Create a testing copy for EC2 + EB instance - amazon-web-services

I've my application setup on AWS (EB and EC2). My database is PostgreSQL and it is stored in the EBS service provided by AWS.
I'm going to push a major change to my application (including invasive migrations), to ensure that I don't end up losing data I want to create a copy of my whole application and update the code for that.
The steps I have till now:
Clone an EB instance
Create a snapshot of my EBS and use that to create a new volume
Update the configuration settings of my EB instance to point to the new volume and deploy the new code to the EB instance
I can't find proper documentation for how to do these things on AWS so I'm looking for some confirmation about the steps I have ensure that I don't end up wrecking something.

So the way it works, you create snapshot, create a new EC2 with Disk restored from that snapshot and you have a new EC2 running instance with same DB.
But I would suggest if possible stop the postgresql or the instance before taking a snapshot, this will ensure the state of the DB is intact.
The two EC2 instances will have no relation and changes made in one DB will not impact the other.


Copying Data from an AWS RDS instance to another RDS

I would like to copy all the data (all the databases and tables) from a RDS instance to another. Can somebody tell me how can this be done. New to AWS so pardon me if my question is obvious.
If you want to clone your instance, you don't need to copy all data, you can just create a snapshot and create a new instance from this snapshot.
Now if you really want to copy all data, because the target instance already exists or any other reason, you can use AWS DMS to do this for you.
Creating a DB Snapshot
Tutorial: Restore a DB Instance from a DB Snapshot
AWS Database Migration Service Step-by-Step Walkthroughs

Cloning one of the Database in AWS RDS in order to get a test DB

I am quiet new to AWS and trying to learn things. I currently have a live production environment and trying to create a test environment. I was able to create an image of an ec2 instance in AWS using the 'Create Image' option in the 'Actions'. Now I am trying to create an image/ duplicate of the RDS Database in AWS in a similar way. Is there any easy way to clone the database so that I don't change any data in the original database and perform modifications only in the test database. Thanks for all your help.
Probably worth reading up on creating snapshots and restoring from a snapshot.
To give you a quick summary; you will take a snapshot of your production RDS DB instance. Then you will launch a new DB instance from this snapshot.
As long as you don't need to launch the new instance in a separate AWS Account, the documentation should tell you all you need to know.

AWS: Clone RDS for separate EB instance

I want to create a copy of my production environment to use for staging on AWS. I'm using Rails with RDS.
I found this information on how to restore from an RDS Snapshot but I want it to be restored to a new RDS, essentially get a clone of the database. Then I want to use this db copy with a clone of an EB instance which I will configure similarly to the production server but with the staging environment.
Is there a way I can clone my whole db volume and use it as a new volume with the second EB instance?
The flow is to take a snapshot
Then from Action click Restore Snapshot option
And a new independent instance is created from the same snapshot

Scale amazon ec2 instance

I have amazon ec2 instance with mapped to 1 volume of data.
This instance running my http and have my server code.
now i have to scale my app with creating new instance and load balancing.
But if i create new instance with cloning existing instance how can the code and http vhost file will be in sync.
Using snapshot i close instance first time.
But i want when one instance i upload my code that should sync with other instance also.
How can i achieve this? should i need to configure rsync from 1 instance to another instance?
"Baking" custom AMIs is a very simple way to do this. Start a new instance from your AMI (start with a snapshot of your current instance), make changes on it like update application/configurations/system, test, create new AMI from it, start new instances from that new AMI, test them and then swap old instance in the ELB with the new ones.
There are also many tools you can use to automate your application deployment like Puppet, Chef or one of Amazons offerings: CodeDeploy, OpsWorks, Elastic Beanstalk and I recommend you use one such tool eventually.
From your description you cloned your first web server (www1) to make a second web server (www2).
Now when you make code edits you want the code to be in sync between the two webservers.
Rsync can help to make that easy.
From the 2nd web server (www2)
rsync -chavzP --stats username#IPorNAMEofwww1:/path/to/copy/on/www1 /path/to/putfiles/on/www2
Once you get that working from the command line. Add it to a cronjob so it syncs on a schedule (hourly). It should only sync the changes, not every file.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Backup & Recovery

I am new to AWS EB and I am trying to figure out how to backup and restore an entire EB environment. I created an AMI based on the EC2 instance generated by EB, and took a snapshot of RDS, also created by EB.
The problem I have is, how do I restore it, assuming that this is the correct approach of backup. Also, I am doing it manually, shouldn't there be an automated way of doing this within EB? By the way, when I created the AMI, it destroyed the source and the EB just created a new EC2 instance without all my changes.
How do I save & restore configuration changes to my application that impact both filesystem and database?
Unfortunately, Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB) does not support restoring databases that contain live data, if those databases were created with EB. If you reload (AKA AWS "deploy") the EB saved configuration, you get a blank database!
I called them and they told me to create the RDS DB separately and update the application code to connect to the DB once you know it's name. If you restore the RDS DB it will have a new name too! So you have to update your code again to connect to it.
Also, if you code and environment is fine, but you want to restore your database, again it will have a new name and you will need to change your code.
How to change your code easily and automatically deploy it is a whole other question for which I don't have an answer yet.
So basically the RDS DB provisioning within Elastic Beanstalk has very limited uses, maybe coding and debugging and testing, but not live production use. :(
This is as of Jan 2015.
First go into your EB environment and save the current config. You should go to a running EC2 instance created by EB and make an Image. Then use that new AMI ID by going to the EB configuration and setting it. It will rebuild the environment tearing down all running instances and creating new ones.
For your RDS instance you should make a backup and restore with a new instance name as the docs say you will lose it if the environment is destroyed. You should probably just manually set the environment variables like RDS does and setup the proper security groups between RDS and EC2.
One option I think could work is just renaming the RDS instance name as the environment seems to break and then destroy the environment and create a new one with an attached RDS instance and then destroy that one and rename the old one to the new one's name which may work.
As always make proper backups before proceeding with any of these ideas.