitted a null value in place of the intended file.

Correct yummly API call for a recipe

I'm trying to use the Yummly API. I've noticed that some of their developers have answered other questions here, so I'm hoping to catch their eye. I used the documentation at the yummly developer site
Specifically here is my get request:
Which returns this:
Please include X-Yummly-App-ID and X-Yummly-App-Key
Seems like this is a sensible thing, except that I don't see anywhere in the documentation for the single recipe call where I'm supposed to insert that info. Any one out there know how to properly format this?
or include them as URL parameters:
Try this:
You need to take the URL you mentioned in the question and add your authentication parameters to it. So it becomes:
Instead of ID and KEY insert the application id and key from your account on

How can I retrieve all comments on a Facebook post using the php SDK?

I'm building an app which allows users to post articles to their facebook wall. When an article is posted, I retrieve the post id and store that in the database along with the rest of the article details. Now I want to be able to show the comments made on that post when someone views the article in my site; I would also like to allow users to add comments to the post from my site.
I know that the user is always logged into Facebook when they are viewing the article, as the system checks for that earlier on.
I've been using the PHP SDK, and thought all I had to do was something like:
$post_comments = $facebook->api('/' . $post_id . '/comments');
However, when I do this, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request. thrown in /APP_PATH/facebook/src/facebook.php on line 560
I really don't have much of a clue what I'm doing here, to be honest, as I'm very new to the Facebook Graph API, and I can't seem to find a lot of documentation on it.
Can anyone tell me what I should be doing here, or point me to some documentation I could read about it?
It should work.
Here is the code I am using which is working for me.
$comments = $facebook->api($postid . '/comments');
Make sure your postid is a valid one.
Alternatively, you can directly type that url in browser to get details like this<postedid>/comments
Please refer this link for further reference
I don't know what your PHP library is doing, but you can actually access comments by reading<post_id>/comments. Indeed, try with this one from the doc.
Are your sure of your post id? Try to call the buggy function with 19292868552_118464504835613 as post id. It has to work.