C++: implementing multiple instances of an interface or an optional interface in a class - c++

I'm having trouble finding best practice information about what I believe should be a fairly common problem pattern.
I will start with a specific (software update related) example, because it makes the discussion more concrete, but the issue should be fairly generic.
Say that I have a software updater interface:
struct Software_updater {
virtual ~Software_updater() = default;
virtual void action1(const Input1& input1) = 0;
virtual void action2() = 0;
virtual bool action3(const Input2& input2) = 0;
virtual Data1 info1() = 0;
virtual Data2 info2() = 0;
// etc.
For my first implementation A, I am lucky, everything is straightforward.
class A_software_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
A B_software_updater, however, is more complicated. Like in the A-case, it is connected to the target to update in a non-trivial manner and maintains a target connection state. But more importantly, it can update two images: the application image, and the boot loader image.
Liking what I have so far, I see no real reason to go for a refactoring, so I assume I can just build upon it. I come up with the following solution:
class B_software_updater {
Software_updater& application_updater() { return application_updater_; }
Software_updater& boot_loader_updater() { return boot_loader_updater_; }
class Application_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
} application_updater_;
class Boot_loader_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
} boot_loader_updater_;
I.e. I am returning non-const references to "interfaces to" member variables. Note that they cannot be const, since they mute state.
Request 1: I think the solution above is a clean one, but I would be happy to get some confirmation.
In fact, I have recently faced the issue of having to optionally provide an interface in a class, based on compile-time selection of a feature, and I believe the pattern above is a solution for that problem too:
struct Optional_interface {
virtual ~Optional_interface() = default;
virtual void action1(const Input1& input1) = 0;
virtual void action2() = 0;
virtual bool action3(const Input2& input2) = 0;
virtual Data1 info1() = 0;
virtual Data2 info2() = 0;
// etc.
class A_implementation {
Optional_interface& optional_interface() { return optional_implementation_; }
// ...
class Optional_implementation : public Optional_interface {
// ...
} optional_implementation_;
// ...
Request 2: I could not find a simple (as in: not unnecessarily complicated template-based) and clean way to express a compile-time optional inheritance at the A_implementation-level. Can you?

Better solution
Based on a comment from #ALX23z about invalidation of member variable reference upon move, I am now rejecting my initial solution (original post). That invalidation problem would not be an issue for my case, but I am in search of a generic pattern.
As usual, the solution is obvious once one has found it.
First a summary of my initial problem.
Say that I have a software updater interface (or any interface, this is just an example):
struct Software_updater {
virtual ~Software_updater() = default;
virtual void action1(const Input1& input1) = 0;
virtual void action2() = 0;
virtual bool action3(const Input2& input2) = 0;
virtual Data1 info1() = 0;
virtual Data2 info2() = 0;
// etc.
A B_software_updater can update two images: an application image, and a boot loader image. Therefore, it wants to provide two instances of the Software_updater interface.
A solution that is better than the one in my original post is to declare a B_application_updater and a B_boot_loader_updater, constructed from a B_software_updater&, outside of B_software_updater, and instantiated by client code.
class B_application_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
class B_boot_loader_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
It does have the drawback of forcing the client code to create three objects instead of only one, but I think that the cleanliness outweighs that drawback.
This will work for the optional interface too (see original post):
class A_optional_implementation : public Optional_interface {
A_optional_implementation will be declared outside of A_implementation.
Applications that do not need that interface will simply not instantiate A_optional_implementation.
Additional thoughts
This is an application of the adapter design pattern!
Basically, what this answer comes down to:
An Interface class.
An Implementation class that does the job, but does not really care about the interface. It does not inherit Interface. The point of this is that Implementation could "do the job" corresponding to several interfaces, without the complexity and drawbacks of multiple inheritance (name conflicts, etc.). It could also do the job corresponding to several instances of the same interface (my case above).
An Interface_adapter class that takes an Implementation& parameter in its constructor. It inherits Interface, i.e. it effectively implements it, and that is its only purpose.
Taking a step back, I realize that this is simply an application of the adapter pattern (although Implementationin this case does not necessarily need to implement any externally defined interface - its interface is just its public member functions)!
An intermediate solution: leave the adapter classes inside the implementation class
In the solution above, I specify that the adapter classes are declared outside of the implementation classes. While this seems logical for the traditional adapter pattern case, for my case, I could just as well declare them inside the implementation class (like I did in the original post) and make them public. The client code would still have to create the implementation and adapter objects, but the adapter classes would belong to the implementation namespace, which would look nicer.


Enforcing contract on concrete instances of an abstact hierarcy

I'm lost and in need of some divine guidance.
First things first: assume you have some nicely-neat interfaces:
class IProduct
virtual void DoThings();
enum ProductType
class IProducer
virtual IProduct* Produce( ProductType type );
class IConsumer
virtual void Consume( IProduct* product );
Its plain simple yet: abstract factory, abstract consumer who will invoke interface, gladly provided by those freshly-spawned IProducts.
But here comes the tricky part.
Assume that there are two ( or more ) parallel concrete groups:
class ConcreteProducerA : public IProducer { ... }
class ConcreteConsumerA : public IConsumer { ... }
class ConcreteProductA : public IProduct { ... }
class ConcreteProducerB : public IProducer { ... }
class ConcreteConsumerB : public IConsumer { ... }
class ConcreteProductB : public IProduct { ... }
And those concretes are reeealy different things. Like a space-shuttle parts ( with a parts factory and a shuttle assembly line ) and bags of vegetables ( with a farm and .. idk, who whould consume those vegetables? ). Yet they have that thing in general: DoThings(). Pretend that it is, like, PackAndSend(), or Serialize(), or Dispose(), whatever you like. Nothing concrete, yet legit to base a hierarchy on.
But those still have more differences, than generalities. So those ConcreteConsumers tend to use them differently. So differently, that, in fact, they absolutely MUST be sure, that it is supposed concrete type.
So here is the problem: I'm forcing the users of that hierarchy to downcast IPoduct to ConcreteProduct in their virtual overrides right now. And thats bugging me hard. I feel I'm missing something: a big flaw in hierarchy, some lack of pattern knowledge, something.
I mean, I can make sure, that ConcreteConsumerB always recieves ConcreteProductB, but it's still a downcast. And would you ever use a framework, that always passes around (void*)'s and forces you to cast it to whenewer you think is gonna come at ya?
Solutions I've already considered:
Tunnel all conctrete interfeces into IProduct. But that product gona turn into uncontrollable blob, who can Eat(), BeEaten(), Launch(), Destroy() and whoever knows what else. So this solution seems nothing better than downcasting to me.
That DoThings() can probably be decoupled from IProduct into another handler, which will be able to accept all of the concretes (Visitor-like). That way IProduct can be removed and there will be separate concrete groups. But what if there is a SemiConcrete layer, which imlements some common functionality for those concrete groups? Like labeling, morphing, massaging, whatever. Plus when there will be need to add another concrete group I'll be forced to change that visitor(s), which kinda increases coupling.
(ab)Use templates. That seems wise at the moment. Something along the lines of
template < typename _IProduct >
class IConcreteProducer : public IProducer
virtual _IProduct* Produce( _IProduct::Type type ) = 0;
virtual _IProduct::Type DeduceType( ProductType type ) = 0;
virtual IProduct* Produce( ProductType type )
return IConcreteProducer<typename _IProduct>::Produce( DeduceType( type ) );
template < typename _IProduct >
class IConcreteConsumer : public IConsumer
virtual void Consume( _IProduct* product ) = 0;
virtual void Consume( IProduct* product )
IConcreteConsumer<typename _IProduct>::Consume( (_IProduct*)product );
This way I'm in control of that downcast, but it is stil present.
Anyways, does this problem sound familiar to someone? Somebody seen it solved, or maybe heroicaly solved it himself? C++ solution would be awesome, but I think any staticaly-typed language will suffice.
Yet they have that thing in general: DoThings(). Pretend that it is,
like, PackAndSend(), or Serialize(), or Dispose(), whatever you like.
Nothing concrete, yet legit to base a hierarchy on.
Just because they can be in some hierarchy, doesn't mean they should. They are unrelated. I can't even fathom what value you are adding to whatever code base by generalizing shuttles and vegetables. If it doesn't add benefit to the users, then you are likely just making things more convoluted on yourself.
I would expect to see interfaces like the below. Notice they don't inherit from anything. If you have shared code, write simpler dumb concrete classes that people can reuse by composition.
template<typename T>
class Producer {
virtual ~Producer() {}
virtual std::auto_ptr<T> produce() = 0;
template<typename T>
class Consumer {
virtual ~Consumer() {}
virtual void consume(std::auto_ptr<T> val) = 0;
Then I'd expect to see concrete functions to create these from various sources.
typedef Producer<Shuttle> ShuttleProducer;
typedef Consumer<Shuttle> ShuttleConsumer;
std::auto_ptr<ShuttleProducer> GetShuttleProducerFromFile(...);
std::auto_ptr<ShuttleProducer> GetShuttleProducerFromTheWeb(...);
std::auto_ptr<ShuttleProducer> GetDefaultShuttleProducer();
There probably isn't a pattern for what you want to do, it is likely two patterns that you are smooshing (technical term) together. You didn't betray why these things should be sharing a code base, so we can only guess.
In the more complicated scenarios, you'll want to strictly separate use from creation though. It is perfectly valid to have different interfaces that look sort of similar, but are used differently.
class Foo {
virtual ~Foo() {}
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
virtual void metamorphose() = 0;
class Fu {
virtual ~Fu() {}
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
virtual void transmorgrify() = 0;
One possibility is to introduce a second layer to hot hierarchy. Derive IShuttle from IProduct, and derive that group from it. Then add an IShuttleProducer that yields an IShuttle* instead of IProduct*. This is okay, because C++ allows covariant return types for virtual functions... so long as the the new return type derives from the original, it is still considered an override.
But your design probably needs some rethinking either way.

Tightly coupled parallel class hierarchies in C++

For context, I'm working on a C++ artificial-life system involving agents controlled by recurrent neural networks, but the details aren't important.
I'm facing a need to keep two object hierarchies for the "brain" and "body" of my agents separate. I want a variety of different brain and body types that can be coupled to each other at run-time. I need to do this to avoid a combinatorial explosion caused by the multiplicative enumeration of the separate concerns of how a body works and how a brain works.
For example, there are many topologies and styles of recurrent neural network with a variety of different transfer functions and input/output conventions. These details don't depend on how the body of the agent works, however, as long as sensory inputs can be encoded into neural activity and then decoded into actions.
Here is a simple class hierarchy that illustrates the problem and one potential solution:
// Classes we are going to declare
class Image2D; // fake
class Angle2D; // fake
class Brain;
class Body;
class BodyWithEyes;
class BrainWithVisualCortex;
// Brain and Body base classes know about their parallels
class Brain
Body* base_body;
Body* body() { return base_body; }
virtual Brain* copy() { return 0; } // fake
// ...etc
class Body
Brain* base_brain;
Brain* brain() { return base_brain; }
virtual Body* reproduce() { return 0; } // fake
// ...etc
// Now introduce two strongly coupled derived classes, with overloaded access
// methods to each-other that return the parallel derived type
class BrainWithVisualCortex : public Brain
BodyWithEyes* body();
virtual void look_for_snakes();
virtual Angle2D* where_to_look_next() { return 0; } // fake
class BodyWithEyes : public Body
BrainWithVisualCortex* brain();
virtual void swivel_eyeballs();
virtual Image2D* get_image() { return 0; } // fake
// Member functions of these derived classes
void BrainWithVisualCortex::look_for_snakes()
Image2D* image = body()->get_image();
// ... find snakes and respond
void BodyWithEyes::swivel_eyeballs()
Angle2D* next = brain()->where_to_look_next();
// ... move muscles to achieve the brain's desired gaze
// Sugar to allow derived parallel classes to refer to each-other
BodyWithEyes* BrainWithVisualCortex::body()
{ return dynamic_cast<BodyWithEyes*>(base_body); }
BrainWithVisualCortex* BodyWithEyes::brain()
{ return dynamic_cast<BrainWithVisualCortex*>(base_brain); }
// pretty vacuous test
int main()
BodyWithEyes* body = new BodyWithEyes;
BrainWithVisualCortex* brain = new BrainWithVisualCortex;
body->base_brain = brain;
brain->base_body = body;
The trouble with this approach is that it's clunky and not particularly type-safe. It does have the benefit that the body() and brain() member functions provide a bit of sugar for derived classes to refer to their partners.
Does anyone know of a better way of accomplishing this tight coupling between 'parallel' hierarchies of classes? Does this pattern come up often enough to have warranted a well-known general solution? A perusal of the usual sources didn't reveal any established patterns that match this problem.
Any help appreciated!
I think what you are doing is approximately correct. You would want the members such as reproduce to be pure virtual, though, so the base classes cannot be created. What is your issue with type-safety? You don't want the Brain subclass and the Body subclass to depend on each others' types.

Optional Member Objects

Okay, so you have a load of methods sprinkled around your system's main class. So you do the right thing and refactor by creating a new class and perform move method(s) into a new class. The new class has a single responsibility and all is right with the world again:
class Feature
void doSomething();
void doSomething1();
void doSomething2();
So now your original class has a member variable of type object:
Feature _feature;
Which you will call in the main class. Now if you do this many times, you will have many member-objects in your main class.
Now these features may or not be required based on configuration so in a way it's costly having all these objects that may or not be needed.
Can anyone suggest a way of improving this?
EDIT: Based on suggestion to use The Null Object Design Pattern I've come up with this:
An Abstract Class Defining the Interface of the Feature:
class IFeature
virtual void doSomething()=0;
virtual void doSomething1()=0;
virtual void doSomething2()=0;
virtual ~IFeature(){}
I then define two classes which implement the interface, one real implementation and one Null Object:
class RealFeature:public IFeature
void doSomething(){std::cout<<"RealFeature doSomething()"<<std::endl;}
void doSomething1(){std::cout<<"RealFeature doSomething()"<<std::endl;}
void doSomething2(){std::cout<<"RealFeature doSomething()"<<std::endl;}
class NullFeature:public IFeature
void doSomething(){std::cout<<"NULL doSomething()"<<std::endl;};
void doSomething1(){std::cout<<"NULL doSomething1()"<<std::endl;};
void doSomething2(){std::cout<<"NULL doSomething2()"<<std::endl;};
I then define a Proxy class which will delegate to either the real object or the null object depending on configuration:
class Feature:public IFeature
void doSomething();
void doSomething1();
void doSomething2();
std::auto_ptr<IFeature> _feature;
std::cout<<"Feature() CTOR"<<std::endl;
if(configuration::isEnabled() )
_feature = auto_ptr<IFeature>( new RealFeature() );
_feature = auto_ptr<IFeature>( new NullFeature() );
void Feature::doSomething()
//And so one for each of the implementation methods
I then use the proxy class in my main class (or wherever it's required):
Feature _feature;
If a feature is missing and the correct thing to do is ignore that fact and do nothing, you can get rid of your checks by using the Null Object pattern:
class MainThing {
IFeature _feature;
void DoStuff() {
interface IFeature {
void Method1();
void Method2();
class SomeFeature { /* ... */ }
class NullFeature {
void Method1() { /* do nothing */ }
void Method2() { /* do nothing */ }
Now, in MainThing, if the optional feature isn't there, you give it a reference to a NullFeature instead of an actual null reference. That way, MainThing can always safely assume that _feature isn't null.
An auto_ptr by itself won't buy you much. But having a pointer to an object that you lazily load only when and if you need it might. Something like:
class Foo {
Feature* _feature;
Foo() : _feature(NULL) {}
Feature* getFeature() {
if (! _feature) {
_feature = new Feature();
return _feature;
Now you can wrap that Feature* in a smart pointer if you want help with the memory management. But the key isn't in the memory management, it's the lazy creation. The advantage to this instead of selectively configuring what you want to go create during startup is that you don't have to configure – you simply pay as you go. Sometimes that's all you need.
Note that a downside to this particular implementation is that the creation now takes place the first time the client invokes what they think is just a getter. If creation of the object is time-consuming, this could be a bit of a shock to, or even a problem for, to your client. It also makes the getter non-const, which could also be a problem. Finally, it assumes you have everything you need to create the object on demand, which could be a problem for objects that are tricky to construct.
There is one moment in your problem description, that actually would lead to failure. You shouldn't "just return" if your feature is unavailable, you should check the availability of your feature before calling it!
Try designing that main class using different approach. Think of having some abstract descriptor of your class called FeatureMap or something like that, which actually stores available features for current class.
When you implement your FeatureMap everything goes plain and simple. Just ensure (before calling), that your class has this feature and only then call it. If you face a situation when an unsupported feature is being called, throw an exception.
Also to mention, this feature-lookup routine should be fast (I guess so) and won't impact your performance.
I'm not sure if I'm answering directly to your question (because I don't have any ideas about your problem domain and, well, better solutions are always domain-specific), but hope this will make you think in the right way.
Regarding your edit on the Null Object Pattern: If you already have a public interface / private implementation for a feature, it makes no sense to also create a null implementation, as the public interface can be your null implementation with no problems whatsoever).
Concretely, you can have:
class FeatureImpl
void doSomething() { /*real work here*/ }
class Feature
class FeatureImpl * _impl;
Feature() : _impl(0) {}
void doSomething()
// else case ... here's your null object implementation :)
// code to (optionally) initialize the implementation left out due to laziness
This code only benefits from a NULL implementation if it is performance-critical (and even then, the cost of an if(_impl) is in most cases negligible).

calling a function from a set of overloads depending on the dynamic type of an object

I feel like the answer to this question is really simple, but I really am having trouble finding it. So here goes:
Suppose you have the following classes:
class Base;
class Child : public Base;
class Displayer
Displayer(Base* element);
Displayer(Child* element);
Additionally, I have a Base* object which might point to either an instance of the class Base or an instance of the class Child.
Now I want to create a Displayer based on the element pointed to by object, however, I want to pick the right version of the constructor. As I currently have it, this would accomplish just that (I am being a bit fuzzy with my C++ here, but I think this the clearest way)
virtual void Base::createDisplayer()
new Displayer(this);
virtual void Child::createDisplayer()
new Displayer(this);
This works, however, there is a problem with this:
Base and Child are part of the application system, while Displayer is part of the GUI system. I want to build the GUI system independently of the Application system, so that it is easy to replace the GUI. This means that Base and Child should not know about Displayer. However, I do not know how I can achieve this without letting the Application classes know about the GUI.
Am I missing something very obvious or am I trying something that is not possible?
Edit: I missed a part of the problem in my original question. This is all happening quite deep in the GUI code, providing functionality that is unique to this one GUI. This means that I want the Base and Child classes not to know about the call at all - not just hide from them to what the call is
It seems a classic scenario for double dispatch. The only way to avoid the double dispatch is switching over types (if( typeid(*object) == typeid(base) ) ...) which you should avoid.
What you can do is to make the callback mechanism generic, so that the application doesn't have to know of the GUI:
class app_callback {
// sprinkle const where appropriate...
virtual void call(base&) = 0;
virtual void call(derived&) = 0;
class Base {
virtual void call_me_back(app_callback& cb) {cb.call(*this);}
class Child : public Base {
virtual void call_me_back(app_callback& cb) {cb.call(*this);}
You could then use this machinery like this:
class display_callback : public app_callback {
// sprinkle const where appropriate...
virtual void call(base& obj) { displayer = new Displayer(obj); }
virtual void call(derived& obj) { displayer = new Displayer(obj); }
Displayer* displayer;
Displayer* create_displayer(Base& obj)
display_callback dcb;
return dcb.displayer;
You will have to have one app_callback::call() function for each class in the hierarchy and you will have to add one to each callback every time you add a class to the hierarchy.
Since in your case calling with just a base& is possible, too, the compiler won't throw an error when you forget to overload one of these functions in a callback class. It will simply call the one taking a base&. That's bad.
If you want, you could move the identical code of call_me_back() for each class into a privately inherited class template using the CRTP. But if you just have half a dozen classes it doesn't really add all that much clarity and it requires readers to understand the CRTP.
Have the application set a factory interface on the system code. Here's a hacked up way to do this. Obviously, apply this changes to your own preferences and coding standards. In some places, I'm inlining the functions in the class declaration - only for brevity.
// platformcode.h - BEGIN
class IDisplayer;
class IDisplayFactory
virtual IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Base* pBase) = 0;
virtual IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Child* pBase) = 0;
namespace SystemDisplayerFactory
static IDisplayFactory* s_pFactory;
SetFactory(IDisplayFactory* pFactory)
s_pFactory = pFactory;
IDisplayFactory* GetFactory()
return s_pFactory;
// platformcode.h - end
// Base.cpp and Child.cpp implement the "CreateDisplayer" methods as follows
void Base::CreateDisplayer()
IDisplayer* pDisplayer = SystemDisplayerFactory::GetFactory()->CreateDisplayer(this);
void Child::CreateDisplayer()
IDisplayer* pDisplayer = SystemDisplayerFactory::GetFactory()->CreateDisplayer(this);
// In your application code, do this:
#include "platformcode.h"
class CDiplayerFactory : public IDisplayerFactory
IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Base* pBase)
return new Displayer(pBase);
IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Child* pChild)
return new Displayer(pChild);
Then somewhere early in app initialization (main or WinMain), say the following:
CDisplayerFactory* pFactory = new CDisplayerFactory();
This will keep your platform code from having to know the messy details of what a "displayer" is, and you can implement mock versions of IDisplayer later to test Base and Child independently of the rendering system.
Also, IDisplayer (methods not shown) becomes an interface declaration exposed by the platform code. Your implementation of "Displayer" is a class (in your app code) that inherits from IDisplayer.

supplying dependency through base class

I have a list of Parts and some of them need a pointer to an Engine, lets call them EngineParts. What I want is to find these EngineParts using RTTI and then give them the Engine.
The problem is how to design the EnginePart. I have two options here, described below, and I don't know which one to choose.
Option 1 is faster because it does not have a virtual function.
Option 2 is easier if I want to Clone() the object because without data it does not need a Clone() function.
Any thoughts? Maybe there is a third option?
Option 1:
class Part;
class EnginePart : public Part {
protected: Engine *engine
public: void SetEngine(Engine *e) {engine = e}
class Clutch : public EnginePart {
// code that uses this->engine
Option 2:
class Part;
class EnginePart : public Part {
public: virtual void SetEngine(Engine *e)=0;
class Clutch : public EnginePart {
private: Engine *engine;
public: void SetEngine(Engine *e) { engine = e; }
// code that uses this->engine
(Note that the actual situation is a bit more involved, I can't use a simple solution like creating a separate list for EngineParts)
Virtual functions in modern compilers (from about the last 10 years) are very fast, especially for desktop machine targets, and that speed should not affect your design.
You still need a clone method regardless, if you want to copy from a pointer-/reference-to-base, as you must allow for (unknown at this time) derived classes to copy themselves, including implementation details like vtable pointers. (Though if you stick to one compiler/implementation, you can take shortcuts based on it, and just re-evaluate those every time you want to use another compiler or want to upgrade your compiler.)
That gets rid of all the criteria you've listed, so you're back to not knowing how to choose. But that's easy: choose the one that's simplest for you to do. (Which that is, I can't say based of this made-up example, but I suspect it's the first.)
Too bad that the reply stating that 'a part cannot hold the engine' is deleted because that was actually the solution.
Since not the complete Engine is needed, I found a third way:
class Part;
class EngineSettings {
Engine *engine
friend class Engine;
void SetEngine(Engine *e) {engine = e}
Value* GetSomeValue(params) { return engine->GetSomeValue(params); }
class Clutch : public Part, public EngineSettings {
// code that uses GetSomeValue(params) instead of engine->GetSomeValue(params)
Because GetSomeValue() needs a few params which Engine cannot know, there is no way it could "inject" this value like the engine pointer was injected in option 1 and 2. (Well.. unless I also provide a virtual GetParams()).
This hides the engine from the Clutch and gives me pretty much only one way to code it.