I used to be able to use the fitbitScraper package to access the intra-day setps count and heart rate data for our study. Recently though, the "login" function of the package has stopped working. I receive the following error message after my each attempt to log in:
login("myemail#gmail.com", "mypassword", rememberMe = TRUE)
Error in login("myemail#gmail.com", "mypassword", rememberMe = TRUE) :
login failed
I wonder if anyone has experienced this problem and knows a fix to it.
I have tried re-installing the package, even updating R to its latest version but none of them has helped.
Fitbit recently updated their API and no longer allows for using web scraping methods. Best to use the direct Fitbit API and the personal app setting to access your own data.
More information can be found here.
We have an app running on Google App Engine with Python 2.7 runtime which can be assessed using Google Login, implemented using users API endpoint.
We are getting an error "Server Encountered an Error and couldn't complete your request. Please try again after 30 seconds" whenever user tries to open the web app.. The error is thworn on App Engine side, since the 500 error happens on that line where this call is made 'GET https://appengine.google.com/_ah/conflogin'.
This happens for both mobile(majorly) and web. It shows the same error when we try after the specified time.
However when we clear the browser cookies, cache, history etc etc it starts working. Not sure why. But we cannot users to clear all such stuffs all time as they might loose the information that they browsed.
We tried various cases for login(multiple login, single login, incognito mode) but couldn't figure the root cause of the problem.
Have anyone faced such issues before? If yes please share how you solved it.
How do I get a registration code or otherwise solve this problem?
While writing this question, I realized the crux of this problem is the bottom-most part of this question: I'm not getting the popup I'm supposed to get and when I enter the URL in a browser it says invalid registration code.
I'm attempting to develop an Alexa Voice Service application. Website/companion service only. I have gone through the Reference Implementation Guide twice and have double checked that all of the setup has been done correctly.
This is the server error I get: invalid registration code. I never did anything with a registration code and can't seem to find anything about a registration code (relevant to Alexa) anywhere after googling quite a bit.
Listening on port 3000
error: { [InvalidRegistrationCode: The provided registration code was invalid.]
name: 'InvalidRegistrationCode',
message: 'The provided registration code was invalid.',
status: 401 }
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
Here's the client output:
vlcj: (DefaultMediaPlayer.java:183)
There was a problem connecting to the Companion Service. Trying again in 2 seconds. Please make sure it is up and running.
[DEBUG] joining on thread Thread[Timer-0,5,com.amazon.alexa.avs.AVSApp]
There was a problem connecting to the Companion Service.
Trying again in 2 seconds. Please make sure it is up and running.
The AVS launcher opens too, and when I record something and send it I get:
com.amazon.alexa.avs.AVSException: 403 Invalid Access Token
The instructions mention (at the very bottom of the reference guide) that I need to:
Please register your device by visiting the following website on any system and following the instructions: https://localhost:3000/provision/************** That URL is supposed to pop something up once the companion service but that hasn't happened.
Any thoughts on how can I fix this?
I was following a good document Project: Raspberry Pi + Alexa Voice Service at https://github.com/amzn/alexa-avs-raspberry-pi . It describes all steps very well.
Please take a look at the following steps:
3 - Getting started with Alexa Voice Service
3.1 Register for a free Amazon Developer Account
3.4 Register your product and create a security profile.
6 - Enable Security Profile
This thread on the Amazon developer forums seems related: http://forums.developer.amazon.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=11327&tstart=0
Quoted response:
There are a number of potential issues causing that error.
You might be sending an invalid scope. Are you sending "alexa:all" as
the scope? Or, your security profile might not be correctly linked. Is
it selected in the dropdown on the developer portal?
Are you getting an access token from the companion service, or is the
text box blank? If you're not getting an access token, check that your
device serial number matches between the companion service and the
java client. If you're getting an access token, the problem is more
likely with your security profile.
You should also look at these threads to see if they're helpful...
(links removed due to reputation requirement)
If that doesn't help, you'll probably have more luck asking the AVS team directly on their forum site.
to customize the GridJumpBar, I believe I need to use this command :
Microsoft.CRM.SE.OrgDBOrgSettingsTool.exe Update MyOrganization JumpBarAlphabetOverride "NewAlphabetBarDefinition"
but I cannot get the 'OrgDBOrgSettingsTool.exe' to work, I have 'MS CRM 2015 On prem' and I cannot set the config settings, I think,
I get this error :
Error occurred in OrgDBOrgSettings and the error details are Metadata contains a
reference that cannot be resolved: 'mycrm.crm.com/.../Disc
overy.svc?wsdl&sdkversion=7.1'.Unable to connect to the remote server
this is the address, which I browse to my crm, and my account is system admin on the server machine:
how should I overcome this, can anybody give me some direction on customizing the config file
Could not figure out what is the problem, when I managed to even fill the .config file, I got stock with the authentication, even though I was doing all the job with an Administrator account on the CRM Server,
I found this Ms. CRM 3rd party Soloution, which works like a charm
I'm having an awkward problem using Linkedin gem.
My app tries to get the user data using oauth. On development enviroment it works just fine. But as soon as I upload it to heroku it starts to give me errors like:
2014-07-17T04:25:07.552779+00:00 app[web.1]: NoMethodError (undefined method `picture_urls' for #<LinkedIn::Client:0x007f4f4cea65f8>):
2014-07-17T04:25:07.552783+00:00 app[web.1]: app/models/social_auth.rb:7:in `fetch_details'
The real problem is that it used to work and stopped from nowhere. I even gave a rollback on my git repositories to see if the past code is working but its not.
It seems like it does not answer me correctly even giving the correct callback (I'm sure the error is happening after the oauth validation).
Check the complete code of the definition (that is executed after the model save):
def fetch_details_from_linkedin
client = LinkedIn::Client.new(ENV["LINKEDIN_KEY"], ENV["LINKEDIN_SECRET"])
authkeys = [self.token, self.secret]
#linkedin = LinkedinUserData.where(user: self.user).first_or_initialize
#linkedin.avatar_url = client.picture_urls.all.first
#linkedin.profile_url = client.profile.site_standard_profile_request.url
Each item on this model have the token and secret used to validate the user with the 'authorize_from_access' method. I don't know why, but it seems that the callback is answering me an empty object.
Things I already thought about:
Live status on API - CHecked. It gives the error no matter the status of the app on the linkedin api
Callback URL: already checked, even with https. As I said, the callback is being executed. The error is an internal error (500).
I just contacted the developer of the gem and together we discovered that even not specifying the version, heroku for some reason was getting an old version of the gem since github was already on 0.4.7 and it was getting a 0.2.x.
So, I solved this problem by specifying the gem version. Don't know what is happening on heroku, but at least the problem is solved and linkedin is authorizing again.
gem 'linkedin', '0.4.7'
ps: if you get an dependency error, just declare in your gem file:
gem 'hashie', '2.0'
This happens because of an ominiauth dependency.
I'm using Recaptcha within Django. I was using the following tutorial to integrate it in my web application: http://www.marcofucci.com/tumblelog/26/jul/2009/integrating-recaptcha-with-django/
The captcha doesn't show up on my machine. Instead of the captcha the following error message is displayed:
An internal error occurred: 4A6376441D250.ADE1949.3546A435
(I get a different code each time).
To which domain did you sign the recaptcha? If you entered "" in the registration make sure you use this one and not "localhost".
Today, I got this error on one of my client's website.
It was working great but suddenly it stop working. Then upon googling I find this link and renewed my API key.
But after I switched to Secure (SSL Enabled) side of my website then It stops working again.
Then, In I got this function there
recaptcha_get_html(PUBLIC_KEY, $error, true);
The third argumentation use the SSL Server, I've to enable it.
This fixed everything for me.