GraphDB querying and sharding - mapreduce

I have been testing out Titan-Cassandra and OrientDB lately and a question came to mind.
I was just wondering how do the graphDBs shard graphs across different clusters and how do their query interface support querying on sharded graphs e.g. finding shortest path between two nodes.
I know that Gremlin implements the Mapreduce pattern for its groupby function.
But I want to know more in depth on how querying-sharding relates and how the two DBs handle querying on sharded graphs. In particular, I'm interested in how OrientDB's SQL interface supports querying across sharded graphs.
I know Neo4j argues against sharding as suggested from a previous question I've asked.

Please see the following two posts about Titan (
Titan at small scale --
Titan at large scale --
Typically, when you begin developing a graph application, you are using a single machine. In this model, the entire graph is on one machine. If the graph is small (data size wise) and the transactional load is low (not a massive amount of read/writes), then when you go into production, you simply add replication for high availability. With non-distributed replication, the data is fully copied to the other machines and if any one machine goes down, the others are still available to serve requests. Again, note that in this situation your data is not partitioned/distributed, just replicated.
Next, as your graph grows in size (beyond the memory and HD space of a single machine), you need to start thinking about distribution. With distribution, you partition your graph over a multi-machine cluster and (to ensure high availability) make sure you have some data redundancy (e.g. replication factor 3).
From single server to distributed cluster:
There are two ways to partition data in Titan currently:
Random partitioning: Vertices and their co-located incident edges are distributed amongst the cluster. That is, a vertex and its incident edges form a "bundle of data" and exist together on a machine. Random partitioning ensures that the cluster is properly balanced so no one machine is maintaining all the data. A simple distribution strategy that is generally effective.
User directed partitioning: A vertex (and its incident edges) is assigned to a partition (this partition ultimately represents a machine -- though not fully true because of replication and the same data existing on multiple machines). User directed partitioning is useful for applications that understand the topology of their domain. For example, you may know that there are few edges between people of different universities than there are between people of the same university. Thus, a smart partition would be based on university. This ensures proper vertex-vertex colocation and reduces multi-machine hoping to solve a traversal. The drawback is you want to make sure your cluster isn't too unbalanced (all the data on one partition).
At the end of the day, the whole story is about co-location. Can you ensure that co-retrieved data is close in physical space?
Finally, note that Titan allows for parallel reads (and writes) using Faunus ( Thus, if you have an OLAP question that requires scanning the entire graph, then Titan's co-location model is handy as a vertex and its edges is a sequential read from disk. Again, the story remains the same -- co-location in space in accordance with co-retrieval in time.


Neptune and Cypher - Poor Performance

I am wanting to use Neptune for an application with cypher as my query language. I have a pretty small dataset of around ~8500 nodes and ~8500 edges edges. I am trying to do what seem to be fairly straightforward queries, but the latency is very high (~6-8 seconds for around 1000 rows). I have tried with various instance types, enabling and disabling caches, enabling and disabling the OSGP index to no avail. I'm really at a loss as to why the query performance is so poor.
Does anyone have any experience with poor query query performance using Neptune? I feel I must be doing something incorrect to have such high query latency.
Here is some more detailed information on my graph structure and my query.
I have a graph with 2 node types A and B and a single edge type
MAPS_TO which always is directed from an A node to a B node. The relation is MAPS_TO is many to many, but with the current dataset
it is primarily one-to-one, i.e. the graph is mainly
disconnected subgraphs of the form:
What I would like to do is for all A nodes to collect the distinct B nodes which they map to satisfying some conditions. I've experimented with my queries a bit and the fastest one I've been able to arrive at is:
WHERE a.Owner = $owner AND a.IsPublic = true
MATCH (a)-[r:MAPS_TO]->(b:B)
WHERE (b)<-[:MAPS_TO {CreationReason: "origin"}]-(:A {Owner: $owner})
OR (b)<-[:MAPS_TO {CreationReason: "origin"}]-(:A {IsPublic: true})
WITH a, r, b ORDER BY a.AId SKIP 0 LIMIT 1000
} AS A, collect(distinct b {
B: {BId: b.BId, Name: b.Name, other properties on B nodes...}
R: {CreationReason: r.CreationReason, other relation properties}
The above query takes ~6 seconds on the t4g.medium instance type. I tried upping to a r5d.2xlarge instance type and this cut the query time in half to 3-4 seconds. However, using such a large instance type seems quite excessive for such a small amount of data.
Really I am just trying to figure out why my query seems to perform so poorly. It seems to me that with the amount of data I have it should not really be possible to have a Neptune configuration with such performance.
Unfortunately, there are many reasons that performance could be suffering, be it instance size, data not in buffer cache, instance size, concurrent processes, query optimization, etc. so it is hard to provide specific suggestions with the information available.
To better understand the issue, I'd suggest taking a look at how the query is being processed. These details can be found using the openCypher explain feature which will provide low-level details on what the query is doing and where the time is being spent. If possible, I suggest opening a support case with AWS support.

Redshift Query Performance to reduce CPU utilisation

I want to take a general Idea of how I can optimise the query performance in redshift Database, I have Huge queries with lots of joins , I do understand using sort and Dist key it can be achieved but is there a method which we can follow in order to get some optimal results.
What to look in a table and how to approach query optimisation in redshift?
What are the necessary steps to look for or approach in order to have a certain plan for optimisation?
Any guidance will help a lot
Having improved many queries on Redshift there are a few things I can point you towards. First let me list a few tools / techniques to make sure you have these in your toolbox.
Ability to read and EXPLAIN plan and find expected costly points
Know where to find the query "actual" execution report
Know the system tables to find join, distribution, and disk io reports
So with those understood let's look at where many queries go sideways on Redshift. I will try to list these out in pareto order but any of these, or combos, can create significant issue.
#1 - Fat in the middle queries. When joining it is possible to expand the number of rows being operated upon many fold. Cross joining is a clear way this can happen but isn't how this usually happens. If the join on conditions create a many to many join pattern the number of rows can expand. When the table sizes are very large and the "multiplication" can make absurd data sizes. The explain plan can show this but not always - use of DISTINCT and GROUP BY can "hide" the true size of the dataset in play. Performing a SELECT COUNT(*) on your join tree can help show how big this is. You may also may need to look a pieces of the join tree if a later join is collapsing the rows (failure of the query optimizer?). Redshift is a columnar database and not well set up for the creation of data - this includes during the execution of query.
#2 - Distribution of large amounts of data. Redshift is a cluster and the node are connected together by ethernet cables and these connections are the slowest part of the cluster. A lot of work is done by the query optimizer to minimize the amount of data that needs to move around the network. However, it doesn't know your data as well as you do and doesn't always do this well. Look at the type of joins you are getting - is distribution needed? how much data is being distributed? Also, group by (and window functions) need to combine rows and therefore may need redistribution to complete. How big are the data sets entering your aggregation steps?
Moving a lot of data around the network will be slow. The difficulty is that it isn't always clear how to reduce this movement. Large join trees like you say you have can do "odd" things when it comes to the resulting distribution of the "joined" data. Joins are performed one at a time and the order these happen can matter. The query optimizer is making a number of decisions about the order of joins and how to organize the resulting data from each join. The choices it makes is based on what it sees in the table metadata so completeness of metadata matters. WHERE conditions can also impact the optimizer's choices. There are just way to many interactions to itemize them out here. Best advice is to look at the performance per step and see if data distribution is a factor. Then work to control how data is distributed in the query's execution. This may mean changing the join trees or even decomposing the query into several with temp table that have distribution set so that data movement is minimized.
#3 Excessive IO traffic - While not as slow as the networks, the disk IO subsystem is often a bottleneck. This shows up in a few ways. Are you reading more data from disk than is needed? (Metadata up to date?) Do you need a redundant WHERE clause to eliminate data? (Redundant WHERE clause is one that isn't needed functionally but is added so Redshift can perform the metadata comparisons that will reduce data read at scan.) Data spill is another way that disk IO can be strained (this goes back to #1). If data needs to spill to disk it can bring the disk IO performance down considerably. Use your metadata and Where clauses well.
Now these 3 areas often team up to kill your performance. Read too many rows from your tables, join all these extra rows together across the network while also making many new rows. This data doesn't fit in memory so now Redshift needs to spill to disk to complete the query. Things slow down real fast in these conditions.
Lastly these factors I've listed are cluster wide "resources" of Redshift. If one query take up a lot of one of these then there is less for other queries running at the same time. What often happens is that the query writers on a cluster follow similar patterns (good or bad) and when their pattern is costly on one axis then many of their queries are costly on the same axis. This shows up as queries that work "ok" when run in isolation but very badly when others are using the cluster. This generally means that many queries are contributing to pushing the cluster "over the edge" on some limited resource. There are system tables that you can look at to see aggregated IO or network traffic to see these effects.
Good queries are:
Don't make a lot of new "rows" during execution (not fat in the middle)
Keep large data sets "on node" and only redistribute data once the data has been pared down significantly
Don't read more data from disk than is necessary and don't spill
The problem is that doing all of these isn't always possible the trick is to not over subscribe the cluster resources you have.

Scaling down spanner nodes

What are the limitations / considerations in scaling down spanner nodes? Since there is a tight coupling of nodes to data stored - is it fair to say that it is highly scalable but not elastic? The following is a quote from the quizlet case study on GCP website...
"it might be impossible to reduce the number of nodes on your database, even if you previously ran the database with that number of nodes."
The word "might" needs some expanding
To expand on the "might" -- we restrict the reduction of nodes to meet a 2T/node limit for the instance. You can scale up and down, as long as the down-sizing doesn't cross that threshold.
Hope this helps!
A few things we would recommend to scale down effectively is by deleting unused data (databases, tables, global index, rows etc.). This data will be cleaned within ~7 days, allowing you to potentially run with lower node counts.

Slow Performance with Apache Spark Gradient Boosted Tree training runs

I'm experimenting with Gradient Boosted Trees learning algorithm from ML library of Spark 1.4. I'm solving a binary classification problem where my input is ~50,000 samples and ~500,000 features. My goal is to output the definition of the resulting GBT ensemble in human-readable format. My experience so far is that for my problem size adding more resources to the cluster seems to not have an effect on the length of the run. A 10-iteration training run seem to roughly take 13hrs. This isn't acceptable since I'm looking to do 100-300 iteration runs, and the execution time seems to explode with the number of iterations.
My Spark application
This isn't the exact code, but it can be reduced to:
SparkConf sc = new SparkConf().setAppName("GBT Trainer")
// unlimited max result size for intermediate Map-Reduce ops.
// Having no limit is probably bad, but I've not had time to find
// a tighter upper bound and the default value wasn't sufficient.
.set("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "0");
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(sc)
// The input file is encoded in plain-text LIBSVM format ~59GB in size
<LabeledPoint> data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(, "s3://somebucket/somekey/plaintext_libsvm_file").toJavaRDD();
BoostingStrategy boostingStrategy = BoostingStrategy.defaultParams("Classification");
Map<Integer, Integer> categoricalFeaturesInfo = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
GradientBoostedTreesModel model = GradientBoostedTrees.train(data, boostingStrategy);
// Somewhat-convoluted code below reads in Parquete-formatted output
// of the GBT model and writes it back out as json.
// There might be cleaner ways of achieving the same, but since output
// size is only a few KB I feel little guilt leaving it as is.
// serialize and output the GBT classifier model the only way that the library allows
String outputPath = "s3://somebucket/somekeyprefex";, outputPath + "/parquet");
// read in the parquet-formatted classifier output as a generic DataFrame object
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(jsc);
DataFrame outputDataFrame = + "/parquet"));
// output DataFrame-formatted classifier model as json
outputDataFrame.write().format("json").save(outputPath + "/json");
What is the performance bottleneck with my Spark application (or with GBT learning algorithm itself) on input of that size and how can I achieve greater execution parallelism?
I'm still a novice Spark dev, and I'd appreciate any tips on cluster configuration and execution profiling.
More details on the cluster setup
I'm running this app on a AWS EMR cluster (emr-4.0.0, YARN cluster mode) of r3.8xlarge instances (32 cores, 244GB RAM each). I'm using such large instances in order to maximize flexibility of resource allocation. So far I've tried using 1-3 r3.8xlarge instances with a variety of resource allocation schemes between the driver and workers. For example, for a cluster of 1 r3.8xlarge instances I submit the app as follows:
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id $1 --steps Name=$2,\
For a cluster of 3 r3.8xlarge instances I tweak resource allocation:
I don't have a clear idea of how much memory is useful to give to every executor, but I feel that I'm being generous in either case. Looking through Spark UI, I'm not seeing task with input size of more than a few GB. I'm steering on the side of caution when giving the driver process so much memory in order to ensure that it isn't memory starved for any intermediate result-aggregation operations.
I'm trying to keep the number of cores per executor down to 5 as per suggestions in Cloudera's How To Tune Your Spark Jobs series (according to them, more that 5 cores tends to introduce a HDFS IO bottleneck). I'm also making sure that there is enough of spare RAM and CPUs left over for the host OS and Hadoop services.
My findings thus far
My only clue is Spark UI showing very long Scheduling Delay for a number of tasks at the tail-end of execution. I also get the feeling that the stages/tasks timeline shown by Spark UI does not account for all of the time that the job takes to finish. I suspect that the driver application is stuck performing some kind of a lengthy operation either at the end of every training iteration, or at the end of the entire training run.
I've already done a fair bit of research on tuning Spark applications. Most articles will give great suggestions on using RDD operations which reduce intermediate input size or avoid shuffling of data between stages. In my case I'm basically using an "out-of-the-box" algorithm, which is written by ML experts and should already be well tuned in this regard. My own code that outputs GBT model to S3 should take a trivial amount of time to run.
I haven't used MLLibs GBT implemention, but I have used both
LightGBM and XGBoost successfully. I'd highly suggest taking a look at these other libraries.
In general, GBM implementations need to train models iteratively as they consider the loss of the entire ensemble when building the next tree. This makes GBM training inherently bottlenecked and not easily parallelizable (unlike random forests which are trivially parallelizable). I'd expect it to perform better with fewer tasks, but that might not be your whole issue. Since you have so many features 500K, you're going to have very high overhead when calculating the histograms and split points during training. You should reduce the number of features you have, especially since they're much larger than the number of samples which will cause it to overfit.
As for tuning your cluster:
You want to minimize data movement, so fewer executors with more memory. 1 executor per ec2 instance, with the number of cores set to whatever the instance provides.
Your data is small enough to fit into ~2 EC2s of that size. Assuming you are using doubles (8 bytes), it comes to 8 * 500000 * 50000 = 200 GB Try loading it all into ram by using .cache() on your dataframe. If you perform an operation over all the rows (like sum) you should force it to load and you can measure how long the IO takes. Once its in ram and cached any other operations over it will be faster.
With a dataset of that size, you may well be better off loading the full dataset into memory and using XGBoost directly rather than the Spark implementation.
If you want to stick with Spark to give greater scalability, I'd recommend taking a closer look at your partitioning strategy. If your data isn't effectively partitioned, adding machines won't improve your runtime, as you describe above, and the subset of overloaded workers will remain your bottleneck. Ensure you have an effective partition key, and repartition your RDD before you begin your training stage.

What is the most efficient way to store time series in Riak with heavy reads

My current approach:
I have one domain class - Application
Each application in my system is stored in "applications" bucket under APPLICATION_KEY key
Apart from application metadata stored in this bucket, each application has its own bucket called "time_metrics/APPLICATION_KEY" where I store time series in a way:
KEY - timestamp / VALUE - some attributes
My concern is efficiency of queries made over specific time window for given application. Currently to get time series from some specific time window and eventually make some reductions I have to make map/reduce over whole "time_metric/APPLICATION_KEY" bucket, which what I have found is not the recommended use case for Riak Map/Reduce.
My question: what would be the best db structure for this kind of a system and how efficiently query it.
Adding onto #macintux's answer.
Basho has had a few customers that have used riak for time series metrics.
Boundary has a nice tech talk about how they use Riak with their network monitoring software. They rollup data into different chunks of time (1m, 5m, 15m) for analysis.
They also have a series of blog posts about lessons learned while implementing this system.
Kivra also has a good slide deck about how they use timeseries data with riak.
You could roll up your data into some sort of arbitrary time length, then read the range you need by issuing regular K/V gets, and then reconstruct the larger picture / reduce in your application.
If you have spare computing power and you know in advance what keys you need, you certainly can use Riak's MapReduce, but often retrieving the keys and running your processing on the client will be as fast (and won't strain your cluster).
Some general ideas:
Roll up your data into larger blocks
If you're concerned about losing data if your client crashes while buffering it, you can always store the data as it arrives
Similar idea: store the data as it arrives, then retrieve it and roll it up at certain intervals
You can automatically expire data once you're confident it is being reliably stored in larger blocks, using either the Bitcask or Memory backends
Memory backend is quite useful (RAM permitting) for any data that only needs to be stored for a limited period of time
Related: don't be afraid to store multiple copies of your data to make reading/reporting easier later
Multiple chunks of time (5- and 15-minute blocks, for example)
Multiple report formats
Having said all that, if you're doing straight key/value requests (it's ideal to always be able to compute the keys you need, rather than doing indexing or searching), Riak can support very heavy traffic loads, so I wouldn't recommend spending too much time creating alternative storage mechanisms unless you know you're going to face latency problems.