Getting variables values from a .txt file in C++ - c++

I am writing a CFD solver in C++ but I am in the very beginning. Now I am coding a solver for the linear convection. The math is ok, working well, but I need to write also a code for reading variables from a .txt file.
My code is:
//Code for solving the convection linear equation from Navier-Stokes
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float endtime=0.3; //simulation time
float dx=0.025; //element size
float xmax=2; //domain size
float c=1; //wave velocity
float C=0.3; //Courant-Friedrich-Lewy number
float dt=C*dx/c; //defining timestep by the Courant equantion
int nx=xmax/dx + 1; //defining number of elements
int nt=endtime/dt; //defining number of time points
float u[nx] = { }; //defining an initial velocity array.
float un[nx] = { };
for(int i = 4; i <= 9; i++) //defining contour conditions
u[i] = 2;
for(int n=1; n<=nt; n++)
std::copy(u, u + nx, un);
for(int i=1; i<=nx; i++)
u[i] = un[i] - c*(dt/dx)*(un[i]-un[i-1]);
for (int i = 0; i <= nx; i++)
cout << u[i] << endl;
return 0;
I need to take these variables values from a .txt, like the end time, element size, etc. Then, I have a .txt called "parameters", which is exactly written like that:
What's the most effiecient way to get these variables values from this .txt and use it in the code?

Using only standard features:
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
tuple<bool, string, string> read_one_value(istream& in)
string name;
if(getline(in, name, '='))
string value;
if(getline(in, value))
return make_tuple(true, name, value);
return make_tuple(false, "", "");
int main()
for(auto val = read_one_value(cin); get<0>(val); val = read_one_value(cin))
std::cout << get<1>(val) << " -> " << get<2>(val) << '\n';
return 0;
This leaves converting from the value string objects to the needed type as an exercise for the reader, and assumes your format of name=value is consistent.


Function not printing any solutions

So, I need to make a function that is going to return the chromatic number of a graph. The graph is given through an adjecency matrix that the function finds using a file name. I have a function that should in theory work and which the compiler is throwing no issues for, yet when I run it, it simply prints out an empty line and ends the program.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int Find_Chromatic_Number (vector <vector <int>> matg, int matc[], int n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
int result, i, j;
result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (j = i; j < n; j++) {
if (matg[i][j] == 1) {
if (matc[i] == matc[j]) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (result < matc[i]) {
result = matc[i];
return result;
int main() {
string file;
int n, i, j, m;
cout << "unesite ime datoteke: " << endl;
cin >> file;
ifstream reader;;
reader >> n;
vector<vector<int>> matg(n, vector<int>(0));
int matc[n];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
reader >> matg[i][j];
matc[i] = 1;
int result = Find_Chromatic_Number(matg, matc, n);
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
The program is supposed to use an freader to convert the file into a 2D vector which represents the adjecency matrix (matg). I also made an array (matc) which represents the value of each vertice, with different numbers corresponding to different colors.
The function should go through the vector and every time there is an edge between two vertices it should check if their color value in matc is the same. If it is, it ups the second vale (j) by one. After the function has passed through the vector, the matc array should contain n different number with the highest number being the chromatic number I am looking for.
I hope I have explained enough of what I am trying to accomplish, if not just ask and I will add any further explanations.
Try to make it like that.
Don't choose a size for your vector
vector<vector<int> > matg;
And instead of using reader >> matg[i][j];
int tmp;
reader >> tmp;

How many numbers higher than average [C++]

I filled an array with 30 random numbers and calculated average. I want to display how many numbers are higher than the average. I tried making a function "aboveAverage" and check if the numbers are higher than the average and than just increase the count "num_over_average++". The problem is I don't know how to pass a value "avg" from function to another function.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
const int n = 30;
void fillArray(int age[], int n) {
for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) {
age[index] = (rand() % 81) + 8;
void printArray(int age[], int n) {
for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) {
cout << age[index] << endl;
double printAverage(int age[], int n) {
double sum;
double avg = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum = sum + age[i];
avg = ((double) sum) / n;
cout << avg << endl;
return avg;
void aboveAverage(int age[], int n) {
double avg;
int num_over_average = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(age[i] > avg) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int age[n];
fillArray(age, n);
cout << "array: " << endl;
printArray(age, n);
cout << endl;
aboveAverage(age, n);
//example: Days above average: 16
This should be a comment, but I don't have enough reps :(
Change aboveAverage to void aboveAverage(int age[], int n, double avg)
Return avg from printAverage function
Change the last part of your main code to
double avg;
avg = printAverage(age, n);
aboveAverage(age, n, avg);
Hope this helps!
You have two solutions using your code:
Either you call printAverage() to initialise avg in aboveAverage() :
void aboveAverage(int age[], int n) {
double avg = printAverage();
Or you pass the average at parameter of aboveAverage() after having computed it with printAverage() :
void aboveAverage(int age[], int n, double avg) {
If you use the standard library you can do that with two lines of code:
double average = std::accumulate(std::begin(age), std::end(age), 0.0) / std::size(age);
int above_average = std::count_if(std::begin(age), std::end(age),
[average](double value) { return average < value; });
Okay, you might count that as three lines.
One major advantage of this approach over the code in the question is that you can change the container type to, say, vector<double> without having to change any of this code.
Well is pretty simple but dependent on your situation, I'll elaborate.
I'm the case when it's part of a bigger function (do-somthing())
You could calculate the average value like so and pass it to your "aboveAverage" function and print it:
double n_average = printAverage(nArr_ages, n_agesArraySize);
aboveAverage(nArr_ages, n_agesArraySize, n_averag);
Myself would probably rewrite the printAverage function as two functions, one that returns the average value based on the array and another that prints it not both at once because it violates the SOLID principals of a single responsibility and that a function name should reflect exactly what it does, in this case maybe calculateAverage or getAverageAge or any other appropriate name will do (try and name your functions like the english language so your code will be read like a song.
For example:
const size_t n = 30;
double calculateAverage(int nArr_ages[], int n_agesArraySize) {
double sum = 0.0;
double avg = 0.0;
for (int indexInArray = 0; indexInArray < n_agesArraySize; indexInArray++) {
sum = sum + age[indexInArray];
average = ((double) sum) / n_agesArraySize;
return average;
int aboveAverageCells(int ages[], int n_agesArraySize ) {
double average = calculateAverage(ages, n);
int num_over_average = 0;
for(int indexInArray = 0; indexInArray < n_agesArraySize; indexInArray++) {
if(ages[indexInArray] > avg) {
return num_over_average;
Now just call them in order, save the returned values to local variables in the main function and print using cout also locally in main.
As a side note next time maybe choose different names for the const and the local functions variable for the array size.

Program stuck in infinite lop during single for loop calculation

I am new to c++ programming and am taking a computational physics class where we are analyzing the problem of percolation on a square lattice using a single-cluster algorithm. My professor has given us some base code, and asked us to modify it as well as write some additional code and scripts within and without this specific program. I have written the majority of the code and scripts necessary to solve and plot this problem, but I am having an issue with my main data output program, specifically that of an infinite loop when I set an input parameter to any value other than 0.
Three main function comprise this program, namely LATTICE::LATTICE, CLUSTER::grow, and CUSTER::print, and also uses a standard Mersenne Twister header file. The heavily modified, commented, and toyed with c++ program is as follows:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "MersenneTwister.h"
using namespace std;
class PARAMS
int Nlin; // linear size of lattice
double pr; // probability for a site
double Nclust; // number of clusters in a bin
double Nbin; // number of bins of data to output
int SEED; // seed for mersenne twister
string latt_; // which lattice
LATTICE(const PARAMS&);//constructor
int Nsite;// number of lattice sites
int Lx,Ly;
vector<vector<int> > nrnbrs;
void print ();
CLUSTER(const PARAMS&, const LATTICE&);//constructor
void grow(const PARAMS&, const LATTICE&, MTRand&);
void meas_clear(const LATTICE&);
void meas(const LATTICE&);
void binwrite(const PARAMS&, const LATTICE&);
//void print(const LATTICE& latt, int index);
void print(const PARAMS& p, const LATTICE& latt);
~CLUSTER();// destructor
int size;
vector <int> conf;
vector <int> stack;
double pr;
//int stck_pnt,stck_end;
double avg_size;
ofstream dfout;
vector <int> stck_pnt;
vector <int> stck_end;
int z, pnt, prob, val, row, column;
vector< vector< vector <int> > > imax;
int main(void)
LATTICE latt(p);
CLUSTER cluster(p,latt);
MTRand ran(p.SEED);
/*for (int bin=0;bin<p.Nbin;bin++)
for(int clust=0;clust<p.Nclust;clust++)
cluster.grow(p, latt, ran);
//initializes commonly used parameters from a file
ifstream pfin;"param.dat");
if (pfin.is_open()) {
pfin >> Nlin;
pfin >> pr;
pfin >> Nclust;
pfin >> Nbin;
pfin >> SEED;
pfin >> latt_;
{cout << "No input file to read ... exiting!"<<endl;exit(1);}
// print out all parameters for record
cout << "--- Parameters at input for percolation problem ---"<<endl;
cout <<"Nlin = "<<Nlin<<"; prob. of site = "<<pr<<endl;
cout <<"Number of clusters in a bin = "<<Nclust<<"; Number of bins = "<<Nbin<<endl;
cout <<"RNG will be given SEED of = "<<SEED<<endl;
cout <<"Percolation problem on lattice --> "<<latt_<<endl;
string latt_=p.latt_;
int i;
nrnbrs = vector<vector<int> >(Nsite, vector<int>(4));
for (i=0; i<Nsite; i++){
if((i+1) % p.Nlin != 0) nrnbrs[i][0] = i+1;
else nrnbrs[i][0] = i - p.Nlin + 1 ;
if(i + p.Nlin < Nsite ) nrnbrs[i][1] = i+p.Nlin;
else nrnbrs[i][1] = i - (Nsite-p.Nlin);
if(i % p.Nlin > 0) nrnbrs[i][2] = i-1;
else nrnbrs[i][2] = i-1+p.Nlin;
if(i - p.Nlin >= 0) nrnbrs[i][3] = i-p.Nlin;
else nrnbrs[i][3] = i + (Nsite-p.Nlin);
else if(p.latt_=="sqlatt_OBC")
nrnbrs = vector<vector<int> >(Nsite, vector<int>(0));
for (int i=0; i<Nsite; i++){
if((i+1) % p.Nlin != 0){
if(i + p.Nlin < Nsite ){
if(i % p.Nlin > 0){
if(i - p.Nlin >= 0){
{cout <<"Dont know your option for lattice in param.dat .. exiting"<<endl;exit(1);}
void LATTICE::print()
cout <<"---printing out properties of lattice ---"<<endl;
cout<<"size is "<<Lx<<"x"<<Ly<<endl;
cout <<"neighbors are"<<endl;
for (int site=0;site<Nsite;site++)
cout <<site<<" : ";
for (size_t nn=0;nn<;nn++)
cout<<<<" ";
cout <<endl;
cout << endl;
CLUSTER::CLUSTER(const PARAMS& p, const LATTICE& latt)
stack.resize(latt.Nsite);;// store prob in a private member of cluster"data.out");
void CLUSTER::grow(const PARAMS& p, const LATTICE& latt, MTRand& ran)
conf.resize(latt.Nsite); // Initalize Nsite elements of lattice to 0 in conf
// 0 = Not Asked; 1 = Asked, Joined; 2 = Asked, Refused
for (int i = 0; i < p.Nclust; ++i) { // Iterate for Nclust values
z = ran.randInt(latt.Nsite - 1); // Random integer between 0 and Nsite; Selects first lattice element in the cluster algorithm per Nclus
stck_pnt.resize(0); // Set stck_pnt and stck_end vectors to size 0; Will be filled when iterating through each Nclust
stck_end.resize(0); //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//while (conf[z] != 0) { z = ran.randInt(latt.Nsite - 1); } // Iterate through lattice elements until we select one that has not been asked to join
conf[z] = 1; // Set element z in conf to have been asked to join and accepted
stck_pnt.push_back(z); // Add z to both stck_pnt and stck_end
for (int j = 0; j = 3; ++j) { // Add z's nearest neighbors to stck_end; Ignore if already been asked
if (conf[latt.nrnbrs[z][j] == 0]) {
pnt = 1; // Initialize pnt for trasnferral of stack_end values to stck_pnt
while (stck_pnt.size() < stck_end.size()) {
stck_pnt.push_back(stck_end[pnt]); // Add pnt element of stck_end to stck_pnt
double prob = ran.rand(); // Get probability value for testing if cluster grows
if (prob <= pr) {
conf[stck_pnt[pnt]] = 1; // Set the current stck_pnt element to joined in conf
for (int j = 0; j = 3; ++j) { // Add z's nearest neighbors to stck_end; Ignore if already been asked
if (find(stck_end.begin(), stck_end.end(), latt.nrnbrs[stck_pnt[pnt]][j]) != stck_end.end()) {
// The given value already exists in stck_end, don't add it again
else { // The given value is not contained in stck_end, add it to stck_end
else {
conf[stck_pnt[pnt]] = 2; // Set the given value to haven been asked and refused in conf
++pnt; // Increment pnt; ++p is more efficient then p++ due to lack of copying value
void CLUSTER::print(const LATTICE& latt, int index)
stringstream ss;
string file_name;
ss << index << ".clust";
file_name = ss.str();
ofstream clout;;
clout << "#" << latt.Lx << " x " << latt.Ly << endl;
for (int y = 0; y < latt.Ly; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < latt.Lx; x++)
clout << conf[x + y*latt.Lx] << " ";
clout << endl;
void CLUSTER::print(const PARAMS& p, const LATTICE& latt)
//vector< vector< vector<int> > > imax(latt.Lx, vector< vector<int>>(latt.Ly, vector<int>(1)));
// Resize and allocate memeory for imax
//-------------- Row = y-position = i/Lx --------------- Column = x-position = i%Lx ---------------- val = conf[i]
ofstream myFile;"imax.out");
cout << "THe following output was calculated for the input parameters; Recorded to 'imax.out'" << endl;
cout <<"[index]" << "\t" << "[x-position]" << "\t" << "[y-position]" << "\t" << "[conf val]" << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < latt.Nsite; ++i) {
val = conf[i]; // Find color value
row = i / latt.Lx; // Find row number
column = i%latt.Lx; // Find column number
cout << i << "\t" << column << "\t" << row << "\t" << val << endl;
myFile << i << "\t" << column << "\t" << row << "\t" << val << endl;
double size = 0.0; // Initialize size
for (int i = 0; i < latt.Nsite; ++i) {
if (conf[i] == 1) {
size += 1;
double avg_size = size / p.Nclust; // Find avg_size
void CLUSTER::meas(const LATTICE& latt)
void CLUSTER::meas_clear(const LATTICE& latt)
void CLUSTER::binwrite(const PARAMS& p, const LATTICE& latt)
dfout << avg_size/((double)p.Nclust)<<endl;
When I set Nclust=0 in the input file, the code runs as expected and gives the proper output in the file and console. However, when I set Nclust equal to any other value, I get the proper lattice console output but the program hangs for the cluster algorithm. I at first assumed that my computer and algorithm were slow and inefficient and that the program was working in some non-linear time. However, after leaving the program running for around 30 minutes for a 4x4 lattice (only 16 elements in the conf[] vector), no progress had been made and I assumed that the program was stuck in a loop.
After spending several hours going over the CLUSTER::grow() method line-by-line and experimenting with changing various bits of code, I have been unable to resolve where this loop error originates from. I would assume it is somewhere in the while loop that compares the size of stck_pnt and stck_end, but I cannot figure out why or where this is. Any help with this would be very greatly appreciated.
Tl;dr: For Nclust !=0, CLUSTER:grow gets stuck in an infinite loop
You have infinite loop here:
for (int j = 0; j = 3; ++j) { // <======== HERE
and here:
conf[stck_pnt[pnt]] = 1; // Set the current stck_pnt element to joined in conf
for (int j = 0; j = 3; ++j) { // <======== HERE

C++ 2d read-in array troubles

I need help with reading in a text file that has string integers for the first row and for the first column. I need to have everything print out in a table format. The program I have reads in a edited text file that only has the floats, and works fine. The program is meant to read in the text file, find the average and totals for each row and column, and print it all out in a table, but I'm unsure how to go about this. The table is supposed to print like so:
Department-Name Electric Copier Phone Miscellaneous sumOfRows totalOfRows
Bookkeeping 434.92 233.76 322.25 1442.98
Sales 610.55 233.21 144.75 1232.20
Service 343.21 224.76 128.90 987.00
Customer Relations 278.23 98.43 177.34 899.32
Marketing 522.32 109.78 233.45 1232.45
Media 132.98 221.43 119.56 1090.30
Human-Resources 109.56 342.87 298 1154
I was told that I could input two string arrays, one for the first row and one for the first column, but I'm unsure how I could print it out in a table format.
Here is the file:
Department-Name Electric Copier Phone Miscellaneous
Bookkeeping 434.92 233.76 322.25 1442.98
Sales 610.55 233.21 144.75 1232.20
Service 343.21 224.76 128.90 987.00
Customer Relations 278.23 98.43 177.34 899.32
Marketing 522.32 109.78 233.45 1232.45
Media 132.98 221.43 119.56 1090.30
Human-Resources 109.56 342.87 298 1154
Here is my code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
const int ROWSPACE = 7;
const int COLUMNSPACE = 4;
float rowAverage[ROWSPACE] = {0};
float colAverage[COLUMNSPACE] = {0};
float rowTotal[ROWSPACE] = {0};
float colTotal[COLUMNSPACE] = {0};
float getAverage(float averageArray[][COLUMNSPACE], int size, float rowAverage[], float colAverage[]);
float calcTotal(float sumArray[][COLUMNSPACE], int sz, float rowTotal[], float colTotal[]);
void getData(float expense[][COLUMNSPACE], int ROWSPACE);
void printTable();
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
printTable();//Prints the data.
return 0;
float getAverage(float averageArray[][COLUMNSPACE], int size, float rowAverage[], float colAverage[])//Finds the sums of the rows and columns.
int i,j;
float sum = 0, average;
cout<<"These are the row averages: \n";
for(i = 0; i<size; i++)
for(j=0; j<COLUMNSPACE; j++)
sum+=averageArray[i][j];//Finds the overall average
rowAverage[i] += averageArray[i][j]; //Finds each row's average
colAverage[j] += averageArray[i][j]; //Finds each column's average.
rowAverage[i] /= COLUMNSPACE;
cout<<rowAverage[i]<<"\t"; //prints the row averages
cout<<"These are the column averages: \n";
for(j=0; j<COLUMNSPACE; j++)
colAverage[j] /= size;
cout<<colAverage[j]<<"\t"; //prints the column averages
average=sum/(size * COLUMNSPACE);
return average;
float calcTotal(float sumArray[][COLUMNSPACE], int sz, float rowTotal[], float colTotal[])
int i,j;
float sum = 0, total;
cout<<"These are the row totals: \n";
for(i = 0; i<sz; i++)
for(j=0; j<COLUMNSPACE; j++)
sum+=sumArray[i][j]; //Finds the overall total
rowTotal[i] += sumArray[i][j]; //Finds the row totals
colTotal[j] += sumArray[i][j]; //Finds the column totals
cout<<rowTotal[i]<<"\t"; //prints out row totals
cout<<"\nThese are the column totals: \n";
for(j=0; j<COLUMNSPACE; j++) {
cout<<colTotal[j]<<"\t"; //Prints out column totals
return total;
void getData(float expense[][COLUMNSPACE], int ROWSPACE)
ifstream expenseFile;
ofstream outFile;
int i, j;"Expense1.txt"); //reads in the file (I have Expense1 as the floats only, and Expense with the strings and the floats)"newFile.txt"); //creates thew new file
outFile<<"The expenses are: \n";
for(i = 0; i<ROWSPACE; i++) //creates the array from the file
for(j = 0; j<COLUMNSPACE; j++)
cout << endl; //closes the expense file
outFile << endl; //closes the new file
void printTable() //prints out the data
float average;
float total;
float expenseArray[ROWSPACE][COLUMNSPACE];
cout<<"Electric Copier Phone Miscellaneous\n";
average=getAverage(expenseArray,ROWSPACE,rowAverage, colAverage);
total= calcTotal(expenseArray, ROWSPACE, rowTotal, colTotal);
Any suggestions?
Use an array of structures, not a 2D array.
One reason is all elements of an array must have the same data type so you can't mix strings and floats without playing shifty games with casting or unions. But with a class or structure... You can really have fun!
struct datastruct
string DepartmentName;
float Electric;
float Copier;
float Phone;
float Miscellaneous;
If allowed, prefer std::vector
std::vector<datastruct> list;
If bound by odd requirements and you have to use an array
datastruct list[ROWSPACE];
Now you can read the file in line by line. The following is adapted from Read file line by line
std::string line;
std::getline(infile, line); // discard first line. It is only header information
while (std::getline(infile, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
datastruct temp;
if (!(iss >> temp.DepartmentName
>> temp.Electric
>> temp.Copier
// handle error
// store temp in vector or array
// or
list[index] = temp;
If using an array add an exit condition to the while loop to prevent overrunning the end of the array
When you have a good grasp on C++ you can also overload >> for the structure and write something more like
datastruct temp;
while (infile >> temp))
// store temp in vector or array
But I'm not going to cover that trick here.
Passing it around is much easier because you now have a one dimensional vector or array.
float getAverage(vector<datastruct> & list,
vector<float> &rowAverage,
datastruct & colAverage)
float getAverage(datastruct list[],
int size,
float rowAverage[],
datastruct & colAverage)
To make computing the row and column average easy we modify datastruct
struct datastruct
string DepartmentName;
float Electric;
float Copier;
float Phone;
float Miscellaneous;
float getAverage()
return (Electric + Copier + phone + Miscellaneous) / 4;
datastruct & operator+=(const datastruct & rhs)
Electric += rhs.Electric;
Copier+= rhs.Copier;
Phone+= rhs.Phone;
Miscellaneous+= rhs.Miscellaneous;
return *this;
datastruct & operator/=(float divisor)
Electric /= divisor;
Copier/= divisor;
Phone/= divisor;
Miscellaneous/= divisor;
return *this;
and call it like
for (auto & row: list)
colAverage += row;
colAverage /= size;
for(i = 0; i<size; i++)
rowAverage[i] = list[i].getAverage();
colAverage += list[i];
colAverage /= size;
Here colAverge is used to sum up all the items in the list with the overloaded += operator and is then divided by the size with the/= operator.
Note that colAverage needs to be zeroed before it can be used to sum. You may want to add a method or a constructor to do that for you.
Calculating the totals is similar.

Reading the specific data from the file using Vector function C++

I am a new in C++ and have difficulties in importing specific data (numbers) from the file.
My input looks like:
Open High Low Close
1.11476 1.11709 1.10426 1.10533
1.10532 1.11212 1.10321 1.10836
1.10834 1.11177 1.10649 1.11139
1.09946 1.10955 1.09691 1.10556
1.10757 1.11254 1.09914 1.10361
1.10359 1.12162 1.10301 1.11595
1.09995 1.10851 1.09652 1.10097
I use the following code which works fine for me to read the second column entirely, however I need to read specific data only. For example the third row/ third column which is 1.10649How can I read specific data? Do I need to use the string to get the row/column and then convert it to int in order to read it in a vector? I am open for any suggestions and would be greatly appreciated if any could help me with this issue.
// Data import 2nd Column
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int columns = 4;
vector< vector <double> > data;
ifstream market_data("market_data.txt");
if (market_data.is_open()) {
double num;
vector <double> line;
while (market_data >> num) {
if (line.size() == columns) {
vector <double> column;
double col = 2;
for (double i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
column.push_back(data[i][col - 1]);
cout << column[i] << endl;
system ("pause");
return 0;
You need to use a integer value for indexing (size_t to be precise), change
for (double i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
for( size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
// ^^^^^^
Otherwise everything seems fine from your code sample.
If your numbers will always contain 7 characters (i assume it's not binary file), then you could make this simple.
Use seekg() method of ifstream.
Each number fills 10 characters (7 of number, 3 spaces). So, if you have table ROWS x COLUMNS, then to get specific number, you can do this:
const int ROW_LEN = 4
const int DATA_LEN = 10
int row,column;
double num;
std::cin >> row; //assume first row is 0
std::cin >> column //assume first column is 0
marked_data.seekg((column*ROW_LEN + row)*DATA_LEN);
marked_data >> num // here is your number
Thank you for replies.. I have solved the issue. So instead of:
vector <double> column;
double col = 2;
for (double i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
column.push_back(data[i][col - 1]);
cout << column[i] << endl;
enough to write:
cout << data[2][2] << endl;