After Effects - Double View in Composition Tab - after-effects

I was working on my main composition (Comp 1) and it suddenly became a double-sided view (one at the top and one at the bottom). I don't know how can I fix it, but it's related to Composition Mini-Flowchart. (Working in After Effects 2020)
How do I fix that and have a single comp view?

That was very simple, I should change this to "1 View":


SwiftUI NavigationBar sliver sliding down creates unexpected behavior

When using the NavigationView in SwiftUI, it creates lots of unexpected behavior when sliding down on the navigation bar to when it would collapse. I am using a search bar as well(searchable directly on the List). I am unsure what is causing this but it may have to do with having sections on my List.
Here is some source code that works for me. I am running this on a real iPhone and it creates this behavior.
UPDATE! I found the answer to this and that this is caused by adding .animation() to the SwiftUI List itself. While this does give a nice animation and controls the animation while updating, deleting, etc., it controls the animations of the whole navigation bar itself as well. I found this by tweaking the duration part of `.animation(.default(duration: 1)) to four and noticing a noticeable difference in how it slides down: it slides down slower.
There is a warning I was ignoring from Xcode complaining about a deprecation. After some research, I replaced it with .animation(.default, value: UUID()) and that seemed to work perfectly.

How to Order a 3 Way Tie?

I'm working on an app that involves inputting the amount of cards players ended up with, and ordering them in a list. But if theres a 2 or 3 way tie, I want the user to be able to have a menu that lets them select the order of who had the highest card to lowest card, that way I can organize the list. How do I get the user to order them, like what kind of Alert/Popup lets me do that?
Edit: Basically I was asking how to make a picker that lets you arrange multiple items into a specific order but it seems the best thing to do is just to have a stack appear with buttons for each item, where you can click them and go from there to create your order. Hope this helps for anyone in a similar situation!
For that kind of user interaction where they are doing more than just tapping an option (in your case, you want them to order the various cards), I would create your own custom view rather than use an alert or action sheet or similar.
The way you implement will depend on how you want it to look. If you want the view to appear on top of your current view (a bit like an alert does) where it only takes up the space needed for the content) then you can embed in a zStack. If you want it to slide up from the bottom as almost the same size as the full screen then you can use a sheet (sometimes also referred to as a modal).
A little difficult to explain how they look visually - if you google image search “SwiftUI sheet” then you’ll see what I mean (if you aren’t already familiar with them)
you put your current view in a ZStack then create a new view which goes in the ZStack after it but you wrap it in an if statement so it’s conditionally shown based on a Boolean being true.
if gameTied { ChooseSortOrderView() }
then when your game finishes - if it’s a tie, you set your Boolean to true and up pops the new view.
You can pass in the tied cards, get the user to sort them via drag and drop, form, picker (whatever you want), submit it. Then set the bool back to false to make the view go away.
The other alternative instead of using a zstack would be sheet so you get a modal view appear. Similar approach but instead of the ZStack, you use a .sheet modifier.

Navigate through usages in CLion's Hierarchy View and opening the Hierarchy View for fields and constructors

I'm having some troubles when using the hierarchy view (ctrl + alt + H) in CLion 2020.2.3 for a C++ project. I could not figure out the following two things, even after searching the web:
Navigating between different usages: In the hierarchy view for a method X, there is sometimes a method Y that calls X from multiple places within the same method. It shows this by having (3 usages), for example, next to the method Y. When clicking on method Y, I get to the first usage of X. How can I navigate to the next usage of X within method Y (the remaining 2 usages)? I intuitively double clicked on it but that does not work.
Opening the hierarchy view does not seem to work on constructors and fields. Why? When following a call chain in the hierarchy view, it stops to load once a constructor is opened. This is a little bit annoying. This worked perfectly fine in Eclipse, for example.
Coming from Eclipse (using ctrl + alt + G/H), this is a pain point as I used the hierarchy view a lot there. Going over the usages window shows me the direct usages but not the hierarchy. Can anybody help on these two points or provide some suitable alternatives? Thanks a lot!

Y axis bar values are overlapping with each other in apache superset bar chart

When I try to show the bar value in the bar chart of apache superset, y axis bar values overlap with each other.
To fix this issue, I want to rotate the y-axis values with 45 degree so that those values will look vertically and won't overlap with each other, just like it is there in x-axis values.
Do you prefer grouped or stacked bars. Using stacked bars would be a shortcut to solving this.
I don't have an easy but bad answer for you, and a more difficult but rational answer.
The bad/easy answer: You might be able to do this with CSS, at least in any given dashboard. For that, you'd want to take your Dashboard into Edit mode, and pick "Edit CSS" from the "..." menu in the top right. There, you should have access to write some clever CSS selectors (let me know if you need help) and tweak CSS properties of the SVG text element (i.e. text-anchor, transform). That said I think you're going to have a bad time with this approach, since you don't have access in CSS to the values you might need for `translate(x, y). So, that brings us to...
The better/harder answer: You could edit the plugin! One caveat is that we'll be replacing some visualizations in the near future (including the Bar Chart) with ones based on Apache ECharts. Meanwhile, you could open up a PR on the Superset-ui repo at The NVD3-based plugin lies in there, as do the controls, where you might be able to add additional controls for rotation.
Door #3, of course, would be to write your own visualization plugin (or help us with the ECharts refactor!) but that's another conversation entirely.
Sorry this isn't more directly helpful, but I hope it gives you more avenues to explore.

Swift NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint on a UICollectionViewCell gives warning but layout works fine

I am using a UICollectionVewCell with custom layout in which height of the different cell varies from cell to cell. I have used approach described here
I have setup the cell in the storyboard and all the constraints seem to be happy with each other. When I run the code, I get cell layout exactly what I want. No problem there.
Problem is that in the log I see a NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint that seems to be in conflict with the constraints that I have put myself. The NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint is something the xcode is adding itself. This constraint is being automatically put by xcode on the CollectionViewCell's own content view (this content view is visible only in the view hierarchy and not in the document outline).
2017-02-19 21:54:28.999546 TestProject[6612:395125] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
Try this:
(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
(Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
I see quite a few other people have similar issues but following those posts and trying all the solutions listed there has not helped me in getting rid of this error/conflict in constraints. Some of the posts that I had tried following are
Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints, will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
How to trap on UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints?
One of the solutions that come almost close to fixing it but not completely is to change the priority of the constraint that to 999. But this adds small empty that doesn't look good.
Any suggestions of how I can remove this NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint warning without having to change the constraints that I have manually put?
I realize this was a while ago, but I'm mainly posting this comment for future people seeking help.
I was having some issues recently with a UICollectionViewCell subclass with dynamic height and NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint as well, and also perused the other links you mentioned without success.
In my case I had two subviews: subview A pinned to, and then pinned bottom to subview B, which was pinned superview.left/right/bottom. I had given explicit height values to A and B (height = 50 and height = 300, that sort of thing), and in that scenario I was having the same thing as you - an auto layout error about constraints that can't simultaneously be satisfied, but the layout itself ended up fine.
In the end, I removed the height constraint of subview A and instead laid it out differently that still let it be the proper height (I had a label within it, so I pinned the label's top/bottom spacing, rather than pinning the height of A explicitly). And the console error went away while I was still able to maintain the layout I needed. So I don't know why, but it seems like for me the error occurs when there are explicit heights all the way from top to bottom of the cell. Changing it up so that one or more of the views are pinned via spacing constraints rather than height constraints seems to play more nicely.
(Bonus follow-up for anyone else desperately searching in the future: I later tried to resize subview B by changing its height constraint constant, and that again led to the console error but a proper layout. In this case, then, changing the priority of subview B's height constraint to 999 allowed the error to go away.)