How can I make a WinPE application in visual studio with c++ - c++

I am making a command line application in C++ for WinPE, which I am booting from my flash drive. I made a C++ console application in Visual Studio (2019), and I put the app on another partition of the flash drive. I tried to run the application in WinPE, but it said that the application was not compatible with WinPE. I tried deciphering this page by Microsoft (I couldn't find anything on other sites), and I tried some of the things it says, but it just wasn't working. I don't think I fully understand some of the things on that page, but maybe you do.


Cannot access SFTP/Webserver with Visual Studio

After using Notepad++ to develop a website for a while now, I decided to try a more advanced IDE and installed Visual Studio.
In NPP I used the NppFTP plugin to work on my webserver and never had problems doing so. But when I try to acces my code with Visual Studio, weird things happen.
So I click on "Open Website" on the Start Page.
There I select FTP.
When I fill in the same server, port and login data, which still works in Npp, I get an error saying "Rebex FTP/SSL does not support SFTP/SSH protocol.
When I write s instead of, Visual Studio displays an empty dark blue page and starts lagging and being unresponsive.
Can anybody tell my what is the proper way to connect to my webserver ?

How can I access Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition? (No Shortcut)

I recently downloaded Visual Studio 2015 from DreamSpark. I downloaded the iso file and ran it, starting the installation. From there, it just basically installed itself. Afterward, the program didn't launch because I had to restart my computer. Upon starting Windows back up, there was no icon on the desktop, there was no shortcut in my tool bar at the bottom of the screen.
Perplexed as to why this wasn't part of the installation, I checked the folder I installed it to, which was the one that it defaulted to. Navigated to C://ProgramFiles(x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/Common7/IDE. From there I searched through the executable files and found nothing that looked like a way to open the browser. All I can find are some peripheral features like the Web functionality, the Graphical interface, but nothing to get to the C++ coding interface. Any suggestions? Am I looking in the wrong folder or something?

Visual Studio Remote Compile and Run

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use Visual Studio 2012 as a full linux development suite. I know this is not the regular question here but work with me. What i have so far is the ability to use Visual Studio as a text editor to edit inside a virtual machine of Linux running on my computer.
The way that I have done this is to set up a permanent ssh portal that acts as as a hard drive in my windows. I have done this using a program called WebDrive:
So that is cool, it means I have the ability to fully view my Linux c++ project from Visual Studio. This provides all of the cool c++ editing things that i like about visual studio.
So where to from here?
Basically what I have now is a heavy glorified text editor.
What I would like to do is get the whole 'shabam' working.
I would like to be able to compile and run code from visual studio remotely on a server address. Is it possible? The code is built with cmake and g++ compiler?
Your best bet would be WinGDB allows working within VS studio and compiling on a remote Linux machine directly. Full step through debugging within VS is supported. For DLLs you can attach to remote process running on your Linux build server within VS. Great solution for working within the kinder VS dev environment but still having the full power of the Linux dev stack. Auto-generation of makefiles via VS project files too. Hope this helps.

Deploy a C program compiled in VS2010

I have a compiled an older C++ program that runs fine in debug mode in VS2010 converted to VC++ 6 but I have no idea how to package or deploy the application.
VS2010 may not have anything to do with deploying the program at all but I thought I should mention it.
The "release" folder not only contains the executable but some "obj", "tlog", "vc100.pdb", "exe.intermediate.manifest" and "lastbuildstate".
This application is being installed on Windows Mobile OS (hopefully). It isn't as simple as copying the executable to the device is it?
Do I need to create a cab file or msi and, if so, how?
I am absolutely new at this being spoiled in C# and MVC for far too long!
Visual Studio 2010 does not have any of the Smart Device compilers (managed or native) required to even build for Windows Mobile (not Windows Phone). You must use Visual Studio 2008 to build, deploy and/or debug.
FWIW, Studio 2012 will have support for Smart Devices (Studio 2010 still won't get support) in Q1 of next year. Backward-compatibility has yet to be announced, but it's always possible that you'll be able to develop for WinMo devices using the ARM compiler. There's a video here detailng some of the features.
Have you done a search on google yet? While I don't know anything about deploying to a windows phone, a quick google search found a few hits.
I searched for 'deploy windows phone app' and found a few things. Among which are:
Last of all, it looks like this has been asked before on this website. For instance:
Can you install you own apps on your windows 7 phone

Debugging x64 programs locally without being administrator

For the past several years I have been logging into my PC as a limited user and debugging applications this way. Now that I'm making the move to x64 bit applications, I'm unable to do this and get a dialog error as shown below. Of course this is not the real problem as the service is running just fine. If I log off and log in as admin I can debug normally just like I do for a 32 bit process.
Since x64 debugging is currently making use of remote debugging techniques, does anyone know a way to do this without being administrator?
VS2008 Error:
Unable to start program
Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) failed
to start. Verify that the remote
debugger is properly installed.
!!! EDIT !!!
Sorry, I found the error. I use a very secure environment, LUA + SRP, and for some reason an additinal rule must be added for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe" All is good now.
Sorry, I found the error. I use a very secure environment, LUA + SRP, and for some reason an additional rule must be added for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe" All is good now.
It's a strong possibility that the x64 program was not installed for "all users". When performing the installation, sometimes you see this option before installing the files. This is likely not related to x64 architecture but instead a file permissions error.
When installing applications it's best to install as the ADMIN and enable it for all users first. Then as a limited user there are no file permission errors.