Enforcing contract on concrete instances of an abstact hierarcy - c++

I'm lost and in need of some divine guidance.
First things first: assume you have some nicely-neat interfaces:
class IProduct
virtual void DoThings();
enum ProductType
class IProducer
virtual IProduct* Produce( ProductType type );
class IConsumer
virtual void Consume( IProduct* product );
Its plain simple yet: abstract factory, abstract consumer who will invoke interface, gladly provided by those freshly-spawned IProducts.
But here comes the tricky part.
Assume that there are two ( or more ) parallel concrete groups:
class ConcreteProducerA : public IProducer { ... }
class ConcreteConsumerA : public IConsumer { ... }
class ConcreteProductA : public IProduct { ... }
class ConcreteProducerB : public IProducer { ... }
class ConcreteConsumerB : public IConsumer { ... }
class ConcreteProductB : public IProduct { ... }
And those concretes are reeealy different things. Like a space-shuttle parts ( with a parts factory and a shuttle assembly line ) and bags of vegetables ( with a farm and .. idk, who whould consume those vegetables? ). Yet they have that thing in general: DoThings(). Pretend that it is, like, PackAndSend(), or Serialize(), or Dispose(), whatever you like. Nothing concrete, yet legit to base a hierarchy on.
But those still have more differences, than generalities. So those ConcreteConsumers tend to use them differently. So differently, that, in fact, they absolutely MUST be sure, that it is supposed concrete type.
So here is the problem: I'm forcing the users of that hierarchy to downcast IPoduct to ConcreteProduct in their virtual overrides right now. And thats bugging me hard. I feel I'm missing something: a big flaw in hierarchy, some lack of pattern knowledge, something.
I mean, I can make sure, that ConcreteConsumerB always recieves ConcreteProductB, but it's still a downcast. And would you ever use a framework, that always passes around (void*)'s and forces you to cast it to whenewer you think is gonna come at ya?
Solutions I've already considered:
Tunnel all conctrete interfeces into IProduct. But that product gona turn into uncontrollable blob, who can Eat(), BeEaten(), Launch(), Destroy() and whoever knows what else. So this solution seems nothing better than downcasting to me.
That DoThings() can probably be decoupled from IProduct into another handler, which will be able to accept all of the concretes (Visitor-like). That way IProduct can be removed and there will be separate concrete groups. But what if there is a SemiConcrete layer, which imlements some common functionality for those concrete groups? Like labeling, morphing, massaging, whatever. Plus when there will be need to add another concrete group I'll be forced to change that visitor(s), which kinda increases coupling.
(ab)Use templates. That seems wise at the moment. Something along the lines of
template < typename _IProduct >
class IConcreteProducer : public IProducer
virtual _IProduct* Produce( _IProduct::Type type ) = 0;
virtual _IProduct::Type DeduceType( ProductType type ) = 0;
virtual IProduct* Produce( ProductType type )
return IConcreteProducer<typename _IProduct>::Produce( DeduceType( type ) );
template < typename _IProduct >
class IConcreteConsumer : public IConsumer
virtual void Consume( _IProduct* product ) = 0;
virtual void Consume( IProduct* product )
IConcreteConsumer<typename _IProduct>::Consume( (_IProduct*)product );
This way I'm in control of that downcast, but it is stil present.
Anyways, does this problem sound familiar to someone? Somebody seen it solved, or maybe heroicaly solved it himself? C++ solution would be awesome, but I think any staticaly-typed language will suffice.

Yet they have that thing in general: DoThings(). Pretend that it is,
like, PackAndSend(), or Serialize(), or Dispose(), whatever you like.
Nothing concrete, yet legit to base a hierarchy on.
Just because they can be in some hierarchy, doesn't mean they should. They are unrelated. I can't even fathom what value you are adding to whatever code base by generalizing shuttles and vegetables. If it doesn't add benefit to the users, then you are likely just making things more convoluted on yourself.
I would expect to see interfaces like the below. Notice they don't inherit from anything. If you have shared code, write simpler dumb concrete classes that people can reuse by composition.
template<typename T>
class Producer {
virtual ~Producer() {}
virtual std::auto_ptr<T> produce() = 0;
template<typename T>
class Consumer {
virtual ~Consumer() {}
virtual void consume(std::auto_ptr<T> val) = 0;
Then I'd expect to see concrete functions to create these from various sources.
typedef Producer<Shuttle> ShuttleProducer;
typedef Consumer<Shuttle> ShuttleConsumer;
std::auto_ptr<ShuttleProducer> GetShuttleProducerFromFile(...);
std::auto_ptr<ShuttleProducer> GetShuttleProducerFromTheWeb(...);
std::auto_ptr<ShuttleProducer> GetDefaultShuttleProducer();
There probably isn't a pattern for what you want to do, it is likely two patterns that you are smooshing (technical term) together. You didn't betray why these things should be sharing a code base, so we can only guess.
In the more complicated scenarios, you'll want to strictly separate use from creation though. It is perfectly valid to have different interfaces that look sort of similar, but are used differently.
class Foo {
virtual ~Foo() {}
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
virtual void metamorphose() = 0;
class Fu {
virtual ~Fu() {}
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
virtual void transmorgrify() = 0;

One possibility is to introduce a second layer to hot hierarchy. Derive IShuttle from IProduct, and derive that group from it. Then add an IShuttleProducer that yields an IShuttle* instead of IProduct*. This is okay, because C++ allows covariant return types for virtual functions... so long as the the new return type derives from the original, it is still considered an override.
But your design probably needs some rethinking either way.


C++: implementing multiple instances of an interface or an optional interface in a class

I'm having trouble finding best practice information about what I believe should be a fairly common problem pattern.
I will start with a specific (software update related) example, because it makes the discussion more concrete, but the issue should be fairly generic.
Say that I have a software updater interface:
struct Software_updater {
virtual ~Software_updater() = default;
virtual void action1(const Input1& input1) = 0;
virtual void action2() = 0;
virtual bool action3(const Input2& input2) = 0;
virtual Data1 info1() = 0;
virtual Data2 info2() = 0;
// etc.
For my first implementation A, I am lucky, everything is straightforward.
class A_software_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
A B_software_updater, however, is more complicated. Like in the A-case, it is connected to the target to update in a non-trivial manner and maintains a target connection state. But more importantly, it can update two images: the application image, and the boot loader image.
Liking what I have so far, I see no real reason to go for a refactoring, so I assume I can just build upon it. I come up with the following solution:
class B_software_updater {
Software_updater& application_updater() { return application_updater_; }
Software_updater& boot_loader_updater() { return boot_loader_updater_; }
class Application_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
} application_updater_;
class Boot_loader_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
} boot_loader_updater_;
I.e. I am returning non-const references to "interfaces to" member variables. Note that they cannot be const, since they mute state.
Request 1: I think the solution above is a clean one, but I would be happy to get some confirmation.
In fact, I have recently faced the issue of having to optionally provide an interface in a class, based on compile-time selection of a feature, and I believe the pattern above is a solution for that problem too:
struct Optional_interface {
virtual ~Optional_interface() = default;
virtual void action1(const Input1& input1) = 0;
virtual void action2() = 0;
virtual bool action3(const Input2& input2) = 0;
virtual Data1 info1() = 0;
virtual Data2 info2() = 0;
// etc.
class A_implementation {
Optional_interface& optional_interface() { return optional_implementation_; }
// ...
class Optional_implementation : public Optional_interface {
// ...
} optional_implementation_;
// ...
Request 2: I could not find a simple (as in: not unnecessarily complicated template-based) and clean way to express a compile-time optional inheritance at the A_implementation-level. Can you?
Better solution
Based on a comment from #ALX23z about invalidation of member variable reference upon move, I am now rejecting my initial solution (original post). That invalidation problem would not be an issue for my case, but I am in search of a generic pattern.
As usual, the solution is obvious once one has found it.
First a summary of my initial problem.
Say that I have a software updater interface (or any interface, this is just an example):
struct Software_updater {
virtual ~Software_updater() = default;
virtual void action1(const Input1& input1) = 0;
virtual void action2() = 0;
virtual bool action3(const Input2& input2) = 0;
virtual Data1 info1() = 0;
virtual Data2 info2() = 0;
// etc.
A B_software_updater can update two images: an application image, and a boot loader image. Therefore, it wants to provide two instances of the Software_updater interface.
A solution that is better than the one in my original post is to declare a B_application_updater and a B_boot_loader_updater, constructed from a B_software_updater&, outside of B_software_updater, and instantiated by client code.
class B_application_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
class B_boot_loader_updater : public Software_updater {
// ...
It does have the drawback of forcing the client code to create three objects instead of only one, but I think that the cleanliness outweighs that drawback.
This will work for the optional interface too (see original post):
class A_optional_implementation : public Optional_interface {
A_optional_implementation will be declared outside of A_implementation.
Applications that do not need that interface will simply not instantiate A_optional_implementation.
Additional thoughts
This is an application of the adapter design pattern!
Basically, what this answer comes down to:
An Interface class.
An Implementation class that does the job, but does not really care about the interface. It does not inherit Interface. The point of this is that Implementation could "do the job" corresponding to several interfaces, without the complexity and drawbacks of multiple inheritance (name conflicts, etc.). It could also do the job corresponding to several instances of the same interface (my case above).
An Interface_adapter class that takes an Implementation& parameter in its constructor. It inherits Interface, i.e. it effectively implements it, and that is its only purpose.
Taking a step back, I realize that this is simply an application of the adapter pattern (although Implementationin this case does not necessarily need to implement any externally defined interface - its interface is just its public member functions)!
An intermediate solution: leave the adapter classes inside the implementation class
In the solution above, I specify that the adapter classes are declared outside of the implementation classes. While this seems logical for the traditional adapter pattern case, for my case, I could just as well declare them inside the implementation class (like I did in the original post) and make them public. The client code would still have to create the implementation and adapter objects, but the adapter classes would belong to the implementation namespace, which would look nicer.

Template class and nested class C++

I have a problem with typename SnakeGame. I would like to know how to make SnakeGame to global type in class KeyboardEvents. Now a nested class like DirectionKeyboard don't know what the type SnakeGame is, since it only sees see KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> type. I don't know how to change it :P
Here's the error:
no know conversion for argument 1 from 'KeyboardEvents SnakeGame>&' to 'SnakeGame&'
I would really appreciate help .
template <typename SnakeGame>
class KeyboardEvents {
virtual ~KeyboardEvents() = default;
class DirectionKeyboardEvent{
virtual ~DirectionKeyboardEvent() = default;
virtual void direction(SnakeGame&) = 0; // error no know conversion
class GoRight : public DirectionKeyboardEvent {
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj) {
class GoRight : public DirectionKeyboardEvent {
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
snakeObj.snake[0].xCoor += 1;
class GoLeft : public DirectionKeyboardEvent{
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
class GoUp:public DirectionKeyboardEvent{
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
class GoDown : public DirectionKeyboardEvent{
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
std::map<sf::Keyboard::Key, std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>> mapOfDirects;
void initializeDirectionMap() {
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Right] = std::shared_ptr< DirectionKeyboardEvent >(new GoRight);
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Left] = std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>(new GoLeft);
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Up] = std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>(new GoUp);
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Down] = std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>(new GoDown);
void chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(sf::Keyboard::Key codeFromKeyboard) {
auto iterator = mapOfDirects.find(codeFromKeyboard);
iterator->second->direction(*this);//left , right,up , down, pause
} else {
Here's the class where I use KeyboardEvents ~ snakeGame.hpp
class SnakeGame:public Screen, public KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> {
SnakeGame(int size=16, int width=15, int height=15, int timeDelay=60000)
: Screen(size, width, height), KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame>(), timeDelay(timeDelay) {}
In your try to call the DirectionKeyboardEvent::direction inside the KeyboardEvents class.
Even if you put a template parameter that happens to be the child class, there is no means to compiler can know in advance that KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> will absolutely be extended by the class SnakeGame.
I mean, one could write this code:
KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> keyboardEvents;
keyboardEvents.chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(/* some key */);
In that case, keyboardEvents is not related that much to SnakeGame. In fact there is no SnakeGame instance created at all! The compiler is right, the function chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows that call direction is wrong to assume that a KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> is a SnakeGame.
Inheritance work the other way around: a SnakeGame is indeed a KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame>. The other way is false.
I could show you how "to make it work", but a warning is needed here: you are overusing inheritance, and you used it the wrong way in the case of KeyboardEvent. You really should try to rearrange things around, or you'll end up in a real mess.
The solution "make it work"
Since you are using CRTP, you can tell the compiler that KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> is indeed, in absolutely ALL cases, being extended by SnakeGame. If that's really the case, you can just static_cast your base class to the child class:
// Notice the presence of the cast here
The slightly better solution
You can as well using an existing instance of your snake class as parameter.
void chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(sf::Keyboard::Key codeFromKeyboard, SakeGame& game){
auto iterator = mapOfDirects.find(codeFromKeyboard);
} else {
However, the best idea is to not make SnakeGame extending KeyboardEvent, but to contain it in the class instead:
struct SnakeGame : Screen {
KeyboardEvent<SnakeGame> event;
void callEvents() {
event.chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(/* some key */, *this);
Here's an homework for you:
Try to make the class KeyboardEvent not a template. I'm sure you can find a way to pass around your class without the use of themplates, while still accessing directly to your class SnakeGame, without casts or interfaces.
Your design seems a bit overcomplicated. I think the reason this is so is perhaps you were designing it as you went along. Sometimes it helps to sit down and think about these things first, draw boxes and lines on a whiteboard if you have to.
In any case, this isn't a direct answer to your question, it's a suggestion for an alternative based on what I'm guessing you are trying to do.
It seems to me that you're trying to implement some generic keyboard input handler and tie it in to your game. It's possible that I'm entirely wrong about this, but if not, consider something like this instead. First, a generic interface for things that receive keyboard events. It need not be a template, this isn't really a good use-case for templates:
class KeyboardEventHandler {
enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down };
virtual ~KeyboardEventHandler () { }
virtual void onDirectionKey (Direction d) = 0;
Now your SnakeGame, which handles keyboard events, can inherit that and implement its own SnakeGame-specific logic:
class SnakeGame : public KeyboardEventHandler {
void onDirectionKey (Direction d) {
switch (d) {
case Up: ...
case Down: ...
case Left: ...
case Right: ...
And then whatever bit of code you have that is actually processing keyboard events and driving all of this can just work with a KeyboardEventHandler *, which could be a SnakeGame, or could be anything else you decide to use it for in the future.
That's just one possibility for organization. For example, you could structure it like this instead, breaking out the KeyboardEvent, which could simplify future additions:
class KeyboardEvent {
enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down };
Direction getDirection () { ... } // or whatever
class KeyboardEventHandler {
virtual ~KeyboardEventHandler () { }
virtual void onEvent (KeyboardEvent &event) = 0;
With SnakeGame as:
class SnakeGame : public KeyboardEventHandler {
void onEvent (KeyboardEvent &event) {
You could name that stuff something else besides Direction / onDirectionKey if you want, I picked that from your example but just make it something semantically appropriate that is also convenient (e.g. if you plan on expanding it to include more than just the arrows). But whatever, that's beside the point.
There are also 10 zillion other ways to skin this cat but the important take-home point is: If you're trying to make some generic interface for something, you really can't make it rely on the specific details of what inherits it, otherwise you're defeating the purpose of making it general to begin with. In that case, either it's not a good case for generic bases / inheritance, or you've just botched the design and need to sit back and rethink.
Remember: Your goal isn't to add as many classes and stuff as possible to your code; you're not going for like, an inheritance high score. Your goal is to keep your code clean, readable, maintainable, correct, possibly reusable, and to make your work easier on yourself. These are tools, don't just use them because you have them, instead use them when you need them to make your life easier.
However, all that said, this is still overkill for your specific application, although it is an interesting exercise. To be honest, in your specific case, I'd just chuck all the inheritance and such altogether and do something like:
class SnakeGame {
void handleKeyPress (char c) {
// ... do the right thing here
And be done with it.

Creating a decorateable effective event handling type in c++

This has been really killing me for the last couple of days now.
I effectively have something like what Szymon Gatner explained in his fantastic article, found here. (Check out the EventHandler class in the demo code there)
This is one of the few articles I've found on the web that do a good job explaining
how to create a type with an expandable interface. I particularly liked the resulting usage syntax, quite simple to understand.
However, I have one more thing I want to do with this type, and that is to allow it to be decorated. Now, to decorate it with extra data members is one thing, but I'd like to allow the decoration to expand the interface as well, with the function EventHandler::handleEvent being the only method required to be exposed publicly.
Now, unfortunately, the EventHandler::registerEventFunc method is templated.
This means that I cannot define it as a virtual method in some even more base class that EventHandler would inherit from, such as HandlerBase.
My question is whether or not someone has any good ideas on how to solve the problem (making EventHandler decorateable).
I've tried creating methods
void registerEventFunc(boost::function<void()> * _memFn);
void registerEventFunc(boost::function<void(*SomeDerivedEvent*)> * _memFn);
void registerEventFunc(boost::function<void(EventBase*)> * __memFn);
For 1, if I do that, I lose the typeid of the callback's class Event derived argument type.
For 2, I'd have to overload the function for as many Event callbacks this class plans on registering
For 3, Polymorphism does't work in template parameters ( do correct me if I'm wrong ).
The closest I've come to allowing the function to be made virtual is with 1,
, but I have to bind the argument to the boost::function at the boost::function object's creation and can't use lambda on it later in the body of EventHandler::handleEvent.
class FooEvent : public Event
FooEvent(int _val) : Event(), val(_val){}
int val;
class MyHandler : public EventHandler
registerEventFunc(new boost::function<void()>(boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&MyHandler::onEvent),this, new FooEvent(5))));
void onEvent(const FooEvent * _event)
cout << _event->val << endl;
Ultimately, I don't think that works though ( it can't figure out that whole typeInfo business to create the key for the map lookup)
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
If I'm going about this the wrong way, I would be grateful for the mention of alternatives.
The goal in the end of course is to have a decoratable type that can expand it's public interface easily as well as it's data members.
I thought Szymon's stuff was a good starting point since it seemed to have the 2nd half done already.
Thank you ahead of time for any assistance.
Perhaps one option would be to create a templated public function that preserves type information, plus a virtual protected function for actually registering the handler. That is:
class event_source {
struct EventAdapter {
virtual void invoke(EventBase *) = 0;
virtual ~EventAdapter() { }
template<typename EventParam>
struct EventAdapterInst : public EventAdapter {
boost::function<void(const EventParam &)> func_;
EventAdapterInst(const boost::function<void(const EventParam &)> &func)
: func_(func)
{ }
virtual void invoke(EventBase *eb) {
EventParam *param = dynamic_cast<EventParam *>(eb);
virtual void register_handler(std::type_info param_type, EventAdapter *ea);
template<typename EventParam>
void register_handler(const boost::function<const EventParam &> &handler)
register_handler(typeid(EventParam), new EventAdapterInst(handler));
Derived classes can override the virtual register_handler to do whatever they like without breaking the type inference properties of the template function.

Apples, oranges, and pointers to the most derived c++ class

Suppose I have a bunch of fruit:
class Fruit { ... };
class Apple : public Fruit { ... };
class Orange: public Fruit { ... };
And some polymorphic functions that operate on said fruit:
void Eat(Fruit* f, Pesticide* p) { ... }
void Eat(Apple* f, Pesticide* p) { ingest(f,p); }
void Eat(Orange* f, Pesticide* p) { peel(f,p); ingest(f,p); }
OK, wait. Stop right there. Note at this point that any sane person would make Eat() a virtual member function of the Fruit classes. But that's not an option, because I am not a sane person. Also, I don't want that Pesticide* in the header file for my fruit class.
Sadly, what I want to be able to do next is exactly what member functions and dynamic binding allow:
typedef list<Fruit*> Fruits;
Fruits fs;
for(Fruits::iterator i=fs.begin(), e=fs.end(); i!=e; ++i)
And obviously, the problem here is that the pointer we pass to Eat() will be a Fruit*, not an Apple* or an Orange*, therefore nothing will get eaten and we will all be very hungry.
So what I really want to be able to do instead of this:
is this:
But to my limited knowledge, such magic does not exist, except possibly in the form of a big nasty if-statement full of calls to dynamic_cast.
So is there some run-time magic of which I am not aware? Or should I implement and maintain a big nasty if-statement full of dynamic_casts? Or should I suck it up, quit thinking about how I would implement this in Ruby, and allow a little Pesticide to make its way into my fruit header?
Update: Instead of the contrived bit with the bare Eat functions and Pesticide, suppose instead that I just don't want to put Eat in the fruit because it makes no sense. A fruit that knows how to eat itself? Pshaw. Instead I need an Eater class with an Eat function, with different code for eating each kind of fruit, and some default code in case it's a fruit that the eater doesn't recognize:
class Eater
void Eat(Apple* f) { wash(); nom(); }
void Eat(Orange* f) { peel(); nom(); }
void Eat(Fruit* f) { nibble(); }
Eater me;
for(Fruits::iterator i=fs.begin(), e=fs.end(); i!=e; ++i)
me.Eat(*i); //me tarzan! me eat!
But again, this doesn't work, and the straightforward solution in C++ seems to be a bunch of calls to dynamic_cast.
However, as one of the answers suggests, there may be another clever solution. What if Fruits exposed the qualities that mattered to eaters, with functions like MustPeel() and MustWash()? Then you could get by with a single Eat() function ...
Update: Daniel Newby points out that using Visitor also solves the problem as presented ... but this requires a bit of a semantic headstand (Fruit::use or Fruit::beEaten?).
While I'd like to accept several answers, I think psmears's answer is actually the best one for future readers. Thanks, everyone.
You need to redesign. Namely, do everything you seem to be avoiding (for what reason, who knows.)
Polymorphic behavior requires polymorphic functions. This means a virtual function. (Or your ladder of dynamic_cast's, which completely defeats the purpose...)
// fruit.h
class Pesticide; // you don't need a complete type
struct Fruit
virtual void Eat(Pesticide*) = 0;
// apple.h
class Apple : public Fruit
void Eat(Pesticide* p) { ... }
// orange.h
class Orange : public Fruit
void Eat(Pesticide* p) { ... }
If you still want a free function*:
void Eat(Fruit* f, Pesticide* p) { f->Eat(p); }
*Note that your post is already indicative of bad design; namely the first Eat function:
void Eat(Fruit* f, Pesticide* p) { }
When does doing nothing to a fruit equate to eating the fruit? A pure virtual function is a much better interface choice.
When a question like this comes up, it's good to look at exactly why you want to make particular decisions - for instance, why do you not want the Fruit classes to know about Pesticide?
I'm sure there is a good reason for this - but expressing that reason will help clarify in your mind exactly what your aims are - and this often sheds a new light on a possible angle for structuring the program.
For instance, you might end up adding new virtual methods "IsEdible" and "PrepareForEating". Then you can implement these for each fruit, and implement one generic Eat method that works for all fruits - and ingests the pesky pesticide too - all without the Fruit classes knowing anything about it.
Of course, depending on your precise aims, that may be totally inappropriate - which is why you'll have to clarify the example in your own head :-)
Just use the I Am Standing Right Here! Pattern. It's like the Visitor Pattern but without a container.
// fruit.h
class Fruit;
class Apple;
class Orange;
class Fruit_user {
virtual ~Fruit_user();
virtual use(Apple *f) = 0;
virtual use(Orange *f) = 0;
class Fruit {
// Somebody with strong template fu could probably do
// it all here.
virtual void use(Fruit_user *fu) = 0;
class Apple : public Fruit {
virtual void use(Fruit_user *fu) {
class Orange: public Fruit {
virtual void use(Fruit_user *fu) {
// dow-chemical.h
class Pesticide_fruit_user : public Fruit_user {
Pesticide_fruit_user(Pesticide *p) {
p_ = p;
virtual void use(Apple *f) { ingest(f, p_); }
virtual void use(Orange *f) { peel(f, p_); ingest(f, p_); }
Pesticide *p_;
There's nothing wrong with having arbitrary class pointers in headers. They form the basis of many idioms, like PIMPL and opaque pointers. Also, if you aren't a sane person, how are you supposed to understand my answer?
Seriously, derived functions and polymorphism exist to solve this problem. If you refuse to use the language provided tools, why bother using it at all? Any solution you can come up with can be translated into a virtual function call in any case, just you would have coded it manually instead of having the compiler do it.
What you're asking for isn't possible. The function overloading resolution needs to know at compile time which class the parameter is so it can call the correct Eat function. The only exception is for virtual member functions, which you've already ruled out.

calling a function from a set of overloads depending on the dynamic type of an object

I feel like the answer to this question is really simple, but I really am having trouble finding it. So here goes:
Suppose you have the following classes:
class Base;
class Child : public Base;
class Displayer
Displayer(Base* element);
Displayer(Child* element);
Additionally, I have a Base* object which might point to either an instance of the class Base or an instance of the class Child.
Now I want to create a Displayer based on the element pointed to by object, however, I want to pick the right version of the constructor. As I currently have it, this would accomplish just that (I am being a bit fuzzy with my C++ here, but I think this the clearest way)
virtual void Base::createDisplayer()
new Displayer(this);
virtual void Child::createDisplayer()
new Displayer(this);
This works, however, there is a problem with this:
Base and Child are part of the application system, while Displayer is part of the GUI system. I want to build the GUI system independently of the Application system, so that it is easy to replace the GUI. This means that Base and Child should not know about Displayer. However, I do not know how I can achieve this without letting the Application classes know about the GUI.
Am I missing something very obvious or am I trying something that is not possible?
Edit: I missed a part of the problem in my original question. This is all happening quite deep in the GUI code, providing functionality that is unique to this one GUI. This means that I want the Base and Child classes not to know about the call at all - not just hide from them to what the call is
It seems a classic scenario for double dispatch. The only way to avoid the double dispatch is switching over types (if( typeid(*object) == typeid(base) ) ...) which you should avoid.
What you can do is to make the callback mechanism generic, so that the application doesn't have to know of the GUI:
class app_callback {
// sprinkle const where appropriate...
virtual void call(base&) = 0;
virtual void call(derived&) = 0;
class Base {
virtual void call_me_back(app_callback& cb) {cb.call(*this);}
class Child : public Base {
virtual void call_me_back(app_callback& cb) {cb.call(*this);}
You could then use this machinery like this:
class display_callback : public app_callback {
// sprinkle const where appropriate...
virtual void call(base& obj) { displayer = new Displayer(obj); }
virtual void call(derived& obj) { displayer = new Displayer(obj); }
Displayer* displayer;
Displayer* create_displayer(Base& obj)
display_callback dcb;
return dcb.displayer;
You will have to have one app_callback::call() function for each class in the hierarchy and you will have to add one to each callback every time you add a class to the hierarchy.
Since in your case calling with just a base& is possible, too, the compiler won't throw an error when you forget to overload one of these functions in a callback class. It will simply call the one taking a base&. That's bad.
If you want, you could move the identical code of call_me_back() for each class into a privately inherited class template using the CRTP. But if you just have half a dozen classes it doesn't really add all that much clarity and it requires readers to understand the CRTP.
Have the application set a factory interface on the system code. Here's a hacked up way to do this. Obviously, apply this changes to your own preferences and coding standards. In some places, I'm inlining the functions in the class declaration - only for brevity.
// platformcode.h - BEGIN
class IDisplayer;
class IDisplayFactory
virtual IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Base* pBase) = 0;
virtual IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Child* pBase) = 0;
namespace SystemDisplayerFactory
static IDisplayFactory* s_pFactory;
SetFactory(IDisplayFactory* pFactory)
s_pFactory = pFactory;
IDisplayFactory* GetFactory()
return s_pFactory;
// platformcode.h - end
// Base.cpp and Child.cpp implement the "CreateDisplayer" methods as follows
void Base::CreateDisplayer()
IDisplayer* pDisplayer = SystemDisplayerFactory::GetFactory()->CreateDisplayer(this);
void Child::CreateDisplayer()
IDisplayer* pDisplayer = SystemDisplayerFactory::GetFactory()->CreateDisplayer(this);
// In your application code, do this:
#include "platformcode.h"
class CDiplayerFactory : public IDisplayerFactory
IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Base* pBase)
return new Displayer(pBase);
IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Child* pChild)
return new Displayer(pChild);
Then somewhere early in app initialization (main or WinMain), say the following:
CDisplayerFactory* pFactory = new CDisplayerFactory();
This will keep your platform code from having to know the messy details of what a "displayer" is, and you can implement mock versions of IDisplayer later to test Base and Child independently of the rendering system.
Also, IDisplayer (methods not shown) becomes an interface declaration exposed by the platform code. Your implementation of "Displayer" is a class (in your app code) that inherits from IDisplayer.