Copying Data from an AWS RDS instance to another RDS - amazon-web-services

I would like to copy all the data (all the databases and tables) from a RDS instance to another. Can somebody tell me how can this be done. New to AWS so pardon me if my question is obvious.

If you want to clone your instance, you don't need to copy all data, you can just create a snapshot and create a new instance from this snapshot.
Now if you really want to copy all data, because the target instance already exists or any other reason, you can use AWS DMS to do this for you.
Creating a DB Snapshot
Tutorial: Restore a DB Instance from a DB Snapshot
AWS Database Migration Service Step-by-Step Walkthroughs


Restore (DB Instance) from AWS Aurora RDS DB backup snapshot to existing DB Cluster

We had a AWS Aurora MySQL RDS DB Cluster (say my-dbcluster) & DB Instance (say my-instance) setup. However due to some issue the DB instance got deleted. We do have backup at the cluster level and I could see those in AWS Console under my-dbcluster -> Maintenance & backups tab -> Snapshots section.
Based on the AWS documentation to Restore from DB snapshot, it should allow to create the DB instance by restoring from the DB snapshot. So on the AWS Console I went on to select the latest snapshot and try to Restore by providing the original DB Instance Identifier and other details. My expectation was that it will create the DB instance under the same DB Cluster (i.e. my-dbcluster) but it created altogether a new DB Cluster and created the DB instance under that. I tried to look for ways to move the DB Instance under the original DB cluster but could not find anything.
My question is, why it does not create/restore the DB Instance under the original DB Cluster, if this is not the default behavior, it should at least give an option to restore the DB instance under the DB Cluster of our choice. How can I achieve that.
Restoring to existing DB is not supported. From docs:
You can't restore from a DB cluster snapshot to an existing DB cluster; a new DB cluster is created when you restore.
You could use mysqldump to get data from your new cluster and import to existing one.

Cloning one of the Database in AWS RDS in order to get a test DB

I am quiet new to AWS and trying to learn things. I currently have a live production environment and trying to create a test environment. I was able to create an image of an ec2 instance in AWS using the 'Create Image' option in the 'Actions'. Now I am trying to create an image/ duplicate of the RDS Database in AWS in a similar way. Is there any easy way to clone the database so that I don't change any data in the original database and perform modifications only in the test database. Thanks for all your help.
Probably worth reading up on creating snapshots and restoring from a snapshot.
To give you a quick summary; you will take a snapshot of your production RDS DB instance. Then you will launch a new DB instance from this snapshot.
As long as you don't need to launch the new instance in a separate AWS Account, the documentation should tell you all you need to know.

Create a testing copy for EC2 + EB instance

I've my application setup on AWS (EB and EC2). My database is PostgreSQL and it is stored in the EBS service provided by AWS.
I'm going to push a major change to my application (including invasive migrations), to ensure that I don't end up losing data I want to create a copy of my whole application and update the code for that.
The steps I have till now:
Clone an EB instance
Create a snapshot of my EBS and use that to create a new volume
Update the configuration settings of my EB instance to point to the new volume and deploy the new code to the EB instance
I can't find proper documentation for how to do these things on AWS so I'm looking for some confirmation about the steps I have ensure that I don't end up wrecking something.
So the way it works, you create snapshot, create a new EC2 with Disk restored from that snapshot and you have a new EC2 running instance with same DB.
But I would suggest if possible stop the postgresql or the instance before taking a snapshot, this will ensure the state of the DB is intact.
The two EC2 instances will have no relation and changes made in one DB will not impact the other.

Daily automatic backup of mysql database Amazon RDS snapshot to an via SSH

I would like to copy/clone the the database inside the newest RDS snapshot on Amazon RDS to a specific server outside of Amazon. I'm looking for a way to backup the mySQL database of it. I would like also to use a daily cron job that triggers a mysqldump from the newest RDS snapshot directly and copy this mySQL dump to a location on a different server via SSH or FTP.
At the moment the steps are way too time consuming. You need to replicate the snapshot to a new RDS instance, access the database via SSH, dump the database on the local PC and then upload it on another server.
Is there perhaps a different approach or alternative? Thanks already for any good hint, advice and help!
RDS snapshots are an AWS specific thing.
What you are describing is traditional database snapshots, which is pretty much your only option since you cannot download an RDS snapshot. There are offerings to do this, but what you are doing is pretty much the most common way. The only other option is to use an AWS instance to do this on a cron.
If you really want the data from an RDS snapshot, it will add time, but you could clone the RDS snapshot into a temporary instance and back that up to a file.
There is no way to do a mysqldump directly from an RDS snapshot. You have to restore the snapshot to a new server instance and then take a mysqldump of that new server instance.
It sounds like you need to forget about the RDS snapshots and just do daily mysqldumps directly from the database server, via a cron job.

AWS Copy instance and data

I have an AWS instance setup which contains mysql data. I need to copy this to a new instance to run as a development database.
How can I copy the instance and the data? I believe the Create Image function just creates the setup and not the data.
Any help would be much appreciated.
aws ec2 create-image should work - it will create a complete image of your instance, including the mysql data. So one way to do this would be to create an AMI from the current instance, then launch a new instance based upon that AMI.