Qt Open file with context menu entry/shell extensions [Windows] - c++

I'm looking to have a way of opening files in my Qt app within a context menu, like opening any image file in Photos or Photoshop. Mostly what I'm finding though is either possibly out of date ways of doing it, like way earlier versions of Qt, or incomplete posts about doing something with shell extensions, but it's mostly adding an icon to custom file extensions in explorer, not the opening actions. Or ways of doing it with the general Windows API I think, which I don't know how this would "connect" with my Qt app to open a file in it, and the windows api is very scary to me.
Is the way of doing now with a newly added module in Qt using C++, or maybe something with an "installscript.qs" file, or "package.xml"? I've never seen or used a .qs file before. Basically, I'm not sure where to look for how to do it the most updated and easiest way.
The screenshot below is an example of the functionality im talking about. With my Qt app not being open, a file of the types I want (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc) is right clicked, and I can click like "Edit with MyQtAppName", or open the "Open with" sub menu and click "MyQtAppName". Then ultimately this files full path would be passed into my Qt app as a string somehow. I don't know how this pass of the path string happens yet, but yeah. Any help appreciated.


Do I have to do something special to make a file a resource file in QT C++?

Basically I have an image I'm trying to use as a splash screen. I set up the splash screen and even told it the location(":/Nuclear_Vortex_100_About.jpg") but when I run the program, all I see is a general window background "window"(no close box or any of the decoration, just a widget for lack of a better word) and no image on it.
I added the file (along with a bunch of other images I want to later load and use in the app) and they show up in the "Other Files" folder - ok so I figured since they're in the project, that they would be seen as resources if not source or headers. Do I need to add a special section to the PRO file or something in order to use the file? I'm about to just hard code an absolute path just to get it to work but I want a system independent way to get this done. I'm going to be paid for this project and I don't have much experience with the resource system in QT but it wasn't hard in Visual Studio and other C++ environments. As I see the splash screen show up, I know that part is working. The only thing I don't know for sure is that the file is not being found - that is I have not verified by using QFile and checking if it exists - I'll be doing that after I post this as it'll take some time to get a response or 2.
I have been searching for over a day and a half all over google and haven't found anything telling me what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you!
create resource file (.qrc) and add picture in it. It'll appear in resources section of your project. Then you can use it freely in your program.

Qt: How to Write a Windows Desktop Utility?

I've used Qt for widget development a fair bit. That's straightforward. But how could I write a program that can be invoked from anywhere on Windows?
Say I've selected some text in a web browser. I want to be able to invoke my program via keystroke, maybe show a little list containing a list of text files I can select (ideally where the cursor is), and then add the selected text to that file.
How can I do this?
I suggest you to have a look at:

How do you change your app icon in visual studio 2013?

I'm new to visual studios and I just created this very short calculator and I want to put it on mediafire for people to download but I wanted to change the icon..
I've heard that you select your app in solution explorer and Project>Properties
But my properties menu seems different.
It saids calculator property pages.
It doesnt have the tabs like ~Publish~ or ~Applications~ where people said you change your icon.
My properties is like this:
Configuration: Active(Debug)
and some other stuff below it some complicated stuff(to me)
Why doesnt mine have what other people have? I just want to share my first ever app with a custom icon. Help please, will appreciate it.
Create a text file, rename it res.rc, edit it to contain the line:
201 ICON "myicon.ico"
Add that file to your project. The file myicon.ico must exists.
Note: This is a bit hacky, the numerical vaulues should preferably be defined in a header.
You might be confused because Visual Studio supports different languages, and its UI is not consistent across those languages. Since you tagged it C++, the "old" rules apply. An application icon is a so-called resource.
You have to provide an .ico file, and reference it in a .rc file. The resource compiler (RC) compiles it into a .res file, and the linker then adds it to the EXE.
In C++, if you open the form in designer view, the properties window has an icon property that will allow you to browse for the icon of your choice.
Just for reference, i spent two hours trying to change it without any success until i resized the icon, it should be 32x32 and another one for small icon -not sure if its necessary though- with 16x16.
visual studio creates two icons when create the project , one is called small.ico and one is name yourexe.ico, just replace those and make sure to have correct sizes.

How to convert GUI to path on Windows with Qt/C++?

Clicking on "my computer" in the start menu returns a GUID link instead of a direct link. For example:
How can I convert it to a normal path so that I can get a list of directories and files with the help of QDir?
I'm not trying to get a list of drives. It is easily done with Qt. I just want to know that a user clicked My Computer in the start menu. (My application can replace Windows Explorer).
You are looking there at an item in the Shell Namespace, not in the filesystem.
Introduction to the Shell Namespace:
The shell shows many things which don't exist as files, My Computer being one. The Desktop is another - the shell desktop is a merged view of the All Users desktop folder, your personal desktop folder, and a few other items which are purely virtual like the recycle bin.
To find out more about the item you can use SHParseDisplayName to convert a name to an ITEMIDLIST.
If you intend to offer a replacement for Explorer, good luck!

C++ writing HTML onto each of two already opened Firefox tabs from within extension

I'm seeking C++ help in writing HTML code to a new tab in Firefox within an extension.
Our C++ code has been partially wrapped by an XPCOM wrapper and embedded within a Firefox extension thanks to the work of a consultant we have lost contact with, and still partially implemented by calling out to a standalone executable.
To get our output displayed from the standalone executable, the C++ code writes the output to a file and simply calls system(firefox file.html) which then comes up with a file:-based URI.
This no longer works in all situations, based on a report from a user running Vista. So it seems to be time to do it right, and navigate the DOM, likely integrating the rest of the C++ code into the XPCOM-wrapped part. Perhaps there's a right way to do it from the standalone executable using the DOM model?
The "current working directory" seems to no longer match the directory in which the extension installed the standalone executable, with a "VirtualStore" path element.
We also generate parallel output in a different MIME type, VRML to be specific.
Any suggestions or examples for how to properly generate output into a Firefox browser pane under C++ programmatic control would be very much appreciated.
You could call Firefox with a fully specified file:/// URL, not a relative URL (file.html).
Or you if you want to dump a separate executable, you could implement a protocol handler or a simpler about module (where ios.newChannel would be replaced by your own channel implementation that generates the data).
I'd say keeping the file-generation solution is OK and doesn't seem very bad, so I'd go with (1), perhaps changing the generated file location to a temporary folder and specifying it fully both for the executable that generates it and for Firefox.