How do mining nodes get the same target? - blockchain

I’m currently reading “Mastering Bitcoin” and am wondering if all mining nodes in the network solve the same cryptographic puzzle(ie target in the block headers). If so, how do they get that target? Is it distributed by gossip or predetermined by the bitcoin code?
I understand that every now and then they reset the target to adjust to the computing power. If it’s determined by a formula, wouldn’t there be a potential for different mining nodes having different targets because of temporary forks?
Now, let’s say we allow them to have different targets. How do different nodes validate that the mining node didn’t make up an arbitrarily easy target so it can set next block?

Nodes calculate the target based on the previous two weeks average block time. If the average block time is less than 10 min, it will raise the target, and vice-versa. Since they all use the same algorithm, there’s no need to gossip this value.
The nodes are programmed by default to accept the chain of blocks with the most total work. A solved block with a high difficulty represents a lot of work. If a miner tries to mine a block with a low difficulty, other nodes will reject that block when it is submitted and continue mining.
Let me know if that doesn’t make sense!


HDF5 time domain simulation results

I have been developing a time domain simulation research software in Fortran 2008. In the beginning, I thought it was a good idea to dump everything in binary for speed and then extract what I wanted with another software. I now want to shift to saving directly to HDF5.
During the simulation, at each time-step I get a vector of values (first number is the component and second number is the variable inside that component):
t_i Var1-1 Var1-2 ... VarN-M
I was thinking to create several groups according to the class of components I have in the simulation and then within each group, another group for each instance that would include the data. Then, during the simulation, at each time step, I will append to each instance the values.
The data is always accessed as time-series, e.g. (t, Var1-1). I am not interested in snapshots of a single time instance.
My questions: Should I keep the time in the root and common to all? Is there something to avoid based on past experience (would like to avoid design errors)? I am mainly concerned about the performance. Now I am simply buffering all the vectors generated and dump them at the end in a single write — very high performance.

how to get txPower to calculate distance from RSSI

I got this code from google code :
void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info)
But how to get rssi distance from `QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent ?
I tried with
QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent serviceInfo;
quint i =serviceInfo.device().rssi();
here i = -43
how to convert it to distance?
I got the link
Understanding ibeacon distancing
but how to get the transmitter power? to calculate the distance according to formula?
Make sure you understood the implications of QBluetoothDeviceInfo::rssi(). Calling this functions returns immediately with the last stored value when the device was scanned last. If you only receive one advertisement-packet, which happens to be at e.x. -90dB, and then immediately connect, this function will keep returning -90 until you disconnect from it and scan it again. Connected devices usually don't send advertisement-packets so the RSSI you can read via Qt won't be updated during the connection.
As for proximity, it's not so easy to get good values. To accurately convert from RSSI to geometric distance you must know the sender's original/intended signal-strength (or TX-power-level == RSSI at 1m distance). This value will differ between devices. To make things worse, in practice it can also vary by a huge margin depending on things like the sender's battery-level, physical orientations of sender/receiver to eachother, quality of individual parts, random interference from other RF devices....
The BLE-folk has a blog explaining how you should do it. You can read it up here. The linked article doesn't read or assume the theoretical maximum RSSI of the sender but instead it propoposes to gather multiple RSSI-values over time (+ do some mean/mode filtering), and use the current mean-value in comparison with the previous value to determine if you are approaching or moving away from the sender. Paired with some fine-tuning using real-world data you gotta collect, plus documentation-reading and common-sense, you could probably develop a proximity calculation for many or even most sender-devices which would be accurate to about one meter or even less at close proximity. In the end it's a tradeoff between how many devices you wish to 'calibrate' for and those you are okay with having shifted values due to higher or lower TX-power-levels.
The downside being - you can't test for every possible device on the market and as I said earlier, different devices have different TX-power-levels. With this approach you can develop an algorithm to get pretty good measurements for devices which have approximately equal signal-configurations but others will seem far off. The article's author talks about creating different profiles for different vendors but that's not really gonna help (consider two identical beacons ("big/small"), one for large and one for small indoor locations - with RSSI alone you can't reliably determine if you're close to the small beacon or in medium range to the big one unless they identify themselves via GAP or otherwise (forget MAC-addresses if you plan to deploy on MacOS or iOS).
Also, prepare yourself for the joyride that is Android BLE development. Some vendors know that their BLE implementation is so terribly bad and broken, they even disabled the HCI-Logging-Feature on all their ROMs to hide it. Others can be BLE-nuked like Win98 by ethernet, back in the days.

How to normalize sequence of numbers?

I am working user behavior project. Based on user interaction I have got some data. There is nice sequence which smoothly increases and decreases over the time. But there are little discrepancies, which are very bad. Please refer to graph below:
You can also find data here:
2.0789 2.09604 2.11472 2.13414 2.15609 2.17776 2.2021 2.22722 2.25019 2.27304 2.29724 2.31991 2.34285 2.36569 2.38682 2.40634 2.42068 2.43947 2.45099 2.46564 2.48385 2.49747 2.49031 2.51458 2.5149 2.52632 2.54689 2.56077 2.57821 2.57877 2.59104 2.57625 2.55987 2.5694 2.56244 2.56599 2.54696 2.52479 2.50345 2.48306 2.50934 2.4512 2.43586 2.40664 2.38721 2.3816 2.36415 2.33408 2.31225 2.28801 2.26583 2.24054 2.2135 2.19678 2.16366 2.13945 2.11102 2.08389 2.05533 2.02899 2.00373 1.9752 1.94862 1.91982 1.89125 1.86307 1.83539 1.80641 1.77946 1.75333 1.72765 1.70417 1.68106 1.65971 1.64032 1.62386 1.6034 1.5829 1.56022 1.54167 1.53141 1.52329 1.51128 1.52125 1.51127 1.50753 1.51494 1.51777 1.55563 1.56948 1.57866 1.60095 1.61939 1.64399 1.67643 1.70784 1.74259 1.7815 1.81939 1.84942 1.87731
1.89895 1.91676 1.92987
I would want to smooth out this sequence. The technique should be able to eliminate numbers with characteristic of X and Y, i.e. error in mono-increasing or mono-decreasing.
If not eliminate, technique should be able to shift them so that series is not affected by errors.
What I have tried and failed:
I tried to test difference between values. In some special cases it works, but for sequence as presented in this the distance between numbers is not such that I can cut out errors
I tried applying a counter, which is some X, then only change is accepted otherwise point is mapped to previous point only. Here I have great trouble deciding on value of X, because this is based on user-interaction, I am not really controller of it. If user interaction is such that its plot would be a zigzag pattern, I am ending up with 'no user movement data detected at all' situation.
Please share the techniques that you are aware of.
PS: Data made available in this example is a particular case. There is no typical pattern in which numbers are going to occure, but we expect some range to be continuous with all the examples. Solution I am seeking is generic.
I do not know how much effort you want to involve in this problem but if you want theoretical guaranties,
topological persistence seems well adapted to your problem imho.
Basically with that method, you can filtrate local maximum/minimum by fixing a scale
and there are theoritical proofs that says that if you sampling is
close from your function, then you extracts correct number of maximums with persistence.
You can see these slides (mainly pages 7-9 to get the idea) to get an idea of the method.
Basically, if you take your points as a landscape and imagine a watershed starting from maximum height and decreasing, you have some picks.
Every pick has a time where it is born which is the time where it becomes emerged and a time where it dies which is when it merges with an higher pick. Now a persistence diagram pictures a point for every pick where its x/y coordinates are its time of birth/death (by assumption the first pick does not die and is not shown).
If a pick is a global maximal, then it will be further from the diagonal in the persistence diagram than a local maximum pick. To remove local maximums you have to remove picks close to the diagonal. There are fours local maximums in your example as you can see with the persistence diagram of your data (thanks for providing the data btw) and two global ones (the first pick is not pictured in a persistence diagram):
If you noise your data like that :
You will still get a very decent persistence diagram that will allow you to filter local maximum as you want :
Please ask if you want more details or references.
Since you can not decide on a cut off frequency, and not even on the filter you want to use, I would implement several, and let the user set the parameters.
The first thing that I thought of is running average, and you can see that there are so many things to set, to get different outputs.

GraphDB querying and sharding

I have been testing out Titan-Cassandra and OrientDB lately and a question came to mind.
I was just wondering how do the graphDBs shard graphs across different clusters and how do their query interface support querying on sharded graphs e.g. finding shortest path between two nodes.
I know that Gremlin implements the Mapreduce pattern for its groupby function.
But I want to know more in depth on how querying-sharding relates and how the two DBs handle querying on sharded graphs. In particular, I'm interested in how OrientDB's SQL interface supports querying across sharded graphs.
I know Neo4j argues against sharding as suggested from a previous question I've asked.
Please see the following two posts about Titan (
Titan at small scale --
Titan at large scale --
Typically, when you begin developing a graph application, you are using a single machine. In this model, the entire graph is on one machine. If the graph is small (data size wise) and the transactional load is low (not a massive amount of read/writes), then when you go into production, you simply add replication for high availability. With non-distributed replication, the data is fully copied to the other machines and if any one machine goes down, the others are still available to serve requests. Again, note that in this situation your data is not partitioned/distributed, just replicated.
Next, as your graph grows in size (beyond the memory and HD space of a single machine), you need to start thinking about distribution. With distribution, you partition your graph over a multi-machine cluster and (to ensure high availability) make sure you have some data redundancy (e.g. replication factor 3).
From single server to distributed cluster:
There are two ways to partition data in Titan currently:
Random partitioning: Vertices and their co-located incident edges are distributed amongst the cluster. That is, a vertex and its incident edges form a "bundle of data" and exist together on a machine. Random partitioning ensures that the cluster is properly balanced so no one machine is maintaining all the data. A simple distribution strategy that is generally effective.
User directed partitioning: A vertex (and its incident edges) is assigned to a partition (this partition ultimately represents a machine -- though not fully true because of replication and the same data existing on multiple machines). User directed partitioning is useful for applications that understand the topology of their domain. For example, you may know that there are few edges between people of different universities than there are between people of the same university. Thus, a smart partition would be based on university. This ensures proper vertex-vertex colocation and reduces multi-machine hoping to solve a traversal. The drawback is you want to make sure your cluster isn't too unbalanced (all the data on one partition).
At the end of the day, the whole story is about co-location. Can you ensure that co-retrieved data is close in physical space?
Finally, note that Titan allows for parallel reads (and writes) using Faunus ( Thus, if you have an OLAP question that requires scanning the entire graph, then Titan's co-location model is handy as a vertex and its edges is a sequential read from disk. Again, the story remains the same -- co-location in space in accordance with co-retrieval in time.

Amazon SimpleDB Woes: Implementing counter attributes

Long story short, I'm rewriting a piece of a system and am looking for a way to store some hit counters in AWS SimpleDB.
For those of you not familiar with SimpleDB, the (main) problem with storing counters is that the cloud propagation delay is often over a second. Our application currently gets ~1,500 hits per second. Not all those hits will map to the same key, but a ballpark figure might be around 5-10 updates to a key every second. This means that if we were to use a traditional update mechanism (read, increment, store), we would end up inadvertently dropping a significant number of hits.
One potential solution is to keep the counters in memcache, and using a cron task to push the data. The big problem with this is that it isn't the "right" way to do it. Memcache shouldn't really be used for persistent storage... after all, it's a caching layer. In addition, then we'll end up with issues when we do the push, making sure we delete the correct elements, and hoping that there is no contention for them as we're deleting them (which is very likely).
Another potential solution is to keep a local SQL database and write the counters there, updating our SimpleDB out-of-band every so many requests or running a cron task to push the data. This solves the syncing problem, as we can include timestamps to easily set boundaries for the SimpleDB pushes. Of course, there are still other issues, and though this might work with a decent amount of hacking, it doesn't seem like the most elegant solution.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue in their experience, or have any novel approaches? Any advice or ideas would be appreciated, even if they're not completely flushed out. I've been thinking about this one for a while, and could use some new perspectives.
The existing SimpleDB API does not lend itself naturally to being a distributed counter. But it certainly can be done.
Working strictly within SimpleDB there are 2 ways to make it work. An easy method that requires something like a cron job to clean up. Or a much more complex technique that cleans as it goes.
The Easy Way
The easy way is to make a different item for each "hit". With a single attribute which is the key. Pump the domain(s) with counts quickly and easily. When you need to fetch the count (presumable much less often) you have to issue a query
SELECT count(*) FROM domain WHERE key='myKey'
Of course this will cause your domain(s) to grow unbounded and the queries will take longer and longer to execute over time. The solution is a summary record where you roll up all the counts collected so far for each key. It's just an item with attributes for the key {summary='myKey'} and a "Last-Updated" timestamp with granularity down to the millisecond. This also requires that you add the "timestamp" attribute to your "hit" items. The summary records don't need to be in the same domain. In fact, depending on your setup, they might best be kept in a separate domain. Either way you can use the key as the itemName and use GetAttributes instead of doing a SELECT.
Now getting the count is a two step process. You have to pull the summary record and also query for 'Timestamp' strictly greater than whatever the 'Last-Updated' time is in your summary record and add the two counts together.
SELECT count(*) FROM domain WHERE key='myKey' AND timestamp > '...'
You will also need a way to update your summary record periodically. You can do this on a schedule (every hour) or dynamically based on some other criteria (for example do it during regular processing whenever the query returns more than one page). Just make sure that when you update your summary record you base it on a time that is far enough in the past that you are past the eventual consistency window. 1 minute is more than safe.
This solution works in the face of concurrent updates because even if many summary records are written at the same time, they are all correct and whichever one wins will still be correct because the count and the 'Last-Updated' attribute will be consistent with each other.
This also works well across multiple domains even if you keep your summary records with the hit records, you can pull the summary records from all your domains simultaneously and then issue your queries to all domains in parallel. The reason to do this is if you need higher throughput for a key than what you can get from one domain.
This works well with caching. If your cache fails you have an authoritative backup.
The time will come where someone wants to go back and edit / remove / add a record that has an old 'Timestamp' value. You will have to update your summary record (for that domain) at that time or your counts will be off until you recompute that summary.
This will give you a count that is in sync with the data currently viewable within the consistency window. This won't give you a count that is accurate up to the millisecond.
The Hard Way
The other way way is to do the normal read - increment - store mechanism but also write a composite value that includes a version number along with your value. Where the version number you use is 1 greater than the version number of the value you are updating.
get(key) returns the attribute value="Ver015 Count089"
Here you retrieve a count of 89 that was stored as version 15. When you do an update you write a value like this:
put(key, value="Ver016 Count090")
The previous value is not removed and you end up with an audit trail of updates that are reminiscent of lamport clocks.
This requires you to do a few extra things.
the ability to identify and resolve conflicts whenever you do a GET
a simple version number isn't going to work you'll want to include a timestamp with resolution down to at least the millisecond and maybe a process ID as well.
in practice you'll want your value to include the current version number and the version number of the value your update is based on to more easily resolve conflicts.
you can't keep an infinite audit trail in one item so you'll need to issue delete's for older values as you go.
What you get with this technique is like a tree of divergent updates. you'll have one value and then all of a sudden multiple updates will occur and you will have a bunch of updates based off the same old value none of which know about each other.
When I say resolve conflicts at GET time I mean that if you read an item and the value looks like this:
11 --- 12
10 --- 11
You have to to be able to figure that the real value is 14. Which you can do if you include for each new value the version of the value(s) you are updating.
It shouldn't be rocket science
If all you want is a simple counter: this is way over-kill. It shouldn't be rocket science to make a simple counter. Which is why SimpleDB may not be the best choice for making simple counters.
That isn't the only way but most of those things will need to be done if you implement an SimpleDB solution in lieu of actually having a lock.
Don't get me wrong, I actually like this method precisely because there is no lock and the bound on the number of processes that can use this counter simultaneously is around 100. (because of the limit on the number of attributes in an item) And you can get beyond 100 with some changes.
But if all these implementation details were hidden from you and you just had to call increment(key), it wouldn't be complex at all. With SimpleDB the client library is the key to making the complex things simple. But currently there are no publicly available libraries that implement this functionality (to my knowledge).
To anyone revisiting this issue, Amazon just added support for Conditional Puts, which makes implementing a counter much easier.
Now, to implement a counter - simply call GetAttributes, increment the count, and then call PutAttributes, with the Expected Value set correctly. If Amazon responds with an error ConditionalCheckFailed, then retry the whole operation.
Note that you can only have one expected value per PutAttributes call. So, if you want to have multiple counters in a single row, then use a version attribute.
attributes = SimpleDB.GetAttributes
initial_version = attributes[:version]
attributes[:counter1] += 3
attributes[:counter2] += 7
attributes[:version] += 1
SimpleDB.PutAttributes(attributes, :expected => {:version => initial_version})
rescue ConditionalCheckFailed
I see you've accepted an answer already, but this might count as a novel approach.
If you're building a web app then you can use Google's Analytics product to track page impressions (if the page to domain-item mapping fits) and then to use the Analytics API to periodically push that data up into the items themselves.
I haven't thought this through in detail so there may be holes. I'd actually be quite interested in your feedback on this approach given your experience in the area.
For anyone interested in how I ended up dealing with this... (slightly Java-specific)
I ended up using an EhCache on each servlet instance. I used the UUID as a key, and a Java AtomicInteger as the value. Periodically a thread iterates through the cache and pushes rows to a simpledb temp stats domain, as well as writing a row with the key to an invalidation domain (which fails silently if the key already exists). The thread also decrements the counter with the previous value, ensuring that we don't miss any hits while it was updating. A separate thread pings the simpledb invalidation domain, and rolls up the stats in the temporary domains (there are multiple rows to each key, since we're using ec2 instances), pushing it to the actual stats domain.
I've done a little load testing, and it seems to scale well. Locally I was able to handle about 500 hits/second before the load tester broke (not the servlets - hah), so if anything I think running on ec2 should only improve performance.
Answer to feynmansbastard:
If you want to store huge amount of events i suggest you to use distributed commit log systems such as kafka or aws kinesis. They allow to consume stream of events cheap and simple (kinesis's pricing is 25$ per month for 1K events per seconds) – you just need to implement consumer (using any language), which bulk reads all events from previous checkpoint, aggregates counters in memory then flushes data into permanent storage (dynamodb or mysql) and commit checkpoint.
Events can be logged simply using nginx log and transfered to kafka/kinesis using fluentd. This is very cheap, performant and simple solution.
Also had similiar needs/challenges.
I looked at using google analytics and the latter seemed too expensive to be worth it (plus they have a somewhat confusion definition of sessions). GA i would have loved to use, but I spent two days using their libraries and some 3rd party ones (gadotnet and one other from maybe codeproject). unfortunately I could only ever see counters post in GA realtime section, never in the normal dashboards even when the api reported success. we were probably doing something wrong but we exceeded our time budget for ga.
We already had an existing simpledb counter that updated using conditional updates as mentioned by previous commentor. This works well, but suffers when there is contention and conccurency where counts are missed (for example, our most updated counter lost several million counts over a period of 3 months, versus a backup system).
We implemented a newer solution which is somewhat similiar to the answer for this question, except much simpler.
We just sharded/partitioned the counters. When you create a counter you specify the # of shards which is a function of how many simulatenous updates you expect. this creates a number of sub counters, each which has the shard count started with it as an attribute :
COUNTER (w/5shards) creates :
shard0 { numshards = 5 } (informational only)
shard1 { count = 0, numshards = 5, timestamp = 0 }
shard2 { count = 0, numshards = 5, timestamp = 0 }
shard3 { count = 0, numshards = 5, timestamp = 0 }
shard4 { count = 0, numshards = 5, timestamp = 0 }
shard5 { count = 0, numshards = 5, timestamp = 0 }
Sharded Writes
Knowing the shard count, just randomly pick a shard and try to write to it conditionally. If it fails because of contention, choose another shard and retry.
If you don't know the shard count, get it from the root shard which is present regardless of how many shards exist. Because it supports multiple writes per counter, it lessens the contention issue to whatever your needs are.
Sharded Reads
if you know the shard count, read every shard and sum them.
If you don't know the shard count, get it from the root shard and then read all and sum.
Because of slow update propogation, you can still miss counts in reading but they should get picked up later. This is sufficient for our needs, although if you wanted more control over this you could ensure that- when reading- the last timestamp was as you expect and retry.