Migrate swift 3 code to swift 5 using Xcode Version 11.3.1 - swift3

I have an old code developed at Xcode 8 with swift3,
Now with Xcode 11.3.1 , i am trying to upgrade it but it gives me below error.
Any process to direct migrate without using Xcode 10.1


unable to resolve product type 'com.apple.product-type.system-extension' for platform macosx (in target SimpleFirewallExtension))

I Am trying to build and run FirewallExtension sample app from
on catalina beta version,
but getting error
unable to resolve product type 'com.apple.product-type.system-extension' for platform macosx
using xcode version 10.2
any idea what is missed here?
is some specific xcode version is needed here?
System Extensions are new to macOS 10.15 and unknown to Xcode 10. You'll need to use Xcode 11 to develop them.

Cant install DLIB [Debian 7] [Python 2.7]

I have problem with installing dlib. Im using debian 7 and python 2.7. Thats the full code.
Im following the steps from these guide - https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/03/27/how-to-install-dlib/
Full log you can find here - https://paste.ee/p/AbXxJ
GCC 4.7 is too old. You need a C++11 compiler. Get a newer version of GCC.

PlugNPlay sdk framework can't be imported in xcode 8.3.2

Module compiled with Swift 3.0.2 cannot be imported in Swift 3.1 For PlugNPlay SDK. Please provide a new release for PlugNPlay SDK with swift 3.1 support.
it is working fine in Simulator but it showing an error if you run in device Module compiled with Swift 3.0.2 cannot be imported in Swift 3.1
My Xcode version is 8.3.2
iPhone Device version is 10.3.1 and 10.2.1
You have to change some setting of your project so you can easily import PlugNPlay sdk framework. I am attaching screenshot here.

Can I upload iOS App to AppStore using Xcode 8.2, even if apple has release Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3

As stated by apple in Xcode 8.3 release notes
Xcode 8.3 no longer supports Swift 2.3.
I have a lot of work before I migrate to Swift 3.0 And I want My app on AppStore soon before I migrate.
Keeping in mind that apple has recently relaease a new version Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3, will I be able to upload the iOS app to appstore using my older version of Xcode 8.2
NOTE: I already have an active version x.x of my app on appstore. I need to upload a new version.
As stated here and here, any version from Xcode 6.0 and over, regardless of which language (and language version) you use, will do.

Swift 3 upgrade error: Module file was created by an older version of the compiler

Im using Cocoapods as my dependency managment, but I am getting error every time i build now.
"Module file was created by an older version of the compiler"
And I only have xcode 8 installed, did a upgrade from xcode 7.
Deleting ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData fix this issue.