How to check Win32 CreateProcess() failed reason using ProcMon. exclude GetLastError() - c++

I am having an issue with checking CreateProcess() failure reason, there was a code in production which doesn't log GetLastError() when CreateProcess() failed so i am running ProcMon to check the reason but unable to find the reason (Will procMon log the failure reason something like "C:\dummy.exe path not found or permission denied" ?).
Is there a way (tools ?) to check why CreateProcess() is failing without considering GetLastError() ?
I can't debug customer environment (no access to me) but I can change the code & provide new build & it takes long time due to process. i am currently looking for quick options available. Below is the sample code not exact production code.
int main()
STARTUPINFO info = { sizeof(info) };
TCHAR dymmypath[_MAX_PATH] = _T("C:\\dummy.exe");
static TCHAR TempPathString[_MAX_PATH];
STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) }; //default set up
PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; //data structure for CreateProcess
si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED;
if (!CreateProcess(dymmypath, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, TempPathString, &si, &pi))
else {
return 0;

i am running ProcMon to check the reason but unable to find the reason (Will procMon log the failure reason something like "C:\dummy.exe path not found or permission denied" ?).
Only if the request reaches the filesystem, ie to look for the EXE file, which in your case it sounds like it is not doing that, likely because CreateProcess() is failing to validate your input parameters before it reaches into the filesystem.
Is there a way (tools ?) to check why CreateProcess() is failing without considering GetLastError() ?
As others said, you could try attaching a debugger to your running app, and put a breakpoint in the CreateProcess function itself.
Another option is to use a tool like API Monitor, which will show you the actual API calls your program makes, what their parameter values are, reported error codes, etc.
I can't debug customer environment (no access to me) but I can change the code & provide new build
Then that is what you should do. Fix your code to do proper logging of error codes, don't ignore them anymore.
it takes long time due to process.
Well, that is your own fault for not optimizing your build process better, or breaking up your app into more manageable pieces, etc.

Just at first glance, I see TempPathString is initialized to "", which is not a valid path. So while you're fixing that issue, that's your chance to add proper error handling.
The tool you're looking for is a debugger. You should attach the debugger of your choice, set a breakpoint on the return of CreateProcess, and check the error there.
Besides debugging and error handling (logging etc), you'll have to just get creative. Compare a working environment against production for example.


Problems with some system default .lnk-files launching from under an impersonated user

I'm writing the 32bit service app where I want to be able to launch Start menu items for the logged users. I did manage to accomplish this task by impersonating user and launching selected .lnk-file using CreateProcessAsUser with command-line: %windir%\system32\cmd /c " start /b /i "" "<path-to-lnk-file>" ". And it works for almost every shortcut except bunch of the system shortcuts from Accessories folder (e.g. Sticky Notes.lnk, Snipping Tool.lnk). During the launch of the Snipping Tool I'm receiving the message box with this error from cmd:
Windows cannot find 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Snipping Tool.lnk'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
But the .lnk-file exists in this very directory!
service is 32 bit
Windows 8 Pro x64
launching shortcuts by user impersonation and CreateProcessAsUser with command-line %windir%\system32\cmd /c " start /b /i "" "<path-to-lnk-file>" "
approach works for almost every shortcut in Start menu except some in Start/Accessories folder (not all of them, e.g. Paint.lnk opens fine)
example code:
int launchAppForCurrentLoggedUser()
HANDLE userToken = WTSApiHelper::currentLoggedUserToken();
if (userToken == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
return -1;
//Duplicating token with access TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,
//impersonation level SecurityImpersonation and token type TokenPrimary.
//Also closing original userToken
HANDLE dup = WTSApiHelper::duplicateToken(userToken);
return -1;
int res = -1;
uint8 *env = NULL;
BOOL succeeded = CreateEnvironmentBlock((LPVOID *)&env, dup, FALSE);
if (!succeeded) {
Log("failed to get environment variables for user (error 0x%x).", GetLastError());
memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW));
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
si.lpDesktop = L"winsta0\\Default";
WCHAR params[] = L"/c \" start /b /i \"\" \"C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Accessories\\Snipping Tool.lnk\" \" ";
WCHAR cmd[] = L"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
succeeded = CreateProcessAsUserW(dup, cmd, params, NULL, NULL, FALSE, flags | CREATE_NO_WINDOW, env, NULL, &si, &pi);
if (!succeeded) {
Log("cannot launch process for user with error 0x%x.", GetLastError());
} else {
nres = 0;
return nres;
What do I miss here?
It's not the LNK file that is missing, but its target.
Seems like a WOW64 issue -- for your 32-bit service, %WINDIR%\System32 actually redirects to SysWOW64 and these executable files do not exist there.
Well, actually your 32-bit service is finding the 32-bit cmd.exe which does exist in SysWOW64, and then 32-bit cmd.exe has the above problem, when looking up the path %windir%\system32\SnippingTool.exe found in the shortcut .
I can reproduce the problem using a 32-bit Command Prompt. 32-bit processes attempting to use these shortcuts simply fail.
Try spawning the native version of cmd.exe (64-bit on your system), using %WINDIR%\SysNative\cmd.exe
In addition, you have quoting problems. You're trying to nest quotes, but what actually happens is that the second quote matches the first quote and exits quoting, rather than nesting.
In the future, when things fail in a service it is helpful to run the same call from a normal console application. In this case you would have immediately discovered that the issue is completely unrelated to impersonation. Second step, if it worked from a console application running in-profile would be using "Run As" with the console application, to test impersonation logic, still without the additional complexity of the service environment.
CreateProcessAsUser does not load the specified user's profile into the HKEY_USERS registry key. Therefore, to access the information in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key, you must load the user's profile information into HKEY_USERS with the LoadUserProfile function before calling CreateProcessAsUser. Be sure to call UnloadUserProfile after the new process exits.
According to the msdn page
MSDN suggests to use CreateProcessWithLogonW or CreateProcessWithTokenW, or to manually load the user's profile information.
And also:
CreateProcessAsUser allows you to access the specified directory and executable image in the security context of the caller or the target user. By default, CreateProcessAsUser accesses the directory and executable image in the security context of the caller. In this case, if the caller does not have access to the directory and executable image, the function fails. To access the directory and executable image using the security context of the target user, specify hToken in a call to the ImpersonateLoggedOnUser function before calling CreateProcessAsUser.

How to set PROCESS_SET_QUOTA to process?

I want to use SetProcessWorkingSetSize function, and on MSDN i see this:
"The handle must have the PROCESS_SET_QUOTA access right. For more information, see Process Security and Access Rights."
So, how can i set PROCESS_SET_QUOTA to process handle?
I want to write program that runs executable with working set limits, so there is main piece of code:
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
si.dwFlags = 0;
if (!CreateProcess(
cout << "error" << endl;
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(pi.hProcess, 20 * 4 * 1024, 100*1024*1024);
Did you actually try the code you have showed and it is not working for you? If so, what error is GetLastError() reporting?
If you read the documentation, it says:
Process Security and Access Rights
All possible access rights for a process object.
The handle returned by the CreateProcess function has PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS access to the process object
So you should be able to call SetProcessWorkingSetSize() after CreateProcess() exits, exactly like you have showed, without doing anything extra to enable PROCESS_SET_QUOTA rights, as it should already be enabled.
Your example code is calling SetProcessWorkingSetSize() successfully, as the error you get is 0. If you got an error like 0x522 ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD then you'd know the call failed.
It might help to know that an app is expected to be able to allocate more memory than its the working set size. The OS will page out memory from RAM. If you use Task Manager to view the Working Set for your process, is it actually exceeding the quota you set?
You might also need to use SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx wth flag QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_ENABLE to force the OS to actually apply your setting.

Genearting screenshot (BMP) with Windows Service and CreateProcessWithLogonW

I'm trying to create a screenshot application using windows service, that can capture complete screen at regular time intervals. To get started with, I took basic window service example ( and included screenshot utility class in the project and called the capture function in the onStart method of sample windows service. However, I got blank screen shots. Later I realized that windows service runs in different session and hence the screenshots are blank.
S, I decoupled the screenshot utility class and made it as a seperate project and generated a .exe out of it (which is capable of writing logs to a file where ever needed). This time, I used createProcessWithLogonW function to call the executable, so that it will run the exe in specified user domain than the default service session. The following is the code snippet I have been using.
void CSampleService::StartProcess()
WCHAR szUserProfile[256] = L"";
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
if (!CreateEnvironmentBlock(&lpvEnv, hToken, TRUE))
logger::Wlog(logger::fileName,"CreateEnvironmentBlock Error");
dwSize = sizeof(szUserProfile)/sizeof(WCHAR);
GetUserProfileDirectory(hToken, szUserProfile, &dwSize);
CreateProcessWithLogonW(L"admin", L"MyDomain",L"mypassword",
LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, NULL, L"C:\\Temp\\application.exe",
WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
I have no errors from the logs i got. when the services get initiated, it gives a warning of interactive service trying to show a message. When I click that, I received a black screenshot again. I know that there are many things involved here, I just gave a high level view of what I'm doing. Also, i'm pretty new to windows programming. Any kind of help is appreciated.
yes, i got that working. we have to acquire the active session-ID (perhaps from opened desktop) and run the process as interactive service in that session context. This should probably solve the capturing screenshots issue. If someone is looking for GUI and service interactions perhaps IPC will be the most convenient way.

Trouble restarting exe

I need to restart the program that im working on after an update has been downloaded except im running into some issues.
If i use CreateProcess nothing happens, if i use ShellExecute i get an 0xC0150002 error and if i use ShellExecute with the command "runas" it works fine. I can start the command prompt fine using CreateProcess and ShellExecute just not the same exe again and dont want to use runas as this will elevate the exe.
Any Ideas?
Windows 7, visual studio 2008 c++
alt text
char exePath[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, 255);
size_t exePathLen = strlen(exePath);
for (size_t x=exePathLen; x>0; x--)
if (exePath[x] == '\\')
exePath[x] = '\0';
char name[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, name, 255);
STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = {0};
BOOL res = CreateProcess(name, "-wait", NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, exePath, &StartupInfo, &ProcInfo );
char exePath[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, 255);
size_t exePathLen = strlen(exePath);
for (size_t x=exePathLen; x>0; x--)
if (exePath[x] == '\\')
exePath[x] = '\0';
char name[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, name, 255);
INT_PTR r = (INT_PTR)ShellExecute(NULL, "runas", name, "-wait", exePath, SW_SHOW);
CreateProcess() is an arcane beast. I remember unfondly my first frustrations with it. You should look at the Microsoft CreateProcess Example and the CreateProcess Page. (those links likely have a short lifetime, Googling CreateProcess should work just as well).
I can see 3 problems in your code.
StartupInfo must have "cb" set to the structure size:
STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = {0};
StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
The second argument requires both the command and the arguments to form the command line. Your program will see "-wait" as argv[0] and ignore it or pay it no mind.
char command[512];
sprintf(command, "%s -wait", name);
BOOL res = CreateProcess(name, command, // and as you had before
You don't look at GetLastError() if CreateProcess() fails (by returning a zero). It may have helped you but I suspect it would just say "invalid argument" or somesuch. Hey, there's only 10 of them to check, don't be lazy :-)
Another bug I committed is not closing the hProcess and/or hThread handles return in PROCESS_INFORMATION when I was done. I did do hProcess, but not hThread.
Looks like a manifest or registry question judging from the error code. If you can't get the actual error message string for more details, you might try:
moving every possible manifest file (Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest and the like) into your exe's directory, to ensure accessibility
cleanly and completely uninstall/wipe out old versions of DLL you may have installer newer versions of (I suggest: uninstall EVERY version, clean the registry with a sweep-clean tool such as Norton's, reinstall the new stuff from scratch)
What happens if you run the process using system()? It gives you less control, but you'll be running it from the same context you're running in. Also, Try monitoring the launch of your second process using ProcMon, it might give you the hint you need about the source of the failure.
Ok worked it all out in the end.
The first time my exe ran it used the default paths and as such loaded vld (a leak detector dll) from the default path. However in the exe i modified the dll path to be the bin folder ([app]\bin) when i restarted the exe using CreateProcess it picked up on a different vld dll (this was my mistake) that had incorrect side by side linkage and it was only after looking at event viewer that i worked it out.
Thanks for all your help.

WriteProcessMemory to SYSTEM process with SeDebugPrivilege enabled. (C, Vista)

I'm interested in injecting DLLs into SYSTEM owned processes on my Vista machine. I'm going about this using the traditional method of VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread. However, because this will be operating on SYSTEM processes, I enable SeDebugPivilege on the injecting process before opening the target process.
int EnableDebugPriv(LPCTSTR name) {
HANDLE hToken;
LUID luid;
return 0;
return 0;
printf("!AdjustTokenPrivileges - %d\n",GetLastError());
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;
Where the SE_DEBUG_NAME constant is passed as name.
After enabling SeDebugPrivilege, I go through the process of opening the target process, locating LoadLibrary, allocating space, writing the DLL path to memory, and creating the thread (checking all return values along the way):
dllPath is a char* of the DLL's path (obviously), and pid is the PID of the target process. Both of these values are taken in through the command line and validated before being used.
The problem I'm having is that nothing is returning errors until CreateRemoteThread, which is returning an 8 ("Not enough storage"). HOWEVER, WriteProcessMemory is NOT writing any bytes to the process. After the call the written variable is always 0. No bytes are being written, but the function is not failing. I'm not sure why this is happening. I looked into other privileges, like the SeRestorePrivilege which promises write access to all processes, but nothing works.
I'm executing this program with Administrator rights.
Note: this WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread problem only happen when I run this program against higher privileged users (SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE, etc...). It works perfectly against a program owned by me (same privileges).
Edit: Here's a link to the whole source. There's not much else there besides basic error checking, but maybe it will help?
This has to do with session isolation in Vista or higher versions of Windows. Check out the source or disassembly for password dumping tools like Cain and Abel that purport Vista functionality. Essentially the process is the same but you'll be calling a different function for CreateRemoteThread (sorry, I don't think the function is exported, you just have to find it, so disassembly of working software is probably the best bet).
You could try using RtlCreateUserThread, instead of CreateRemoteThread. This routine doesn't care what session the target process lives in. Just remember to have the thread call RtlExitUserThread before it ends. These threads don't clean up after themselves, like the CreateThread/CreateRemoteThread ones do.
The reactos code can give you a good look at what these routines are doing.