Qt: How to Write a Windows Desktop Utility? - c++

I've used Qt for widget development a fair bit. That's straightforward. But how could I write a program that can be invoked from anywhere on Windows?
Say I've selected some text in a web browser. I want to be able to invoke my program via keystroke, maybe show a little list containing a list of text files I can select (ideally where the cursor is), and then add the selected text to that file.
How can I do this?

I suggest you to have a look at:


Qt Open file with context menu entry/shell extensions [Windows]

I'm looking to have a way of opening files in my Qt app within a context menu, like opening any image file in Photos or Photoshop. Mostly what I'm finding though is either possibly out of date ways of doing it, like way earlier versions of Qt, or incomplete posts about doing something with shell extensions, but it's mostly adding an icon to custom file extensions in explorer, not the opening actions. Or ways of doing it with the general Windows API I think, which I don't know how this would "connect" with my Qt app to open a file in it, and the windows api is very scary to me.
Is the way of doing now with a newly added module in Qt using C++, or maybe something with an "installscript.qs" file, or "package.xml"? I've never seen or used a .qs file before. Basically, I'm not sure where to look for how to do it the most updated and easiest way.
The screenshot below is an example of the functionality im talking about. With my Qt app not being open, a file of the types I want (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc) is right clicked, and I can click like "Edit with MyQtAppName", or open the "Open with" sub menu and click "MyQtAppName". Then ultimately this files full path would be passed into my Qt app as a string somehow. I don't know how this pass of the path string happens yet, but yeah. Any help appreciated.

App Shortcut without pinning to Start Screen in Windows 8 using C++

Our company has an installer written in C++ that creates program shortcuts using IShellLink as described in:
On Windows 8 all shortcuts created in the Start Menu will also show as titles on the Start Screen. What we're looking to do is programmically control which icons are shown on the Start Screen. In the following article it describes the option "System.AppUserModel.StartPinOption" as:
To create add an app shortcut without pinning it to the Start screen
view, you can set the following property on the shortcut:
System.AppUserModel.StartPinOption = 1. The symbolic name for 1 is
This appears to be possible using the Windows Installer, however I haven't found a way to accomplish the same functionality programmatically in C++ given our context.
If anyone has any information about this, or an example of some sort, it would be much appreciated.
One thing I found was that "..NewInstall" literally means that. User customizations to the tiles seem to be retained even after you delete/update the .lnk files. This is probably a good thing as updates won't reset the user's environment, but it does mean that I needed to use fresh installs of Windows 8 during testing. I used a VM box to minimize the pain. At least I don't know how to delete the properties once set from within the environment.

How to convert GUI to path on Windows with Qt/C++?

Clicking on "my computer" in the start menu returns a GUID link instead of a direct link. For example:
How can I convert it to a normal path so that I can get a list of directories and files with the help of QDir?
I'm not trying to get a list of drives. It is easily done with Qt. I just want to know that a user clicked My Computer in the start menu. (My application can replace Windows Explorer).
You are looking there at an item in the Shell Namespace, not in the filesystem.
Introduction to the Shell Namespace:
The shell shows many things which don't exist as files, My Computer being one. The Desktop is another - the shell desktop is a merged view of the All Users desktop folder, your personal desktop folder, and a few other items which are purely virtual like the recycle bin.
To find out more about the item you can use SHParseDisplayName to convert a name to an ITEMIDLIST.
If you intend to offer a replacement for Explorer, good luck!

What function to use to select text?

I search a lot of on internet but didn't find some good copy-paste manager for windows 7. I want to make something to easy copying multiple texts. So my question is what function to use in c++ to select some text that will be copy. The plan is that every time when is pressed CTRL+C selected text copy to some txt file, and when is pressed CTRL+V application show you what is in that file, and you can use what text you need. The main question is how to select text, what function to use? Platform win 7.
You should read up a bit on how the Windows clip board works. Every application in the system can place objects of different formats (including text) on the clip board. The easiest way to grab the content out of any applications is probably to somehow monitor the clip board and get the data from there.
For the pasting part, if I remember correctly, there is a special kind of "owner-handled" data on the clip board. Using that, the data isn't actually published on the clip board, only a reference to the application currently having the clip board data. Whenever the data is pasted the application gets notified that it should send the data to the recipient. It should be possible to exploit that functionality to get your application to pop up a windows where the user can select what data to paste.
Please see my articles on clipboard viewer implementation, including common pitfalls:

how to write and read a text to and from a LineEdit using QT Creator?

I am working with QT Creator. I have a form that contains a push button and an Line Edit. I would like to print a string that i give programatically in this LineEdit.Secondly I would also like to the from the LineBox a string that I fill in and print it using QMessageBox.
How to do it? Need some help. I don't know how to access the displayText() to write and read from a LineEdit.
I would like to specify that I put the push button and the lineedit on the Form using drag and drop.
I am working in c++ under Ubuntu
You use QLineEdit::setText() to change the text and QLineEdit::text() to read.
Your questions are very basic and show a clear lack of studying the documentation and experimenting thing yourself. Qt is one of the better documented frameworks out there and with lots of examples. Please take your time to go through them.