How does ALB distribute requests to Fargate service during rolling update deployment? - amazon-web-services

I deploy a Fargate service in a cluster and use rolling update deployment. I configured an ALB in front of my service, and it is doing a health check as well. During the upgrade, I can see that my current task is marked as INACTIVE, and the new task is deployed. Both of the two tasks are in running state.
I understand that the ALB is doing a health check on the newly deployed tasks, but it keeps two tasks running for 5 minutes.
I have a few questions about this deployment period of time.
Does ALB distribute user requests to my new tasks before passing health check?
If the answer for the first question is no, Does ALB distribute user requests to the new service after passing health check before the old services is down?
If the second answer is yes, then there will be two versions of tasks running inside my service to serve user requests for 5 minutes. Is this true? How can I make sure it only send requests to one service at a time.
I don't want to change the deployment method to BLUE/GREEN. I want to keep the rolling update at the moment.

ALB will not send traffic to a task that is not yet passing health checks, so no to #1. ALB will send traffic to both old and new whilst deploying, so yes to #2. As soon as a replacement task is available ALB will start to drain the task it is replacing. The default time for that is 5 minutes. During that time the draining instance will not receive traffic, so sort of no to #3. The sort of part is that you will have some time with version A and B of your service will both be deployed. How long that is depends on the number of tasks and how long it takes for them to start to receive traffic.
The only way I can think of to send all traffic to one version and then hard cut over to the other is to create a completely new target group each time, keeping the old one active. Then, once the new target group is running switch to it. You'd have to change the routes in the ALB as you do that.
By the way, what is happening now is what I would call a rolling deployment.


Fargate deployment restarting multiple times before it comes online

I have a ECS Service deployed into Fargate.
It is attached to Network Load Balancer. Rolling update was working fine but suddenly I see the below issue.
When I update the service with new task definition Fargate starts the deployment and tries to start new container. Since I have the service attached to NLB, the new task registers itself with the NLB Target Group.
But NLB Target Group's health check fails. So Fargate kills the failed task and starts new task. This is being repeated multiple times(this number actually varies, today it took 7 hours for the rolling update to finish).
There are no changes to the infra after the deployment. Security group is allowing traffic within the VPC. NLB and ECS Service are deployed into same VPC, same subnet.
Fargate health check fails for the task with same docker image N number of times but after that it starts working.
Target Group healthy/unhealthy threshold is 3, protocol is TCP, port is traffic-port and the interval is 30. In the microservice startup log I see this,
Started myapp in 44.174 seconds (JVM running for 45.734)
When the task comes up, I tried opening security group rule for the VPN and tried accessing the Task IP directly. I can reach the microservice directly with task IP.
But why NLB Health Check is failing?
I had the exact same issue.
simulated it with different images (go, python) as I suspected of utilization overhead in CPU/Mem, which was false.
The mitigation can be changing the Fargate deployment parameter Minimum healthy percent to 50% (while before it was 100% and seemed to cause the issue).
After the change, the failures would become seldom, but it would still occur.
The real solution is still unknown, it seems to be something related to the NLB Configuration in Fargate

How does ALB request health checks during ECS rolling update?

I deployed my service on ECS Fargate containers and using rolling deployment method. It has a ALB associate with the task. During deployment process, it will deploy a new container and mark the current one as Inactive. Then it destroys the current one after 300 seconds which is defined in ABL Deregistration delay field.
What I don't understand is that how many health check the ABL sends to the new instance? When both the old and new tasks running under the service, does both of them response the requests from load balancer or only the new task responses? If there is one unhealth response, will ABL roll back to the previous one?

AWS Codedeploy BlockTraffic/AllowTraffic durations

I've been using AWS CodeDeploy to push our applications live, but it always takes ages doing the BlockTraffic and AllowTraffic steps. Currently, I have an application load balancer(ALB) with three EC2 nodes initially(behind an autoscaling group). So, If I do a CodeDeploy OneAtATime, the whole process takes up to 25 minutes.
The load balancer I'm using it with had connection draining set to 300s. I thought it was the reason for drag out. However, I disabled Connection Draining and got the same results. I then enabled Connection Draining and set timeout to 5 seconds and still got the same results.
Further, I found out CodeDeploy depends on the ALB Health Check settings. according to the AWS documentation
After an instance is bound to the ALB, CodeDeploy waits for the
status of the instance to be healthy ("inService") behind the load
balancer. This health check is done by ALB and depends on the health
check configuration.
So I tried by setting low timeouts and thresholds for health check settings. Even those changes didn't reduce the deployment time much.
Can someone direct me to a proper solution to speed up the process?
The issue is the de-registration of instances from the AWS target group. You want to change this value:
or find a way to update the deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds property - by default it's 300s, which is 5 minutes. The docs can be found here).

Grace Period? - AWS EC2 Container Service and Elastic Load Balancers

When an elastic load balancer (ELB) is associated with an auto-scaling group, it is possible to specify a grace period during which new EC2 instances will not be terminated even if they are marked as unhealthy by the ELB. Is it possible to specify a similar grace period, during which new ECS tasks will not be killed and restarted by their associated ECS service, even if the ECS instance on which a task is running has been marked unhealthy by the ELB?
In our current use case, the docker container being run as an ECS task contains a JBoss instance that loads a number of caches on startup. These caches can take several minutes to load. However, the ECS service registers the container instance with the ELB, as soon as the container has started. This means that traffic can be routed to the new container before it is ready to accept it. We could increase the health check interval and the "healthy/unhealthy thresholds" on the ELB to prevent the ELB from routing traffic to the instance and the ECS service from restarting the container until the caches have been loaded. However, increasing the health check interval and thresholds is not desirable, because if an instance is marked as unhealthy after the caches have been loaded, the ECS service should restart the container as soon as possible (which necessitates a shorter health check interval and smaller thresholds).
Thus, is it possible to apply a grace period during which traffic will not be routed to a new container by the ELB and the ECS service will not restart the container (even if it fails the health checks)? Or failing that, are there any suggestions regarding a solution for our use case?
In case anyone else finds themselves here via google, in the linked support thread, it is noted that this has been added to AWS, it is called healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds
After a discussion with the support team, it turns out that ECS cannot support our current use case.
There is a workaround that solves one of the issues we are facing. That workaround is to create a separate, essential, health-check container and in the same ECS task as the actual application container. The purpose of the health-check container is to monitor the application container to determine when the application has been started completely. If it detects that the application has failed to start, it exits, causing the ECS service to cycle the task. The ELB is then configured to perform its health checks against the health-check container, which will always report that it is up via the relevant port. This workaround will prevent the ECS service from cycling the ECS task due to failed health checks.
However, the ELB will begin routing traffic to the application container immediately. It will do so, even if the application container is not yet ready to receive traffic (for example, because it is still waiting for a cache to load). Currently, there is no way to delay the ELB from sending traffic to the application container, as the ECS service provides no support a grace period. We have managed to workaround this issue by providing messages to our application containers via SQS and only having them pull from the queue when their caches are fully loaded. However, we have future use cases (such as serving web requests) where this is not a feasible option. To this end, I intend to raise a feature request for the grace period.
As an aside, both Kubernetes ( and Marathon ( already support this option for health checking, if someone reading this is happy not to use a managed service.

Prevent machine on Amazon from shutting down before all users finished tasks

I'm planning a server environment on AWS with auto scaling over VPC.
My application has some process that is done in several steps on server, and the user should stick to the same server by using ELB's sticky session.
The problem is, that when the auto scaling group suppose to shut down server, some users may be in the middle of the process (the process takes multiple request - for example -
1. create an album
2. upload photos to the album each at a time
3. convert photos to movie and delete photos
4. store movie on S3)
Is it possible to configure the ELB to stop passing NEW users to the server that is about to shut down, while still passing previous users (that has the sticky session set)?, and - is it possible to tell the server to wait for, let's say, 10 min. after the shutdown rule applied before it actually shut down?
Thank you very much
This feature hasn't been available in Elastic Load Balancing at the time of your question, however, AWS has meanwhile addressed the main part of your question by adding ELB Connection Draining to avoid breaking open network connections while taking an instance out of service, updating its software, or replacing it with a fresh instance that contains updated software.
Please not that you still need to specify a sufficiently large timeout based on the maximum time you expect users to finish their activity, see Connection Draining:
When you enable connection draining for your load balancer, you can set a maximum time for the load balancer to continue serving in-flight requests to the deregistering instance before the load balancer closes the connection. The load balancer forcibly closes connections to the deregistering instance when the maximum time limit is reached.
If your instances are part of an Auto Scaling group and if connection draining is enabled for your load balancer, Auto Scaling will wait for the in-flight requests to complete or for the maximum timeout to expire, whichever comes first, before terminating instances due to a scaling event or health check replacement. [...] [emphasis mine]
The emphasized part confirms that it is not possible to specify an additional timeout that only applies after the last connection has been drained.