Elasticache / Redis Timestamp of new data - amazon-web-services

Does Elasticache store the time when a data is added to the cache? I want to filter data on my cache based on the time it was added but I can't find a clear answer if this information is stored in Elasticache automatically or if I have to add this information (timestamp) manually for each data inserted in the cache?

Neither Redis nor ElastiCache's Redis-compatible service store the timestamp automatically.
This would be inneficient as many use causes don't require it, so it's a client application implementation detail.
You may use a sorted set to store this information, so you can query for date ranges. And you can use Redis server time automatically if you use a Lua script. See How to store in Redis sorted set with server-side timestamp as score?.
This is particularly important if you have multiple nodes connecting, as they may have clock differences.


AWS Neptune Change Management

we are considering using AWS Neptune as graphdb solution.
I am coming from Django world so I used to use db migrations a lot.
I could not find any info about how AWS Neptune does change management on DB?
ie. what happens if I want to reload a backup from a month ago and there has been schema changes since then? How do we track these changes?
Should we write custom scripts?
Unlike something like an RDBMS and some other data stores, Amazon Neptune, and many other graph dbs for that matter, are called "schemaless" meaning there is no need to explicitly define or maintain a schema. The schema is implicitly defined by the data stored in the database. In the case you mentioned, restoring a backup, there is no need for a migration/change script to be run. When you restore the backup the schema will be defined by the restored data.
This "schemaless" nature of the database allows applications to begin adding new entity types and data properties without any sort of ETL process. However, this also means that the application does need to manage some sort of schema internally to maintain sanity over the data being stored (e.g. first_name and firstName could be used and would be separate properties.).

Is Redis atomic when multiple clients attempt to read/write an item at the same time?

Let's say that I have several AWS Lambda functions that make up my API. One of the functions reads a specific value from a specific key on a single Redis node. The business logic goes as follows:
if the key exists:
serve the value of that key to the client
if the key does not exist:
get the most recent item from dynamoDB
insert that item as the value for that key, and set an expiration time
delete that item from dynamoDB, so that it only gets read into memory once
Serve the value of that key to the client
The idea is that every time a client makes a request, they get the value they need. If the key has expired, then lambda needs to first get the item from the database and put it back into Redis.
But what happens if 2 clients make an API call to lambda simultaneously? Will both lambda processes read that there is no key, and both will take an item from a database?
My goal is to implement a queue where a certain item lives in memory for only X amount of time, and as soon as that item expires, the next item should be pulled from the database, and when it is pulled, it should also be deleted so that it won't be pulled again.
I'm trying to see if there's a way to do this without having a separate EC2 process that's just keeping track of timing.
Is redis+lambda+dynamoDB a good setup for what I'm trying to accomplish, or are there better ways?
A Redis server will execute commands (or transactions, or scripts) atomically. But a sequence of operations involving separate services (e.g. Redis and DynamoDB) will not be atomic.
One approach is to make them atomic by adding some kind of lock around your business logic. This can be done with Redis, for example.
However, that's a costly and rather cumbersome solution, so if possible it's better to simply design your business logic to be resilient in the face of concurrent operations. To do that you have to look at the steps and imagine what can happen if multiple clients are running at the same time.
In your case, the flaw I can see is that two values can be read and deleted from DynamoDB, one writing over the other in Redis. That can be avoided by using Redis's SETNX (SET if Not eXists) command. Something like this:
GET the key from Redis
If the value exists:
Serve the value to the client
If the value does not exist:
Get the most recent item from DynamoDB
Insert that item into Redis with SETNX
If the key already exists, go back to step 1
Set an expiration time with EXPIRE
Delete that item from DynamoDB
Serve the value to the client

AWS storage with one float

I have one key-value float as well as a much larger JSON-object that I want to store in the cloud for my iOS application. I want to use DynamoDB for the storage of my larger JSON-object, but I am wondering what tool I should use to store my key-value float. I need to be able to read / write to this key-value every second, whereas I only read / write from my JSON-object much less. I am thinking of using DyanamoDB for the JSON, and Redis for the key-value string that I would like to store, but because I am updating the value so often, it doesn't seem right -- I cannot cache the value. Is there any AWS tool that has faster latency than just storing everything on DynamoDB? Or should I just be storing everything on the same place (I am also looking to store user sessions, and I know Redis is also good at session storing)?
Either dynamoDB using the DAX acceleration, or redis will offer sub-millisecond write times.

DynamoDB local db limits - use for initial beta-go-live

given Dynamo's pricing, the thought came to mind to use DynamoDB Local DB on an EC2 instance for the go-live of our startup SaaS solution. I've been trying to find like a data sheet for the local db, specifying limits as to # of tables, or records, or general size of the db file. Possibly, we could even run a few local db instances on dedicated EC2 servers as we know at login what user needs to be connected to what db.
Does anybody have any information on the local db limits or on this approach? Also, anybody knows of any legal/licensing issues with using dynamo-local in that way?
Every item in DynamoDB Local will end up as a row in the SQLite database file. So the limits are based on SQLite's limitations.
Maximum Number Of Rows In A Table = 2^64 but the database file limit will likely be reached first (140 terabytes).
Note: because of the above, the number of items you can store in DynamoDB Local will be smaller with the preview version of local with Streams support. This is because to support Streams the update records for items are also stored. E.g. if you are only doing inserts of these items then the item will effectively be stored twice: once in a table containing item data and once in a table containing the INSERT UpdateRecord data for that item (more records will also be generated if the item is being updated over time).
Be aware that DynamoDB Local was not designed for the same performance, availability, and durability as the production service.

AWS hosted data storage for storing simple entities

I need to choose data storage for simple system. The main purpose of the system is storing events - simple entities with timestamp, user id and type. No joins. Just single table.
Stored data will be fetched rarely (compared with writes). I expect following read operations:
get latest events for a list of users
get latest events of a type for a list of users
I expect about 0.5-1 million writes a day. Data older than 2 years can be removed.
I'm looking for best fitted service provided by AWS. I wonder if using redshift is like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut?
For your requirement you can use AWS DynamoDB and also define the TTL values to remove the older items automatically. You get the following advantages.
Fully managed data storage
Able to scale with the need for write throughput (Though it can be costly)
Use sort key with timestamp to query latest items.
I would also like to check the AWS Simple DB as it looks more fit(in a first glance) for your requirements.
Please refer this article which explains some practical user experience.