Deploy .war to AWS - amazon-web-services

I want to deploy war from Jenkins to Cloud.
Could you please let me know how to deploy war file from Jenkins on my local to AWS Bean Stalk ?
I tried using a Jenkins post-process plugin to copy the artifact to S3, but I get the following error:
ERROR: Failed to upload files put Destination [bucketName=https:, objectName=/]:
com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: Connect to timed out at hudson.plugins.s3.S3Profile.upload( at hudson.plugins.s3.S3BucketPublisher.perform(

Some work has been done on this.
Basically, this is just adding a post-build task to run the standard command line deployment scripts.
From the referenced page, assuming you have the post-build task plugin on Jenkins and the AWS command line tools installed:
In a Jenkins job configuration screen, add a “Post-build action” and choose the plugin “Publish artifacts to S3 bucket”, specify the Source (in our case, we use Maven so the source is target/.war and destination is your S3 bucket name)
Then, add a “Post-build task” (if you don’t have it, this is a plugin in Maven repo) to the same section above (“Post-build Actions”) and drag it below the “Publish artifacts to S3 bucket”. This is important that we want to make sure the war file is uploaded to S3 before proceeding with the scripts.
In the Post-build task portion, make sure you check the box “Run script only if all previous steps were successful”
In the script text area, put in the path of the script to automate the deployment (described in step 3 below). For us, we put something like this:
<path_to_script_file>/ "$VERSION_NUMBER" "$VERSION_DESCRIPTION"
The $VERSION_NUMBER and $VERSION_DESCRIPTION are Jenkins’ build parameters and must be specified when a deployment is triggered. Both variables will be used for AEB deployment
The script
export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=<path_to_your aws.key file>
export PATH=$PATH:<path to bin file inside the "api" folder inside the AEB Command line tool (A)>
export PATH=$PATH:<path to root folder of s3cmd (B)>
//get the current time and append to the name of .war file that's being deployed.
//This will create a unique identifier for each .war file and allow us to rollback easily.
current_time=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
//Rename the deployed war file with the new name.
s3cmd mv "s3://<your S3 bucket>/$original_file" "s3://<your S3 bucket>/$new_file"
//Create application version in AEB and link it with the renamed WAR file
elastic-beanstalk-create-application-version -a "Hoiio App" -l "$1" -d "$2" -s "<your S3 bucket>/$new_file"


.war file is not deployed in the Elastic Beanstalk environment

I'm deploying .war file with .ebextensions in EB environment using Jenkins pipeline. The deployment is succeeded and all the commands are executed in at the deployment stage, but when I check the /usr/share/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/ I only see my .war file is there as it is, without extracting.
What would be the reason for this? and any idea about how to resolve that issue ? Please find my code snippet below.
zip -r app-${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip myapp.war .ebextensions
aws s3 cp myapp.war s3://inc-eb-deployments/inc-batch/myapp.war
Try deploying it to the webapps folder, not webapps/ROOT. Then tomcat should decompress to webapps/myapp.
If you want to deploy your application in the root directory you need to name your build output ROOT.war and place it in the webapps folder.
Once the ebextesnions are setup with .war file, which is being coupled with ebextensions(.zip format). In this case, .war file should be unzipped through the .ebextension file manually. Following is the sample code snippet.
command: "unzip <app-name>.war 2>&1 > /var/log/my_last_deploy.log"
This solution worked on my environment.

Need to move deployed folder - AWS CodeDeploy

So I want to deploy my application. I have a moving script that moves all the deployed files to where they need to be sent.
But when that script is running in BeforeInstall phase it's not capable of finding the files.
So I added a pwd to the script and the directory is "deployment-root". I suppose I need to cd into the deployment folder, but the id is always different.
Is there any way I can get that id in my appspec.yml file so that I can cd into it in my deploy scripts?
You don't have to do a manual copy, in appspect.yml, in "files" section, you can specify what and where your files copied to.
- source: Config/config.txt
destination: /webapps/Config
- source: source
destination: /webapps/myApp
Provides information to CodeDeploy about which files from your application revision should be installed on the instance during the deployment's Install event.
More details via this page:

How to specify the root folder to deploy an app using the Cloud SDK?

I'm using "Google App Engine" from GCP to host a static website. I already created the website files (HTML, JS) and yaml using Visual Studio Code. I have the folder with those files stored locally in my local computer.
I downloaded the Cloud SDK Shell for Windows. I logged in to my account, and selected the project. According to videos and tutorials, I need to deploy the app using "gcloud app deploy".
However I got an error saying that an "app.yaml" file is required to deploy this directory...
I'm trying to follow this tutorial:
I'm also trying to follow the steps contained in this video:
How do I specify the root folder where I have my "app.yaml" file?
Thanks in advance!!
I already tried with many commands and unfortunately none of them have worked
The particular case in which gcloud app deploy works without additional arguments is for single-service applications only and only if the command is executed in the directory in which the service's app.yaml configuration file exists (and has that exact name, can't use a different name).
For other cases deployables can/must be specified. From gcloud app deploy:
gcloud app deploy [DEPLOYABLES …] [--bucket=BUCKET] [--image-url=IMAGE_URL] [--no-promote] [--no-stop-previous-version]
This command is used to deploy both code and configuration to the App
Engine server. As an input it takes one or more DEPLOYABLES that
should be uploaded. A DEPLOYABLE can be a service's .yaml file or a
configuration's .yaml file (for more information about configuration
files specific to your App Engine environment, refer to
Note, for Java Standard apps, you must add the path to the
appengine-web.xml file inside the WEB-INF directory. gcloud app
deploy skips files specified in the .gcloudignore file (see gcloud
topic gcloudignore for more information).
So apart from running the command with no arguments in the directory in which your app.yaml exists is to specify the app.yaml (with a full or relative path if needed) as a deployable:
gcloud app deploy path/to/your/app.yaml
IMHO doing this is a good habit - specifying deployables is more reliable and is the only way to deploy apps with multiple services or using routing via a dispatch.yaml file.
gcloud app deploy will look at the current directory first for app.yaml. Generally you will change to the directory with app.yaml and your other files before deploying

How to create source bundle?

To deploy the app, we use:
eb deploy --label version_label
but how would I just create the source bundle without actually deploying it?
I know that we can just zip the entire director of app, but I want to still apply the ignored files and directories in the .ebignore file

How can i deploy ember cli index to s3 without sha

i'm using ember-cli-deploy and ember-deploy-s3-index.
Following this article i managed to deploy the index to a bucket with static web hosting and another bucket holding the assets.
I want to automate (CI) the deploy process but there are two problems:
Each deploy adds an index file with a new name (test:b2907fa.html for example), and i need to manually change the index document to match the latest deploy in my s3 configuration.
I need to add permissions to the file on each deploy.
I would like to have a fixed name (override existing on deploy) for my index file, and that the file will have view permissions by default.
Is this possible?
Turn out you don't need to change the index document.
After deploy you need to run ember:deploy:activate --revision test:b2907fa --environment production and it will change it in the s3 bucket.
A simpler alternative with no add-ons/dependencies:
Deploying an ember cli app is as simple as syncing the contents of the dist/ folder to your server (after building with --production flag) These files can then be statically served
Here is a script I wrote to automate my deploy process:
printf "** Depoying application**\n"
cd ~/Desktop/Project/ember_test/censored
printf "\n** Building static files **\n"
ember build --environment=production
printf "\n** Synchronizing distribution folder to **\n"
rsync -rv ~/Desktop/Project/ember_test/censored/dist --exclude ".*/" --exclude ".*" --delete
printf "\n** Removing production build from local repository **\n"
rm -rv ~/Desktop/Project/ember_test/censored/dist/*
printf "\n** Deployment done. **\n"
This deploys to a linux server where you want to deploy to s3
So instead of my 3rd command (rsync) you would use s3cmd to put your folder into s3 (It would probably be a s3cmd put command)