how to resolve header order issue - c++

I have the following problem:
My code relies on two external packages
EIGEN (Headers only)
IAU SOFA (static library + headers)
If I write the following code:
#include "sofa.h"
#include "Eigen/Dense"
I get the following error messages:
/some_path/sofam.h:85:18: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant #define DAYSEC ( 86400.0 ) ...
and many more lines of errors.
However, if I change the order of the includes it compiles:
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include "sofa.h"
works fine.
What is causing the problem?
My main problem is that I do not know how this behavior is called so I cannot really google it effectively.
It is not an option to change any of the source code of EIGEN or IAU SOFA (since they are maintained by other groups and we regularly update them from their webpage)
It is also not an option to just fix it once and never touch it again. The order of our header files is automatically rearranged to be in alphabetic order which is messing up everything every time we commit any change and we regularly use an optimize imports algorithm which is also changing the includes automatically.


Replacing THC/THC.h module to ATen/ATen.h module

I have question about replacing <THC/THC.h> method.
Recently, I'm working on installing different loss functions compiled with cpp and cuda.
However, what I faced was a fatal error of
'THC/THC.h': No such file or directory
I found out that TH(C) methods were currently deprecated in recent version of pytorch, and was replaced by ATen API (
For sure, downgrading my pytorch version will solve the problem. However, due to my GPU compatibility issue, I have no choice but to modify the script by myself. Therefore, my question can be summarized into follows.
First, how can I replace codes that have dependency of TH(C) method using ATen API?. Below are codes that I have to modify, replacing those three lines looked enough for my case.
#include <THC/THC.h>
extern THCState *state;
cudaStream_t stream = THCState_getCurrentStream(state);
Second, will single modification on cpp file be enough to clear the issue that I'm facing right now? (This is just a minor question, answer on first question will suffice me).
For reference, I attach the github link of the file I'm trying to build (
After struggling for a while, I found the answer for my own.
In case of THCState_getCurrentStream, it could directly be replaced by at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(). Therefore, modified code block was formulated as below.
//Comment Out
//#include <THE/THC.h>
//extern THCState *state;
//cudaStream_t stream = THCState_getCurrentStream(state);
//Replace with
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAEvent.h>
cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
After replacing the whole source code, I was able to successfully build the module.
Hope this helps.

exit status 1 expected primary-expression before '.' token

I'm trying to get the temperature and humidity every 60 seconds, but my code won't work. Whenever I compile it, there's this error "expected primary-expression before '.' token"
This line gets highlighted.
Serial.print(DHT.humidity,0);//prints humidity in serial
Here's my entire code:
#include <DHT_U.h>
#define DHT12PIN 7// sets pin 7 for DHT11 signal connection
void setup(){
Serial.begin(9600);//opens serial
void loop()
int chk = DHT.read12(DHT12PIN);//reads DHT12
Serial.print(DHT.temperature,0);//prints temp in serial
Serial.print(",");//pints comma in serial
Serial.print(DHT.humidity,0);//prints humidity in serial
Serial.println(); //carraiage return
delay(2000);//wait 2 seconsds
Wow there was a lot to unpack in this question.
I have used the DHT library by Adafruit a lot of times and thought that you just ended up using the class name instead of instantiating a variable and that's why you were facing the issue.
But then I realized that you are using the following function which is not a part of the Adafruit library:
int chk = dht.read12(DHT12PIN);//reads DHT12
So, I did a bit of digging on the internet and realized that someone has made a library for DHT with that specific function. (A lot of libraries to be specific)
Based on my analysis of this library, and the example code that was given, you have 3 issues.
You have included the wrong header file. The header file dht.h from RobTillaart's library should replace the header file DHT_U.h of Adafruit's library, in your code.
You have to instantiate the variable named DHT of the dht class. This can be done as follows, above your setup function
dht DHT;
Given that you had the code and the header files mixed up from TWO DIFFERENT LIBRARIES, I am guessing that you have installed the Adafruit library, in the place of RobTillaart's library. To fix this, you will have to remove the DHT-sensor-library-1.3.4 from your Documents/Arduino/libraries, create a new folder named DHTStable in it's place, and place all of the files listed here in the new folder.
Some words of experience-based wisdom, don't use RobTillaart's library, I can tell from a glance of it's folder structure that you will face more problems then you can solve if you use it. Instead use Adafruit's library, with their example. You will also have to install Adafruit's sensor library, but it is definitely worth it.

Include string in file on compilation

I work on a team project using a teensy and matlab, and to avoid version differences (e.g one person loads the teensy with version A, and the person now using it with matlab has version B of the code), I'd like to send a version string on pairing.
However, I want the version string to sit in a shared file between the matlab code and the teensy, and every time the program is loaded to the teensy, have it included on compilation as a constant.
Sort of like:
const string version = "<included file content>";
The matlab on its part can read it at runtime.
I thought of using a file whose contents are an assignment to a variable whose name is shared both by teensy and matlab, however I would prefer a more elegant solution if such exists, especially one that doesn't include executing code from an external file at runtime.
One way is just to have a simple setup like so:
const string version =
#include ""
Note that the newline between the = and the #include is in place to keep the compiler happy. Also, if you don't want to include the semicolon in the .inc file, you can do this:
const string version =
#include ""
; // Put the semicolon on a newline, again to keep the compiler happy
EDIT: Instead of a .inc file, you can really have any file extension you desire. It's all up to taste
EDIT: If you really wanted to, you could omit the quotes from the .inc file, but that would lead to messy code like this:
#define STRINGIFY(X) #X
const string version =
#include ""
As #Ôrel pointed out, you could handle the generation of a version.h or similar in your Makefile. Assuming you're running a *nix system, you could try a setup like this:
# "1.0.0rc1"; > version.h
echo \"`cat`\"\; > version.h
const string version =
#include "version.h"

Eclipse Invalid arguments error when using gstreamer

Ok, so I want to use gstreamer library.
1. Situation
I have some code:
#include <gst/gstpipeline.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>
GstElement* pipe = gst_pipeline_new("PipeName");
Where gst_pipeline_new is declared in gstpipeline.h:
GstElement* gst_pipeline_new (const gchar* name) G_GNUC_MALLOC;
where non obvious "things" :) are defined somewhere in the system:
typedef struct _GstElement GstElement; // gstelement.h
typedef char gchar; // gtypes.h
#define G_GNUC_MALLOC __attribute__((__malloc__)) // gmacros.h
2. Problem
Since I use make for building I have no errors during compilation and linking. Program itself runs OK as well. However...
In Eclipse IDE I have the following error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Invalid arguments '
Candidates are:
_GstElement * gst_pipeline_new(const ? *)
' /path/to/file line 106 Semantic Error
I added all include directories which are specified in Makefile to eclipse project configuration (Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Includes->C++). Of course it's a C++ project.
3. Question
How to get rid of that Eclipse error? I have no clue how to do this... And it drives me mad since now I use some legacy code and I have around 100 errors like this one.
So far I've tried:
casting either by reinterpret_cast<>() or C-like casting to const gchar*
adding typedef char gchar at the beginning of the file - before any other include!
including gtypes.h (gchar is defined there) - also before any other include
redeclaring `_GstElement gst_pipeline_new(const gchar* name)'
Nither of those helped...
To me it looks like Eclipse does not see the gchar type since it says that the candidate is _GstElement * gst_pipeline_new(const ? *) Where ? substitutes the real type. But I have no idea how to make (or event force :)) Eclipse to see it...
Most probably eclipse just doesn't know about your include paths (for this specific library) and complains about the unindexed types and declarations.
You can add them under 'Project->Properties->C++ General->Paths and Symbols'
If this doesn't help, you can also switch off semantic error checking (see Code Analysis), either in whole or for particular error types.
As g-maulik suggested, It seems that it was really an indexer problem. After increasing the indexer cache limits everything works fine.
Go to Window->Preferences->C/C++->Indexer tab cache limits and increase (might be machine dependent):
Index Database cache:
Limit relative to the maximum heap size: 15%
Absolute limit: 128 MB
Header file cache:
Absolute Limit: 128 MB

LoadLibrary fails when including a specific file during DLL build

I'm getting really strange behavior in one of the DLLs of my C++ app. It works and loads fine until I include a single file using #include in the main file of the DLL. I then get this error message:
Loading components from D:/Targets/bin/MatrixWorkset.dll
Could not load "D:/Targets/bin/MatrixWorkset.dll": Cannot load library MatrixWorkset: Invalid access to memory location.
Now I've searched and searched through the code and google and I can't figure out what is going on. Up till now everything was in a single DLL and I've decided to split it into two smaller ones. The file that causes the problems is part of the other second library (which loads fine).
Any ideas would really be appreciated.
The likely cause is a global with class type. The constructor is run from DllMain(), and DllMain() in turn runs before LoadLibrary() returns. There are quite a few restrictions on what you can do until DllMain() has returned.
Is it possible that header includes a #pragma comment(lib,"somelibrary.lib") statement somewhere? If so it's automatically trying to import a library.
To troubleshoot this I'd start by looking at the binary with depends (, to see if there are any DLL dependencies you don't expect. If you do find something and you are in Visual Studio, you should turn on "Show Progress" AKA /VERBOSE on the linker.
Since you are getting the Invalid Access to memory location, it's possible there's something in the DLLMAIN or some static initializer that is crashing. Can you simplify the MatrixWorkset.dll (assuming you wrote it)?
The error you describe sounds like a run-time error. Is this error displayed automatically by windows or is it one that your program emits?
I say attach a debugger to your application and trace where this error is coming from. Is Windows failing to load a dependency? Is your library somehow failing on load-up?
If you want to rule in/out this header file you're including, try pre-compiling your main source file both with and without this #include and diff the two results.
I'm still not getting it going. Let me answer some of the questions asked:
1) Windows is not failing to load a dependency, I think since Dependency Walker shows everything is ok.
2) I've attached a debugger which basically prints the following when it tries to load MatrixWorkset.dll:
stdout:&"warning: Loading components from D:/ScinericSoftware/VisualWorkspace/trunk/Targets/bin/MatrixWorkset.dll\n"
status:Stopped: "signal-received"
stdout:30*stopped,reason="signal-received",signal-name="SIGSEGV",signal-meaning="Segmentation fault",thread-id="1",frame={addr="0x7c919994",func="towlower",args=[],from="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ntdll.dll"}
input:31info shared
input:32-stack-list-arguments 2 0 0
input:33-stack-list-locals 2
input:36-data-list-register-values x
3) MSalters: I'm not sure what you mean with a "global with class type". The file that is giving the problems have been included in a different DLL in which it worked fine and the DLL loaded successfully.
This is the top of the MatrixVariable.h file:
#include "QtSF/Variable.h" // Located in depending DLL (the DLL in which this file always lived.
#include "Matrix.h" // File located in this DLL
#include "QList" // These are all files from the Qt Framework
#include "QModelIndex"
#include "QItemSelection"
#include "QObject"
using namespace Zenautics;
using namespace std;
class MatrixVariable : public Variable
Q_PROPERTY(int RowCount READ rowCount WRITE setRowCount)
Q_PROPERTY(int ColumnCount READ columnCount WRITE setColumnCount)
Q_PROPERTY(int UndoPoints READ undoPoints WRITE setUndoPoints)
//! Default constructor.
MatrixVariable(const QString& name, int rows, int cols, double fill_real = 0, double fill_complex = 0, bool isReal = true);
etc. etc. etc.
A possible solution is to put the MatrixVariable file back in the original DLL but that defeats the whole idea of splitting the DLL into smaller parts which is not really a option.
I get that error from GetLastError() when I fail to load a DLL from a command line EXE recently. It used to work, then I added some MFC code to the DLL. Now all bets are off.
I just had this exact same problem. A dll that had been working just fine, suddenly stopped working. I was taking an access violation in the CRT stuff that initializes static objects. Doing a rebuild all did not fix the problem. But when I manually commented out all the statics, the linker complained about a corrupt file. Link again: Worked. Now I can LoadLibrary. Then, one by one, I added the statics back in. Each time, I recompiled and tested a LoadLibrary. Each time it worked fine. Eventually, all my statics were back, and things working normally.
If I had to guess, some intermediate file used by the linker was corrupted (I see the ilk files constantly getting corrupted by link.exe). If you can, maybe wipe out all your files and do a clean build? But I'm guessing you've already figured things out since this is 6 months old ...