Can't send PATCH request to Vimeo API - postman

I am trying to send a PATCH request to the Vimeo API in order to start uploading the video based on the documentation.
I am using Postman. I've read {upload.upload_link} field, set the required headers but I still can't hit the API.
Does anyone know what could be the problem?

Try making that PATCH request again, but without the Authorization or Host headers, as they are not required for that upload endpoint:


Could not get any response in postman for API post request

I am trying to do a post request in postman for jira Api testing. but keep getting could not get any response error. Please see pictures below. I have turn off SSL certificate as suggest one post here but still not able to get the response.

How to send a POST request which has Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded' by using AWS API Gateway?

I'm trying to send a POST request to a REST service via AWS API Gateway.
The content-type of the request should be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. It's an authentication service that I'm trying to access. I'm sending 'username' and 'password' in my request body.
When I send the the request via Postman, it works ( It's giving me the proper response ).
But I want to create an API from the API Gateway to access this endpoint.
When I create a POST method in the API Gateway and try to test it without specifying any content-type, the back-end server tells me to send the request by using the content-type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
Then when I try to put the content-type in 'Mapping Template' section in the 'Integration Request' of the API, the request doesn't even hit the backend. There's an error ( a JSON response ) comes when I test it, saying 'Unsupported Media Type'.
Does anyone out here knows any workaround for this?
I found the solution.
In order to access a POST service using the content-type ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ in API Gateway, make sure you are doing the following in the API console.
Make sure you have enabled the ‘Use HTTP Proxy integration’ as the following in the ‘Integration Request’ section.
When you test the request, make sure you are putting the content type ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ inside the Header’s box as in the following.
And the request body should be like the following as well.

How to get app config data from a file in s3 bucket before user logged in to the app for a multi-tenant application?

I am using s3-bucket to store app config data for multi tenant application. I need tenant info saved in public file(.json) in s3-bucket before client is logged in to the application. For example, app config data might be client logo and some custom title/sub-title for each tenant and etc. I am trying to fetch file content based on sub-domain.
So, I need to fetch the client data, while rendering the login component itself. I am using aws-sdk tool in client side, but am facing 'missing credentials` error.
I am not getting, How to achieve this??
thanks and regards
The AWS SDK for Javascript uses the S3 rest API in such a way that it requires a GET request to be authorized. This is because it uses request parameters to override response header values and for these the rest API documentation for GET says:
Note - You must sign the request, either using an Authorization header or a pre-signed URL, when using these parameters. They cannot be used with an unsigned (anonymous) request.
However, you don't need to use S3 to get a public file, you can make a standard http request using XMLHttpRequest or suchlike.

How to send mail using gmail rest api from postmnan native application

My requirement is that send an email to some recipient with text body using POSTMAN Native app,
I used the below endpoint with requested data,
Base URL:
Headers :Authorization:Bearer
Request Method :POST
Request body :{"raw";"","subject":"Test_Mail"}
Clicking Send button
But getting error response code 400,required recipient address
Please help me in this to send an email using POSTMAN,and I've tried with upload end point too -
Thanks in advance,looking for help guys
Came across your question trying to figure this out myself today.
Request body : {"raw";"","subject":"Test_Mail"}
The raw param should be a complete email message that's base64-encoded.
i.e.: {"raw": "VG86IHVzZXIxbWFpbEBnbWFpbC5jb20KU3ViamVjdDogVGVzdF9NYWls"}
400 error means bad request, which could mean there are missing or wrong parameters. Check the Users.messages.send
Path parameters
userId string The user's email address. The special value me can be
used to indicate the authenticated user.
Required query parameters
uploadType string The type of upload request to the /upload URI.
Acceptable values are:
media - Simple upload. Upload the media only, without any metadata.
multipart - Multipart upload. Upload both the media and its metadata, in a single request.
resumable - Resumable upload. Upload the file in a resumable fashion, using a series of at least two requests where the first
request includes the metadata.

OPTION request rejected by CloudFront

Since last week I have been struggling to fix this problem but still its not resolved. I have deployed my Django code on AWS lambda and configure the API gateway to serve all api and admin section.
All http method are working fine from rest client/postman but when I am trying to integrating the api in AngularJS then try to perform the POST request to the api but Chrome sends a default OPTION request to the server but every time CloudFront returns an error with 500 status.
"Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."
Please help me to resolve the issue as I need to move my product to production.
Thanks to Michael-sqlbot's comment, I finally succeed to get 200 response from AWS Lambda. Just enable CORS for your Method in API Gateway then it will work.