I have enabled the email notification in apache superset by setting the below flag to true :
But now i am getting the below error while creating the scheduled reports :
NoneType object has no attribute 'split'
Can anyone please guide ?
once you're done with setting:
you need to reinitialize the superset using the command:
superset init
This should mostly work.
ISSUE: I ran my project and tried adding a product through Django's Jet Dashboard, but it's giving me errors.
Project Repository: https://github.com/Bilal815/ecommerce_storee
My Redis giving warning:
Redis Warning
My Logging Messages:
Log Messages
POST request's response:
POST request's response
Question: What do I do here? Is it an SSL issue or an elasticsearch issue?
I've tried disabling elasticsearch but to no avail and also tried adding product via MySQL and it worked!
P.S. StackOverflow would not allow me to paste the images but is itself making links out of them.
Thank you for any help!
I have a running productive WSO2 Identity Server (Version wso2is-5.6.0) and a new clean testing instance (Version 5.9.0) and using identity providers with 2Factor authentication. (basic and totp).
When both of them are active, the "rember me" function doesn't work anymore.
When i disable the totp authentication, the "Remember Me" function works and the Session keeps active when the Browser is closed.
Does anybody know, if that's a configuration issue, a error or just doesn't work like that?
Configuration in the deployment.toml:
enable_persistence = true
persist_temporary_data = true
persistence_pool_size = "0"
enable_expired_data_cleanup = true
expire_session_data_after = "14d"
clean_expired_session_data_every = "1d"
clean_expired_session_data_in_chunks_of = "8192"
clean_logged_out_sessions_at_immediate_cycle = "true"
enable_pre_session_data_cleanup = true
pre_session_data_cleanup_thread_pool_size= "20"
expire_pre_session_data_after= "40m"
This is the bug in the product. Thank you for reporting this. I have created a git issue to track and fix this. We will fix this in the next weekly release.
I'm trying to do some authentication inside a Django application using django-auth-ldap via the OpenLDAP client. It's not working so how do I enable some logging?
I CAN make LDAP queries using ldapsearch so fundamentally my config is correct and I tried enabling logging for django-auth-ldap but it just reports an Error(0) which is completely unhelpful.
So how do I enable logging for the OpenLDAP client part of the equation? Ideally I would like to see what queries it is making and using which config is being passed down from django-auth-ldap. I did find ldap.conf but the syntax man page implies there is no logging or debug option.
Stumbled across the answer...
To enable logging via the Django LDAP library, add the following to the settings.py file for your project
The error that this flushed out was that I was using docker-compose and setting some environment values such as LDAP_SERVER="ldap://an.ldap.server.com" - but I should not have been quoting the string as the double-quotes were made part of the value. Removing these got me moving again.
I used to be able to use the fitbitScraper package to access the intra-day setps count and heart rate data for our study. Recently though, the "login" function of the package has stopped working. I receive the following error message after my each attempt to log in:
login("myemail#gmail.com", "mypassword", rememberMe = TRUE)
Error in login("myemail#gmail.com", "mypassword", rememberMe = TRUE) :
login failed
I wonder if anyone has experienced this problem and knows a fix to it.
I have tried re-installing the package, even updating R to its latest version but none of them has helped.
Fitbit recently updated their API and no longer allows for using web scraping methods. Best to use the direct Fitbit API and the personal app setting to access your own data.
More information can be found here.
How to assign to workers a proxy that requires user name - password and a custom user agent using Selenium, PhantomJS driver with Python bindings.
I've had good success with creating many workers traversing my test website. I can also assign a user agent or a proxy that does not require authorization. But I haven’t figured out how to do both to the same worker at the same time yet.
However the real issue at the moment is assigning a proxy to the workers that require authorization by a user name and password.
The Players:
Selenium 2.33.0 / PhantomJS 1.9.1 / Python 2.7.3 / Ubuntu 12.04
Nube. Python weeks, Linux days, Selenium hours, PhantomJS -= , SO first post
Searches Yielded:
How do I set a proxy for phantomjs/ghostdriver in python webdriver?
The answers may in fact be there and many other places I have read and re-read, but I can’t connect the dots at my present level.
User Agent solved with this method.
dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS)
dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent"] = (
"Any User Agent string here”)
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap)
Proxy without authorization works with this:
service_args = [
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS('/usr/local/bin/phantomjs,service_args=service_args)
If both above methods are used I’m unsure how to pass both proxy and UA to the PhantomJS driver. ATM I’m only able to do one or the other and not at all with a proxy that requires authorization.
Goal for this SO thread:
Learn how to assign a proxy that requires user name / password
Assign a custom user agent to the same worker.
Using Selenium, PhantomJS driver with Python bindings.
The end game goal is to assign each worker a unique ip and pull from a pool of user agents. Creating the logic for this I remain optimistic but the proxy with authorization is kicking me at the moment.
As you can tell I’m very new to all of this and would appreciate any help and examples to this particular problem.
EDIT: Below accepted answer is incorrect. Unable to reproduce below solution. Only the proxy with authorization is assigned to the driver. Still unable to assign both proxy and a user agent to the same driver.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT.02: Issue resolved. It was never a coding issue. A new proxy provider at the server level assigned a default UA that overrode the above script. Once this was removed all was good.
Assign User Agent by Desired Capabilities
dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS)
dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent"] = (
"Your User Agent String here . . .")
Found API Reference here for the proxy authorization.
Add "--proxy-auth=username:password" to server_args. Like . . .
service_args = [
Then use both when starting the webdriver
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap,service_args=service_args)
This took care of all my issues.
EDIT: Unable to reproduce solution. Only proxy is changed with above method.
EDIT.02: Issue resolved. It was never a coding issue. A new proxy provider at the server level assigned a default UA that overrode the above script. Once this was removed all was good.