Could not get any response in postman for API post request - postman

I am trying to do a post request in postman for jira Api testing. but keep getting could not get any response error. Please see pictures below. I have turn off SSL certificate as suggest one post here but still not able to get the response.


Getting 404 Error in postman while getting response from shopify cart

Hi I am using Postman to get the response from shopify website But i can't get the responce of Cart Value. Its shows 404 Error Any solution...
two options come to my mind:
you are using the wrong request type like POST/GET/PUT, ...
you are not logged in with the request from postman. Then you should check whats the authentification method of shopify and copy the same headers or cookies to postman

How to send a POST request which has Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded' by using AWS API Gateway?

I'm trying to send a POST request to a REST service via AWS API Gateway.
The content-type of the request should be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. It's an authentication service that I'm trying to access. I'm sending 'username' and 'password' in my request body.
When I send the the request via Postman, it works ( It's giving me the proper response ).
But I want to create an API from the API Gateway to access this endpoint.
When I create a POST method in the API Gateway and try to test it without specifying any content-type, the back-end server tells me to send the request by using the content-type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
Then when I try to put the content-type in 'Mapping Template' section in the 'Integration Request' of the API, the request doesn't even hit the backend. There's an error ( a JSON response ) comes when I test it, saying 'Unsupported Media Type'.
Does anyone out here knows any workaround for this?
I found the solution.
In order to access a POST service using the content-type ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ in API Gateway, make sure you are doing the following in the API console.
Make sure you have enabled the ‘Use HTTP Proxy integration’ as the following in the ‘Integration Request’ section.
When you test the request, make sure you are putting the content type ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ inside the Header’s box as in the following.
And the request body should be like the following as well.

Can't send PATCH request to Vimeo API

I am trying to send a PATCH request to the Vimeo API in order to start uploading the video based on the documentation.
I am using Postman. I've read {upload.upload_link} field, set the required headers but I still can't hit the API.
Does anyone know what could be the problem?
Try making that PATCH request again, but without the Authorization or Host headers, as they are not required for that upload endpoint:

Postman 401 Unauthorized using Ocelot

I am implementing an Ocelot gateway. When I make the API call using my browser to http://localhost:5009/api/values, I get a valid json response back. However when I make the same request through Postman I get a 401 Unauthorized response. Any ideas if there is a setting in Postman I need to change or something else.
That is, the client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
Most likely you have forgotten to put your token to the Header in Postman to be authenticated for the server in order to get a response.

How to set x-api-key in codeigniter Restserver_controller for POST request?

How to setup x-api-key for Post request, I got the following error in postman plugin.
Post request error in postman google chrome plugin (Screenshot)
Any Suggestions? What is wrong here?