AWS Quicksight : How to use parameter value inside SQL (data set) to render dynamic data on dashboard? - amazon-web-services

There is a provision to pass value for quicksight parameters via URL. But how can I use the value of the parameter inside SQL (data set) to get dynamic data on dashboard?
For example:
QUERY as of now:
select * from CITYLIST;
city_name | cost_of_living
Parameter Created : cityName
URL Triggered : https://aws-------------------/dashboard/abcd123456xyz#p.cityName=AAAAAAAAA
Somehow I need to use the value passed in URL inside SQL so that I can write a dynamic query as below:
select * from CITYLIST where city_name = SomeHowNeedAccessOfParameterValue;

QuickSight doesn't provide a way to access parameters via SQL directly.
Instead you should create a filter from the parameter to accomplish your use-case.
This is effectively QuickSight's way of creating the WHERE clause for you.
This design decision makes sense to me. Though it takes filtering out of your control in the SQL, it makes your data sets more reusable (what would happen in the SQL if the parameter weren't provided?)

Create a parameter, then control and then filter ("Custom filter" -> "Use parameters").
If you select Direct query option and Custom SQL query for data set, then SQL query will be executed per each visual change/update.
The final query on DB side will look like [custom SQL query] + WHERE clause.
For example:
Visual side:
For control Control_1 selected values "A", "B", "C";
DB side:
[Custom SQL from data set] + 'WHERE column in ("A", "B", "C")'
Quicksight builds a query for you and runs it on DB side.
This allows to reduce data sent over network.

Yes now it provides you to sql editor amd you can use it for the same purpose
For full details please find the below reference


What is the equivalent of the SQL function REGEXP_EXTRACT in Azure Synapse?

I want to convert my code that I was running in Netezza (SQL) to Azure Synapse (T-SQL). I was using the built-in Netezza SQL function REGEXP_EXTRACT but this function is not built-in Azure Synapse.
Here's the code I'm trying to convert
-- Assume that "column_v1" has datatype Character Varying(3) and can take value between 0 to 999 or NULL
, REGEXP_EXTRACT(column_v1, '[0-9]+') as column_v2
regexExtract() function is supported in Synapse.
In order to implement it, you need to use couple of things, here is a demo that i built, here im using the SalesLT.Customer data that is supported as a sample data in microsoft:
In Synapse -> Integrate tab:
Create new pipeline
Add dataflow activity to your pipline
In dataflow activity: under settings tab -> create new data flow
double click on the dataflow (it should open it) Add source (it can be blob storage / files on prem etc.)
add a derived column transformation
in derived column add new column (or override an existing column) in Expression: add this command regexExtract(Phone,'(\\d{3})') it will select the 3 first digits, since my data has dashes in it, its makes more sense to replace all characters that are not digits using regexReplace method: regexReplace(Phone,'[^0-9]', '')
add sink
DataFlow activities:
derived column transformation:
please check MS docs:
Regex_extract is not available in T-SQL. Thus, we try to do similar functionalities using Substring/left/right functions along with Patindex function
SELECT input='789A',
extract= SUBSTRING('789A', PATINDEX('[0-9][0-9][0-9]', '789A'),4);
Refer Microsoft documents patindex (T-SQL), substring (T-SQL) for additional information.

How to change a database name in a query via a URL in power bi

i am trying to change my database name in my advanced editor query in power bi. I know i can create parameters with in the power bi desktop app and pass the different database with in it. I have done this and it works fine.
But what i am trying to do is when i give a user a link for example"PowerBi_1"
how do i get the datasource name which is "PowerBi_1" and pass it into my advanced editor query which looks as follows
Source = Sql.Database(".", "PowerBi_2", [Query="select *#(lf)from Customer"])
so i want to replace the Powerbi_2 with PowerBi_1
is this possible?
I tried searching and the only things i could find was to add parameters from "manage parameters" which i can already do. But i need it to be passed from the URL and automatically change the data source instead of manually changing it via "edit parameters"
i know you can use filter in your URL as eq '15012'
but this would only work on datasets. im not sure how to do this for a database change in a query
The only thing you could try is if you have a direct query and use the new feature of binding query parameters.
Then you can set a filter with url to point to the database you need. Not sure how it would work - haven't tried it myself.
To expand on the idea a bit - you would need a table with database names in it. Then you would bind database column of that table to your query parameter and finally, use your url to set appropriate filter on this new table.
Scratch that, in the article I linked to, it says that direct query T-SQL is not supported. But if they were ;)...

Textfield with autocomplete

I have several fields that contain exactly the same sql query! Is it possible to place the sql question centrally in APEX in the same way as list of values or as a function in oracle? I am using APEX 18.2
Here are two extended solutions
Pipelined SQL
Dynamic SQL
Call me dense, but I don't think I understand why you'd have multiple fields (presumably on the same form) whose source is the same SQL query.
Are you passing a parameter to the SQL to get a different value for each field?
If you are passing a parameter to the SQL query, why not create a database view to hold the query, then pass the parameter to the view. That way, if you need to change it, it's in one place.
If they really are all the same value from the same query, how about using the SQL for one field/page_item, then make the source for the others be the first page item?
I would create a hidden item with the query in the source as text and use &HIDDEN_ITEM_NAME. to reference its value in the source of any item I was trying to display the query.
Finally isolved it with a function and use the type PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL Query in APEX, then i have all in one place. I created a function in SQL developer that returns a SQL query.

QSqlQuery using with indexes

I have my own data store mechanism for store data. but I want to implement standards data manipulation and query interface for end users,so I thought QT sql is suitable for my case.
but I still cannot understand how do I involved my indexes for sql query.
let say for example,
I have table with column A(int),B(int),C(int),D(int) and column A is indexed.assume I execute query like select * from Foo where A = 10;
How do I involved my index for search the results?.
You have written your own storage system and want to manipulate it using an SQL like syntax? I don't think Qt SQL is the right tool for that job. It offers connectivity to various SQL servers and is not meant for parsing SQL statements. Qt expects to "pass through" the queries and then somehow parse the result set and transform it into a Qt friendly representation.
So if you only want to have a Qt friendly representation, I wouldn't see a reason to go the indirection with SQL.
But regarding your problem:
In SQL, indexes are usually not stated in the queries, but during the creation of the table schema. But SQL server has a possibility to "hint" indexes, is that what you are looking for?
SELECT column_list FROM table_name WITH (INDEX (index_name) [, ...]);

Concat strings in SQL Server and Oracle with the same unmodified query

I have a program that must support both Oracle and SQL Server for it's database.
At some point I must execute a query where I want to concatenate 2 columns in the select statement.
In SQL Server, this is done with the + operator
select column1 + ' - ' + column2 from mytable
And oracle this is done with concat
select concat(concat(column1, ' - '), column2) from mytable
I'm looking for a way to leverage them both, so my code has a single SQL query literal string for both databases and I can avoid ugly constructs where I need to check which DBMS I'm connected to.
My first instinct was to encapsulate the different queries into a stored procedure, so each DBMS can have their own implementation of the query, but I was unable to create the procedure in Oracle that returns the record set in the same way as SQL Server does.
Update: Creating a concat function in SQL Server doesn't make the query compatible with Oracle because SQL Server requires the owner to be specified when calling the function as:
select dbo.concat(dbo.concat(column1), ' - '), column2) from mytable
It took me a while to figure it out after creating my own concat function in SQL Server.
On the other hand, looks like a function in Oracle with SYS_REFCURSOR can't be called with a simple
exec myfunction
And return the table as in SQL Server.
In the end, the solution was to create a view with the same name on both RDBMs but with different implementations, then I can do a simple select on the view.
If you want to go down the path of creating a stored procedure, whatever framework you're using should be able to more or less transparently handle an Oracle stored procedure with an OUT parameter that is a SYS_REFCURSOR and call that as you would a SQL Server stored procedure that just does a SELECT statement.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE some_procedure( p_rc OUT sys_refcursor )
-- You could use the CONCAT function rather than Oracle's string concatenation
-- operator || but I would prefer the double pipes.
OPEN p_rc
FOR SELECT column1 || ' - ' || column2
FROM myTable;
Alternatively, you could define your own CONCAT function in SQL Server.
Nope, sorry.
As you've noted string concatentaion is implemented in SQL-Server with + and Oracle with concat or ||.
I would avoid doing some nasty string manipulation in stored procedures and simply create your own concatenation function in one instance or the other that uses the same syntax. Probably SQL-Server so you can use concat.
The alternative is to pass + or || depending on what RDBMS you're connected to.
Apparently in SQL Server 2012 they have included a CONCAT() function:
If you are trying to create a database agnostic application, you should stick to either
Stick to very basic SQL and do anything like this in your application.
Create different abstractions for different databases. If you hope to get any kind of scale out of your application, this is the path you'll likely need to take.
I wouldn't go down the stored procedure path, you can probably get it to work, but but week you'll find out you need to support "database X", then you'll need to rewrite your stored proc in that database as well. Its a recipe for pain.