while installing aws amplify init on terminal .gives error - amazon-web-services

i am getting this while doing amplify init , so main agenda is to develop authentication through aws-cognito , which is using aws-amplify,
? Do you want to use an AWS profile? Yes
? Please choose the profile you want to use default
init failed
Error: read ECONNRESET
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27) {
message: 'read ECONNRESET',
errno: 'ECONNRESET',
code: 'NetworkingError',
syscall: 'read',
region: 'us-east-1',
hostname: 'amplify.us-east-1.amazonaws.com',
retryable: true,
time: 2020-04-16T12:09:59.975Z

You may try the following strategies to eliminate the problem you are facing,
This more of looks like a Network problem as per the logs from your
Terminal, therefore if you have a jittery connection, I would
recommend that you try the same on a stable internet connection.
I will recommend to do an amplify delete in case there is some mis-configuration from the last time you did an amplify init, but the chances of this are very less.
Check your aws environment variables or configuration file maybe the credentials of your aws account are missing. Try doing an aws configure and reset the values of your key,secret, and region.
I hope the above suggestions help you somehow.


Errors connecting to AWS Keyspaces using a lambda layer

Intermittently getting the following error when connecting to an AWS keyspace using a lambda layer
All host(s) tried for query failed. First host tried, Host considered as DOWN. See innerErrors.
I am trying to query a table in a keyspace using a nodejs lambda function as follows:
import cassandra from 'cassandra-driver';
import fs from 'fs';
export default class AmazonKeyspace {
tpmsClient = null;
constructor () {
let auth = new cassandra.auth.PlainTextAuthProvider('cass-user-at-xxxxxxxxxx', 'zzzzzzzzz');
let sslOptions1 = {
ca: [ fs.readFileSync('/opt/utils/AmazonRootCA1.pem', 'utf-8')],
host: 'cassandra.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com',
rejectUnauthorized: true
this.tpmsClient = new cassandra.Client({
contactPoints: ['cassandra.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com'],
localDataCenter: 'eu-west-1',
authProvider: auth,
sslOptions: sslOptions1,
keyspace: 'tpms',
protocolOptions: { port: 9142 }
getOrganisation = async (orgKey) => {
const SQL = 'select * FROM organisation where organisation_id=?;';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.tpmsClient.execute(SQL, [orgKey], {prepare: true}, (err, result) => {
if (!err?.message) resolve(result.rows);
else reject(err.message);
I am basically following this recommended AWS documentation.
It seems that around 10-20% of the time the lambda function (cassandra driver) cannot connect to the endpoint.
I am pretty familiar with Cassandra (I already use a 6 node cluster that I manage) and don't have any issues with that.
Could this be a timeout or do I need more contact points?
Followed the recommended guides. Checked from the AWS console for any errors but none shown.
Update to the above question....
I am occasionally (1 in 50 if I parallel call the function (5 concurrent calls)) getting the below error:
"All host(s) tried for query failed. First host tried, DriverError: Socket was closed at Connection.clearAndInvokePending
(/opt/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/connection.js:265:15) at
(/opt/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/connection.js:618:8) at
(/opt/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/connection.js:93:10) at
TLSSocket.emit (node:events:525:35)\n at node:net:313:12\n at
TCP.done (node:_tls_wrap:587:7) { info: 'Cassandra Driver Error',
isSocketError: true, coordinator: ''}
This exception may be caused by throttling in the keyspaces side, resulting the Driver Error that you are seeing sporadically.
I would suggest taking a look over this repo which should help you to put measures in place to either prevent the occurrence of this issue or at least reveal the true cause of the exception.
Some of the errors you see in the logs you will need to investigate Amazon CloudWatch metrics to see if you have throttling or system errors. I've built this AWS CloudFormation template to deploy a CloudWatch dashboard with all the appropriate metrics. This will provide better observability for your application.
A System Error indicates an event that must be resolved by AWS and often part of normal operations. Activities such as timeouts, server faults, or scaling activity could result in server errors. A User error indicates an event that can often be resolved by the user such as invalid query or exceeding a capacity quota. Amazon Keyspaces passes the System Error back as a Cassandra ServerError. In most cases this a transient error, in which case you can retry your request until it succeeds. Using the Cassandra driver’s default retry policy customers can also experience NoHostAvailableException or AllNodesFailedException or messages like yours "All host(s) tried for query failed". This is a client side exception that is thrown once all host in the load balancing policy’s query plan have attempted the request.
Take a look at this retry policy for NodeJs which should help resolve your "All hosts failed" exception or pass back the original exception.
The retry policies in the Cassandra drivers are pretty crude and will not be able to do more sophisticated things like circuit breaker patters. You may want to eventually use a "failfast" retry policy for the driver and handle the exceptions in your application code.

Can't reach local DynamoDB from Lambda in AWS SAM

I have a simple AWS SAM setup with a Go lambda function. It's using https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 for dealing with DynamoDB, the endpoint is set via environment variables from the template. (Here: https://github.com/abtercms/abtercms2/blob/main/template.yaml)
My problem is that I can't get my lambda to return anything from DynamoDB, as a matter of fact I don't think it can reach it.
"error":"failed to fetch item (status 404), err: operation error DynamoDB: GetItem, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , request send failed, Post \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused",
"path":"GET /websites/abc",
I'm able to reach the local DynamoDB just fine from the host machine.
Results were the same both for running DynamoDB in docker compose and via the .jar file, so the problem is not there as far as I can tell.
Also feel free to check out the whole project, I'm just running make sam-local and make curl-get-website-abc above. The code is here: https://github.com/abtercms/abtercms2.

s3_out: unable to sign request without credentials set

I try to use "instance_profile_credentials" at ec2 instance as credentials. However I get
2021-09-16 14:16:50 +0000 [error]: #0 unexpected error error_class=RuntimeError error="can't call S3 API. Please check your credentials or s3_region configuration. error = #<Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError: unable to sign request without credentials set>"
I pretty sure my s3_region is correct, and I can use cli "aws s3 cp " to copy object at command line, not sure what going wrong.
I wonder if that because I am under a http proxy. However, I already setup "proxy_uri" parameter. Not sure what else I can do to check what going wrong?

aws pinpoint update-apns-sandbox-channel command results in: missing credentials

aws --version
aws-cli/1.16.76 Python/2.7.10 Darwin/16.7.0 botocore/1.12.66
I'm trying to programmatically add an APNS_SANDBOX channel to a pinpoint app. I'm able to do this successfully via the pinpoint console, but not with aws cli or a lambda function which is the end goal. Changes to our Test/Prod environments can only be made via the CodePipeline, but for testing purposes I'm trying to achieve this with the aws cli.
I've tried both aws cli (using the root credentials) and a lambda function -- both result in the following error:
An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the UpdateApnsSandboxChannel operation: Missing credentials
I have tried setting the Certificate field in the UpdateApnsSandboxChannel json object as the path to the .p12 certificate file as well as using a string value retrieved from the openssl tool.
Today I worked with someone from aws support, and they were not able to figure out the issue after trying to debug for a couple of hours. They said they would send an email to the pinpoint team, but they did not have an ETA on when they might respond.
I ended up getting this to work successfully -- This is why it was failing:
I was originally making the cli call with the following request object as this is what is including in the documentation:
aws pinpoint update-apns-sandbox-channel --application-id [physicalID] --cli-input-json file:///path-to-requestObject.json
"APNSSandboxChannelRequest": {
"BundleId": "com.bundleId.value",
"DefaultAuthenticationMethod": "CERTIFICATE",
"Enabled": true,
"TeamId": "",
"TokenKey": "",
"TokenKeyId": ""
"ApplicationId": "Pinpoint_PhysicalId"
After playing around with it some more I got it to work by removing BundleId, TeamId, TokenKey, and TokenKeyId. I believe these fields are needed when using a p8 certificate.
"APNSSandboxChannelRequest": {
"DefaultAuthenticationMethod": "CERTIFICATE",
"Enabled": true,
"ApplicationId": "Pinpoint_PhysicalId"

Spark is inventing his own AWS secretKey

I'm trying to read a s3 bucket from Spark and up until today Spark always complain that the request return 403
hadoopConf = spark_context._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.access.key", "ACCESSKEY")
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.secret.key", "SECRETKEY")
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem")
logs = spark_context.textFile("s3a://mybucket/logs/*)
Spark was saying .... Invalid Access key [ACCESSKEY]
However with the same ACCESSKEY and SECRETKEY this was working with aws-cli
aws s3 ls mybucket/logs/
and in python boto3 this was working
resource = boto3.resource("s3", region_name="us-east-1")
resource.Object("mybucket", "logs/text.py") \
.put(Body=open("text.py", "rb"),ContentType="text/x-py")
so my credentials ARE invalid and the problem is definitely something with Spark..
Today I decided to turn on the "DEBUG" log for the entire spark and to my suprise... Spark is NOT using the [SECRETKEY] I have provided but instead... add a random one???
17/03/08 10:40:04 DEBUG request: Sending Request: HEAD https://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com / Headers: (Authorization: AWS ACCESSKEY:[RANDON-SECRET-KEY], User-Agent: aws-sdk-java/1.7.4 Mac_OS_X/10.11.6 Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.65-b01/1.8.0_65, Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2017 10:40:04 GMT, Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8, )
This is why it still return 403! Spark is not using the key I provide with fs.s3a.secret.key but instead invent a random one??
For the record I'm running this locally on my machine (OSX) with this command
spark-submit --packages com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-pom:1.11.98,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.3 test.py
Could some one enlighten me on this?
(updated as my original one was downvoted as clearly considered unacceptable)
The AWS auth protocol doesn't send your secret over the wire. It signs the message. That's why what you see isn't what you passed in.
For further information, please reread.
I ran into a similar issue. Requests that were using valid AWS credentials returned a 403 Forbidden, but only on certain machines. Eventually I found out that the system time on those particular machines were 10 minutes behind. Synchronizing the system clock solved the problem.
Hope this helps!
It is very intriguing this random passkey. Maybe AWS SDK is getting the password from OS environment.
In hadoop 2.8, the default AWS provider chain shows the following list of providers:
BasicAWSCredentialsProvider EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider SharedInstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
Order, of course, matters! the AWSCredentialProviderChain, get the first keys from the first provider that provides that information.
if (credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId() != null &&
credentials.getAWSSecretKey() != null) {
log.debug("Loading credentials from " + provider.toString());
lastUsedProvider = provider;
return credentials;
See the code in "GrepCode for AWSCredentialProviderChain".
I face similar problem using profile credentials. SDK was ignoring the credentials inside ~/.aws/credentials (as good practice, I encourage you to not store credentials inside the program in any way).
My solution...
Set the credentials provider to use ProfileCredentialsProvider
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3a.endpoint", "s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com") # yes, I am using central eu server.
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('fs.s3a.aws.credentials.provider', 'com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider')
Folks, go for the IAM configuration based on Roles ... that will open up S3 access policies that should be added to the EMR default one.