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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to remove metadata from a .gz file (as well as zero MTIME and FLG), as if the file were created by gzip -n.
(if FLG.FEXTRA set)
| XLEN |...XLEN bytes of "extra field"...| (more-->)
(if FLG.FNAME set)
|...original file name, zero-terminated...| (more-->)
|...file comment, zero-terminated...| (more-->)
(if FLG.FHCRC set)
| CRC16 |
But I don't want to gupzip it first and then gzip it. How can I read the header and discard it then write the rest in a new file?
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing applications using C++ at university.
As a requirement of the application, it is necessary to extract data from a PDF file together with location (x position and y position on a page) in which texts and images are embedded.
Is there a useful C++ library?
Or should I analyze the data structure of the PDF file and extract the data?
I did not know that such a question is inappropriate on this site.
Because the kind one answered, I will leave it untouched.
I will be careful about the question content in the future
A good place to start might be Imagemagik
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a lot of settings which are represented by key-value pair. Key is a string, value can be string or double. These settings are divided by categories with string names.
The question is - I want to store settings in human-readable format, the file should be easily read and changed by user. (that's why e.g. boost serialization is not so good). What libraries can you recommend?
Your problem seems to be trivially solvable using JSON.
As for library recommendations, it is considered off-topic on SO.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am building a program to parse .vsd file.
But I don't know where to find link introduce Visio Binary Format (.vsd) specs.
Visio binary format (VSD) is a proprietary format (means - there is no documentation publicly available)
I have seen libvisio package from LibreOffice which seems to be capable of doing this, but may need to dig into sources:
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is there an open source library to convert text into the C/C++ string for source code.
For example:
should be converted
" a\n"
"FROM T\n"
I've found online service that can do such thing. But maybe exists open source solution on C/C++?
Now you can use raw string literals with C++11:
auto text = R"~(
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new in C++. I am trying to split a string which is like
My delimiter is :, and entries inside <>, "" or [] should not be split. The output should be
I want to create a function which takes the following parameters
SplitString(string StringToSplit,char delimiter,vector<char>escapeStartList,vector<char>escapeEndList)
Just wanted to know if there is something already existing like this in standard library or boost.
Most of the answer on stackoverflow provides escape sequence of quotation, here i want to use escape start and end.