WriteProcessMemory to SYSTEM process with SeDebugPrivilege enabled. (C, Vista) - c++

I'm interested in injecting DLLs into SYSTEM owned processes on my Vista machine. I'm going about this using the traditional method of VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread. However, because this will be operating on SYSTEM processes, I enable SeDebugPivilege on the injecting process before opening the target process.
int EnableDebugPriv(LPCTSTR name) {
HANDLE hToken;
LUID luid;
return 0;
return 0;
printf("!AdjustTokenPrivileges - %d\n",GetLastError());
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;
Where the SE_DEBUG_NAME constant is passed as name.
After enabling SeDebugPrivilege, I go through the process of opening the target process, locating LoadLibrary, allocating space, writing the DLL path to memory, and creating the thread (checking all return values along the way):
dllPath is a char* of the DLL's path (obviously), and pid is the PID of the target process. Both of these values are taken in through the command line and validated before being used.
The problem I'm having is that nothing is returning errors until CreateRemoteThread, which is returning an 8 ("Not enough storage"). HOWEVER, WriteProcessMemory is NOT writing any bytes to the process. After the call the written variable is always 0. No bytes are being written, but the function is not failing. I'm not sure why this is happening. I looked into other privileges, like the SeRestorePrivilege which promises write access to all processes, but nothing works.
I'm executing this program with Administrator rights.
Note: this WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread problem only happen when I run this program against higher privileged users (SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE, etc...). It works perfectly against a program owned by me (same privileges).
Edit: Here's a link to the whole source. http://pastebin.com/m77110d8e There's not much else there besides basic error checking, but maybe it will help?

This has to do with session isolation in Vista or higher versions of Windows. Check out the source or disassembly for password dumping tools like Cain and Abel that purport Vista functionality. Essentially the process is the same but you'll be calling a different function for CreateRemoteThread (sorry, I don't think the function is exported, you just have to find it, so disassembly of working software is probably the best bet).

You could try using RtlCreateUserThread, instead of CreateRemoteThread. This routine doesn't care what session the target process lives in. Just remember to have the thread call RtlExitUserThread before it ends. These threads don't clean up after themselves, like the CreateThread/CreateRemoteThread ones do.
The reactos code can give you a good look at what these routines are doing.


How to check Win32 CreateProcess() failed reason using ProcMon. exclude GetLastError()

I am having an issue with checking CreateProcess() failure reason, there was a code in production which doesn't log GetLastError() when CreateProcess() failed so i am running ProcMon to check the reason but unable to find the reason (Will procMon log the failure reason something like "C:\dummy.exe path not found or permission denied" ?).
Is there a way (tools ?) to check why CreateProcess() is failing without considering GetLastError() ?
I can't debug customer environment (no access to me) but I can change the code & provide new build & it takes long time due to process. i am currently looking for quick options available. Below is the sample code not exact production code.
int main()
STARTUPINFO info = { sizeof(info) };
TCHAR dymmypath[_MAX_PATH] = _T("C:\\dummy.exe");
static TCHAR TempPathString[_MAX_PATH];
STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) }; //default set up
PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; //data structure for CreateProcess
si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED;
if (!CreateProcess(dymmypath, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, TempPathString, &si, &pi))
else {
return 0;
i am running ProcMon to check the reason but unable to find the reason (Will procMon log the failure reason something like "C:\dummy.exe path not found or permission denied" ?).
Only if the request reaches the filesystem, ie to look for the EXE file, which in your case it sounds like it is not doing that, likely because CreateProcess() is failing to validate your input parameters before it reaches into the filesystem.
Is there a way (tools ?) to check why CreateProcess() is failing without considering GetLastError() ?
As others said, you could try attaching a debugger to your running app, and put a breakpoint in the CreateProcess function itself.
Another option is to use a tool like API Monitor, which will show you the actual API calls your program makes, what their parameter values are, reported error codes, etc.
I can't debug customer environment (no access to me) but I can change the code & provide new build
Then that is what you should do. Fix your code to do proper logging of error codes, don't ignore them anymore.
it takes long time due to process.
Well, that is your own fault for not optimizing your build process better, or breaking up your app into more manageable pieces, etc.
Just at first glance, I see TempPathString is initialized to "", which is not a valid path. So while you're fixing that issue, that's your chance to add proper error handling.
The tool you're looking for is a debugger. You should attach the debugger of your choice, set a breakpoint on the return of CreateProcess, and check the error there.
Besides debugging and error handling (logging etc), you'll have to just get creative. Compare a working environment against production for example.

GetProcAddress return NULL when the hModule and lpProcName is valid

I started a new project recently and my objectives is to inject bytecode into another process, and then start a remote thread executing my bytecode, however i have run into a very strange problem.
What it does is that it allocates and write to memory of a arbitrary process, it writes a struct containing pointers to functions in user32.dll and kernel32.dll for the remote process, it also writes a calling operation for the function pointers from the struct, it then creates a remotethread with a lpStartAddress of the "calling operation"
You can find the source code here :
GetPrivileges is being called on line 55 (method on line 185), it returns true meaning that OpenProcessToken, LookupPrivilegeValue and AdjustTokenPrivileges returned true.
Soon after that the following will be callled:
param->pMessageBox = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(user32, "MessageBoxA");
param->pSleep = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(kernel32, "Sleep");
Both user32 and kernel32 are valid handles, but param->pMessageBox will be set to NULL, whilst param->pSleep will get the actual pointer for the Sleep.
And the strange thing about this is when i replace the GetPrivileges with this snippet that i copied online it works fine and the param->pMessageBox will be set with the correct pointer address.
BOOL GetPrivileges()
HANDLE tokenHandle;
if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &tokenHandle) != 0)
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &tokenPriv.Privileges[0].Luid);
tokenPriv.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tokenPriv.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
AdjustTokenPrivileges(tokenHandle, 0, &tokenPriv, sizeof(tokenPriv), NULL, NULL);
TCHAR buffer[256];
wsprintf(buffer, TEXT("0x%x"), GetLastError());
MessageBox(NULL, buffer, TEXT("OpenProcessTokenError"), MB_ICONERROR);
return FALSE;
return true;
Continuing on with my debugging take note that the else statement in the copied GetPrivileges will not be called due to OpenProcessToken returning true as expected, and by removing:
TCHAR buffer[256];
wsprintf(buffer, TEXT("0x%x"), GetLastError());
param->pMessageBox will set to NULL, how can that be?
Regards a frustrated ogelami.
The module handles are in fact not valid. They are module handles for a remote process. Module handles are in fact implement as base addresses and so only have meaning with respect to the virtual address space of the executing process.
It looks like, by chance, the base address of the kernel32 module of the injecting process is the same as the base address of the kernel32 module in the remote process.
Realistically, your goals are going to be hard to achieve if you put so much code in the injecting process. You would be better off if you injected a DLL into the other process. Create a remote thread whose first act is to load this DLL. Then you will have code running in the other process, inside its address space, and so able to call directly functions like GetModuleHandle, GetProcAddress etc.

Use Win API to determine if an instance of an executable is already running

I need to ensure only 1 instance of my C++ application is running.
Using the Win API how do I;
retrieve the information about my current application?
GetCurrentProcess() will give me a HANDLE on my application, how do I retrieve information about it
retrieve a list of all running processes for the user?
EnumProcesses() gives a list, but appears to require a pre-allocated buffer, so how do I find out how many processes are currently running?
I need to compare the exe name of my server to the running processes, and raise an error if I find more than one
Note: I cannot use any boost libraries, and I am not interested in using a mutex, seen on similar posts.
You can use the CreateMutex function to create a system-wide named mutex to denote whether your process is running. It will return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the process is already running:
(void)::CreateMutex( NULL,
TEXT( "My_Special_Invokation_Test_Mutex" ) );
switch ( ::GetLastError() ) {
// Process was not running already
// Process is running already
// Error occured, not sure whether process is running already.
Now, if you insist on not using a mutex, you can use the CreateFile function instead. Make sure to pass zero for the dwShareMode field to get exclusive access semantics, CREATE_NEW for the dwCreationDisposition field (so that you create the file only if it doesn't exist already) and FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE for the dwFlagsAndAttributes argument so that the file gets deleted once your process is terminated. Something like this:
LPCTSTR lockFileName = ...;
(void)::CreateFile( lockFileName,
switch ( ::GetLastError() ) {
// Process was not running already
// Process is running already
// Error occured, not sure whether process is running already.
See this article about Temporary file generation and usage best practices about how to deal with temporary files safely.
To make a long story short, it's certainly possible to use lock files for your task, but I think it's harder to do it right.
Updated version of Nawaz's answer:-
Handle mutex = CreateMutex (0, 0, "SomeUniqueName");
switch (GetLastError ())
// app already running
// first instance
// who knows what happened!
This does have a security issue, a malicious application could create a mutex called "SomeUniqueName" before your app starts, which would then prevent your app from being run. To counter this, you can name the mutex based on a hash of some constant system parameter (the MAC address for example). The MSDN documentation has this to say about single instance applications:
If you are using a named mutex to limit your application to a single instance, a malicious user can create this mutex before you do and prevent your application from starting. To prevent this situation, create a randomly named mutex and store the name so that it can only be obtained by an authorized user. Alternatively, you can use a file for this purpose. To limit your application to one instance per user, create a locked file in the user's profile directory.
Since mutex isn't desired, you can for example use a file mapping instead. The documentation to CreateFilemapping says:
If the object exists before the function call, the function returns a handle to the existing object (with its current size, not the specified size), and GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
This leads to the following no-mutex implementation:
Handle h = CreateFileMapping(0, 0, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 4096, name);
bool already_running = !!h && (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
Either the call succeeds and the mapping already exists, then another process is already running.
Or, a new mapping is created, or the call fails. In either case, no other process is already running. If the call fails, it almost certainly failed for any other process that may have tried before as well. Since once a call was successful, the mapping already exists, the only possible reason why two identical calls could succeed once and then fail would be "no more handles left", and that just doesn't (well, shouldn't) happen. Anyway, if this does happen, you have a much more serious problem elsewhere.
That thing probably works with every type of named kernel object you pick (i.e. every type of kernel object that has both a Create and an Open version).
A file mapping object has the advantage that if you also want to do IPC (say, forward your commandline to the already running instance, and then exit), then you already have a mapping that you can use (though sure enough a pipe would do mighty fine as well).
But otherwise, I don't see how this (or any other solution) is superior to using the mutex approach in any way. Really, why not use a mutex? It's what they're for.

EnumProcessModules failed with error 299 on 32bit win7

My code is running on win7 32bit, but when I use EnumProcessModules, it returned false and getlasterror() return error code 299, which declare that the program is 32bit and this statement can not be running on 64bit system.
I wonder why this happens, and why the system thinks that I am running on a 64bit OS?
The code I use:
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwPid);
if (hProcess)
DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
if (EnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded))
//do something here...
dwPid is the id of the process I want to manipulate.
PS.This error just happen on one of my test machine, others are fine. So This problem may be related to that specific machine or system configration?
Though It has been a while since you posted this question.But I thought of giving it a try .
Reason might be because You are using CreateProcessA in your code.. and suddenly calling EnumProcessModules.Thus windows is not able to create ModuleInfo by that time.And it returns error 299(Thinking its a 64 bit system.. as it fails to read the memory).
Actually I was stuck at this too and figured it out..after looking at your post.
CreatProcess Remarks.. It ask to call WaitforInput Idle before proceeding.;-)
The calling thread can use the WaitForInputIdle function to wait until the new process has finished its initialization and is waiting for user input with no input pending. This can be useful for synchronization between parent and child processes, because CreateProcess returns without waiting for the new process to finish its initialization. For example, the creating process would use WaitForInputIdle before trying to find a window associated with the new process.

Where inside injected DLL to loop?

So I've got an application that starts another application with my DLL injected (with Detours). The entry point is DllMain. I can't do much from DllMain, and certainly cannot loop. So how do I call my DLL monitor functions every x seconds? I read you cannot create a thread from DllMain (at least until it returns) and its true because it crashed me. So I tried creating it in the attach thread event and it crashed me. So now what I'm trying to do is inject it again (incase Detours fails) so I can get the module handle. Then I get the address of an initializer function which creates my thread. I get the module handle fine, but I don't think I can get the function address. I made the function empty, and it still crashed me. So it doesn't even get as far as calling the function. Visual Studio said I have no read access.
So what am I suppose to do? What do you do to loop your DLL functions when you don't own the attached program (exe).
DetourCreateProcessWithDll(filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
&si, &pi, detoured, hook, NULL);
processID = pi.dwProcessId;
hDll = InjectDLL(processID, hook);
if(hDll != NULL)
STARTER Starter = (STARTER)GetProcAddress(hDll, "Starter");
if(Starter != NULL)
The function Starter is extern C exported and looks fine inspected (it's ordinal 1).
I have no idea what could possibly be wrong, and merely hope someone out there has had experience with this topic and crashing.
Here's the DLL code:
extern "C"
void __declspec(dllexport) Starter(void);
void Starter(void)
You can't do it that way because the DLL is injected into a different process and you're trying to execute the function in the address space of your hooking process.
What you'll have to do is call CreateRemoteThread, passing in the address that you get from GetProcAddress in the lpStartAddress parameter. This will create a new thread on the remote process, and execute the function in the address space of that process, in the context of the new thread.
BTW, technically you should be able to create a new thread in DllMain/DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, as long as you're not doing any synchronizing with other threads, though it's not recommended. I'm not sure what issues might exist if doing this when the DLL is being injected though.