.war file is not deployed in the Elastic Beanstalk environment - amazon-web-services

I'm deploying .war file with .ebextensions in EB environment using Jenkins pipeline. The deployment is succeeded and all the commands are executed in at the deployment stage, but when I check the /usr/share/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/ I only see my .war file is there as it is, without extracting.
What would be the reason for this? and any idea about how to resolve that issue ? Please find my code snippet below.
zip -r app-${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip myapp.war .ebextensions
aws s3 cp myapp.war s3://inc-eb-deployments/inc-batch/myapp.war

Try deploying it to the webapps folder, not webapps/ROOT. Then tomcat should decompress to webapps/myapp.
If you want to deploy your application in the root directory you need to name your build output ROOT.war and place it in the webapps folder.

Once the ebextesnions are setup with .war file, which is being coupled with ebextensions(.zip format). In this case, .war file should be unzipped through the .ebextension file manually. Following is the sample code snippet.
command: "unzip <app-name>.war 2>&1 > /var/log/my_last_deploy.log"
This solution worked on my environment.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk doesn't find .platform/hooks/postdeploy directory

I am deploying a spring boot war to a single instance AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment and trying to run a postdeploy script.
I have successfully had .ebextension scripts executed and attempted to follow the same pattern for the .platform/hooks/postdeploy directory but unfortunately EB isn't able to find the directory.
I get the following in the eb-engine.log:
[INFO] Executing platform hooks in .platform/hooks/postdeploy/
[INFO] The dir .platform/hooks/postdeploy/ does not exist
[INFO] Finished running scripts in /var/app/current/.platform/hooks/postdeploy
[INFO] Executing cleanup logic
I have verified the directory and script are placed inside the WAR file under /WEB-INF/classes:
Directory structure under .platform is .platform/hooks/postdeploy/myscript.sh
The EB environment is an Amazon Linux 2.
Any ideas why EB can't find the .platform/hooks/postdeploy directory? When I cd in /var/app I see a jar file and a Procfile.
In my case, I spent one entire week wondering why my configs are not correctly detected..
As mentioned here the .platform correct path is {project_root_directory}/.platform/ and thought I was doing everything fine.
But it need to look like this into your archive ! The root of the zip must have the .platform into
In my case it was : foobar.zip/{project_root_directory}/.platform/
But it must be :foobar.zip/.platform/

Elastic BeanStalk post deploy hook not executed

I'm facing a similar issue to this question while trying to implement the new hooks logic on a AWS Linux 2 managed platform running Docker.
I have created my file inside this .platform/hooks/postdeploy/configure_nginx.sh
which is living in the src/ folder of my app.
I can see the file in my host after the deploy but it's never executed /var/app/current/src/.platform/hooks/postdeploy/configure_nginx.sh
It has the right privileges and I can run it if I ssh into my instance.
The EBS environment is initialized through a docker-compose file where I start 2 public containers and my custom app (in which I have put the hook folders)
The script is not being executed so I'm a bit lost on where I need to put it. FYI, my eb deploy is simply copying a Dockerrun file which is grabbing an image from one of my ECR so basically nothing is done in there.
Thanks for your help!
I've found how it should work.
You have to create the .platform folder at the same level as the .ebextensions one.
In my case I'm deploying a zip archive simply containing my Dockerrun.aws.json and both .ebextensions and .platform folders.
So remember to zip it with the whole package before deploying it to your EBS environment.

which directory beanstalk uses to deploy my code?

I have .env in my code. I copy it to s3. I want to delete it from my GitHub and beanstalk download it when it starts. which directory I should use?
I see my code is on
I want to use .ebextensions
command: aws s3 cp s3://test/.env DIRECTORY
does it have a better solution?
Probably the best way would be to use container_commands instead of commands.
The reason is that conatiner_commands run in the staging folder /var/app/staging:
The specified commands run as the root user, and are processed in alphabetical order by name. Container commands are run from the staging directory, where your source code is extracted prior to being deployed to the application server.
Thus your code could be:
command: aws s3 cp s3://test/.env .
where DIRECTORY is replaced by ..

Elastic Beanstalk - .ebextensions not running on deploy

I have a dotnet core application. And I'm packed it for docker.
My aim is deploying this application to EB but I need to run some commands after deploy.
Thats why I have created a Dockerfile
# https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-dotnet-core
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.2
# copy csproj and restore as distinct layers
COPY . ./App/
RUN dotnet restore
RUN dotnet publish -c release -o /build --no-restore
WORKDIR /build
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "WebApi.dll"]
And I have a Dockerrun.aws.json
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1"
And finally this is my .ebextensions/01_nginx.conf
command: "touch /tmp/x.f"
Then I'm creating an EB application
$ eb init
and creating an enviorment
$eb create
It is deploying my application successfully.
What is expected?
When I login to my EC2 container with ssh I want to see the /tmp/x.f file.
What is the problem?
I have tried several ways, I'm sure that .ebextensions/01_nginx.conf not running any way, because /tmp/x.f file not exists.
Notes :
I'm sure that the zip file which is deployed has .ebextensions/01_nginx.conf file
I'm sure that it is not about git. Because I'm including .ebignore in my root directory.
I can react the end point without any problem, my application is deploying successfully.
What is my mistake?
A probable reason is wrong extension of your files in .ebextensions. It should be .config, not .conf:
Configuration files are YAML- or JSON-formatted documents with a .config file extension that you place in a folder named .ebextensions and deploy in your application source bundle.

Deploy .war to AWS

I want to deploy war from Jenkins to Cloud.
Could you please let me know how to deploy war file from Jenkins on my local to AWS Bean Stalk ?
I tried using a Jenkins post-process plugin to copy the artifact to S3, but I get the following error:
ERROR: Failed to upload files java.io.IOException: put Destination [bucketName=https:, objectName=/s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bucketname/test.war]:
com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: Connect to s3.amazonaws.com/s3.amazonaws.com/ timed out at hudson.plugins.s3.S3Profile.upload(S3Profile.java:85) at hudson.plugins.s3.S3BucketPublisher.perform(S3BucketPublisher.java:143)
Some work has been done on this.
Basically, this is just adding a post-build task to run the standard command line deployment scripts.
From the referenced page, assuming you have the post-build task plugin on Jenkins and the AWS command line tools installed:
In a Jenkins job configuration screen, add a “Post-build action” and choose the plugin “Publish artifacts to S3 bucket”, specify the Source (in our case, we use Maven so the source is target/.war and destination is your S3 bucket name)
Then, add a “Post-build task” (if you don’t have it, this is a plugin in Maven repo) to the same section above (“Post-build Actions”) and drag it below the “Publish artifacts to S3 bucket”. This is important that we want to make sure the war file is uploaded to S3 before proceeding with the scripts.
In the Post-build task portion, make sure you check the box “Run script only if all previous steps were successful”
In the script text area, put in the path of the script to automate the deployment (described in step 3 below). For us, we put something like this:
<path_to_script_file>/deploy.sh "$VERSION_NUMBER" "$VERSION_DESCRIPTION"
The $VERSION_NUMBER and $VERSION_DESCRIPTION are Jenkins’ build parameters and must be specified when a deployment is triggered. Both variables will be used for AEB deployment
The script
export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=<path_to_your aws.key file>
export PATH=$PATH:<path to bin file inside the "api" folder inside the AEB Command line tool (A)>
export PATH=$PATH:<path to root folder of s3cmd (B)>
//get the current time and append to the name of .war file that's being deployed.
//This will create a unique identifier for each .war file and allow us to rollback easily.
current_time=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
//Rename the deployed war file with the new name.
s3cmd mv "s3://<your S3 bucket>/$original_file" "s3://<your S3 bucket>/$new_file"
//Create application version in AEB and link it with the renamed WAR file
elastic-beanstalk-create-application-version -a "Hoiio App" -l "$1" -d "$2" -s "<your S3 bucket>/$new_file"