Is Jahia 7.3 compatible with AdoptOpenJDK 8? - adoptopenjdk

Due to Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap policy update, I would like to know if Jahia 7.3 is compatible with AdoptOpenJDK ?
In Jahia's prerequise and requirement there is "OpenJDK 8", does it mean AdoptOpenJDK included?
Best regards

Jahia is tested with RedHat OpenJDK, but AdoptOpenJDK should work just fine, we are actually using it on some of our Jahia installs.
Best regards,


WAMP - Need to know version of compilation VC6 or VC9

Can someone pls help me how to find the Compiler version used to compile WAMP Modules (Apache,PHP - VC6 or VC9) ? I am stuck to install correct PDO Drivers for SQLSERVER.
Use follow
echo phpinfo();
and find "Complier" will show the right compiler version
This may help.
As far as I am aware microsoft only provide 32bit versions of the php sqlserver interface dll's.
So it would be simpler to just install a 32bit version of WAMPServer and things will start to work. The 32bit WAMPServer runs just fine on a 64bit Windows, and you will find it much easier to find those more esoteric php_*.dll's that run on 32bit than you will on 64bit.
I fought with this for a little while.
This page was helpful...
The "System Requirements" section speaks about version compatibility.
I found that Wampserver 2.4 and SQLSERV30 were both on VC9.

Clojure and Clojure Applications don't compile with IBM SDK while compile with SUN's JRE

I am trying to migrate a clojure application from Tomcat on SUN JRE to WebSphere Application Server on IBM's SDK. The application was compiling fine (ANT) using SUN JRE 1.7 but was throwing NullPointerExceptions with IBM's SDK 6, 7.
I suspected clojure itself (v1.1 + contrib 1.1) and attempted to compile it. Again, clojure compiled with SUN's JRE but stopped with IBM's SDK at a clojure defmacro. I had similar results with clojure 1.2 + contrib 1.2. I don't want to go above version 1.2 because, to my understanding, that is when contrib retired and it will be a big rewrite that I doubt will fix the issue.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I've been able to finally figure it out.
The problem is in IBM JDKs versions 6 (Although some versions of 6 might work with no problem) and 7 JIT compiler. By disabling JIT (e.g -Xnojit in the JVM arguments), I was able to build successfully.
Thank you all for your efforts and support.
============= EDIT =============
The JIT issue is fixed starting Java 7 SR4 and later. This is the SDK 7 that ships with WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.

How to build OpenJDK Shark against llvm 3.0?

Recently I learned that there's an openjdk shark project, which uses llvm to make hotspot vm more portable. Since I used to work on jdk and is interested in llvm right now, this is a match made in heaven. So first thing first, how to build openjdk shark against llvm 3.0? To be more specific, which repository in should I begin with? jdk7u, jdk7u2, jdk8, or icedtea?
I prefer latest update release of jdk7 if possible. And I intend to build that in a mac os x.
I made some progress. Here's what I did:
started with this repository
applied llvm 3.0 patch mentioned here
and bunch of other make file hacks
But there is a road blocker. To support JSR 292, a.k.a invoke dynamic, something called Richochet frames has been introduced into Hotspot JVM, which unfortunately hasn't been implemented in zero yet. So the building fails not only on Mac OS X but also on other platforms.
The good news is Chris Phillips from Redhat is working on it. I also learned that the most relevant mailing lists are mlvm-dev and zero-dev at, in case someone is interested in the same topic too.

What linux distribution should I virtualize from windows host to run Eclipse?

I need to use Eclipse on a Linux Virtual Box virtualization, Windows XP host, on a laptop. I don't know the specs of that laptop, but it's less than 2 years old.
My first choice of Linux distribution is Ubuntu, but I've heard that in Ubuntu, Eclipse is can be bugged or slow. I don't mind if it's slow. I only need to know if there is a risk that it might not work, since I have a limited time to install and try that.
I would also like to know about any other linux distribution that does or does not work fine for you with Eclipse.
Note: I only need to build a C++ project.
Eclipse runs on Java.
Any linux distro (apart from command line ones) will do.
If you like Ubuntu go with it!
Ubuntu will work just fine as an OS. I use eclipse in Ubuntu running on a VM in a cloud somewhere. So I can just remote desktop into it and pick up where I left off.
Ubuntu should be OK. Just make sure to use the Sun's official Java (its in the repository) and not the openjdk (which is the default). For what I hear, this may speedup the things a little bit.
Disclaimer: I did not try to replace java.
I'd hesitate at suggesting a distro like Ubuntu for your machine -- look at something like Arch which is simple to setup and relatively lean.

build managed c++ project in .net 3.5 using vs2010 (msbuild4)

Is it possible to build a managed c++ project in .net 3.5 using vs2010 ?
There are different opinions around but I haven't being able to do this. Any ideas?
The build system for VS2010 was dramatically changed and only directly supports building for 4.0. Targeting 3.5 requires having VS2008 on your machine. More about this in this answer.