How to merge two list and make a dictionary using vim in vscode? - list

Imagine we have two list in two files,
file 1: contact_list_names.txt like:
file 2 :contact_phones.txt like:
I know that we can select all using gg then v then Shift + g to select all , but when you paste using p key its not pasting every number in front of its contact name ...
So how to paste the numbers in front of its related contact name ?

The problem using the clipboard to paste columns side by side is the type of selection of it, see here:
:echo getregtype('+')
if it returns a lowercase v, it means the type is characterwise.
if it returns an uppercase V, it means the type is linewise.
if it returns ^V{some number}, it means the type is blockwise, and the width of the block is {some number}.
But we can change it this way (making the clipboard register blockwise):
:call setreg('+',#+,'b')
Now if you try to paste a new column before or after the first one
you will succeed!
Here a function to get the content of the clipboard and paste after
the current column
fun! GiveItaNameYouWant()
call setreg('+',#+,'b')
normal gg
execute "normal! A \<esc>"
execute "normal! \"+p"
If you copy this function to the clipboard and load it into the memory just run:
Now put the cursor at the first column and run:
:call GiveItaNameYouWant()
Note: I am referring only to the clipboard register but you can also make these changes on the primary register selection "*", in the yank register "0" and default register '"' and a-z ones.


Googlesheet IF with multiple cases

in my Google sheet table I have the first list with summary of invoices which are then separated to 4 lists according to parameters (manually). I need to know about all invoices from the first list, on which category/list they are.
So for example - lists: Alphabet, abc, def, mno, xyz. In Alphabet is column "list".
How to write function which found invoice on another list according to ID (column B) from Alphabet and write name of the correct list to column "list". I tried to write this function using IF, match, etc. But I still don't have solution. Can you help me please? Sorry for my English :-)
So here is an example which you could adapt. In columns E:H on the first sheet (and I could hide these columns later, starting in row2 and dragging down as needed, I put the following formulas:
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(abc!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"abc","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(def!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"def","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(mno!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"mno","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(xyz!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"xyz","")
Probably I could have simplified a little by putting the sheet names in E1:H1, but you get the idea.
Each of these looks for the ID. If the query succeeds, it returns the name of the sheet. If it fails, it returns the empty string.
Now in column B where I actually want the results, I put this formula in B2 and drag to copy as needed.
It says put those strings together, and if there is nothing there say nowhere, otherwise say the list. If it appears on more than one, and that can really happen, you could use JOIN instead.

How to extract a column based on it's content in PowerBI

I have a column in my table which looks like below.
I want a new column called 'Trimmed Resource Identifier' which looks at ResourceIdentifier and if the value starts with "arn", then returns value after last "/", else returns the whole string.
For eg.
arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:7XXXXXX1:instance/i-09TYTYTY79716  ---> i-09TYTYTY797168
i-02XXXXXXf0 --> i-02XXXXXXf0
How do I do this ? I tried creating a new column called "first 3 letters" by extracting first 3 letters of the ResourceIdentifier column but I am getting stuck at the step of adding conditional column. Please see the image below.
Is there a way I can do all of this in one step using DAX instead of creating a new intermediate column ?
Many Thanks
The GUI is too simple to do exactly what you want but go ahead and use it to create the next step, which we can then modify to work properly.
Filling out the GUI like this
will produce a line of code that looks like this (turn on the Formula Bar under the View tab in the query editor if you don't see this formula).
= Table.AddColumn(#"Name of Previous Step Here", "Custom",
each if Text.StartsWith([ResourceIdentifier], "arn") then "output" else [ResourceIdentifier])
The first three letters bit is already handled with the operator I chose, so all that remains is to change the "output" placeholder to what we actually want. There's a handy Text.AfterDelimiter function we can use for this.
Text.AfterDelimiter([ResourceIdentifier], "/", {0, RelativePosition.FromEnd})
This tells it to take the text after the first / (starting from the end). Replace "output" with this expression and you should be good to go.

Remove all lines does not contain in other file

I have file A 'Emails' with so many email , and file B 'Domain' with so many domain
Example File A 'Emails ':
Example file B 'Domain'
My expected result :
is there a way to do with 2 file in emeditor .Thanks much
I would propose using the Join CSV function. #Abimanyu's regex method may work if you have less than 10 or so domains. More than that, it might take a while to process the data.
To prepare the document for joining, right click on the CSV/Sort toolbar and edit the User-defined separated format to use # as the delimiter.
Now on both file A and file B, change the CSV mode to User-defined separated. On the CSV/Sort toolbar, there is a button called "Join CSV".
Join CSV options:
Make sure the correct documents are selected
Key Column is the email domain columns
In the list at the bottom, select the output columns, which should be column 1 and 2 from file A
Press the Join Now button, change CSV mode to Normal mode and you will get an output which looks like this:
May be this will be help to you :
Pattern : .*|.*
Match groups:
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4

How to replace column of values with another column of values in notepad++

How to replace column of values with another column of values in notepad++
For example , Let's say I have file 1 contents as below
and I want to replace address column with the new values from another file
so that my replaced contents look like this
I tried Alt+c and alt+shift combination, but that didn't help.
Thanks for your time.
I was playing around and I accidentally discovered the solution to my problem.
To replace a column follow the steps below:
1. Select the column using "`Shift + Alt + Down`" key combination
2. Then delete the column by pressing the "`Delete`" key.
3. Select "new" column using "`Shift + Alt + Down`" key combination
4. Do the `drag` while holding down the `Alt` key.
Attached is the animation for better clarity.
Alt drag can be used for even shifting the column positions as well

Stata: Efficient way to replace numerical values with string values

I have code that currently looks like this:
replace fname = "JACK" if id==103
replace lname = "MARTIN" if id==103
replace fname = "MICHAEL" if id==104
replace lname = "JOHNSON" if id==104
And it goes on for multiple pages like this, replacing an ID name with a first and last name string. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this en masse, perhaps by using the recode command?
I will echo the other answers that suggest a merge is the best way to do this.
But if you absolutely must code the lines item-wise (again, messy) you can generate a long list ("pages") of replace commands by using MS Excel to "help" you write the code. Here is a picture of your Excel sheet with one example, showing the MS Excel formula:
row: 1 last first id code
2 MARTIN JACK 103 ="replace fname=^"&B2&"^ if id=="&C2
You type that in, make sure it looks like Stata code when the formula calculates (aside from the carets), and copy the formula in column D down to the end of your list. Then copy the whole block of Stata code in column D generated by the formulas into your do-file, and do a find and replace (be careful here if you are using the caret elsewhere for mathematical uses!!) for all ^ to be replaced with ", which will end up generating proper Stata syntax.
(This is truly a brute force way of doing this, and is less dynamic in the case that there are subsequent changes to your generation list. All--apologies in advance for answering a question here advocating use of Excel :) )
You don't explain where the strings you want to add come from, but what is generally the best technique is explained at
Create an associative array of ids vs Fname,Lname
id => hash{id} ( fname & lname )
The efficiency of doing this will be taken care by the programming language used